Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 662 Ziyang Old Thief [Please subscribe for more updates]

How can this be!

In a cave deep inside the mountain gate of Yanyang Sect, Master Ziyang was shocked and exclaimed in disbelief after receiving the message from Master Tianjing.

His reaction was no smaller than that of Yin Yue Zhenren, and was even bigger.

He even immediately doubted whether Master Tianjing was lying to him!

But his reason quickly told him that it was impossible for Master Tianjing to deceive him on such a matter.

But how is this possible! !

Master Ziyang sat down on the futon again, his expression dull and speechless for a long time.

He couldn't figure out how Zhou Chun managed to break through the late stage of the golden elixir so quickly and successfully transform the elixir into a baby.

But now that this has happened, it doesn't matter whether he can figure it out or not. What matters is how to deal with the changes brought about by this incident.

At this time, he also quickly remembered the decree he had issued at the request of the head of the sect.

Then his face quickly darkened, and he couldn't help but murmured: "This is bad! If I had known this, I shouldn't have sent out the decree!!"

When the decree was issued before, I didn't think it was anything.

After all, even if Zhou Chun breaks through to the late stage of Jindan, he will most likely not dare to directly resist the order and be disrespectful. At most, he will try to find ways to rely on relationships to intercede.

He was also prepared for Master Yin Yue to intervene and destroy it.

After all, from the Lunar Sect's point of view, they didn't want the Yanyang Sect to pluck out the hair from Zhou Chun's body and refine an extra top-quality magic weapon.

Anyway, as long as they can force Zhou Chun to come back and show up, so that Zhou Chun no longer dares to go out easily to look for opportunities to have a baby, and stays in Jingguo honestly, it will be enough to achieve their goal.

However, who could have imagined that Zhou Chun would come back as they wished, but not as a late-stage Jindan monk, but as a Nascent Soul stage monk!

The late stage of Jindan and the early stage of Nascent Soul may seem to be only one level apart, but in reality they are truly worlds apart.

Master Ziyang only needs to bring himself into Zhou Chun for a moment to know how angry he will be after reading the decree.

But after returning to his own perspective, he couldn't help but sigh in a low voice: "I hope this kid can be more sensible, so that I can give him a generous gift at the Nascent Soul Ceremony!"

But he still couldn't help but have a little fantasy, hoping that Zhou Chun would not use any drastic measures against Li Mingxuan, the Jindan elder of Yanyang Sect, for the sake of Yanyang Sect and himself.

However, just one day later, when he received the gold and silk decree handed over by the people below, he was immediately outraged by the words left by Zhou Chun above.

"How dare Shu Zian bully me!!"

An angry roar roared out from Zhenren Ziyang's mouth, and a purple-red flame rose in front of him, quickly burning the golden silk decree into ashes.

Then the Yanyang Sect Nascent Soul Stage Master quickly flew away from the mountain gate, heading eastward like a purple scorching sun, flying directly towards the Qinglian Mountains east of Jingguo.

On the other side, just a few hours before Master Ziyang received the golden silk decree, after Zhou Chun ended his meeting with Master Tianjing, he finally had time to deal with the Jindan elder of Yanyang Sect who had been suppressed by his seal. Li Mingxuan.

Of course, he was too lazy to talk nonsense with this guy who was seeking his own death, so he just brutally chose to search his soul.

As he expected, the elders of Jindan from big sects like Li Mingxuan had either practiced the secret technique to resist the soul searchers, or the sect's Yuan Ying period masters had placed protective restrictions on the souls.

When he was searching for souls, he encountered such protective restrictions.

If you forcibly break through this protective restriction, it will trigger a backlash from the restriction, causing the opponent's soul to collapse.

Although Zhou Chun didn't intend to let Li Mingxuan live, he never thought of killing him so quickly.

Therefore, when Sohun encountered a protective restriction, he did not force a breakthrough, but gave up on his own initiative.

But even so, Li Mingxuan was frightened half to death. After waking up, he kowtowed repeatedly and said: "Senior, have mercy on me. Senior, have mercy on me. What do you want to know? I will definitely know everything. Please forgive me, senior." This junior has a bad life!!"

