Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 665 The Origin of [Moon Toad Orb]

Qinglian Mountains.

After Yue Lun Jiao expressed his attitude, Zhou Chun's biggest worry was finally eliminated.

Therefore, he was also ready to start making changes to the Zhou family in other aspects.

The first thing to change is undoubtedly the Zhou family's mountain-protecting formation.

[Yimu Panlong Formation] This mountain-protecting formation is obviously not enough for the current Zhou family.

If Zhou Chunruo holds the Nascent Soul Ceremony, if other Nascent Soul Stage monks come over then, this formation will be viewed by others, and they may not be laughing at their heart.

Moreover, this formation cannot stop the Nascent Soul stage monks from peeking, which means that the safety of Zhou Chun's cave is not guaranteed, which is something that cannot be tolerated.

However, it was obviously impossible for the formation masters of the Zhou family to arrange a formation that satisfied Zhou Chun.

Zhang Liang, the only formation master of the Zhou family, has now entered old age and his life is short.

Even if Zhou Chun gave him a pill-forming spiritual object, he probably wouldn't dare to try it.

So we still have to invite outsiders to set up the formation.

With Zhou Chun's current level of cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage, as long as he is willing to pay some price or favor, it is not impossible to ask a formation master to come over and help him set up the formation.

But if something as important as protecting the mountain array is done by an outsider, the issue of trust will be a big problem.

Those formation masters are either real people at the Nascent Soul Stage, or they come from big forces.

The formation they arranged was undoubtedly undefended for themselves.

The Zhou family asked them to set up the mountain protection formation, which was equivalent to giving them a pair of house keys, so that they could enter and leave the Zhou family at any time.

This is obviously difficult for some privacy-conscious immortal cultivators to accept.

Therefore, setting up a mountain-protecting formation has always been a test of a power's foundation.

A common situation is to find suitable formation drawings, have your own formation master, and then invite a formation master to help arrange the formation.

In this way, although it is inevitable that the formation master will know some loopholes and flaws in the formation, he can make targeted inspections to make up for it.

There are also some uncommon situations, which is to find a formation master who is nearing the end of his life, attract him with a generous reward that the other party cannot refuse, and then let him commit suicide after the formation is successfully set up.

In this way, it can also ensure that the mountain protection formation leaves no future troubles.

If possible, Zhou Chun would of course want to choose the second uncommon situation.

But he also knew that that kind of thing valued opportunity and required enough patience to wait.

But now he obviously doesn't have that long-term patience, and he doesn't have enough channels to collect relevant information and know which formation masters with golden elixir cultivation level are short-lived.

So he was still considering the first common situation.

It just so happens that Zhang Liang, the formation master, still has some longevity and is not too old to move. If he can have the opportunity to cooperate with the formation master before his life is over, he can arrange a thousand-year-old mountain protection tower for the Zhou family. Formation, I think he himself would be very happy.

As for who to invite as the formation master, Zhou Chun quickly had a candidate in mind.

I saw that he quickly called Zhang Liang to the cave and told him his plan.

After finishing speaking, he also consulted Zhang Liang: "Elder Zhang, you are a master of formations. You have seen all the profound formation inheritance in your family. Which one do you think you should choose if you want to cooperate with others to set up the family's mountain-protecting formation?" Which formation chart is most suitable?"

Hearing his words, Zhang Liang suddenly looked thoughtful and did not answer immediately.

After thinking like this for a full two-quarters of an hour, he said slowly: "Returning to the real person, at the level of a junior, it is impossible to arrange a formation that is too advanced, even with the assistance of a formation master. Let's think about it again." Considering the environmental and terrain conditions of the Qinglian Mountains, there are even fewer formations that can meet the needs of real people, and I can only think of three of them."

After that, he introduced the three formations to Zhou Chun in detail.

After his detailed explanation, and considering the rare spiritual objects needed to arrange these formations, Zhou Chun made his decision without hesitating for long.

"Then choose this [Tianyi Qinglong Formation]!"

Zhou Chun quickly stated his choice.

The formation diagram of [Tianyi Qinglong Formation] is also obtained from the inheritance left by [Xuanfeng Zhenren]. It is a forbidden formation that has both offense and defense and favors wood attributes.

