Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 660: How is it possible to return home from wealth? [Please subscribe to the big chapter]

Outside "Qing Ni Residence", Zhou Chun frowned and looked at Luo Qing Ni with a very unhappy tone.

Yuan Sifang had misunderstood him before, so he didn't have to care.

But if Luo Qingni misunderstood him, he would be really sad.

And Luo Qingni didn't seem to have thought that his words, which were very consistent with the rules of the world of immortality, would cause such a big misunderstanding for Zhou Chun.

She is a very standard casual cultivator, so the survival rules of a casual cultivator are deeply ingrained in her bones.

The first rule of survival for casual cultivators is to never be punished for what they say!

You must not make the senior monks who are a level higher than yourself unhappy because of some verbal address issues.

Therefore, among casual cultivators, no matter how good the relationship is, as long as it is not the relationship between Taoist couple and father and son, once someone breaks through the big realm, others will automatically regard themselves as juniors and will not dare to call each other carelessly as they used to.

This is the survival experience summarized by generations of casual cultivators with their blood and lives!

Because there are indeed many examples in the past that prove that some people just relied on the good relationship between the two of them in the past. After the other party broke through the big realm, they still carelessly did not pay attention to their words and deeds, which eventually led to their own death due to the crime of words!

Not only in casual cultivators, but also in most sects of immortal cultivators, monks will automatically increase their seniority and status after breaking through to the great realm, and other former friends of the same sect will take the initiative to change their names and call them uncle.

Therefore, although Luo Qingni had a good relationship with Zhou Chun, she had even agreed to serve as the supreme elder of the Zhou family's guest minister.

But now that she saw Zhou Chun who had successfully returned as a baby, she still instinctively followed the survival rules of the casual cultivator and took the initiative to change her name to use the honorific.

However, this might as well have made Zhou Chun feel uncomfortable and caused a misunderstanding.

At this time, seeing the smile on Zhou Chun's face disappear instantly and his tone becoming cold and unhappy, Luo Qingni couldn't help but look at a loss when facing his question.

But fortunately, although she was at a loss, she was not dizzy.

He quickly figured out what Zhou Chun meant, so he quickly shook his head towards Zhou Chun and explained: "Fellow Daoist Zhou has misunderstood. You are an honest gentleman that Qing Ni rarely sees in his life. How can he get involved with a snobbish person? Just now it was Qing Ni." My words are inappropriate, so please forgive me, Taoist friends!"

She spoke sincerely and looked at Zhou Chun anxiously, obviously not lying.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun relaxed his brows and said with a smile on his face: "It's just a misunderstanding. Fellow Daoist Luo is one of Zhou's few close friends. Zhou doesn't care about other people's opinions, but if you, Fellow Daoist Luo, also If you don’t understand Zhou, Zhou will feel very uncomfortable!”

Hearing his sincere words, Luo Qingni also looked at him with her beautiful eyes slightly open, feeling greatly moved in her heart.

She could naturally feel that Zhou Chun's words were by no means polite words, but truly words from the bottom of his heart.

And how could this not make her deeply moved!

After all, Zhou Chun is now a serious Nascent Soul monk, and a Yuanying monk with a lifespan of just over 500 years old.

If he didn't really think so, there was no need for Zhou Chun to say this just to please her.

Even if she, Luo Qingni, is a master of alchemy, she is not worthy of being so favored by a promising Nascent Soul monk.

So now she was really moved by Zhou Chun's words.

With her heart moved, she looked at Zhou Chun with beautiful eyes, and said with great emotion: "Qing Ni is so lucky to have a confidant like Zhou Chun in this life. As long as you don't give up, Qing Ni will never give up." Negative to the king!"

At this point, she seemed to realize that the wording was a bit wrong. She immediately blushed and hurriedly explained: "Don't get me wrong, Fellow Daoist Zhou. What Qing Ni means is that as long as Fellow Daoist Zhou does not despise Qing Ni's low cultivation level in the future, Qing Ni will always I am willing to be a close friend of fellow Taoists!"