"Oh, since you are so understanding, I will spare your life for the time being!"

Zhou Chun smiled lightly and immediately asked what he was concerned about without being polite.

He didn't ask about the secrets of the Yanyang Sect, because Li Mingxuan didn't know whether he knew those things. Even if he knew about them, he would definitely not dare to tell them. If he told them, he would probably die.

Therefore, he mainly asked about the situation of the two real people in the Nascent Soul stage of Yanyang Sect, mainly about the situation of Zhenren Ziyang.

Li Mingxuan must have an idea of ​​the situation of his two Nascent Soul Stage real people, at least it will be much more reliable than some of the information rumored outside.

After speaking out about these situations, even though he was offending his seniors, Li Mingxuan obviously did not dare not to speak up.

Through this interrogation of Li Mingxuan, Zhou Chun gained a deeper understanding of the magical powers of Zhenren Ziyang and Zhenren Baiyang, another Nascent Soul monk of the Yanyang Sect.

According to what Li Mingxuan knows, Master Ziyang is currently in charge of Yanyang Sect, and it is Master Ziyang who is always walking outside.

As for the younger Master Bai Yang, it is said that he has some problems with his cultivation and has not left the Yanyang Sect's mountain gate for many years. He only occasionally appears in front of the Yanyang Sect's disciples to prove that he is still at the mountain gate. Inside.

As for Ziyang Zhenren's supernatural powers, apart from several magical weapons that have been used many times, the most worthy of Zhou Chun's attention is the Yanyang Sect's inherited spiritual treasure that he is in charge of.

The Yanyang Sect also has an inherited spiritual treasure, which is said to have been refined by the ancestor of the sect himself. It is called the "Yanyang Treasure Mirror". It is a mirror-like spiritual treasure with incredible magical powers.

Li Mingxuan didn't know what powerful magical powers [Yanyang Treasure Mirror] possessed, but according to the words passed down from generation to generation by Yanyang Sect monks, the power of [Yanyang Treasure Mirror] was unpredictable and it was praised as invincible in the world.

Zhou Chun could only laugh at this without commenting.

Maybe outsiders would think that practicing fire-attribute skills and possessing spiritual treasures that fit his own skills, Ziyang Zhenren would definitely have a big advantage against a new Nascent Soul stage monk like him, Zhou Chun.

But only he knew that Master Ziyang, who practiced fire-attribute skills, would never have any advantage in front of him.

Although he is practicing metal-based skills, his most powerful method at present happens to be the ice-based magical power that is incompatible with fire.

What's more, he also has four spiritual pets who can arrange the "Four Symbols of Heaven", and the Nascent Soul can also be defeated!

So after asking clearly what he wanted, Zhou Chun ignored Li Mingxuan's begging for mercy and returned directly to the cave.

And when the angry Master Ziyang flew toward the Qinglian Mountains without concealing his aura, and he was still hundreds of miles away, Zhou Chun had already sensed it, and immediately raised his brows and flew out of the family mansion. Array.

The Zhou family's mountain-protecting formation [Yimu Panlong Formation] is just a toy in front of the Nascent Soul Stage monks and is of no use at all, so he cannot let the angry Master Ziyang come to the door and show up again, otherwise he doesn't know whether the other party will Taking the opportunity to cause trouble, he deliberately destroyed the Zhou family's mountain gate.

And when Zhou Chun's figure appeared in the sky above the blue sky, the purple-red escaping light transformed by Master Ziyang also instantly slowed down, and it was no longer as rampant as before.

When he entered Zhou Chun's hundred-mile range, Zhou Chun was the first to speak and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist Ziyang came all the way in such a hurry, why didn't he send someone to inform Zhou first? Zhou might as well prepare some wine to entertain him." Fellow!"

Hearing his knowing words, Master Ziyang just gave him a cold look, stopped and looked at him and said, "Don't you know why I'm here, fellow Daoist Zhou?"

When he arrived, he was indeed full of anger, but he calmed down after flying all the way, and he would not attack Zhou Chun directly when they met.

In addition to the direct reputation of suppressing the younger generation, there will be no great benefits.

It's better to stand up for the moral truth first, and then look for an opportunity to teach Zhou Chun a lesson.