Once this array is deployed, it will cover an area of ​​three to four hundred miles, enough to cover all the best areas of the Qinglian Mountains. In terms of power, it will be no less powerful than the previous mountain-protecting array of Qinglian Temple, and may even be stronger. .

The biggest difficulty in arranging this formation is that it requires a fifth-level spiritual tree as the main formation base, supplemented by a top-grade wood-attribute magic weapon to suppress the formation's eyes.

With the current strength of the Zhou family, it is not difficult to gather the remaining spiritual items needed for the formation.

For other Nascent Soul stage monks, it is really difficult to find a fifth-level spiritual tree, and it is equally difficult to get a top-grade wood attribute magic weapon.

But for Zhou Chun, these two things are not very difficult.

Regarding the fifth-level spiritual tree, he could directly transplant the ten thousand-year-old blue cloud tree in the secret cave of [Xuanfeng Zhenren] and use this fifth-level spiritual tree as the main formation base.

As for the top-grade wood attribute magic weapon, the [Qing Xuan Seal] he sent to Yanyang Sect happened to meet the requirements.

Therefore, for Zhou Chun, the biggest difficulty should be how to get the Yanyang Sect to spit out the treasure [Qingxuan Seal].

"If I had known this, I wish I had not abolished Li Mingxuan before. If I asked them to exchange [Qing Xuan Seal] for it, even if it was to calm people's hearts, they would probably agree!"

After Zhou Chun asked Zhang Liang to retreat, he also sighed secretly.

It's just that the matter has come to this, and sighing is useless, not to mention that Li Mingxuan deserves to die!

"If it really doesn't work, I can only use a high-grade magic weapon to support it first!"

He frowned and thought for a long time, only to come up with this solution that was not a solution.

Using high-grade magic weapons to suppress the formation's eyes will greatly reduce the offensive and defensive power of the [Tianyi Qinglong Formation], but the impact on other aspects will be small.

Therefore, as long as no Nascent Soul Stage monks attack the formation, or a formation master who is proficient in formations observes deeply, most people can still be frightened.

And now Zhou Chun only needs to scare people and hold up the tiger's skin.

When his spiritual pet succeeds in overcoming the tribulation and becomes a fifth-level demon king, he can naturally go to the Yanyang Sect and ask Master Ziyang to hand over the top-grade magic weapon [Qing Xuan Seal], which will then be replaced by the top-grade magic weapon that suppresses the formation eye.

After making the decision, Zhou Chun no longer hesitated, and immediately ordered the Zifu and Jindan monks in the family to go to surrounding countries and even the Great Zhou Kingdom to collect relevant formation materials, and went to Shen Kingdom in person.

The State of Shen is a neighboring country of Jingguo, and its largest force is called Yuanxu Mountain. It now has two real people in the Yuanying stage, one of whom is still in the middle stage of the Yuanying stage.

After Zhou Chun entered the Kingdom of Shen, he went directly to the gate of Yuanxu Mountain.

When he was fighting against the tide of giant beasts, he had cooperated with Master Qianmu, a Yuanying-stage monk in Yuanxu Mountain, and he was quite appreciated by the other party, so they had a bit of friendship.

It was also at that time that I learned that Master Qianmu was actually a master of formations.

With this kind of relationship, when thinking about who to ask to assist in setting up the mountain protection formation, Zhou Chun naturally thought of Master Qianmu easily.

Although he has never been to Yuanxu Mountain before, as a Yuanying Stage monk now, it is not difficult to visit him.

After revealing his cultivation, Zhou Chun was quickly welcomed into the cave by Master Qianmu himself.

The two of them were seated separately as guest and host in Qianmu Zhenren's cave, and soon a maid came forward to serve tea.

Immediately, I saw Master Qianmu looking at Zhou Chun with piercing eyes and said: "I heard the news about Daoyou Zhou having a baby earlier, and I was still talking about Daoyou Zhou with my senior brother. The senior brother was also extremely surprised after hearing how Daoyou Zhou behaved in the beast tide, and intentionally I want to get acquainted with fellow Taoist Zhou."

