Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 666 Old thief Ziyang, you forced me to do it [Please subscribe for the big chapter]

The harvest gained by Yuanxu Mountain and his party was somewhat beyond Zhou Chun’s expectations.

Not only did he solve the matter of setting up the mountain protection formation, but he also solved a long-standing doubt in his heart and learned many secrets of the world of immortality.

After he returned to Qinglian Peak, he also spent some time carefully studying the Hualong Sect intelligence information brought back from Yuanxu Mountain.

The information on Hualong Sect is extremely detailed, and there is even information on some of the high-level monks in Hualong Sect when it was first destroyed a thousand years ago.

Looking at it like this, Zhou Chun's mind suddenly moved, and he recalled an anecdote he heard hundreds of years ago.

He remembered that when he went to the Great Zhou Kingdom, he planned to lure his former enemy Wang Jun into the Black Mist Lake to kill him, and then attracted the Wang family ancestor Kuang Lei Zhenren behind him.

Later, in order to shirk the blame, he guided Master Kuang Lei to the secret base of the bandit cultivator organization in Black Mist Ze, and took advantage of the situation to trick Master Kuang Lei again!

If I remember correctly, it was mentioned in the news that he later purchased from Tianzhilou that the powerful enemy that Kuang Lei encountered at that time was a double-headed monster with the coexistence of the soul of a human Yuan Ying stage monk and the soul of a dragon demon. Black dragon.

Master Kuang Lei also released the news afterwards, saying that the double-headed black dragon also had an extremely powerful seal spirit treasure.

"Could that seal spiritual treasure be the [True Dragon Treasure Seal] that Master Yuanhe calls it?"

A look of surprise flashed across Zhou Chun's face, and he suddenly thought of this possibility.

It's no wonder that he would have such an association. After all, the coexistence of the human soul of a monk in the Nascent Soul stage and the soul of a dragon demon soul is really unbelievable.

Ordinary Nascent Soul stage monks, even if they really raised a dragon spirit pet during their lifetime, and had no choice but to use some secret technique to integrate the Nascent Soul into the body of the dragon spirit pet in a crisis, it is unlikely that they could successfully do this. .

But what if you are a Nascent Soul monk who has practiced "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: True Dragon Chapter"?

According to Master Yuanhe, since the [Moon Toad Orb] is made from the demon elixir and demon soul soul of the fifth-level Taiyin Moon Toad Demon King, then the [True Dragon Seal] must also be made from the fifth-level dragon. Demon elixir and demon soul soul.

It seems quite reasonable that the monks at the Nascent Soul stage who have mastered the "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: True Dragon Chapter" have the spiritual treasure "True Dragon Seal" in hand and can do things that others cannot. .

"It seems that after I have passed through the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation in vain in the future, I will go to Leiya Valley again to find the Kuanglei Master to settle my grudges. By the way, I want to find out what happened!"

Zhou Chun silently remembered this matter in his heart.

This also reminded him of another thing, that is, the secret technique of "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: Moon Toad" that he had practiced was still at the level of minor success.

If you want to practice this secret technique to the level of Dacheng, you must either use the blood essence of the fifth-level demon king with the bloodline of the Taiyin Moon Toad, or it can only be assisted by continuously purifying the blood essence in the body of the fourth-level demon beast.

Once one has reached the level of Dacheng in cultivation, one can still transform into the Taiyin Moon Toad even without the [Moon Toad Orb] in hand and without the blessing of the "Moon Toad Possession" magical power.

If you have cultivated this secret skill to a great level and have the [Moon Toad Orb] in your hand, you can have a two-to-two additive effect, increasing the power of the [Moon Toad Orb] as a spiritual treasure. to a new level.

When Zhou Chun was able to practice the secret technique to a small level, he achieved this result by directly using up all the blood and essence in a fourth-level mid-level monster [Watching the Moon Ice Toad].

Because after completing the secret technique, he could already withstand the magical blessing of "Moon Toad Possession", Zhou Chun later had no special thoughts about the ultimate state of the secret technique in "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: Moon Toad Chapter".

After all, it seemed at the time that it was really impossible to master this secret technique.

But now that he has successfully conceived a baby and will live a long life in the future, he can consider this matter.

It just so happened that he still kept the [Moon-Watching Ice Toad] demon elixir, and it might come in handy when the time comes.

