Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 664: The attitude of the Lunar Religion [Please subscribe]

It was as expected by Zhou Chun.

Regarding the fact that Li Mingxuan was kicked out of the mountain gate by the Zhou family after his cultivation was abolished, the Yanyang Sect simply chose to turn a blind eye, as if there was no such person in the sect.

Obviously, the words Master Ziyang left at that time were nothing more than a scene statement.

He himself also knew that after he could not "teach" Zhou Chun personally, Li Mingxuan could not even think about going back completely.

Besides, Lee Myung-hyun has ended up in this situation because of his own fault.

If he hadn't fanned the flames and caused Master Ziyang to issue that edict, it would not have triggered the subsequent events, and Master Ziyang would not have become a stepping stone for Zhou Chun to establish his power for no reason.

From this point of view, even if he can return to Yanyang Sect, Master Ziyang will definitely not make it easy for him!

Since Yanyang Sect chose to hold its nose and admit defeat, Zhou Chun did not continue to pursue and fight.

The three-legged situation of Jingguo still needs to be maintained.

Even if the Zhou family can overpower the Yuelun Sect and become the largest force in Jingguo in the future, and have the strength to destroy the Yuelun Sect and the Yanyang Sect, it is best to continue to maintain this situation.

So now that the Yanyang Sect has chosen to admit defeat and his goal of establishing prestige has been achieved, Zhou Chun certainly will not focus on fighting the Yanyang Sect to the end.

When he returned to the family this time, his goal was very clear, that is, to completely declare the Zhou family to be one of the three poles of Jingguo, so that the Zhou family could completely inherit the status and power originally possessed by Qinglian Temple.

Defeating Master Ziyang is only the first and most important step.

The next step is to negotiate with the Yuelun Sect and the Yanyang Sect, how to abrogate a series of unequal treaties previously signed, how to bring Lingzhou under the jurisdiction of the Zhou family, and how to jointly govern the Jingguo immortal world with these two families.

I believe that after Ziyang Zhenren's defeat in the Qinglian Mountains, the two families have calmed down and will definitely make further comments.

And just a few hours after Zhou Chun fought against Ziyang Zhenren, Su Yuzhen, who learned the news, rushed to the Qinglian Mountains with great excitement.

When Zhou Chun came back, he had not had time to tell her the situation because of the decree of Master Ziyang that threatened Zhou Mingde.

It was a foundation-building female cultivator from the Su family who married into the Zhou family. After learning that Zhou Chun had returned with a baby, she passed the news back to the Su family, and then she found out.

So after Su Yuzhen was shocked and delighted, he rushed to the Qinglian Mountains with excitement.

At this time, the Taoist couple met in Zhou Chun's cave. Zhou Chun also realized his negligence and quickly confessed to the Taoist couple: "I was negligent in this matter. I forgot to inform you, Madam. Please forgive me. "

"My husband is serious. You have encountered such a big thing just after you came back. It is normal that you have no time to send me a message. There is no need to apologize to me."

Su Yuzhen shook his head repeatedly and took the initiative to explain to him very understandingly.

Then she looked at Zhou Chun with her beautiful eyes wide open, and sighed with admiration in her eyes: "I feel like I'm in a dream now. I can't believe that all of this is true. My husband has become Yuan Yuan." Infancy Real Person!!”

At this point, she was so excited that she couldn't control herself and threw herself into Zhou Chun's arms.

She had never thought about hoping that her husband would become a dragon, but Zhou Chun could always shock and excite her again and again.

From the initial opening of the Zi Mansion, to the successful formation of the elixir, and then to the invincible strength of the golden elixir stage.

Time and time again, Zhou Chun conquered her heart with his performance and strength, letting her know how lucky she was to be able to be a Taoist couple with Zhou Chun.

As for Zhou Chun rarely being with her over the years, this is not a big deal.

Immortal cultivators all live long lives, and there is no need to stick together every day. Sometimes the reunion after a long separation can make it easier for Taoist couples to deepen their feelings.