"Hahaha, Qing Ni doesn't need to explain, Zhou knows it in his heart."

Zhou Chun chuckled and nodded in response.

After saying that, I was slightly stunned. I felt that I shouted the word "Qing Ni" a little too casually, as if I had shouted it like this before.

"Damn it, are there any sequelae of the 'Heart Demon Tribulation'? But why haven't other Nascent Soul stage monks mentioned this in their experience of forming a baby? I haven't heard of such rumors in various classics!"

He was beating a drum in his heart, his eyes flickered slightly and he didn't dare to look at Luo Qingni.

And Luo Qingni seemed a little confused by his new title, her face looked a little unnatural, and her breathing was a little ragged.

But I don’t know what she thought, and she didn’t correct the new title.

Soon, he lowered his head slightly and raised his hand and said, "Fellow Taoist Zhou, please come in and take a seat. Qing Ni still has many questions about conceiving a baby and wants to ask fellow Taoist!"

After hearing this, Zhou Chun's eyes flickered, and he simply nodded and said, "Well, Qing Ni, don't worry, as long as Zhou knows something, he will definitely tell you everything!"

Hearing him use this new title again, Luo Qingni suddenly trembled slightly, and then seemed to acquiesce, replying in a low voice: "Qingni will thank fellow Taoist Zhou in advance."

This response made Zhou Chun, who was still a little anxious, settle down instantly, and the smile on his face became much more confident.

Next, in the cave, Zhou Chun also told Luo Qingni his experience and insights on the birth of a baby without hesitation. He also gave the other party's other experiences on the birth of a baby to Luo Qingni for review and answered some of his questions.

Generally speaking, this kind of treatment can only be enjoyed by people who are very close to you, such as direct disciples of Nascent Soul monks or close Taoist companions.

Luo Qingni didn't seem to be aware of this, but after asking about the doubts in his heart, he bowed to Zhou Chun generously and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist Zhou, for your generous advice. Qingni is grateful."

"Hahaha, with Qingni's intelligence and understanding, you will be able to understand these things in the future if it takes some time. Zhou is just doing a favor."

Zhou Chun chuckled and replied extremely humbly.

Of course, he also knew that these words were a bit too self-effacing, so in order to prevent Luo Qingni from mentioning the matter again, he quickly changed the subject and said: "Qingni, since you are also preparing to transform the elixir into a baby, can you do it this time?" Did Zhou return to Jingguo?"

Hearing what he said, Luo Qingni couldn't help but look up at him and said quietly: "Fellow Daoist Zhou values ​​Qingni so much and has invited him so sincerely. If Qingni doesn't agree again, wouldn't it be so unkind?"

Although there seemed to be some helplessness in the words, the meaning was obviously obvious.

After Zhou Chun heard this, he couldn't help but clapped his hands and applauded: "Da Shan! With Qing Ni you joining us, my Zhou family will be even more powerful!"

This is not flattery, but fact.

The joining of an alchemy master was of great importance to a power with little foundation like the Zhou family.

In the future, with the elixir refined by Luo Qingni, the Zhou family will benefit greatly, both in terms of their own use by clan disciples and in the sale of the elixir.

Not to mention the addition of such an alchemy master will enhance the lineage of alchemists in the Zhou family.

Even if Luo Qingni only takes the time to give some guidance in his spare time in the future, it will definitely benefit the alchemists of the Zhou family a lot and greatly improve their skills.

All in all, the skills of alchemy and weapon refining are not at the master level, and they are not even close to the level of talent.

With the guidance of a good teacher and a sufficient supply of training materials, anyone who does not have any talent at all can become an expert in these two skills.

Not to mention, Luo Qingni is still a late-stage golden elixir cultivator, and the chance of transforming into an elixir and conceiving a baby in the future is not low.

