Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 661 The sharp-edged Zhou Chun【Please subscribe】

Qinglian Peak.

While the entire Zhou family was cheering for the return of Zhou Chun's baby, no one noticed that Li Mingxuan, the Jindan elder of the Yanyang Sect who had been arrogant and domineering in the family, was quietly running away.

Yes, run away!

Even though Li Mingxuan tried hard, he still couldn't figure out how Zhou Chun could successfully conceive a baby, and how he could successfully conceive a baby so quickly.

But he knew very well in his heart how excessive his previous behavior was!

If Zhou Chun had not returned as a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage, even if he had returned as a monk in the late Golden Core Stage, his status as an elder of the Yanyang Sect would have allowed him to escape unscathed from the Zhou family.

But the identity of a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage is quite different.

Since Zhou Chun successfully conceives a baby, the foundation and foundation of the Zhou family's power will be firmly established, and it can definitely be a power that can be on par with the Yanyang Sect.

Under such circumstances, a monk in the Nascent Soul stage who had just returned from having a baby, after learning about what he, Li Mingxuan, had done in his family, would not believe it if he said that he would not use him to show off his anger or to scare the monkeys! !

Although the real source of forcing Zhou Mingde to death was the decree of Master Ziyang.

But it is obviously impossible for Zhou Chun to do anything to Master Ziyang!

Then he, Li Mingxuan, a pawn, is undoubtedly the best person to vent his anger on and establish his power!

So if you don't run away now, even if you don't die later, you'll probably be worse off than dead!

Li Mingxuan knew this well, so he quickly calmed down and prepared to leave the Zhou family quietly while the Zhou family was cheering and Zhou Chun hadn't noticed him yet.

As long as he could leave the Zhou family in time and escape back to the Yanyang Sect's mountain gate, he would still have a chance to survive.

Even for the sake of his own face and the reputation of his sect, it was obviously impossible for Master Ziyang to hand him over.

At most, he could kowtow to Zhou Chun a few times in person, and the Yanyang Sect would send him a substantial apology, which would probably put the matter to rest and let the matter go.

However, just when Li Mingxuan slipped to the entrance of Zhoujiashan Gate and was about to go out,

Zhou Xinyan's teasing words suddenly rang in the sky.

"Fellow Daoist Li, you look so sneaky, where are you going? Why don't you come to congratulate our clan leader?"

After the words fell, Li Mingxuan immediately felt the gaze from Zhou Chun.

In an instant, cold sweat broke out behind him.

He looked at the mountain gate exit just a short distance ahead, his eyes darkened, and he gave up the adventurous idea.

Under the watchful eye of the Nascent Soul Stage monks, so what if he could break out of the Zhou Family Mountain Gate?

Is he still capable of escaping the pursuit of the Nascent Soul monks?

At this time, he finally knew what it means to have no way to heaven and no way to earth.

Desperation surged into his heart, and was quickly suppressed by the desire to survive.

He slowly turned around, showed a smile that was uglier than crying, bowed towards where Zhou Chun was, and said, "Junior Yanyang Sect Li Mingxuan, congratulations to Senior Zhou on his achievement of Nascent Soul, and his enlightenment has come true!"

"What's going on? Why are the elders of Yanyang Sect in the family?"

Zhou Chun turned his eyes and looked at Zhou Xinyan, who had just revealed Li Mingxuan's whereabouts.

He naturally heard the hatred in Zhou Xinyan's words just now, and also saw something from Li Mingxuan's sneaky actions, so he also had some guesses in his mind.

Of course, Zhou Xinyan couldn't say anything good about Li Mingxuan. Even though the Yanyang Sect had tried and forced the Zhou family over the years, Zhou Mingde almost sacrificed his life to become a benevolent person.

As the words came out of his mouth, Zhou Chun's originally dissatisfied smile suddenly turned gloomy.

After Zhou Xinyan finished speaking, he immediately said in a cold voice: "Okay, very good! What a Yanyang Sect, what a Master Ziyang!!"

As soon as these chilling words came out, Li Mingxuan trembled. He couldn't help but knelt down on the ground and begged for mercy: "Senior Zhou, please calm down. This junior is just following orders. He does it as a last resort. It is not intended to target the Zhou family, and this junior has no enmity with the Zhou family before!"

He, a dignified Golden Core Stage cultivator and an elder from a large sect such as Yanyang Sect, is now kneeling down like a dog begging for mercy, which shows how frightened he is in his heart at this moment.