In this way, you can let out a bad breath and avoid being infamy.

But what he didn't expect was that Zhou Chun would see through his plan at a glance.

Facing his questioning at this time, Zhou Chun pretended to be innocent and said, "This Zhou really doesn't know anything about it."

As he spoke, he seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly looked at him with a joyful face and said, "Is it possible that fellow Taoist Ziyang knew about Zhou's return after having a baby, and came here to congratulate him? In that case, Zhou is really a little bit I’m so flattered!”

As soon as these words came out, Ziyang Zhenren couldn't hold himself any longer, and he laughed angrily on the spot.

He couldn't help but blurt out a curse: "What a sharp-tongued young man! You have done everything, don't you have the guts to admit it?"

After scolding, he looked at Zhou Chun with a sarcastic face and continued to mock: "Since I, the original Taoist man, can successfully conceive a baby, he will also be the number one person in Jingguo in the future. I don't think you will only play such tricks in the past. It's really in vain." I value you so much!"

Hearing his sarcasm, Zhou Chun's expression remained unchanged, as if he was not angry at all.

But after he finished speaking, he smiled softly and said: "Fellow Taoist Ziyang, you don't dare to take your words seriously. How can Zhou be as good as you when it comes to playing tricks?"

Having said this, he also stared at Master Ziyang with a cold look in his eyes and said sternly: "Old thief Ziyang, it is in vain that you, as a Master of the Yuan Ying stage, took advantage of Zhou's absence from the family to bully Zhou. Elder, who do you think my Zhou family is? Am I a slave of your Yanyang Sect?"

"You shameless old thief, how dare you ask for treasure from Zhou? How dare you bark outside my Zhou home!!"

Zhou Chun said these words in one breath, and the harmony was like thunder, and the sound shook hundreds of miles.

As soon as he finished speaking, the face of Ziyang Zhenren opposite him suddenly darkened, and anger burst out from his eyes.

I thought that Master Ziyang had been transformed into an elixir and formed a baby for nearly a thousand years, but he had never been insulted like this in person.

Even if a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage like Master Kunxu comes face to face, he still has to give him a small amount of face and call him Taoist friend.

Now, he was being insulted in public by Zhou Chun, a mere junior who was even younger than his disciples and grandchildren. How could he bear it?

It's simply intolerable, what can't be tolerated!

Dang even shouted angrily: "You are so brave, junior! Let me teach you a lesson today and let you know what it means to respect your elders!"

Before he finished speaking, a ray of red light shot out from his mouth, instantly piercing the sky and appearing in front of Zhou Chun.

"What an old thief from Ziyang who has no martial ethics, he unexpectedly attacked a junior like me!"

Zhou Chun shouted loudly, and a green sword light flew out, blocking the red light and revealing its original form.

I saw that it was also a strange flying sword shaped like a cone, and it was also a top-quality magic weapon flying sword.

The founder of the Yanyang Sect once refined the spiritual treasure [Yanyang Treasure Mirror], and this sect has always been famous for its weapon refining skills. There have been masters of weapon refining for generations, so naturally there will be no shortage of top-quality magic weapons.

It is not surprising at all that Master Ziyang is able to refine such a top-quality magic weapon, the Flying Sword.

However, Zhou Chun was actually able to produce a top-grade magic weapon, the Flying Sword, which made Master Ziyang slightly surprised.

He glanced at the [Blue Sky Phantom Sword] that was fighting fiercely with the [Red Teeth Sword] in the air, and couldn't help but snorted coldly. He immediately made a gesture with both hands, and billowing purple flames emerged from his body, condensing into a purple line. The fire dragon flew towards Zhou Chun.

This is the true fire magical power [Purple Yang Sky Fire] he has cultivated. He has cultivated it to the fifth level. The temperature of the purple flame is higher than the infant fire of the monks in the Nascent Soul stage, and no better than the natal fire of some fifth-level fire attribute demon kings. The demon fire is worse.

Zhou Chunnai is a newly promoted monk in the Nascent Soul Stage. Apart from his natal magical power, he has not yet had time to practice any kind of magical power to the fifth level in the future. This magical power is enough to force out his trump card.