In this way, having her join the Zhou family, even just as a guest, can give the Zhou family a strong reputation and greatly enhance their heritage.

And as Luo Qingni agreed to return to the Zhou family with him, Zhou Chun didn't have much left to stay in the great Zhou Kingdom.

After leaving some time for Luo Qingni to say goodbye to other old friends, he went to visit the cave of Zhenren Yuan.

The number of Nascent Soul monks in the world of immortality is very rare, and Zhou Chun comes from a remote place like Jingguo, so there is basically no conflict of interest with him. Therefore, the hospitality given to him by Yuan Sifang, a veteran Nascent Soul monk, is He is still quite enthusiastic and sincere, and really wants to make him a friend.

This became even more obvious after learning that Zhou Chun was not yet six hundred years old.

"Young Daoist Zhou successfully conceives a baby at such a young age. His future prospects are limitless!"

Yuan Sifang sighed with a look of envy on his face, and was also very surprised in his heart.

Successfully conceiving a baby under the age of six hundred is rare in the Great Zhou Kingdom. Generally, most monks in the Nascent Soul stage will be over seven hundred years old when they conceive a baby.

He himself was close to 800 years old before he successfully conceived a baby.

Therefore, he is also very aware of how difficult it is to successfully conceive a baby under the age of less than 600 years old.

Although Zhou Chun heard that there was no malice in his words, he was modest in nature and still shook his head slightly and said: "Fellow Daoist Yuan is serious. Among the monks who can conceive babies, which of us was not a genius in the past? We all had a bright future? But? How rare are those who can take one step forward or two steps forward after having a baby!"

After finishing speaking, he sighed softly and said: "Zhou is from an ordinary background. If he can successfully conceive a baby, he is already satisfied in this life. Whether he can make further progress in the future, I dare not be more demanding!"

These words seemed to touch the anguish in Yuan Sifang's heart. At that moment, he could not help but sigh: "Yes, among the Yuan Ying monks, who among us has not been a genius in their respective sects and families? It's a pity that we ended up Only then did I realize how difficult it is to make progress after reaching this level!"

Compared to Zhou Chun, who is still relatively young among the Nascent Soul Stage monks, he has already passed his 1,500-year-old birthday, but he is really no longer young.

However, even though he has been pregnant for more than 700 years, he has not yet touched the barrier of the middle stage of Yuanying. He doesn't know if he will have a chance to break through to the middle stage of Yuanying in this life!

At this point, Yuan Sifang seemed to have lost interest in the conversation and stopped asking Zhou Chun questions.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun also took the initiative to say goodbye.

After hearing his farewell words, Yuan Sifang secretly regretted his neglect just now, but at this time he could not force himself to stay, so he could only take out a few special communication charms and handed them to Zhou Chun and said: "This is Yuan's With the refined messenger talisman, if fellow Taoist Zhou comes to the Great Zhou Kingdom again in the future, he can summon Yuan, and Yuan will definitely be waiting on the couch to sit down and talk with fellow Taoist!"

"I understand, Zhou. If I have free time in the future, I will definitely come back to nag Fellow Daoist Yuan."

Zhou Chun took the communication talisman with a smile and put it into his storage bag.

After leaving Yuan Sifang's cave like this, Zhou Chun thought for a while and then went to several big shops in the city.

As he expected, when he personally visited as a Nascent Soul cultivator, these big stores were very considerate and exchanged some of their stock.

Zhou Chun used a few unused low-grade magic weapons and some monster materials to easily obtain four pill-forming spiritual items and ten auxiliary spiritual items for opening the Purple Mansion from these big stores.

This is the influence of Yuanying Stage monks!

Of course, it's okay to do this kind of thing once in a while, but it's definitely not okay to do it often.

After all, there are often big forces behind those big shops. It is the first time for you, a newly promoted Nascent Soul Stage monk, to go there and make some requests. You don’t want to offend others by giving them face-saving help.

