Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 663: Famous everywhere【Please subscribe】

The eight-view palace lantern was spinning in the sky. Master Ziyang bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood onto the treasure.

All of a sudden, the originally softly lit Eight Scenery Palace Lanterns suddenly burst into dazzling purple-red light.

This purple-red light was quickly turned into a purple-red optical cable and connected to the fire phoenix under the command of Master Ziyang.

Then, as if it had been refueled in the air, the fire phoenix, which had been getting weaker and weaker, suddenly regained its momentum and started moving again!

Seeing this scene in Zhou Chun's eyes, it also made his eyes bulge and widen.

He also didn't expect that Master Ziyang's natal magic weapon could have such a function, and it turned out to be a rare auxiliary magic weapon!

What surprised him even more was that this treasure actually had a blessing effect on spiritual treasures such as [Yanyang Treasure Mirror].

Such an unexpected situation immediately put him in trouble.

If he continued to stick to the idea of ​​​​consumption, even if he could hold on, he would be seriously injured and burned by the high temperature released by the fire phoenix.

And he still doesn't know whether Master Ziyang has a stronger attack method.

As the saying goes, if you defend for a long time, you will lose. This road is obviously not a good way out.

Thinking like this, Zhou Chun no longer hesitated.

His consciousness communicated with the weapon spirit in the [Moon Toad Orb], and he immediately released half of the Xuanming cold energy stored in the Xuanming Water Eye.

The reason why there is a huge difference in power between spiritual treasures and magical treasures is that with the weapon spirits, they can absorb external spiritual energy and turn it into their own spiritual energy storage.

How much spiritual power a spiritual treasure can store is related to the spiritual strength of the weapon spirit and the quality of the magical treasure itself.

The weapon spirit of [Moon Toad Orb] is very spiritual and has a solid foundation, so it stores a lot of spiritual power.

But for Lingbao, these spiritual powers are the key to ensuring that he can still have a certain degree of self-protection after losing his master, and he will not use them easily.

The master of the Lingbao usually uses his own magic power to activate the Lingbao to fight, and consumes very little of the Lingbao's own spiritual power.

Only when encountering a very difficult opponent will Lingbao use its accumulated spiritual power to explode with stronger power.

At this moment, as the [Moon Toad Orb] weapon spirit bursts out a large amount of Xuanming cold energy stored in it, the magical power of the "Taiyin Body Protective Fairy Clothes" suddenly surged.

Rich white ice light burst out from the white giant toad, as if to freeze the surrounding void.

The fire phoenix, which had gained momentum as if it had taken a tonic, was immediately hit by a circle of white ice light, causing it to retreat continuously. The fire light on its body shook and shrank rapidly.

But Zhou Chun didn't give it room to dodge. As soon as he opened his mouth to spit out, a thick white beam of light broke through the air and bombarded the fire phoenix.

This time the fire phoenix was unable to escape, and was directly forced to turn into a blazing red sun and collide head-on with the white beam of light.

Then a strong red and white light bloomed in the sky above the blue sky. The terrifying power wiped out all the strong winds for dozens of miles around, forming a vacuum area.

After such an extreme collision and sublimation, the fiery red sun and the white light beam finally exhausted their power and dispersed, and they died together.

"Okay, okay, does this use the original power of the Lingbao? Let me see what other methods you have next!"

Master Ziyang looked at the Moon Toad transformed by Zhou Chun with an ugly expression and sneered repeatedly. The spell in his hand changed again. The [Fire Yang Treasure Mirror] in the mid-air immediately burst into flames, and fireballs as big as houses condensed and roared towards Zhou Chun flew away.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun's body was filled with ice, and he condensed ice shields to protect himself. As he opened his mouth, a khaki aura suddenly flew out of his mouth, turning into a human body with a snake tail. The snake puppet.

This snake-man puppet is the fifth-level puppet that Zhou Zhiying inherited from [Xuanfeng Zhenren].

When Zhou Chun returned to his family, he was already prepared to fight with the two factions of Nascent Soul monks, so on the way back, he asked Zhou Zhiying to first use the top-quality magic weapon [Blue Sky] that he could not use yet. Phantom Sword] was lent to him for sacrifice, and he also asked him to lend him this snake-man puppet as a trump card.

Originally, if he could defeat Master Ziyang with his own ability, Zhou Chun would certainly not expose the Snake Man Puppet's trump card.

But now that he saw that the opponent was powerful and could not be easily defeated by himself, Zhou Chun had no intention of hiding it.

At this moment, as soon as the snake-man puppet appeared, the stars in its eyes twinkled and it cast an illusion magic power towards Zhenren Ziyang.