For example, at this moment, with the longing that has not been seen for decades, the shock and excitement of Zhou Chun's return to the Nascent Soul, and the powerful record of defeating the veteran Nascent Soul monks just after returning, Su Yuzhen's love for Zhou Chun has reached an unprecedented level. intensity.

It is the nature of all sentient creatures to lust after others, and among humans, women are more likely to lust after men than men.

After Zhou Chun successfully conceived a baby, even female cultivators like Luo Qingni, who had a strong sense of independence, looked at him differently, let alone female cultivators like Su Yuzhen who came from a family of cultivators.

As if he felt the Taoist couple's extremely strong love, Zhou Chun suddenly stopped saying anything else he wanted to say. He only smiled slightly, picked up the Taoist couple and walked towards the bedroom.

The two of them stayed in the bedroom for several days!

And after Zhou Chun narrowly defeated Master Ziyang, things developed just as he expected. On the third day after his battle with Master Ziyang, Master Baoyue, the leader of the Moon Lun Sect, came to the Zhou family in person on behalf of the Moon Lun Sect. .

"Congratulations to Master Zhou for achieving the great achievement of Nascent Soul and attaining enlightenment."

In Zhouchun Cave Mansion, after Master Baiyue was welcomed into the place by Zhou Mingde, he took the initiative to congratulate him as soon as he saw him as the rightful owner.

According to the rules of the Moon Lun Sect, the status of Master Yue Worshiper is the same as that of a Yuanying Stage monk, so Zhou Chun didn't care that he didn't call him his senior.

After all, the Moon Lun Sect is still the de facto overlord of Jingguo. The Zhou family may not recognize these rules, but there is no need to follow them.

At that moment, he just nodded slightly with a calm expression and said: "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for your congratulations. I wonder if you have any advice for visiting me today?"

Hearing his words, Master Baiyue immediately replied humbly: "I don't dare to take it seriously. I am here today. Firstly, I want to congratulate Master Zhou on behalf of the two ancestors of our religion and congratulate Master Zhou for his great achievements in Nascent Soul. Secondly, I want to take him away." Those disciples of our sect who stayed in the Qinglian Mountains to communicate."

Zhou Chun couldn't help but laugh when he heard that he described the disciples of the Yuelun Sect who came to Zhou's house to supervise them as exchanges.

However, the relationship between the Zhou family and the Moon Lun Sect was indeed not too tense, at least on the surface, it was acceptable, so Zhou Chun did not take advantage of the situation to ridicule them at this time.

He just smiled softly and said: "I see, then I would like to ask fellow Taoist to help me say hello to the two real people of your sect on behalf of Zhou. I hope that after Zhou's Nascent Soul Ceremony, I can meet fellow Taoist Yinyue."

Seeing that he had no objection, Master Baiyue breathed a sigh of relief and responded solemnly: "I will truthfully convey Master Zhou's words to the two ancestors."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Chun spoke up again: "There is one more thing that I hope fellow Taoist fellow Daoist can tell Fellow Daoist Silver Moon and Fellow Daoist Cang Yue."

After hearing this, Master Baiyue's heart suddenly lifted.

Immediately I couldn't help but hold my breath and said: "Master, please speak, I am all ears."

"It's not a big deal, but Zhou feels that the Zhou family is now capable of making more contributions to the Jingguo Immortal Cultivation World, so he wants to provide shelter for his colleagues in the Lingzhou Cultivation World to protect them from the Yunzhou Demon The beast threatens me, I hope the two fellow Taoists from your sect can give Zhou a chance to share their worries!"

Zhou Chun said in an understatement, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing.

But after Master Baiyue heard what he said, his eyes twitched slightly, and after a while he responded in a low voice: "I understand, I will truthfully tell these two ancestors what I said. "

"Well, Zhou will be looking forward to the reply from fellow Taoist Yinyue."

Zhou Chun nodded and ended the meeting.

After seeing off Master Yue Bai, Zhou Chun also returned to his training room, and then looked at the spring of spiritual eyes in the room and pondered.

When he went out to cultivate, he did not take away all the four six-winged ice silkworms. Instead, he left them in the cave cultivation room and asked Zhou Mingde to help feed them some food regularly.