As he spoke, he also said with emotion: "I didn't expect that before I sent an invitation to Fellow Daoist Zhou, Fellow Daoist Zhou took the initiative to visit me. This really makes me feel honored!"

When he said these words, he felt very uneasy inside.

Although they were not in the same country and had no interest in each other, these foreign Yuanying monks did not react as strongly to Zhou Chun's successful marriage as the Yuanying monks in Jingguo.

But after learning Zhou Chun's general information, he couldn't help but be shocked.

After all, when Zhou Chun showed up decades ago, he was only in the middle stage of the Golden Core. However, in the past few decades, he had successfully crossed over to the late stage of the Golden Core to successfully conceive a baby.

This speed of cultivation improvement is really shocking.

Considering that he is less than 600 years old, this makes people dare not look down upon him.

Moreover, after others heard that Zhou Chung had just successfully conceived a baby and defeated Master Ziyang, they might think it was a bit exaggerated and untrue.

However, Qianmu Zhenren, who had personally witnessed Zhou Chun's great power in the Beast Tide War, felt that this matter was most likely true.

Because of this, he felt very uneasy when he was sitting face to face with Zhou Chun.

After Zhou Chun listened to his words, he immediately said very humbly: "Fellow Taoist Qianmu is too polite. Before Zhou had a baby, Taoist Taoist took great care and protection of Zhou during the Beast Tide War. Since then, Zhou will always remember this kindness in his heart, and it is appropriate for him to come to the door in person to say thank you to fellow Taoist."

He had said this before, but Qianmu Zhenren didn't pay much attention to it at that time.

But now when he heard what he said again, Master Qianmu immediately showed a comfortable smile, and couldn't help waving his hands repeatedly: "Young Taoist Zhou said something serious. What happened in the first place was that Taoist Zhou himself won my trust by relying on his strength and performance. I don't dare to be greedy." achievement."

That's what he said, but the smile on his face obviously said it all.

Seeing that he did not ask further about the purpose of his visit, Zhou Chun could only take the initiative and said: "To be honest, fellow Taoist Qianmu, Zhou came to visit today. In addition to thanking fellow Taoist for his kindness in protecting me, he also had something to do. I would like to ask fellow Taoists for help."

Hearing this, Master Qianmu immediately narrowed his eyes and asked with a calm face: "Oh, I don't know what is going on?"

"It's like this. Fellow Taoist Qianmu has some understanding of the situation of Zhou's family. Now, although Zhou has successfully conceived a baby, the Qinglian Mountains are enough to serve as Zhou's dojo cave, but there is still a lack of a sufficient cave. A mountain-protecting formation that matches the spiritual veins of this place and Zhou’s identity.”

"It's a pity that my Zhou family's background is shallow. Although I have a few good formation diagrams, I don't have a formation master who can arrange them, so I can't complete the formation independently!"

"And Zhou knows that Fellow Daoist Qianmu's formation attainments are among the best among the Tianling countries, so he would like to ask Fellow Daoist to help guide the formation masters of my Zhou family in setting up the mountain-protecting formation."

Zhou Chun looked at Zhenren Qianmu with a sincere expression and softly stated his request.

After hearing his request, Master Qianmu did not refuse or agree immediately, but only showed a thoughtful look.

And he could only wait quietly.

After waiting like this for almost a quarter of an hour, Master Qianmu looked at him and said: "Normally, I have some friendship with fellow Taoist Zhou. I shouldn't refuse this matter. It's just that the mountain guarding formation is very important. If something happens in the future, I can't." It’s hard to explain!”

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately replied seriously: "Zhou knows what fellow Taoist Qianmu means. As long as fellow daoist is willing to help and successfully arranges the formation, everything in the future will have nothing to do with fellow daoist, and there will definitely be no reward." I’ve treated fellow Taoist badly!”

Seeing what he said, Master Qianmu could no longer refuse easily, and immediately nodded and said: "Well, since Fellow Daoist Zhou is already prepared, I will try my best to help Fellow Daoist give it a try!"

"Thank you so much, fellow Taoist Qianmu."