But whether it is to verify the whereabouts of the [True Dragon Treasure Seal] or to secretly practice the secret technique of "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: Moon Toad Chapter", these are things that Zhou Chun can only consider when he has stronger strength and more free time.

What he has to do now is to arrange the [Tianyi Qinglong Formation] and hold his own Nascent Soul Ceremony.

So he quickly went to visit Luo Qingni again.

After Luo Qingni joined the Zhou family, she chose a spiritual peak with a quiet environment not far from Qinglian Peak to live.

Although the spiritual energy there is not as rich as Qinglian Peak, it is more than enough for her current stage of cultivation.

Zhou Chun and the Zhou family were naturally full of respect for the alchemy master, and directly designated the twenty-mile radius of his cave as their private territory, prohibiting other Zhou family members from entering at will.

Luo Qingni reciprocated this. Soon after settling in the new cave, he began to take the time to learn about and give guidance to the alchemists of the Zhou family.

When Zhou Chun came to her cave, he happened to see her taking care of a medicine garden outside the cave, while Mu Mei Mu Sang and several female cultivators from the Zhou family who acted as her maids were assisting.

After Zhou Chun no longer needed to conceal the existence of Mu Mei Mu Sang, this spirit was also attracted by Luo Qingni's aura and almost regarded her cave as home, often coming here to play with it.

Luo Qingni was also very curious and affectionate towards spirits like Mu Mei, and also liked Mu Mei's company.

At the same time, she was also greatly amazed and delighted by Mu Mei Mu Sang's ability to ripen elixirs.

This kind of magical power is simply the magical power that alchemists dream of!

Seeing Zhou Chun come to the door at this time, Mu Mei Mu Sang naturally returned to his master immediately.

Luo Qingni also quickly handed over the management of the medicine garden to a few maids and came to receive Zhou Chun personally.

"How's it going? Qing Ni, are you still used to living in this new environment? But is there anything else you need help from Zhou and the Zhou family to buy?"

In the living room, after Zhou Chun drank the spiritual tea brewed by Luo Qingni himself, he started to care about the beauty's living conditions with a smile on his face.

"It was true that I was a little uncomfortable at first, but I have gradually adapted to it recently. The spiritual energy here is rich, and it is more suitable for Qing Ni's practice than the cave in Tianyuan Immortal City. The scenery in the mountains is also good, and you can often go out to enjoy the scenery. There are also descendants arranged by the Zhou family Qing Ni is very satisfied with helping with some chores."

Luo Qingni also took a sip of tea, and then answered with a satisfied look on his face.

Although her answer was somewhat embellishment, it was generally in line with the truth. At least based on Zhou Chun's understanding of her, she didn't hear anything unpleasant.

Therefore, the smile on Zhou Chun's face became a little wider. He couldn't help but nodded and said: "If Qing Ni is satisfied with you, it would be the best."

Then, just when he was thinking about how to explain his purpose, Luo Qingni's eyes suddenly moved, and she took the initiative to look at him and asked: "Fellow Daoist Zhou came here today, I'm afraid it's not just for chatting with Qingni. I don't know what I need to use." Qingni’s place?”

"Haha, Qing Ni, you understand me."

Zhou Chun chuckled, without any embarrassment about having his purpose revealed. He nodded and said, "Yes, I came to see Qing Ni today. I really want to ask you for a favor with something."

"Oh, but I don't know what it is? Fellow Daoist Zhou just said it doesn't matter."

Luo Qingni narrowed her eyes and replied calmly.

"It's like this. Zhou wants to set up a brand new mountain-protecting formation for his family. This formation needs to be based on fifth-level spiritual trees. This level of spiritual trees can only be found in the secret cave above Duolan Grassland. It grows, so Zhou wants to ask Qing Ni to accompany Ying'er to go there and transplant a ten-year-old Qingyun tree there!"

When Zhou Chun said this, he also smiled slightly and said: "Of course, Qingni, you can also go to the various medicine gardens there. If you find any elixir that is useful for your alchemy, you can ask Ying'er to bring it back with you. .”

It was just as he expected.

When he said these words, Luo Qingni's originally calm face could no longer maintain it.

I saw his pretty face change, and he looked so surprised that he couldn't help but look up at him and exclaimed: "Do you really mean what you said, fellow Daoist Zhou? Are you teasing Qing Ni?"