But his behavior has touched the bottom line in Zhou Chun's heart, how can he be forgiven.

As soon as Zhou Chun pointed it out, he sealed the golden elixir in his body before he could react, directly sealing his cultivation level first.

Then he ordered Zhou Xinyan: "Put this person down first and take care of him. I will slowly process him later!"

"Yes, junior, I obey."

Zhou Xinyan loudly responded to the order with a face full of excitement, and immediately stepped forward in person to lift up the ashen-faced Li Mingxuan and take him away.

Zhou Chun took everyone back to his cave and continued to share the joy of returning the baby with Zhou Mingde and others.

However, after what happened with Li Mingxuan, the interest of Zhou Mingde and others obviously weakened a lot. After a while, they all calmed down and their passion was gone.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun introduced Luo Qingni, who had come with him: "You have met Luo Daoyou, Ancestor, before. This time, Luo Daoyou has agreed to this junior, and is willing to serve as the supreme elder of my Zhou family's guest minister. In the future, I will often Station in the Qinglian Mountains and contribute your own strength to my Zhou family's alchemy."

After hearing his words, Luo Qingni, who had been silent until now and did not disturb their celebration, immediately bowed to Zhou Mingde and said, "Qingni has met the ancestor."

But he followed Zhou Chun and considered himself a junior.

Seeing this, Zhou Mingde immediately stepped aside and said repeatedly: "Fellow Taoist Luo is too polite. Your friendship with Zhengchun is just a friendship between us. How can I take advantage of you? From now on, we can just call you Taoist friend."

After speaking, he smiled from the bottom of his heart and said: "It is a great honor for the Zhou family to have an alchemy master like Fellow Daoist Luo join us. On behalf of the Zhou family, I welcome the arrival of Grandmaster Luo!"

Zhou Chun also spoke at the right time: "What the ancestor said makes sense. Qing Ni, you don't have to constrain yourself because of our friendship."

Hearing what the two said, Luo Qingni did not give in anymore, and immediately nodded and said: "Qingni understands, please take care of me in the future, fellow Taoists."

As a late-stage Jindan cultivator, she naturally did not want to create an elder whose cultivation level was not as good as hers for no reason.

Therefore, this behavior of the Zhou family made her feel a little relieved when she first came to the Zhou family.

At least it doesn’t look bad at the beginning!

After Zhou Chun introduced her to the nearby senior officials of the Zhou family, he quickly told Zhou Zhiying: "Ying'er, take Elder Luo to choose the cave first, and let Xinyan choose a few clever ones. The younger generation of Dian will be at the command of Elder Luo and help her get familiar with the family environment."

"Disciple, obey."

Zhou Xinyan responded repeatedly and enthusiastically led Luo Qingni out of Zhouchun Cave Mansion first.

After Luo Qingni left, Zhou Chun, Zhou Mingde, and Zhou Daoyi sat down in the cave and discussed the upcoming Nascent Soul Ceremony and other matters.

Before that, Zhou Chun first learned from Zhou Mingde how the Yuelun Sect and the Yanyang Sect had tested the Zhou family in the years since he had been away from the family, so as to determine his attitude towards the two families in the future.

Of course Zhou Mingde would not hide anything about this, and quickly described the testing process of these two companies in detail.

After listening to Zhou Mingde's account, Zhou Chun also said thoughtfully: "It sounds like the Moon Wheel Sect doesn't seem to care too much about the junior disappearing for such a long time, and the temptations are relatively normal, maybe because they and the junior You’ve had a lot of dealings with each other, do you think it’s impossible for this junior to transform into an elixir and form a baby so quickly?”

Because I understand, I don’t worry. This is indeed in line with human nature.

Zhou Mingde also agreed with Zhou Chun's judgment, nodded and said: "It should be right. The last headmaster of the Moon Wheel Sect has the best spiritual root qualifications. Even if you fail to transform the elixir and form an infant, they think you are pure and pure." It’s normal for the elixir to not turn into a baby so quickly!”

"So the Yanyang Sect still resents our Zhou family for settling in the Qinglian Mountains and ruining their good deeds. Does it want to deliberately use these means to interfere and prevent the juniors from breaking through to the late Golden Core stage?"

Zhou Chun said in a faint tone, with a flash of coldness in his eyes.

He knew in his heart that no matter how much attention he paid to the two Nascent Soul stage masters of the Yanyang Sect, they would definitely not think that he could transform the elixir into an infant within a hundred years.