When it tested Zhou Zhiying, it only used less than 10% of the power of this illusion.

Now that it was being used with all its strength under Zhou Chun's urging, this illusion magical power suddenly showed its terrifying power.

Nascent Soul stage monks who were as strong as Master Ziyang and had survived the "Heart Demon Tribulation" were suddenly distracted by the whirlpool of stars in its eyes, and fell into a momentary trance.

And how could Zhou Chun miss such a good opportunity!

He endured the bombardment of those fireballs, opened his mouth and spat out again, and the [Nine-Destroying Ice Needles] silently shot out, stabbing the vital parts of Zhenren Ziyang's body.

At the same time, the [Blue Sky Phantom Sword] that was originally fighting with the [Red Fang Sword] also took advantage of the opponent's temporary loss of contact with its master, and its flexibility was greatly reduced. It swayed directly and left a clone sword shadow to deceive the red flying sword. The main body instantly accelerated towards Master Ziyang shot through the hole.

This series of offensives were all completed in a blink of an eye. Master Ziyang, who was distracted by the illusion, had no time to take any precautions.

However, the weapon spirit of the [Yanyang Treasure Mirror] seemed to sense that its master was in danger, and at this moment, it automatically protected the master by shining a stream of red fire to protect Master Ziyang.

But although it is a spiritual treasure, it is not a defensive spiritual treasure. The red fire released by the automatic protector can defend against the attacks of the Golden Core monks, but it is far from qualified to deal with the Nascent Soul monks. .

The nine ice needles were faster and pierced the red fire protection in the blink of an eye.

But just when they were about to hit Master Ziyang, another stream of red fire suddenly burst out from Master Ziyang, turning into a wave of flames that spread outward, forming a red ring of fire in mid-air.

If you use ordinary methods and suddenly encounter such magical counterattacks, even if you are not washed away by a wave, you will inevitably drift with the current and drift away from the target.

But the magic weapon [Nine-Destroying Ice Needle] is known for its ability to break through the shield and pierce. At this time, it was like the flying fish that broke through the waves, directly piercing the fire wave and hitting various parts of the body of Master Ziyang.

However, what made Zhou Chun's heart sink slightly was that the nine invisible ice needles did not really inflict serious damage on Master Ziyang.

Because under the robe, this guy is just like him, wearing a magic weapon-level defensive inner armor, and it is also a top-grade magic weapon inner armor!

The five invisible ice needles that pierced his chest were bounced away as if they had been pierced by iron stones.

The two invisible ice needles that pierced his eyes were also knocked away by a sudden burst of fire.

In the end, only the two invisible ice needles piercing his arms successfully hit the target and penetrated his body!

As the ice needle entered his body, Master Ziyang screamed and broke free from the illusion.

Then the fire on his body became brighter, and the rich firelight formed a shield, blocking the [Blue Sky Phantom Sword] that came from the hole, causing him to sway and avoid the attack of this sword.

Immediately afterwards, a red-gold shield magic weapon flew out from his sleeve, flying around the body and blocking several slashes from the [Blue Sky Phantom Sword], and successfully supported the counterattack of the [Red Fang Sword].

Taking advantage of this gap, he used his magic power to force out the two invisible ice needles that had pierced his body.

This series of responses fully demonstrated his fighting experience and methods as a veteran Nascent Soul monk.

It's just that despite his various tricks and exquisite magic weapons, he can only struggle in vain when facing an opponent whose strength far exceeds his own.

Then the snake puppet raised his hand and waved, and a golden spear and an khaki shield appeared in his hands.

It held a spear in one hand and a shield in the other. With its tail swaying, it charged towards Master Ziyang.

Master Ziyang had already suffered a big loss from the snake-man puppet. How dare he despise this fifth-level puppet at this time.

He shouted in a low voice, and immediately activated the [Yangyang Treasure Mirror] to shine a fiery red divine light towards the snake-man puppet.

Facing the attack here, the Snake Man Puppet immediately raised his shield in front of him to block it. The yellow light emerged from the shield, which merged with the yellow light surging from its body, turning into an earthy yellow shield to firmly protect itself.

The fiery red divine light that Zhou Chun did not dare to underestimate was actually blocked by the snake-man puppet at this time, failing to break its defense!

"How can this be!"

Master Ziyang's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

Not even a Nascent Soul Stage monk without a spiritual treasure could receive his blow so easily. Why could a puppet do this?

He was filled with confusion and shock.

But neither Zhou Chun nor the snake puppet would hold anything back because of his shock and confusion.

After blocking the fiery red divine light, the snake puppet pounced on Master Ziyang again.