"When did Zhou deceive you Qing Ni about such matters?"

Zhou Chun smiled lightly and replied in a calm tone.

Hearing his response, Luo Qingni's face suddenly filled with joy, and she quickly responded: "Fellow Taoist Zhou, please don't misunderstand me. Qingni was just excited and made a slip of the tongue. He did not really doubt Taoist Friend."

After saying this, he couldn't hide his joy and agreed: "Fellow Daoist Zhou, you can rest assured to leave this matter to Qing Ni. Qing Ni will definitely assist the disciple in handling this matter."

For her, it was always a knot in her heart that the opportunity of that secret cave was left to others.

Although the current result is not too bad, she has long accepted the fact that she has no chance of it.

But if you say in your heart that you don't have any grudges at all, you are lying to yourself.

So going to the secret island again and seeing the whole secret island with her own eyes became an unspeakable vision deep in her heart.

But now that Zhou Chun came to her door and gave her such a chance to untie her knot, how could she not be extremely excited.

If this heart knot can be solved before the elixir is transformed into a baby, there will undoubtedly be one less flaw in the future "Heart Demon Tribulation"!

"Qing Ni, Zhou will naturally feel at ease when you do things."

Zhou Chun looked at Luo Qingni, who was full of joy, and said with a chuckle.

In fact, he chose to let Luo Qingni help with this matter because she was the most suitable.

First of all, she is strong enough and already knows the existence of the secret island, so there is no risk of leaking the secret.

Secondly, she is a very suitable candidate for this job, both in terms of the skills she practices and her skills in taking care of spiritual herbs and elixirs.

After several days of preparation, Zhou Chun took Luo Qingni and Zhou Zhiying and quietly rushed to the Great Zhou Kingdom.

In order to rush for time and hide his whereabouts, Zhou Chun personally took the two girls on the road this time.

With the speed of his Nascent Soul stage monk, it only took him less than two days to reach the border of Duolan Grassland.

Zhou Chun then handed over his five spiritual pets to Zhou Zhiying to carry, and then watched the two girls disappear into the depths of the grassland.

"Among the secret arts and magical powers left by [Master Xuanfeng], there seems to be a secret technique called "Dayan Tianji Jue". After successful practice, it not only has the wonderful ability to deduce the heaven's secrets, but also can reversely cover the heaven's secrets, and is not affected by many The profound and mysterious tracking method is locked, and it seems that it is necessary to try to see if I can learn it in the future!"

He looked at the tall and green Dolan Grassland in front of him, and silently made a training plan for himself in his heart.

Although he is now at the Nascent Soul Stage, it is still unavoidable that the "Vengeance Blood Eagle" of the Multi-Wing Clan is on the trail.

In fact, many of the Nascent Soul stage monks here in the Great Zhou Kingdom have been locked and tracked for a long time. As long as they enter the grassland, they will be known to the Multi-Wing Clan.

Therefore, it is impossible to even think about relying on the general secret method of concealing aura to avoid the "Vengeance Blood Eagle"'s tracking.

Zhou Chun didn't know if the secret technique of "Dayan Tianji Jue" was useful, but he had to give it a try.

After all, he also wanted to go back to the secret island to see it.

Furthermore, if this "Dayan Tianji Jue" can even cover up the tracking of the "Vengeance Blood Eagle", he will not have to worry about being found in those foreign areas in the future, or if he offends a certain big force. Following the clues, he came to seek revenge.

In the following time, Zhou Chun found a place to stay casually in the border area, waiting patiently for the return of Zhou Zhiying and Luo Qingni.

As for the safety of the two girls, he wasn't too worried.

With his five spiritual pets acting together, any monk below the Nascent Soul stage would be able to capture them easily. It would not be difficult to capture them alive.

So even if the multi-winged tribe's great mage discovers them on the road, they can capture him and seal his cultivation to prevent the news from leaking out.

Even if you meet a holy mage who has cultivated in the Nascent Soul stage, the "Four Symbols of Heaven" composed of four spiritual pets can last for a while, waiting for Zhou Chun to rush to the rescue.

Time passed slowly like this, and Zhou Chun waited for almost five months before the two girls returned.

I saw yellow light flashing on the ground, and a golden-armored mountain turtle with a body over a hundred feet long emerged from the ground.