Therefore, the previous temptation and persecution may be more because they do not want him to break through the late stage of the golden elixir too quickly, so that he will have more time and opportunity to prepare for the elixir to form a baby in the future.

If he did not successfully conceive a baby and was forced to return to the family, after this incident, he would not dare to stay away from the family easily in the future, and would have to spend most of his energy on playing tricks with the Yanyang Sect. .

In this way, the hope of transforming the elixir into a baby becomes even slimmer.

And no matter how clever his scheming skills were, without the cultivation of the Nascent Soul stage, it was obviously impossible to cause much harm to the Yanyang Sect.

Therefore, Yanyang Sect's plan can be said to be a conspiracy.

However, the Yanyang Sect obviously never expected that Zhou Chun had not only broken through to the late stage of the golden elixir, but also successfully transformed the elixir into an infant in just a few decades.

Now that he has returned with the Nascent Soul stage, Yanyang Sect's originally impeccable conspiracy has become a joke, and it has greatly offended him, Zhou Chun and the Zhou family!

Thinking of this, Zhou Chun's eyes flashed coldly, and he immediately looked at Zhou Mingde and said, "Where is Master Ziyang's decree? Patriarch, please show it to this junior."

After hearing this, Zhou Mingde immediately patted the storage bag on his waist and took out the gold and silk decree.

When Zhou Chun saw the purple-red words on which Ziyang's mana was condensed, he immediately snorted coldly: "Humph, what a big tone! With just a piece of scrap paper, he wants me to offer three Fire Phoenix True Feathers!" "

As the words fell, the golden light surged from his palm and touched the golden silk, instantly erasing all the purple-red words.

Then he also used magic power as ink and left a message on the gold and silk.

"I am very happy to hear that you want to refine the best magic weapon. Now that my Yuanying has been completed, the Yuanying Ceremony will be held soon. I hope you can congratulate me with this. I am very happy!"

After leaving his own words on the gold silk, Zhou Chun handed it to Zhou Mingde and said: "I will send this thing back to the Yanyang Sect disciples who are still in the family. Please return the original thing!"

Seeing this, Zhou Mingde hesitated and said: "Zhengchun, are you being too intense? After all, you have just successfully conceived a baby..."

He only said half of what he said, but the meaning behind it was not difficult to understand.

It was because of his special status that he dared to question Zhou Chun's strength to his face.

If it were anyone else, even if they thought so, they would definitely not dare to say this.

Zhou Chun smiled slightly at this and said: "Don't worry, although this junior has just successfully given birth to a baby, his strength is definitely not inferior to that of Ziyang old man. What's more, everyone is in the early stage of Nascent Soul, and he can withstand me. what?"

After finishing speaking, he sighed quietly and said: "The Zhou family has been restricted for too long, and the younger generation has long had enough of seeing everyone live a humble life. Now that the baby has been successfully conceived, we should be happy and indulge in grudges." Life!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Mingde was worried and excited at the same time.

Indeed, just as Zhou Chun said, the Zhou family has been restricted for too long.

It was obviously the third largest force in Jingguo before, but even the family sect was supervised by monks stationed by other forces. Half of the output gained from the hard investment of manpower and material resources in management was taken away in vain!

This kind of thing about being colonized and oppressed by others has made them, the senior leaders of the Zhou family, feel angry for a long time.

It was just because the family did not have the support of a Nascent Soul Stage monk who truly belonged to them that they had to endure it.

Now that Zhou Chundu has successfully conceived a baby, what reason does the Zhou family have to continue to endure this inequality?

Thinking of this, Zhou Mingde couldn't help but nodded heavily and said: "Yes, Zhengchun, you are right, we have endured it for too long, and we have almost forgotten what it feels like to be the master of the family!"

He said with an excited expression: "Anyway, you have successfully conceived a baby, so what if we fight? If we don't fight with them, how can they easily spit out the meat they eat?"

Zhou Mingde has never been a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, nor a person who lacks the will to take risks.

The reason why he could endure before was because only by forbearing could he save his family, and only by being patient could he wait until the hope of counterattack appeared.

His patience is not for the sake of patience, but for the sake of a more violent counterattack!

Now that the Zhou family has the strength and confidence to fight back, how can he hold back anymore!

"Hahaha, this is how you are in the younger generation's impression, and this is the courage you should have!"

Zhou Chun laughed and agreed and praised Zhou Mingde's statement.