If you are shameless and often want to take advantage of your status to make money, others will definitely not tolerate you.

Therefore, Zhou Chun also knows how to stop things in moderation and not go too far.

After purchasing some things in this way, Luo Qingni also sent a message saying that they were ready to set off.

So Zhou Chun stopped staying any longer and left Tianyuan Immortal City with Luo Qingni, Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Zhiying.

The words are divided into two parts.

But he said that since Zhou Chun traveled far away from home, everything was fine in the first twenty or thirty years, and neither the two major forces of Jingguo paid much attention to this matter.

However, since Zhou Chunyi had not been seen for thirty or forty years, both the Yuelun Sect and the Yanyang Sect began to intentionally inquire and investigate the information about Zhou Chun's whereabouts.

In the name of exchanges, the Jindanqi elders of the two factions came to Qinglian Peak in person to visit, hoping to meet Zhou Chun.

Naturally, these people were blocked by Zhou Mingde and it was impossible to see him.

As time went on like this, the two factions couldn't help but become more suspicious, and the intensity of the temptation gradually escalated.

In recent years, it has even reached the point of being arrogant and unreasonable.

On this day, in the main hall used by the Zhou family to entertain distinguished guests, Zhou Mingde was given a difficult question by Li Mingxuan, the visiting Jindan elder of Yanyang Sect.

In the main hall, Li Mingxuan, who has a middle-level Golden Elixir cultivation level, looked at Zhou Mingde and Zhou Xinyan, the two Zhou family's Golden Elixir monks, with a gloomy face and said: "Two fellow Taoists, you came to the Zhou family to ask for the Fire Phoenix True Feather. This is something that the ancestor of our sect, Ziyang, personally explained, and it is also related to the success of a top-quality magic weapon that the ancestor is about to refine!"

"No matter what difficulties you have, Mr. Li, within one year, Mr. Li will meet fellow Taoist Zhou Zhengchun and bring back from him the Fire Phoenix True Ling that Patriarch Ziyang requested!"

After saying that, he slammed the door and left without giving Zhou Mingde and his wife a chance to explain.

But he did not leave the Zhou family, but lived directly inside the Zhou family's mountain gate.

In order to take over the Qinglian Mountains, the Zhou family promised the Yuelun Sect and the Yanyang Sect that they would accept monks from the two sects to settle in and supervise them, so they specially left a cave for them inside the mountain gate.

Li Mingxuan, a middle-stage golden elixir monk, is now staying inside the Zhou family's mountain gate, calling Zhou Mingde and Zhou Xinyan, two middle-stage golden elixir monks from the Zhou family, to come over and threaten him from time to time.

This incident not only made the two unable to concentrate on their practice and made them feel depressed. After the news spread, it also caused a lot of discussion both inside and outside the Zhou family.

Since then, various rumors have emerged, and the originally harmonious and stable atmosphere within the Zhou family has been greatly damaged. Many young monks have no intention of practicing and talk about these things all day long.

"That's too much! Then Lee Ming-hyun is too much!"

"Ancestor, are we just going to endure it like this? Are we going to let him bully us and spread rumors about the patriarch and my Zhou family?"

In Zhou Mingde's cave, when Li Mingxuan once again pulled him out of training and threatened and scolded him, Zhou Xinyan felt extremely aggrieved and couldn't help but complain to Zhou Mingde.

He didn't know that Zhou Chun had broken through to the late stage of the Golden Elixir, nor did he know that Zhou Chun actually went out to transform the elixir into a baby.

It's not that Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde don't trust him, but the fewer people know about this kind of thing, the better.

At the same time, having him as an unknowing high-level presence allows him to deal with those who come to test him with his true feelings, and he can also better paralyze others.

This is why Zhou Mingde always takes him with him every time he meets an outsider.

So in this situation, when he was frequently threatened and abused, it was inevitable that he would be filled with resentment.