And on its back, in addition to the khaki stone mountain and the two Luo Qingni girls, there was also a giant green tree hundreds of feet high!

That giant green tree is the fifth-level spiritual tree, the Ten Thousand Years Blue Cloud Tree.

In its normal state, this tree is nearly a thousand feet tall, which can be said to reach straight into the clouds.

If you want to transplant and bring back such a giant tree, there is no way to go underground.

Therefore, Luo Qingni and the others could only use secret methods to cut off the giant tree to seal its vitality. After returning to the Zhou family, they transplanted the root system of the giant tree to Qinglian Peak, and then reattached the severed parts.

In this way, although the vitality of this fifth-level spiritual tree will be greatly damaged, it can ensure the safety and smoothness of the trip.

Anyway, with the existence of Mu Mei Mulang and the nourishment of the spiritual veins of Qinglian Peak, this fifth-level spiritual tree can recover its vitality in just a few decades.

At this time, when he saw that the second daughter had successfully brought out the fifth-level spiritual tree, the Ten Thousand Years Blue Cloud Tree, Zhou Chun, after a few words of concern, returned to the family as quickly as possible with the second daughter and the Ten Thousand Years Blue Cloud Tree.

On the way back, although some monks saw the Ten Thousand Years Blue Cloud Tree flying in the sky above the blue sky, when they discovered that there were Nascent Soul Stage monks on it, they all immediately pretended that they had not seen anything and stayed away from it.

In less than two days, Zhou Chun returned to the Qinglian Mountains with the Ten Thousand Years Qingyun Wood.

Luo Qingni then took matters into his own hands, and with Mu Mei's assistance, transplanted the Evergreen Cloud Tree to the main base of the [Tianyi Qinglong Formation], and reconnected the severed trunks.

Such a thousands-foot-tall Qingyun tree has taken root on Zhoujia Qinglian Peak.

The appearance of such a giant tree quickly became the subject of heated discussion among the monks of the Zhou family.

Soon, many forces in Jingguo knew that the Zhou family's Yuan Ying stage master had transplanted a fifth-level spiritual tree, the Ten Thousand Years Blue Cloud Tree, from nowhere.

"A fifth-level spiritual tree, although it is just a blue cloud tree used for refining weapons, is no less valuable than a top-grade magic weapon. The key is that if such a spiritual tree appears in the outside world, it basically has an owner. Its owner Either he is a real person in the Nascent Soul stage or he is a fifth-level demon king!"

"In this way, this son has really inherited the mantle of a certain senior monk and obtained a secret cave that cannot be left in the world!"

Inside the Yanyang Sect's mountain gate, Master Ziyang looked at the intelligence message handed over by the people below, and his face changed slightly, showing a solemn expression.

During this time, he was not idle.

Ever since he was defeated by Zhou Chun, he knew that the Zhou family would be a formidable enemy of the Yanyang Sect in the future, so he attached great importance to arranging personnel to carefully trace Zhou Chun's growth process and the magical powers and secret techniques he used during his growth.

A few days ago, he obtained the Soul Restriction Token that controlled Master Tianjing from Master Yin Yue of Yuelun Sect. He directly used this to force Master Tianjing to reveal all the secret information he knew about Zhou Chun and the Zhou family.

Only then did he know that Zhou Chun was able to successfully transform elixirs into babies so quickly because he inherited the legacy of a certain senior monk and obtained the [Infant Transformation Pill] and other baby-creating spiritual objects.

Since you can even obtain the [Infant Transformation Pill], it is natural to obtain the fifth-level puppet and the best magic weapon.

This can also explain why Zhou Chun's cultivation speed has soared since he successfully formed the pill, and his speed of breaking through realms is faster than ordinary people.

It's just that this information is Master Tianjing's version after all, and Master Ziyang doesn't dare to believe it.

It wasn't until today, when he learned that Zhou Chun had transplanted another fifth-level spiritual tree, that he completely believed the words of Master Tianjing.

Then he also began to think about Zhou Chun's intention of suddenly transplanting the fifth-level spiritual wood back to his family.

"This son has gone to great lengths to transplant a ten-year-old Qingyun tree that can only be used for weapon refining. It is certainly not because he wants to use it to enhance his family's heritage. Most likely, he wants to use this tree as a base to build a powerful formation. The forbidden formation!"