Hearing what he said, Zhou Mingde immediately waved his hands and smiled and said: "I'm old, I'm old. In the future, with Zhengchun in charge of the Zhou family, and Dao Yi returning to assist me, I can relax and have a good rest. By then, I will also If you want to go out and travel, it’s not a waste to gain elixirs once in this life!”

Such words came out of his mouth, which showed how relaxed and happy he felt at this time.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun and Zhou Daoyi couldn't help laughing together.

Zhou Daoyi also said at the right time: "Since you have said this, the next pure Nascent Soul Ceremony will be handled by the juniors. You should have a good rest!"

"Haha, that's a good relationship. Dao Yi, you have returned to your old career. It's just a good time for the younger members of the family to get to know you."

Zhou Mingde laughed and agreed.

In this way, after their senior management discussed and finalized some matters, Zhou Chuncai went to the cave of Tianjing Master in private and met with him secretly.

"Congratulations to fellow Taoist Zhou for achieving the great achievement of Nascent Soul and achieving enlightenment!"

In the cave, after seeing the visiting Zhou Chun, Master Tianjing congratulated him with emotion.

After this period of buffering and thinking, Master Tianjing's mind has calmed down, and he no longer thinks about how Zhou Chun managed to transform his elixir into a baby so quickly.

Because he knows that none of that matters anymore.

The important thing is that Zhou Chun successfully gave birth to a baby, and his wait finally bore fruit!

Facing the congratulations from Master Tianjing, Zhou Chun also smiled softly and said: "I would also like to thank fellow Taoist Tianjing for his experience and news about having a baby, which helped Zhou a lot!"

"Oh, did Fellow Daoist Zhou go to the place I mentioned before? Is there really an innate golden evil spirit there?"

Master Tianjing's mind moved, and he couldn't help but look at Zhou Chun with some surprise.

Zhou Chun heard this and immediately said: "Zhou didn't discover the innate golden evil spirit, but he did discover these things. Taoist fellow Tianjing is well-informed, do you know what these are?"

After saying that, he summoned the magic weapon of his life, showed the remaining golden liquid in the golden bone bowl to Master Tianjing for inspection, and took out the golden animal bones for his tasting.

Seeing this situation, Master Tianjing was also very curious and began to identify the origins of the two things.

Tianjing Zhenren is worthy of being the person who has inherited the mantle of "Xuanjing Zhenren", a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. After some appraisal, he actually gained something.

He looked at Zhou Chun with twinkling eyes and said: "The condition of the golden liquid in this bowl is somewhat similar to the [Taiyuan Golden Dew] rumored by my human race. If it is really that kind of spiritual thing, Zhou Daoyou can make a lot of money." Oh, this is the fairy spirit that is rumored to help break through the barrier of the Nascent Soul stage!"

"As for these animal bones, judging from the characteristics they contain, they are either the remains of a fifth-level high-grade demon king who has the bloodline of some kind of metallic beast, or they are metals that have survived the thunder tribulation of heaven and cultivated to the fifth-level high-grade realm. The remains of the sex spirit monster king!”

Having said this, he couldn't help but look at Zhou Chun and asked: "Daoyou Zhou was able to successfully transform elixirs into babies. Is it possible that he used the spiritual object in this bowl that looked like [Taiyuan Golden Dew]?"

Obviously, he was still very curious about how Zhou Chun managed to transform into an infant so quickly.

Zhou Chun could have refused to answer this question, but after thinking about it, he still shook his head and said, "That's not true. Zhou was able to successfully conceive a baby because he took [Huaying Dan], but this thing is It will be helpful for Zhou’s subsequent practice of Kung Fu!”

With that said, he put away all the golden bone bowls and golden animal bones.

Seeing this, Master Tianjing felt extremely sorry in his heart.

It's a pity that his path is destined to be cut off, otherwise the spiritual object suspected to be [Taiyuan Golden Dew] would be of great use to him who also practices metallic skills.

If those golden animal bones were as he guessed, they were left behind by the fifth-level high-grade metallic spirit monster king. They were also great weapon-refining materials and could be used to refine spiritual treasures!

This made him couldn't help but envy Zhou Chun's good luck. He was the one who discovered the treasure first, but in the end, he got an advantage over Zhou Chun!

But he was envious, and he didn't show any dissatisfaction.

He just looked at Zhou Chun with surprise and said: "Fellow Taoist Zhou actually took [Huaying Dan]? Could it be that, like me, Taoist Taoist, he also inherited the mantle of a certain senior monk?"