After all, he was a monk who had just successfully formed a new elixir, and he really had too many things to do. Not many people could bear to have his practice interrupted at intervals like this, and to be intimidated and abused by others!

He worked so hard to form the golden elixir, not just to receive this kind of birdy attitude!

Facing Zhou Xinyan's complaint, Zhou Mingde also said in a low voice with a gloomy face: "Be patient, since Zhengchun hasn't come back from traveling for so long, it means something has happened. We must not because of some things on the family's side. Things have delayed his important event!"

"As for Li Mingxuan, the most he can do is insult us. I don't believe that he really dares to attack you and me inside the Zhou Family Mountain Gate!"

After saying that, he glanced at Zhou Xinyan, who had a reluctant expression on his face, and said lightly: "What? I don't care about my face. Isn't your face more important than me?"

"Juniors don't dare!"

Zhou Xinyan's complexion changed slightly and she didn't dare to speak.

Then he gritted his teeth and said, "Junior understands, next time Li Mingxuan comes, junior just think that Li Mingxuan is farting and just let him fart!"

"Well, as long as you understand, compared to just losing face, the breakthrough of pure cultivation is much more important. You must not fall into the tricks of outsiders!"

Zhou Mingde nodded and warned in a serious tone.

But both of them seemed to have underestimated Li Mingxuan, or the Yanyang Sect's determination to test.

On this day, seeing that the one-year period was coming, Li Mingxuan approached Zhou Mingde again.

He looked at Zhou Mingde and Zhou Mingde with cold eyes and said, "Two fellow Taoists, you don't seem to take Li's words seriously? Do you think Li's previous words were just to intimidate you?"

"Fellow Daoist Li has misunderstood. How can Zhou and the Zhou family dare to neglect Senior Ziyang's decree? It's just that the place where Zhengchun is traveling this time is too far away. The Zhou family really can't contact him at all, so naturally we can't let him be there." Fellow Daoist Li will be back within the specified time!"

Zhou Mingde explained in a low tone and did not admit the negligence.

He had generally answered in this way before, and no matter how hard Li Mingxuan forced him, he could always temporarily fool him.

But after Li Mingxuan heard his words again, he suddenly smiled coldly and said: "Very good, you still answered like this!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and there was a roll of gold silk in his hand.

Then he threw the object directly to Zhou Mingde.

"This is the decree written by Patriarch Ziyang himself. Zhou Mingde, please read it for yourself and think carefully about whether you should continue to perfunctory it!"

After the words fell, Zhou Mingde's expression changed.

He immediately reached out to take the golden silk and spread it out, and saw the words on it: "Zi Yang wants to refine the best magic weapon, so he specially borrowed three fire phoenix feathers for each use. I would like to receive one of the top quality magic weapons as a reward, and I hope that little friend Zhou will not hesitate to help."

Looking at the words left by Master Yuanyingqi with his own magic power, Zhou Mingde suddenly swayed and could hardly stand still.

He also did not expect that the Yanyang Sect's probing attitude would be so resolute, and they would actually carry out the decree of the Nascent Soul Realm!

In this way, if he continues to be perfunctory, he will be perfunctory and ignoring a real person in the Nascent Soul Stage!

Seeing the change in the expression on Zhou Mingde's face, Li Mingxuan suddenly felt extremely happy in his heart. He couldn't help but smile proudly and said: "This is the purpose of Patriarch Ziyang's law. Whether you should abide by it or not, Brother Daoist Zhou, think carefully about it yourself!"

After saying that, he laughed and left.

Seeing this, Zhou Xinyan, who had never said a word, looked at Zhou Mingde in a panic and asked repeatedly: "Ancestor, what should we do? What should we do now?"

"I can just handle this matter, don't worry about it anymore!"

Zhou Mingde glanced at this junior who was obviously frightened by the name of Yuanying Qi, and sighed in his heart, shook his head and expressed his decision.

The left and right are just offering death to apologize!