"However, there is no formation master in the Zhou family. With his previous cultivation level and background, there is a high probability that he will not have the opportunity to contact the formation master. If this forbidden formation is to be successfully deployed, I am afraid that a formation master will have to be invited to take action."

"Yes, the intelligence said that during the last beast tide war, he was highly appreciated by fellow Taoist Qianmu from Yuanxu Mountain in Shen State, and he went out of his way to protect him secretly. Now that he has successfully conceived a baby, fellow Taoist Qianmu will definitely I’m willing to sell him a favor and help him set up a mountain-protecting formation!”

Master Ziyang's eyes flashed, and he guessed Zhou Chun's plan just by relying on the news about a fifth-level spiritual tree.

However, although he guessed Zhou Chun's plan and wanted to intervene to destroy it, he found that there was no chance.

First of all, Yuanxu Mountain is stronger than their Yanyang Sect, and it is impossible for him to convince Master Qianmu to give up helping Zhou Chun.

Secondly, after he lost the previous time, he never thought about looking for Zhou Chun to fight again in a short time.

What's more, even if he can destroy it this time, Zhou Chun can still find someone to arrange the mountain protection formation again.

Taking action hastily will only make the conflict more intense, making it difficult to end it.

"That boy has become a mature man now. If I don't take action now, it will be fine. Once I do, I will hit the vital point directly and make him irrecoverable!!"

With a cold flash in his eyes, Master Ziyang gradually restrained his thoughts of sabotage and decided to ignore the matter for now.

As a large amount of information about Zhou Chun's growth was sent to him, he gradually had an idea on how to plot against Zhou Chun.

If everything goes well, within a few years, he will be able to plunge Zhou Chun, the newly promoted Nascent Soul monk, into a place of eternal doom!

On the other side, Zhou Chun certainly didn't know that Master Ziyang had already found a way to deal with him.

After he transplanted the Ten Thousand Years Blue Cloud Wood back, he had Zhang Liang's adjusted [Tianyi Blue Dragon Formation] formation map sent to Yuanxu Mountain and handed over to Qianmu Zhenren, the formation master, for enlightenment.

After the Zhou family has collected all the spiritual materials needed to set up the formation, they can invite Master Qianmu to come over and coordinate with them to set up the formation.

According to Zhou Chun's plan, his Nascent Soul Ceremony will also be postponed until the [Tianyi Azure Dragon Formation] is successfully arranged before it can be held.

In this way, there would be nothing for him to do before the formation was set up.

Under this situation, Zhou Chun also calmed down and sorted out his future practice plans.

The first thing to make clear is that from now on, unless he goes out to visit friends or is invited to participate in some activities in the Nascent Soul Stage monk circle, he probably won't go out to travel until Luo Qingni successfully conceives a baby.

As for the reason for waiting for Luo Qingni to conceive a baby, it is naturally because if Luo Qingni succeeds in conceiving a baby, he can take his place in the Zhou family. At the same time, the two of them can work together to plan and refine the kind of elixir that can improve the magic power of Yuanying monks.

Under this general background, what he has to do is: first, to support a few spiritual pets to overcome tribulations and become demon kings; second, to practice several powerful magical powers and secret techniques; third, to settle some past grievances; and fourth, to support the younger generations of the family. Help the Zhou family to completely secure their position in the Yuanying family; fifthly, take the time to learn the techniques of cultivating immortals such as alchemy and talismans.

Among them, there is no need for him to help a few spiritual pets to overcome the tribulation and become demon kings until their cultivation reaches the point where they can cause the thunder tribulation of heaven, and they can basically let it go.

To settle past grievances, we have to wait until several spiritual pets successfully overcome the tribulation before it can be completely completed.

So what he has to do now is to take the time to teach and support some of the younger generations of the family while practicing magical powers and secret arts, and also take the time to learn the skills of alchemy and talismans.

After determining the order of priority in this way, Zhou Chun began to figure out the magical powers and secret techniques that could be cultivated.

He has practiced many magical powers and secret techniques until now, but not many of them are still useful and have the potential to continue practicing.

To put it into perspective, there are only three secret techniques: "Heart Lotus Zhengfa", "Taiyi Two-Dividing Divine Technique", and "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: Moon Toad Chapter", as well as two magical powers: "Golden Escape Technique" and "Geng Metal Splitting Sky Thunder" .