He actually revealed the truth in one sentence.

But this is not surprising, because apart from inheriting the legacy of his predecessors, it is impossible for a monk of Zhou Chun's background to obtain a spiritual object like the [Infant Transformation Pill].

Even if he is willing to exchange spiritual treasures with others for such spiritual objects, and some people are willing to exchange them with him, he may not be able to keep such spiritual objects!

And Zhou Chun also knew that as he succeeded in transforming the elixir into a baby so quickly, the outside world would definitely speculate about what kind of opportunity he had.

So instead of letting them make random guesses and exaggerate the news more and more, it is better to give them the "truth" yourself.

Therefore, at this time, he nodded calmly and said: "Although what Fellow Taoist Tianjing said is not true, it is not far off!"

Although the details were not announced, he almost admitted that he had received the legacy of a certain senior monk.

After hearing his answer, Master Tianjing couldn't help but nodded suddenly and said: "No wonder, no wonder you, fellow Daoist Zhou, are able to create miracles repeatedly and successfully conceive babies so quickly. It turns out that you have such an opportunity!"

He himself is a monk who has had such an opportunity, so he knows how great the benefits are.

If I hadn't been a little confused back then and rashly faced off against Master Qingxiao, who had always hidden his strength, I don't know how happy I would be now!

When I thought of this, the hatred in my heart increased again.

His eyes darkened, and he quickly looked at Zhou Chun and said, "I have already informed the Yuelun Sect and the Yanyang Sect of the news about Zhou Daoyou's successful return from the birth of a baby. I think they will react soon."

Having said this, he also looked at Zhou Chun with a deep look and asked, "Now that Fellow Daoist Zhou has succeeded in conceiving a baby, I wonder if the promise he made to me in the first place still counts?"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately raised his brows and said, "Zhou has always kept his word. Since he promised fellow Taoist Tianjing in the first place, he will naturally not go back on his word."

After saying that, he warned the other party in a solemn tone: "But fellow Daoist Tianjing, you have to be aware of it and don't put forward excessive conditions!"

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Zhou, I know what's going on."

Master Tianjing grinned and seemed very happy.

On the other side, when the news of Zhou Chun's successful return as a baby was passed to the Yuelun Sect and Yanyang Sect's Nascent Soul Stage masters through the hands of Tianjing Master, it instantly caused shock to the ancestors of the two sects.

"This is impossible! How could that kid successfully conceive a baby! Why did he conceive a baby so quickly? This is absolutely impossible!!"

Inside the Yuelun Sect's mountain gate, Master Yin Yue looked at the message from Master Tian Jing. He stood up from the jade cave with an expression on his face and screamed "impossible" with disbelief on his face.

It was a good thing that he was in a cave and had a formation to isolate the movement inside and outside. Otherwise, if the younger disciples of Yuelun Sect heard this, it would greatly damage his own image.

Of course, at this time, Master Yinyue couldn't care less about his image. He was only thinking about one thing, how did Zhou Chun do it!

He did not doubt the authenticity of Master Tianjing's news, because Master Tianjing would never dare to tease him on such a major matter.

But how did Zhou Chun do this?

Master Yin Yue had personally met Zhou Chun, and he also knew what kind of skills Zhou Chun practiced, and he also knew what kind of spiritual root qualifications Zhou Chun had.

In his opinion, even if Zhou Chun could really find an ordinary infant-forming spiritual object, the success rate of converting elixirs into infants would only be less than 10%, which was far inferior to the original Tianjing Zhenren.

What's more, decades ago, Zhou Chun was only in the middle stage of Jindan cultivation.

Even if the information at the time was wrong and Zhou Chun concealed his cultivation, it only took decades. How could Zhou Chun successfully conceive a baby so quickly?

Even the previous headmaster of their Lunar Sect, who had the highest level of spiritual root qualifications, had already reached the golden elixir stage, and was sure that he could take the [Infant Transformation Pill] to conceive a baby, he had been patiently preparing for nearly a hundred years. Just dare to take that step!

But even so, it still failed in the end!

So how did a mere Zhou Chun manage to conceive a baby so quickly?

What adventures did he have during these decades of missing?

When Master Yinyue thought about this, he almost couldn't help but want to go to the Qinglian Mountains in person to find out.

The current monthly ticket ranking is 315. If it reaches within 300 in the evening, another chapter will be added!

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