He lowered his head and forgot about the decree in his eyes, and couldn't help but sneer, already making a decision in his heart.

He would never allow Zhou Chundan's birth of a baby to be disturbed, and he would not hesitate to sacrifice himself for this!

I just feel a little regretful that I may not have the chance to see the day when Zhou Chun successfully returns from the pregnancy!

Next, Zhou Mingde quietly met with Zhou Yuanlian, Lin Hongyu and other Zhou family's golden elixir monks, and vaguely revealed some intentions of his possible departure. He hoped that they could help Zhou Xinyan stabilize the Zhou family's hearts and wait for Zhou Chun's return.

After Zhou Xinyan heard Zhou Mingde's plan, she couldn't help but burst into tears and swore in front of him that she would protect the Zhou family and not let him down.

Seeing this, Zhou Mingde nodded happily, and then quietly waited for the deadline to arrive.

On the other side, Zhou Chun and his party set out from Tianyuan Immortal City on the Golden Winged Tiger and returned to Jingguo and the Qinglian Mountains in a short time.

When the golden-winged tiger flew outside the Qinglian Peak, the main peak of the Qinglian Mountains, Zhou Daoyi, who was on the tiger's back, looked at the Qinglian Mountains below, which once made him feel unattainable. thousand!

He still remembered how nervous and humble he was when the Zhou family was preparing to lay down its foundation in Jiufeng Ridge and he came to Qinglian to pay homage to the dock on behalf of the Zhou family.

At that time, he didn't even see Qing Weizi, the master of Qinglian Temple, but a random deacon with a cultivation level in Zifu came out to accept the gift from him, and then acquiesced to the Zhou family's plan on behalf of Qinglian Temple.

Now hundreds of years have passed, the master of Qinglian Temple whom he once rarely met has been killed by the descendants he discovered and trained. The Qinglian Mountains that once made him unattainable have also become the Zhou family's. back yard!

Only those like him who have experienced the ups and downs in life can taste it!

On the other hand, Zhou Chun was not so emotional.

At this moment, Zhou Chun's heart was only full of ambition, and some was just high-spirited.

Wealth that does not return to its hometown is like walking in brocade at night.

Although he will be respected by all parties outside the country after successfully conceiving a baby, it is obviously not enough to cause any shock or bring him any pleasure.

But it's different back home.

Only the monks here in Jingguo knew how important it was for Zhou Chun to have a baby, and the whole country was shocked by this matter.

Only the monks of the Zhou family can truly congratulate and cheer for him from the bottom of their hearts and praise his reputation!

Life is nothing but fame and fortune.

Immortal cultivators are also human beings, and they still have seven emotions and six desires, and cannot completely escape from fame and fortune.

So even though he knew that the existence of the Golden Winged Tiger was enough to announce his return, Zhou Chun still released his Nascent Soul Stage monk aura without any reservation.

As soon as the aura of the Nascent Soul Stage monk appears, the first person to be affected by it is naturally Tianjing Zhenren who is sitting in the Qinglian Mountains.

In the quiet room, Master Tianjing suddenly opened his eyes and stood up suddenly.

"This that boy, and that boy actually succeeded!!"

He walked out of his residence in shock, raised his eyes and looked outside, and soon saw the familiar young figure on the back of the flying tiger.

Zhou Chun seemed to be aware of his gaze at this time, and couldn't help but smile at him.

Seeing this scene, Master Tianjing suddenly felt extremely complicated. He didn't know whether he was happy or disappointed.

Zhou Chun's success in conceiving a baby means that his previous investment will receive huge returns, which is very exciting.

But when I think about how Zhou Chun successfully conceived a baby when he was less than 600 years old and has a bright future, and then compares it with his half-disabled body and the fact that his path has long been cut off, he feels extremely sad and envious.

Only he himself can understand the feeling.