At this moment, Zhou Chun was using all his strength to activate the [Moon Toad Orb] and fired a powerful "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light" towards Master Ziyang.

Obviously, compared to the snake-man puppet, Zhou Chun, who is holding a spiritual treasure, is more threatening in his offensive.

Master Ziyang could only change the attack target of [Yangyang Baojian] and release a fiery red divine light to compete with the white ice light.

In this way, Zhou Chun restrained the power of Lingbao, and the snake puppet quickly approached him.

Then he quickly saw the snake puppet's melee attack capabilities.

I saw the spears in the hands of the snake man puppet dancing one after another, and the golden cold light covered the entire 100-foot area around Zhenren Ziyang.

He tried to resist the attack with the red-gold shield, but he only managed to block it for a few breaths before the spear in the hand of the snake puppet knocked the shield away. He was so horrified that he hurriedly transformed into a red flame and pulled him away. Opened the distance.

But once he was distracted by using his escape technique to dodge the snake-man puppet's attack, he would naturally not be able to concentrate on resisting the attack from Zhou Chun.

Soon, Zhou Chun, who had recovered his body, was hit by a [Gengjin Sky-Splitting Thunder] in the air, almost breaking the protective aura!

And as time went by, Master Ziyang gradually felt his arms stiffen, and the cold poison suppressed by his magic began to invade his heart and brain while he needed to use all his strength to deal with Zhou Chun and the snake-man puppet.

He is not the kind of physically powerful fifth-level demon king. If this cold poison, which looks very sinister at first sight, invades important parts such as the heart and brain, his vitality will be severely damaged even if he does not die.

So at this time he was also panicking.

Before coming to the Qinglian Mountains, he was full of confidence and did not think that Zhou Chun, a newly promoted Nascent Soul monk, would be his opponent.

After all, he, Master Ziyang, was at the top level among the early Yuanying monks. He had spiritual treasures at his side, his cultivation had reached the peak of the early Yuanying period, and he had mastered several great supernatural powers.

But he never expected that Zhou Chun, a junior, would not act according to common sense.

Not only has the baby been successfully born, he has the best magic weapon Flying Sword and Spiritual Treasure beside him, and he can also produce a fifth-level puppet that even the Yanyang Sect can't find!

Now not only could he not be able to defeat Zhou Chun, but if he continued to fight, he might be embarrassed, even though he was already very embarrassed.

This result made him extremely depressed and uncomfortable.

At this time, there was no way to advance or retreat, and we fell into a very embarrassing situation.

Seeing Zhou Chun and the Snake Man Puppet's attacks becoming more and more fierce, Master Ziyang also showed an anxious look.

He obviously couldn't utter the words of begging for mercy, but if the fight continued, he would never be the winner.

It would be great if a third party came to intervene and make peace at this time!

Thinking of this, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind, and he really thought of a way to break the situation.

I saw him soon exhaling like thunder and shouting loudly: "Where is Taoist Fellow Tianjing? Why don't you come out quickly and help me!"

The sound of drinking shook the sky and could be heard for hundreds of miles.

On Qinglian Peak, Master Tianjing, who was looking up to watch the battle in the cave, saw this and couldn't help but let out a long sigh, knowing that he could no longer sit and watch.

In fact, Zhou Chun's performance was far beyond his expectations, and the strength he showed shocked him.

Even with Zhou Chun's current strength, he is definitely no match for him.

But this is actually a good thing for him.

If Zhou Chun could take this opportunity to severely injure or even kill Master Ziyang, he would be even more applauded.

But he also knew that it was impossible to happen.

At the same time, because he has not prepared everything yet, he cannot ignore Master Ziyang's request for help today.

Immediately, he moved and quickly took off into the sky. He then said to the two fighting men: "Stop it, you two fellow Taoists. For my sake today, I have to invite you two fellow Taoists." Everyone, calm down and collect your magical powers!"

"Fellow Daoist Tianjing, are you really going to help the old thief Ziyang become the enemy of my Zhou family?"

Zhou Chun looked at Master Tianjing with an ugly expression and said in a very annoyed tone.

Master Ziyang, on the other hand, stared at Master Tianjing without speaking.

"Fellow Taoist Zhou has misunderstood. I have no intention of becoming an enemy of fellow Taoist Zhou and the Zhou family."

Master Tianjing shook his head repeatedly and said with a tone of peacemaker: "It's just that it's better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies. Since you and fellow Taoist Ziyang can't do anything to each other, why don't you each take a step back and put down your weapons for the time being? If there is any conflict, there will be no problem." You can sit down and have a good discussion to resolve the issue, there is no need to decide who will win or die!"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately smiled coldly and said: "Discuss and resolve? What is there to discuss? Old thief Ziyang clearly accepted the top-quality magic weapon offered by Zhou, but in the end he was still greedy and evil-minded, intending to force me, Mr. Zhou, to death." Ancestor, if this revenge is not avenged, how will Zhou gain a foothold in the world of immortality in the future!"