Zhou Chun looked happy and quickly bowed his hands to express his gratitude.

After finalizing the formation in this way, Zhou Chun felt relieved, and soon met with Master Yuanhe, the mid-stage Yuanying monk in Yuanxu Mountain under the introduction of Master Qianmu.

The three Yuanying masters drank tea and discussed Taoism together in the cave of Yuanhe master, chatting about various anecdotes and secret histories, and each gained something.

While chatting like this, it was inevitable that the battle between Zhou Chun and Ziyang Zhenren would come up.

Although Shen State is a neighboring country of Jing State, it is separated by a country after all. In addition, the war did not last long that day. There were even fewer people who could see the whole process clearly. The information they learned was also very limited and was not guaranteed. real.

Now that Zhou Chun is right in front of them, they are naturally curious and want to know more.

Mainly, I want to know how Zhou Chun defeated Master Ziyang who had a spiritual treasure in his hand!

Because Zhou Chun still wanted to seek help from Master Qianmu, and because of the situation at that time, Master Ziyang might not cover up for him. Sooner or later, the methods he used would be known to the circle of Yuanying monks, so he did not avoid it. Let’s look at the situation between the two at that time.

Unexpectedly, after listening to his story, Master Yuanhe's expression suddenly changed, as if he had thought of something. He couldn't help but look at him deeply, and then showed a thoughtful expression.

After Zhou Chun noticed this, his heart moved, and he immediately asked: "Did Zhou say something wrong just now? I think fellow Taoist Yuanhe seems to have something to say."

Hearing his question, Master Yuanhe immediately shook his head and said: "It's not that there is anything wrong with what Fellow Daoist Zhou said, it's just that after listening to Fellow Daoist Zhou's words, I thought of a rumor I had heard before. Now it seems that maybe that rumor is not true. What a lie!"

"Oh, I don't know what the rumor is? Please give me some advice, fellow Taoist."

Zhou Chun concentrated for a moment and immediately asked.

Master Yuanhe looked at him with a strange look at this time, and then said slowly: "That rumor is related to the Tianling Sect, the former overlord of our world. It is said that when the Tianling Sect dominated the entire Tianling world, There is a famous magical power in the door called "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit". After mastering it, you can freely transform into various powerful monsters, and completely inherit the magical talents of that monster!"

"In order to maximize the power of this great magical power, the Tianling Sect has made a crazy plan to refine the inner elixir of the demon king and the soul of the demon soul from the nine powerful demon beast races. Create nine powerful spiritual treasures, and then use this great magical power to integrate the power of the nine spiritual treasures into one, making it an unprecedented set of spiritual treasures!"

"It's just that it was said that the plan was only half way through when the Tianling Gate was led by the God-Transforming Demon Saint and many powerful demon kings to attack the mountain gate. After an earth-shattering battle between the two sides, the gate of Tianling Gate was finally razed to the ground. End on the ground!”

"After that, except for the [True Dragon Treasure Seal] that was later learned to be inherited by the Hualong Sect, there is no news about the other refined spiritual treasures from Tianling Sect. I don't know whether they were destroyed or destroyed. The demon kings took it away.”

"And even the [True Dragon Treasure Seal] disappeared after the first destruction of the Hualong Sect!"

After saying these words, not only Zhou Chun's expression suddenly changed, but even Qian Mu looked at him in surprise.

At this time, Zhou Chun realized why Master Yuanhe's eyes were so weird just now.

At the same time, it was also at this time that he realized that the [Moon Toad Orb] and the "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: Moon Toad Chapter" he practiced had such origins!

At this time, he didn't know whether to be happy or annoyed.

If he had known about this earlier, he would not have easily transformed into the Lunar Moon Toad during the battle with Master Ziyang.

After all, no one knows whether any of the enemies Tianling Sect provoked in the first place will survive, or whether they will target him because of this.

This is the shortcoming of a shallow inheritance background. They are completely unaware of many secret records in the upper circles.

If Master Yuanhe hadn't mentioned this today, Zhou Chun might still be in the dark.