However, facing the menacing purple fire dragon, Zhou Chun's response method was once again beyond the expectations of Master Ziyang.

I saw golden light emerging from Zhou Chun's body, and the shadow of a golden cauldron suddenly condensed in the air. His natal magical power [Golden Cauldron Law Domain] manifested, and thousands of golden lights directly blocked the purple fire dragon. There was a collision and confrontation, and it was difficult to tell the difference for a while.

"What a powerful magic power! This child's foundation is so powerful!"

Master Ziyang's expression changed slightly, and through this powerful magic power of the law, he had a deep understanding of Zhou Chunyi's powerful foundation.

This made him even more afraid of Zhou Chun.

However, it would be wishful thinking if Zhou Chun only wanted to rely on his magical powers to defend his offensive.

Then he saw his hands forming seals, and as soon as the spell changed, the purple fire dragon immediately dispersed and suddenly became a ball of blazing purple flames.

This purple flame didn't look big, only about three feet high, but the high temperature it released caused the air to become distorted.

The golden light manifested in [Jinding Dharma Domain] is easily incinerated by the high temperature, and it is difficult to get close to its thirty-foot range.

This purple flame is the original fire of [Purple Yang Heavenly Fire]. It is the true fire magical power that Master Ziyang has worked hard to cultivate for more than a thousand years.

In front of this purple flame, ordinary high-grade magic weapons cannot last for a few breaths before melting. Even top-grade magic weapons may be damaged if they are contaminated.

Master Ziyang usually fights with others, and is unwilling to release this original fire as a means of attack, because even though it can pose a great threat to the enemy, it will easily cause damage to the original fire that he has worked hard to condense, and the gain is not worth the loss.

Today, he made an exception and released this original fire. He was also bullying Zhou Chunnai, who was a newly promoted Nascent Soul monk. He must not have had time to practice any powerful magical powers.

In addition, the Zhou family's own foundation is shallow, so there should be no treasures that can harm this original fire.

He thought like this, and saw that Zhou Chun's magic power was indeed unable to stop his true fire power. A smile flashed on his face, and with a thought, he turned the original fire into a fire dragon that was only a few feet long and rushed at Zhou Chun. pure.

But wherever the fire dragon passed, the golden light law domain collapsed inch by inch, making it impossible to match and resist the power of this fire god.

But just when Ziyang Zhenren thought that even if Zhou Chun could not be seriously injured, Zhou Chun could still be hurt in a hurry, something happened that made him regret deeply.

It turned out that Zhou Chun saw that the purple fire dragon was unstoppable and could not be resisted by the magical power of the legal domain. When he opened his mouth without covering up, he spit out the spiritual treasure [Moon Toad Orb], and directly brushed it with the "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light".

In an instant, the white cold light and the purple fire dragon collided in mid-air, directly defeating the purple fire dragon into a ball of purple real fire, and its size was instantly reduced by nearly one-third!

This is equivalent to instantly wiping out the hundreds of years of hard work that Master Ziyang had practiced!

This result immediately made Master Ziyang's eyes darken, and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

"I'll kill you junior!"

An extremely sad and angry roar roared out from the mouth of Master Ziyang. While he quickly retracted the original fire that was severely damaged, he opened his mouth and spit out a fiery red aura, manifesting a fiery red mirror in mid-air.

This square, flaming red mirror is the Yanyang Sect’s inherited spiritual treasure [Yanyang Treasure Mirror].

At this time, Master Ziyang was obviously really angry. He didn't even want to know why Zhou Chun had a complete spiritual treasure. He just wanted to make Zhou Chun pay the blood price for his actions just now!

As soon as his magic power activated this spiritual treasure, the fiery red treasure mirror suddenly burst into flames, and a powerful fiery red divine light condensed and shone from the mirror, firmly locking Zhou Chun on the opposite side.

And the speed of this fiery red light is incredibly fast, almost comparable to the magical power of "teleportation".

Unless it is predicted in advance, it seems difficult for any escaping magical power to take effect in front of it.

Fortunately, since Zhou Chun activated the Lingbao, he would naturally not forget to bless himself with the magical defensive power of "Taiyin Body Protective Fairy Clothes".