Now, decades have passed, and the four six-winged ice silkworms have undergone two cocoon transformations, and the number of wings on their bodies has also increased from one pair to two pairs.

What's more important is that the aura they exude now is no weaker than that of late-stage cultivators from the Zi Mansion, and their actual combat power is probably far superior to ordinary third-order high-grade monsters!

Such a peculiar way of growth and evolution seems to indicate that this six-winged ice silkworm family is extraordinary.

Therefore, even though Zhou Chun was now at the Nascent Soul stage, his interest in these four six-winged ice silkworms had not diminished at all.

If they continue to grow at this rate, it does not seem impossible that they will actually grow six wings in the future and become a true six-winged ice silkworm, with the strength to easily defeat the late-stage Jindan monks!

The key is that Zhou Chun has successfully given birth to a baby now, and his life will be very long in the future. He has enough time to wait for these four six-winged ice silkworms to grow up.

"It seems that those few insect pills can be fed to them now, which should speed up their evolution process to some extent!"

He looked at the four two-foot-long white ice silkworms lying on the tree stump in front of him. He immediately raised his hand and took out the insect pills placed in the cave's treasure room.

Sure enough, when he poured the insect elixir out of the sealed jade bottle, the four six-winged ice silkworms that had been motionless suddenly flew in front of him like vicious dogs that had smelled the scent of meat. , wanting to pounce and fight for it.

This is the flaw of the monster insect. Even if it is powerful, due to its low intelligence, it can easily be controlled by blood instinct and thus ignore the existence of its master.

At this time, if you don't know the art of expelling insects, you may only be able to suppress them by force through a contract.

But forcibly suppressing it like that, apart from temporarily suppressing the demonic insects, would not help at all in driving the demonic insects.

And Zhou Chun knows how to repel insects.

At this time, he first ejected a golden light to protect the insect elixir, and then made a secret with both hands to use the insect-repelling technique to guide and control the four six-winged ice silkworms, helping them to restrain their instinctive impulses and establish their master's supremacy.

Zhou Chun actually did these things when he was feeding them in the past. At that time, several six-winged ice silkworms performed very well.

It's just that this time he hasn't seen them for decades, and the previous tacit understanding is no longer there. Although the six-winged ice silkworms will not attack him with hostility due to the contract, they will not be particularly close to him.

Now he needs to come back to help them awaken their previous memories.

After such training, Zhou Chuncai took the insect pill as a reward and fed one to each of the six-winged ice silkworms.

After the four six-winged ice silkworms ate the insect pills and returned to the tree stump to sleep and digest with satisfaction, Zhou Chun also took advantage of the situation and looked at the "Qingling Xiangui" tree stump.

Decades have passed, and after absorbing countless spiritual eye springs and spiritual vein power from the Qinglian Mountains, this tree stump is finally about to complete its complete transformation.

Zhou Chun specially asked Zhou Zhiying to come over and take a look. Compared with the spiritual eye stone on the secret island, the current tree stump is not much worse.

Presumably, in a few decades at most, this object can truly transform into a spiritual eye object.

By then, Zhou Chun would have two spiritual eye objects that could assist him in his practice.

In the days that followed, Zhou Chun left all the matters related to the Nascent Soul Ceremony to Zhou Daoyi. He put some unused things into the family treasury, and then went to pay homage to the deceased Zhou Zhengyong and his son. And Zhou's elder Lin Wan'er, who also passed away.

Lin Wan'er was Lin Hongyu's adopted daughter, but Lin Hongyu had put a lot of effort into opening up the Purple Mansion for her, so the matter of forming pills didn't help her much.

And although she was successful in running a shop in Tianyuan Immortal City, her life savings were not enough to exchange for a set of pill-forming spiritual objects.

Therefore, he passed away at the end of his life.

However, after she determined that there was no hope of forming a pill, she found a qualified Qi-training period cultivator as her husband-in-law, and gave birth to several descendants, many of whom had spiritual qualifications.

Before Zuohuaxian passed away, she also used her connections with the Zhou family to occupy a piece of spiritual land in Lianzhou for her Lin family, established a small family, and also supported her son-in-law to successfully build the foundation.