He did not go to see Zhou Chun immediately, but first conveyed the news of Zhou Chun's return as a baby to the Yuelun Sect and Yanyang Sect, and then waited with complicated emotions.

As for Zhou Chun outside, seeing that Master Tianjing did not come out to see him, he seemed to understand something in his heart, and immediately drove the golden-winged tiger to fly directly into the Zhou family's mountain gate.

After he entered the mountain gate, Zhou Mingde, who had just learned that the news had come out, came to him.

When he saw Zhou Chun, as well as Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Zhiying who had followed Zhou Chun back, Zhou Mingde immediately smiled, and he smiled very happily.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

On Qinglian Peak, all the monks in the Zhou family's mountain gate heard Zhou Mingde's excited laughter.

Many Zhou family monks with lower cultivation levels still don't understand what happened and why Zhou Mingde, the ancestor of the family, suddenly lost his temper and laughed like this.

Only those elders of the Zhou family who had cultivated in the Zifu stage vaguely guessed the truth from the powerful aura on Zhou Chun's body, and all of them looked at Zhou Chun's location with eyes wide open in excitement.

"Hahaha, my Zhou family also has a Yuan Ying stage monk, and my Zhou family finally has a Yuan Ying stage real person!!"

When Zhou Mingde laughed with great joy and told the truth, all the Zhou family monks in the Zhou family mountain gate were shocked and looked at the place where the laughter came from with disbelief on their faces.

"Congratulations to the Patriarch, Yuan Ying, for achieving great enlightenment!"

Zhou Xinyan was the first Jindan monk of the Zhou family to come back to his senses. On the spot, she bowed to Zhou Chun with joy and congratulated her loudly.

After his words came out, Lin Hongyu came back to her senses and hurriedly congratulated her: "Congratulations to the patriarch on your achievement of Nascent Soul, you may live forever!"

Although she is also an elder, she is still separated by a layer of relationship. At this time, she does not dare to assume her elder status.

With these two golden elixir stage monks taking the lead, soon the other Zhou family monks, one by one, all bowed to where Zhou Chun was and congratulated loudly.

"Congratulations to the Patriarch, Yuan Ying, for achieving great enlightenment!"

Loud congratulations sounded one after another in the Zhou family mountain gate, the sound was like a sea.

As for Zhou Chun's return after having a baby, some people were happy, while others were horrified.

Inside the Zhou Family Mountain Gate, Li Mingxuan, the Jindan elder of the Yanyang Sect who was originally counting the days and preparing to send Zhou Mingde off as soon as the deadline came, was standing outside the cave, looking in the direction of Zhou Chun, his eyes full of Incredible color.

He never imagined that Zhou Chun would return in such a way!

When he first received the mission and came to test the Zhou family, he didn't take it seriously. He felt that the senior brother in charge was too worried.

In just a few decades, no matter how talented Zhou Zhengchun was, he probably hadn't even broken through the barrier of the late stage of the golden elixir. How could he secretly prepare to have a baby?

Is it that easy to transform elixirs into babies?

But because the head brother moved out of the sect ancestor's wishes, he could only agree.

Zhou Mingde's perfunctory behavior later made him furious, and he finally made up his mind to give the Zhou family a look. Therefore, he also deliberately exaggerated his probing situation with the Zhou family, so that the sect could Pay more attention.

As expected, I finally received the decree from Patriarch Ziyang!

After revealing the decree, Li Mingxuan actually guessed Zhou Mingde's plan, but he didn't care, or he was happy to see it come to fruition.

Being able to make Zhou Mingde, who ignored him perfunctorily, die as a result, just showed his ability and vented his anger.

But he never expected that Zhou Chun would actually return within one year, and he would return as a Yuanying Stage monk!

"How is it possible! How is this possible! How could he successfully conceive a baby! How could he successfully conceive a baby so quickly!!!"

Li Mingxuan muttered to himself with disbelief on his face, unable to accept this terrible fact!

Eight thousand words chapter

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