Hearing what he said, Master Ziyang immediately denied it and said: "You don't want to spit on others! When did I force your ancestor to death? It was obviously you who detained the elders of our sect first, and I just came here to serve as the elders of our sect. Just ask for justice!"

Of course he would not admit this, and his original intention was not to force Zhou Mingde to death, but just to block Zhou Chun's progress.

Although the hatred for blocking the road is irreconcilable, it is still a conspiracy, at least it will not lose too much moral points.

On the surface, it sounds much better than forcing a junior like Zhou Mingde to death!

As for beating him up and labeling Zhou Chun as imprisoning the elders of his sect, it was also to make himself appear to be a famous teacher.

In order not to end up with the reputation of trying to suppress the younger generation, but being taught a lesson by the younger generation, and become a joke in the mouths of other Nascent Soul stage monks!

As a Nascent Soul monk who has lived for more than a thousand years, Master Ziyang has long been familiar with these words, and can defend himself in the fastest and most reasonable way without thinking at all.

But he is a veteran, and Zhou Chun is not a fool.

Dang even looked at him with a sneer and asked: "Old thief Ziyang, tell me, you, the elder of Yanyang Sect, have been staying at the gate of my Zhou family for more than half a year. What are you doing? Is it possible? Can my Zhou family invite him over for tea?"


Master Ziyang's face changed slightly, his mouth opened, and he didn't know how to distinguish it for a while.

He could only turn his gaze to Tianjing Zhenren and signal him to help him out.

Seeing this situation, Master Tianjing could only cough twice and said: "Ahem, both Taoist friends, please calm down. I think you are both tired from fighting today. Why don't you go back and have a rest first? As for who is who?" Let’s wait for the two fellow Taoists to calm down and then slowly discuss this issue and talk about it, and there will always be a result!”

Hearing this, Zhou Chun immediately looked at him with sharp eyes and said, "If Zhou doesn't agree, will fellow Taoist Tianjing and the old thief Ziyang deal with Zhou together?"

"Don't get me wrong, fellow Taoist Zhou, I just don't want you to have a deeper feud with fellow Taoist Zhou family and fellow Taoist Ziyang!"

Master Tianjing turned his head slightly and replied calmly.

"I see, Zhou understands. Today, Zhou will give you, fellow Taoist Tianjing, some face, and let the old thief Ziyang go first!"

Zhou Chun stared at Master Tianjing for a long time, and finally nodded slightly and agreed in a cold tone to call it quits.

Then he quickly turned cold and said in a cold tone: "It's just that since fellow Taoist Tianjing has no relationship with my Zhou family, please ask fellow Taoist to move away from this place. The water in my Zhou family is shallow and cannot tolerate this dragon like fellow Taoist!"

As soon as these words came out, Master Tianjing immediately trembled, and then he let out a long sigh: "Hey! Since fellow Taoist Zhou has said this, I naturally dare not disobey!"

The tone was full of desolation and loneliness.

When Master Ziyang saw this, his eyes flickered slightly, and then he said to Zhou Chun with a cold face: "Since Taoist Fellow Tianjing has come forward to intercede, I will give you, this junior, a chance to sincerely repent. I hope that within three days, I can see the elders of our sect return!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Zhou Chun's response, he quickly collected the magic weapon and turned into a purple-red fire and flew away.

In this way, he watched Master Ziyang go away and disappeared from his sight. Zhou Chun nodded to Master Tianjing without leaving a trace, and then returned to the family mountain gate.

Next, under Zhou Chun's instruction, the news that Ziyang Zhenren attacked fiercely, but was injured by himself, defeated and fled back to Yanyang Sect, immediately spread within the Zhou family and the two prefectures and cities under his command.

It was also at this time that many monks in Lanzhou and Lianzhou knew that Zhou Chun, the head of the Zhou family, had actually formed a Nascent Soul!

As soon as the news spread, he did not hesitate to throw a huge stone into the lake in the Jingguo Immortal World, which immediately caused an uproar.

In just a few days, the news spread throughout every city and town in Jingguo. All the forces and casual cultivators with some channels of information knew about this event, which can be said to be the most explosive event in a century!

After careful calculation, the last immortal cultivator in Jingguo who successfully conceived a baby was Tianjing Zhenren.

And the time when the baby was successfully conceived has already passed four to five hundred years!