For this kind of thing, Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde are both happy to see it happen.

The Zhou family now has no shortage of foundation-building and Zifu monks. These monks who are close to the Zhou family are willing to establish families within the jurisdiction of the Zhou family, which is exactly the right time to cultivate their own direct lineage team for the Zhou family.

In the future, it is entirely possible to tie these vassal families firmly to the Zhou family's chariot through inter-marriage between the monks and mortals of the two families for generations.

And these vassal families can thrive with the Zhou family as their backing.

From this aspect, the family has an advantage over the sect.

Although those cultivating sects sometimes use marriage to strengthen their influence on vassal cultivating families, such marriages are usually one-sided.

Usually, male sect monks marry female cultivators from their families, or high-level monks take female cultivators from their families as concubines, in order to increase their control over the cultivating family.

It cannot be said that there are no cases of female monks from sects marrying monks from cultivating families, but they are definitely very rare.

In this way, those cultivating families are not actually married to a sect, but to a monk from a certain sect.

After paying homage to old friends and relatives in this way, Zhou Chun also hid his cultivation and went to the wilderness.

Through previous conversations with Master Tianjing, Zhou Chun was basically certain that the Dragon Clan of Longyuanze did not have the same means as the original foreign tribe of Tianman, which could sense and monitor the fifth-level existences entering the wilderness and even Longyuanze over a wide range.

However, according to the tacit agreement between the top-level experts on both sides, human Yuanying stage monks are not allowed to easily enter the wilderness, or even Longyuan Ze, without any reason, except under special circumstances.

Similarly, the demon kings of Long Yuanze cannot enter the human kingdom.

If someone violates the rules and is surrounded and killed on the other side's territory, no one will help him even if he dies.

And if you encounter the other party going deep into the country to retaliate and pursue you later, you will not be protected.

Therefore, the Yuanying stage monks of the human race who have a family and a family will generally not take this risk.

This time Zhou Chun's body went to the wilderness, it may be the last time he went there after successfully conceiving a baby.

He did not go to the Caiyu Mountain stronghold, but went directly to the habitat of the "Sky Frost Cold Bee".

Decades later, the new queen bee has grown up, and the number of bees in the colony has increased.

The corpses of these demon bees that had died at the end of their lifespan were all frozen in a corner of the ice cave according to Zhou Chun's instructions.

Zhou Chun collected these corpses so that he could feed them to the four six-winged ice silkworms as supplements later.

Then he patted the spirit beast bag on his waist and released the Xuemei clone.

Currently, this Xuemei clone has little effect on improving his combat effectiveness, and it is inconvenient to expose it.

It just so happens that the environment here is very suitable for his practice, but he can practice quietly here and improve the progress of the "Taiyi Divided Divine Technique".

Moreover, with the clone sitting here, Zhou Chun will be able to understand the important things that happen in the wilderness stronghold immediately, eliminating the need for intermediary communication.

After settling the clone in this way, Zhou Chun returned to the cave in the Qinglian Mountains.

On the other side, when Master Baiyue returned to Yuelun Sect, he immediately went to meet Master Yinyue and conveyed the words Zhou Chun asked him to convey.

After listening to the words relayed by Master Baiyue, Master Yinyue was silent for a while, and then said calmly: "After Jieying returns, he first defeats Master Ziyang, and then asks the sect to take back the jurisdiction of Lingzhou. This Master Zhou His style of conduct is very similar to that of his old friend Qingxiao Zhenren!"

"Ancestor, what do you mean..."

Master Baiyue was a little confused about his thoughts, so he couldn't help but look at him carefully and asked for advice in a low voice.

"Judging from what Tianjing said, plus the message Ziyang sent to me, it can be basically confirmed that the Linlong climate in the Zhou family has become serious this week, and it is not convenient to confront him head-on now!"

"Since he wants this land in Lingzhou, then give it to him."

"Anyway, there are only so many people in the Zhou family, and such a large piece of land is enough for them to digest for hundreds of years."

Master Yin Yue glanced at Master Bai Yue and expressed his opinion lightly.

Hearing what he said, Master Bai Yue immediately nodded and said, "Junior understands, I will send a message later to inform the other side of your opinion."