When the fiery red divine light shone towards him, he felt chilled in his heart and hurriedly activated the [Moon Toad Orb], a spiritual treasure, to strengthen his own defense.

He saw the fiery red light and the white ice light colliding in front of Zhou Chun, forming an extremely dazzling phenomenon of ice and fire above the nine-sky sky.

The power of the two spiritual treasures, one ice and one fire, was stimulated to the extreme by the two Nascent Soul Stage monks.

After a stalemate like this for a while, Master Ziyang finally realized that it would consume more if the stalemate continued like this, so he took the initiative to change his tactics.

He pressed the [Fire Sun Treasure Mirror] in the sky with both hands, and a phoenix cry suddenly came from inside the mirror. Countless mysterious and complicated flame runes surged out from the mirror surface, and then gathered into a mirror in mid-air. Fire red phoenix.

This fiery red phoenix bird is obviously made of flames, but its body is full of feathers, its eyes are also filled with spirituality, and a noble and majestic temperament is naturally born.

It was obviously not big, only about ten feet long, but it gave Zhou Chun the feeling as if he was facing a gigantic beast, and he was frantically warning in his heart.

Knowing something was wrong, he immediately roared, swallowed the [Moon Toad Orb] without any hesitation, and transformed into a giant white toad.

Seeing Zhou Chun suddenly transform from a human monk into a monster, Master Ziyang also shrank his pupils and showed surprise.

But at this time, he had an arrow on the string and had to take action.

Then he saw his consciousness locked on the white giant toad that Zhou Chun had transformed into. With a shout, the fiery red phoenix bird flew towards the white giant toad with a clear cry.

As soon as this bird moves, the terrifying power contained in its body is released.

Wherever it passed, the space seemed to be melting, and distortion occurred. The degree of distortion was far more serious than that caused by Master Ziyang's original fire.

It can be seen how terrifying the temperature of the flames on this fire phoenix is!

When Zhou Chun saw the fire phoenix rushing toward him, he knew that he had no chance of evading it. He could only croak and use his "Taiyin Body Protective Immortal Clothes" magical power to fight with the fire phoenix. .

Only this time, he seemed to have really met his opponent.

The terrifying flames on the fire phoenix seem to be similar to the rumored [World-Destroying Flame], which is terrifying and powerful.

Even though the moon toad transformed by Zhou Chun had fully activated its body-protecting powers, it still felt burning pain under the high temperature of the flames, and blisters formed on the skin all over the body.

Fortunately, this fire phoenix is ​​not a real demon king, but a magical power activated by the power of [Yangyang Treasure Mirror].

In the midst of the battle, its body is also shrinking and its strength is constantly being consumed.

As long as Zhou Chun can hold on until it dissipates, he will be considered a victory.

He also believed that a big move like this would consume a lot of the original power of the spiritual treasure [Yangyang Treasure Mirror], and it was unlikely that Master Ziyang would continue to use it.

Sure enough, seeing that the Moon Toad transformed by Zhou Chun firmly blocked the fire phoenix's attack despite its miserable appearance, Master Ziyang's expression also changed.

"Damn it, where did this junior come from with such powerful spiritual treasures and weird magical powers? He can't even defeat the World-Destroying Flame Phoenix!"

At this time, he couldn't even attack, so his anger subsided and he finally realized the trouble.

Now he can be said to have pulled out his biggest trump card. If he still fails to defeat Zhou Chun in this battle today, he will really lose face and become the backdrop for Zhou Chun to become famous.

This is something he can't stand!

"It seems that if we don't pay some price today, it will be really difficult to win over this junior!"

There was a fierce look in his eyes, as if he had made a decision.

He opened his mouth slightly, and a purple-red light flew out, turning into a purple-red eight-view palace lantern.

This is his natal magic weapon [Xuanmen Eight Views Lamp], which is a very special magic weapon.

Under normal circumstances, Master Ziyang rarely uses this natal magic weapon, because he has no shortage of magic weapons and has many other means that he can use.

Only when he truly encounters an opponent that is difficult to defeat will he not hesitate to summon this natal magic weapon.

More to come!

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