Seeing that his expression changed drastically and he had not spoken for a long time, Master Yuanhe seemed to understand his mood, and immediately comforted him and said, "Don't worry, fellow Daoist Zhou, it has been more than six or seven thousand years since the Tianling Sect was destroyed. It has been such a long time." In the past, even if there was a demon king who survived the war and subsequently broke through to the sixth level, his lifespan is probably about to end now."

"What's more, the reason why those demon saints and demon kings targeted the Tianling Sect was because the Tianling Sect did have the strength to threaten their respective races, and even if you inherited some of the Tianling Sect's inheritance, it is unlikely that you would have that kind of power. Strength!"

However, these words seemed to comfort Zhou Chun, but in fact they were full of temptation.

Therefore, after Zhou Chun heard what he said, he immediately became vigilant. He quickly shook his head and denied: "Fellow Yuanhe has misunderstood. Zhou's [Moon Toad Orb] may indeed be related to Tianling Sect, but Zhou can I swear, Zhou definitely did not obtain the Tianling Sect’s inheritance or other relics, he just happened to get this thing from a frozen corpse when his cultivation was weak in the past!”

Hearing his words, Master Yuan He acted as if nothing had happened, and immediately said: "If that's the case, you don't have to worry anymore, fellow Daoist Zhou. Now that you have successfully conceived a baby, you can be considered an important member of our human race. With all the god-forming venerables protecting you above, even the demon saints of the demon race will not dare to attack you at will in the borders of our human race!"

Master Qianmu also spoke up: "What senior brother said is absolutely true. It was well known to everyone that the Hualong Sect obtained the [True Dragon Seal], and there was no demon clan or demon saint who took action against them, let alone someone like you." I’ve never heard of the [Moon Toad Orb]!”

Regardless of whether they believe Zhou Chun's words or not, they must not let Zhou Chun misunderstand them at this time.

After all, Master Yuanhe told Zhou Chun this secret, which was a sign of goodwill in itself, although there was some temptation in it.

After hearing what the two said, Zhou Chun did realize that he had been a little too worried.

So he immediately calmed down and said: "What the two fellow Taoists said is absolutely true, but just now it was Zhou who was a little out of his mind."

After saying that, he looked at Master Yuanhe with curiosity and asked: "I just heard fellow Taoist Yuanhe talking about the Hualong Sect and the [True Dragon Seal] spirit treasure. Could it be that the Hualong Sect is the successor to the Tianling Sect?" inheritance?”

Having said this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "To be honest with you two, Zhou had a special experience in the past. He also had a fourth-level thunder dragon pet, so he also practiced the Dragon Transformation Sect's "Secret of Dragon Transformation" magical power! "

When he heard this question, Master Yuanhe immediately replied: "The Hualong Sect must have indeed received part of the Tianling Sect's inheritance, otherwise their "Secret of Transforming Dragons" could not have been created out of thin air. The sect was destroyed that year. Although it is because he has a way to kill himself, it is difficult to say that there is no behind-the-scenes push from the Jiaolong clan!"

"I think this is also why after the Hualong Sect was destroyed for the first time, the [True Dragon Seal], the spiritual treasure that suppressed the sect, mysteriously disappeared."

"It is estimated that it was either taken by the Jiaolong Clan, or taken away by a certain senior official who did not want this thing to fall into the hands of the Jiaolong Clan!"

Compared with the long-standing existence of Tianling Sect and the records of Hualong Sect, Yuanxu Mountain and other large sects can be said to be very detailed, so the tone of Master Yuanhe is also very affirmative.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun simply asked the other party to allow him to read and copy an intelligence record about the Hualong Sect in Yuanxu Mountain.

Regarding his request, neither Master Yuanhe nor Master Qianmu objected, and happily agreed.

After all, the Hualong Sect has been completely destroyed now. Even if Zhou Chun gets rid of these intelligence materials, it will only be more fodder for future discussions.

Of course they would not refuse such a favor.

Zhou Chun was also very grateful for the help and advice from Yuanxu Shan's two Yuanying stage masters. He not only invited Yuanxu Shan to attend his Yuanying ceremony, but also promised to provide Yuanxu Shan with some high-level dragon spiritual blood or The phoenix blood material was a thank you to the two of them.

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