After seeing that there was no reaction from Master Yin Yue, Master Bai Yue hesitated for a while and then said with some worry: "It's just that this junior is worried that Zhou Zhengchun's ambition is not only to satisfy this point, but also wants to be a new Qinglian Guan!"

Zhou Chun was able to successfully conceive a baby this time, but it was actually Zhenyue Baizhen who was the most shocked.

Because of Zhou Chun's outstanding performance, he specially summoned Zhou Chun to inquire and investigate the situation. Later, when he learned that the technique practiced by Zhou Chun belonged to the "Tongtian Xuan Gong", he felt relieved and thought that Zhou Chun did not have any complications. It's possible.

And even if the baby is really successful, it should not threaten the Moon Wheel Sect.

But when the news came that Zhou Chun had defeated Master Ziyang, he was completely confused.

So now he also has a kind of compensation mentality. How much he despised Zhou Chun at the beginning, he now attaches great importance to him.

In my heart, I am also very worried that Zhou Chun will become more and more evil in the future, threatening the dominance of Yuelun Sect in Jingguo.

In this case, even if he knew that it was unfair to speculate on Zhou Chun like this, he still inevitably speculated on Zhou Chun with the greatest malice.

Master Yinyue seemed to know his mentality. At this moment, he couldn't help but shook his head slightly and said: "I understand what you mean, but now the Linlong climate in the Zhou family has become such that even if I can defeat him personally, I don't have much confidence that I can defeat him." Kill him!"

"In case I fail to kill him, I'm not afraid of his revenge, but I'm afraid that you guys won't be able to leave the mountain gate in the future!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Zhenyue Worshiping Master meaningfully and said, "Besides, we are not the ones most worried about the Zhou family's growth now. There is no need for us to rush to be such evil people!"

"You mean the Yanyang Sect..."

If Master Baiyue had some realization, there was a look of thinking in his eyes.

But Master Yin Yue nodded slowly and said: "That's right, let Yanyang Sect test the Zhou Family Linlong's trump card. I have already agreed to hand over the Tianjing Yuanshen Forbidden Card to their Yanyang Sect in advance. Come to think of it, After Ziyang suffered a loss this time, he will not give up easily in the future!"

When Master Baiyue heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up and he said sincerely: "My dear ancestor, it seems that this junior is worrying too much!"

Seeing that he had understood, Master Yinyue also stopped and waved his hand and said: "In short, there is no need to show any hostility to the Zhou family for the time being. After all, the relationship between our two families was not bad before. It is necessary to block the road by myself because of something that will happen in who knows how long!"

"Furthermore, don't mention that Zhou Zhengchun was only in the early stage of Yuanying, but his spiritual pets could be promoted to the fifth-level demon king. Even if he reached the middle stage of Yuanying and several of his spiritual pets became fifth-level demon kings, it would still be impossible. You can’t bully our Moon Lun Cult, don’t forget how those fifth-level demon kings died before!”

At this point, Master Yin Yue has said everything he needs to say.

Master Baiyue was also very sensible and quickly took the initiative to say goodbye and leave.

Soon after, Zhou Chun received a message from Master Baiyue, agreeing to the transfer of Lingzhou to the Zhou family.

But Master Baiyue also said that this was only the Yuelun Sect's agreement to this matter. Whether the Yanyang Sect agreed or not, Zhou Chun had to convince himself.

"Do you want to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and let Yanyang Sect test my background first?"

Zhou Chun's eyes flashed after reading the message from Master Yue Worshiper, and he quickly understood the Yuelun Sect's plan.

To be honest, this result was not beyond his expectation, and it could even be said to be what he hoped to see.

After all, he wouldn't dare to face the Moon Lun Sect now.

It was only a hundred years ago that several fifth-level demon kings died at the Yuelun Sect Gate.

Zhou Chun would definitely not dare to hang out at the Yuelun Sect's mountain gate until he had reached the late stage of Nascent Soul or had a powerful defensive spirit treasure.

"That's good, it just gives me some more time to accumulate and grow!"

He nodded slightly and decided to continue to act as planned.

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