The monks who learned the news back then would basically be gone by now if they had not successfully formed the elixir.

Compared to Zhou Chun's success in conceiving a baby, there was not much discussion about his defeat of Master Ziyang.

First of all, the Yanyang Sect does not admit this matter at all, and will punish those monks who discuss this matter with the crime of making false remarks about the elders of the sect.

Secondly, this incident is indeed a bit too shocking and bizarre, which inevitably makes people suspect that the Zhou family deliberately released fake news to put themselves in a better position.

Many monks prefer to believe that neither of the two Nascent Soul stage monks can do anything to the other. It's just that Master Ziyang from the Yanyang Sect failed to take advantage because he was too old to bully the young, so he was too embarrassed to publicize it.

Of course, this does not affect the shock and envy of ordinary monks at Zhou Chun's success in conceiving a baby.

After the news spread, the vassal families and the forces that had interacted with the Zhou family quickly came forward with the highest cultivation level in the family, bringing heavy gifts to congratulate them.

They did not expect to be received by Zhou Chun, a real person in the Nascent Soul stage, but they were just expressing their own power's attitude towards this matter.

After all, if you send gifts and congratulations at this time, not many people in the Zhou family may remember it, but if you don’t send gifts and congratulations, once someone mentions it later, the consequences will be unpredictable!

Then many forces discovered that the monk from the Zhou family who received their congratulations on behalf of Zhou Chun this time was not Zhou Mingde or Zhou Xinyan whom they were familiar with, but Zhou Daoyi whom they had heard of before or had never heard of.

Some monks who knew something about the Zhou family's development history over the past several hundred years were secretly shocked when they discovered this.

They all knew that the Zhou family had long claimed that the former patriarch had disappeared and died.

Now it seems that the former patriarch not only did not fall, but also successfully formed the elixir.

This shows how deeply the Zhou family has hidden themselves over the years!

Zhou Chun ignored the comments and speculations from the outside world. After he returned to his cave, he began to take stock of the gains and losses of this fight with Master Ziyang.

Through this fight with Master Ziyang, he had a clear understanding of what level his own strength was in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

What is certain is that, even excluding the top-grade magic weapon [Blue Sky Phantom Sword] and the fifth-level snake-man puppet, his strength is at the top level among the early stages of Nascent Soul.

After all, except for a few early Yuanying monks who are in charge of the sect's inherited spiritual treasures, most early Yuanying monks cannot have spiritual treasures with them.

From this we can also know how precious the spiritual treasure is, and how much it adds to the strength of the Nascent Soul Stage monks!

The early Yuanying monks have spiritual treasures in their hands. Even if they are faced with the mid-Nascent Soul monks who do not have spiritual treasures, they have enough power to protect themselves and do not have to worry about any danger to their lives.

Of course, if a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul also has a spiritual treasure, he will definitely be far inferior to his opponent. If they are against each other, it is better to run away first!

In this way, counting the six existing Yuanying-stage monks in Jingguo, Zhou Chun's strength may be second only to Zhenren Yinyue, a middle-stage Yuanying monk who is also in charge of spiritual treasures.

Counting the "Four Symbols Formation of Heavenly Jue" arranged by the four spiritual pets, Master Ziyang and Master Cang Yue of Yuelun Sect, who also have spiritual treasures, may not be his opponents!

The two weakest Nascent Soul Stage monks are naturally the Yan Yang Sect’s Master Bai Yang and Master Tian Jing, both of whom have no spiritual treasures in their hands.

After thinking about this, Zhou Chun also nodded with relief and said: "This situation is similar to what I thought. Except that I have to be more careful when facing Master Yin Yue in the future and don't hang around near the Yuelun Sect's mountain gate. This Jingguo is against As far as I’m concerned, there’s no place I can’t go!”

And this is only the case now.

When any of his spiritual pets successfully survive the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation and become a fifth-level demon king, even Master Yin Yue, a middle-stage Nascent Soul monk in charge of spiritual treasures, may not be unable to fight!

As for Master Ziyang, this time in order to cooperate with Master Tianjing's plan, let him be free for a while.

In the future, when the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix survives the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation and is promoted to the fifth-level Demon King, Zhou Chun will naturally attack the Yanyang Sect and ask him to vomit out twice as much of what he has eaten before and apologize to himself honestly!

"But even if we can't take down the old thief Ziyang this time, we still have to collect some interest. Let's let Li Mingxuan pay the due price for his stupid behavior!"

Zhou Chun murmured to himself, even if Zhou Mingde personally destroyed Li Mingxuan's cultivation, drove him out of the Zhou family's mountain gate, and left him to fend for himself.

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