However, the clone of "Taiyi Two Divided Divine Technique" is currently practicing on the phone, and "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: Moon Toad Chapter" lacks training materials, so it is temporarily unable to practice.

Therefore, the only secret technique worthy of serious practice now is the "Heart Lotus Dharma".

Zhou Chun's "Heart Lotus Zhengfa" is already at the fourth level. After conceiving a baby, he can practice the last level, which is the fifth level.

As for the "Golden Escape Technique" and [Geng Metal Cracking Sky Thunder], both are magical powers that he has studied and practiced for many years. Although there is still great potential for cultivation, they actually focus more on understanding and opportunity, and are not very time-consuming.

So Zhou Chun carefully browsed through the various magical and secret techniques in his collection and chose one secret method and two magical powers for himself.

Among them, the secret method is the "Dayan Secret Technique" that he had wanted to practice before. It is said that this secret method is extremely difficult to practice. The probability that a monk in the Nascent Soul stage can master it is not high, and he attaches great importance to opportunities.

There are two kinds of magical powers, but they are both fighting and killing magical powers.

One is the magical power of "Golden Light of Falling Treasures" recorded in the other four chapters of "Jin Ding Xuan Gong". After successful practice, it can drop the opponent's magic weapon. After practicing to the legendary perfection state, even the heaven-reaching spiritual treasure can be dropped. !

Another kind of magical power comes from the collection of an enemy who once died and was taken over by him. It is called "Shadowless Geng-Gold Divine Light". It is a killing magical power. After being cultivated, it can activate the indestructible Geng-Gold Divine Light to kill the enemy.

Zhou Chun also had his own considerations in choosing these two magical powers.

He majored in the "Golden Escape Technique", and he had a spiritual treasure by his side, as well as a spiritual pet like the Golden Armor Bearing Mountain Turtle and Stone, which was good at defense. His ability to defend himself and save his life was sufficient.

In terms of attack, except for the [Moon Toad Orb], his other methods are somewhat inadequate when dealing with opponents of the same level.

If he could master these two fighting and killing magical powers and cooperate with his natal magical power [Qiongqi Meng], he would be able to rank among the strongest among monks of the same level even without relying on spiritual pets.

In particular, the magical power of "Luo Bao Golden Light" is very suitable for making magical secret talismans in the future to give future generations self-defense and life-saving.

After making this decision, Zhou Chun began to concentrate on cultivating these secret magic powers in the cave.

After transplanting seventeen golden magnetic spirit trees, Zhou Chun's cave layout changed again.

He demolished the original main hall and turned the training place into an open-air courtyard. Seventeen golden magnetic spirit trees were planted not far from the spring of spiritual eyes. Under them, a special treasure worth no less than thirty years was specially buried. Ten thousand spiritual coins of various ores.

If he were not afraid that the transformation would be too much and affect the spiritual vein pattern of the entire Qinglian Peak, Zhou Chun could even implant several mineral veins into the mountain and forcibly create a place suitable for his own practice!

But even now, when he practices in this environment, the results are very good.

In just one year, Zhou Chun had initially mastered the magical power of "Luobao Golden Light".

On this day, Zhou Chun was still cultivating his magical powers in the courtyard. He continuously fired a golden light from his hand and pointed at a second-level magic weapon flying in the air.

He has just started to learn this magical power. Even if his cultivation is as high as the Nascent Soul stage, if he wants to control the second-level magic weapon wielded by the Taoist companion Su Yuzhen, it will not work at all times and he will not be completely successful.

But just as he kept trying, pondering and studying this magical power, his expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly stopped practicing.

This immediately caught Su Yuzhen's attention, and she couldn't help but curiously asked: "Husband, what's wrong with you? Why don't you try?"

"It's nothing. I have something to do for my husband. Madam, you can go practice on your own first."

Zhou Chun shook his head slightly and said without elaborating.

When Su Yuzhen saw this, he didn't ask any further questions. He nodded lightly and left silently.

After Su Yuzhen left, Zhou Chun raised his hand and a ray of silver light flew out of his bedroom, fell into his hand and turned into a silver conch.

He raised his hand and fired a spell at the silver conch, and a deep voice suddenly sounded inside.

"Zhenren Ziyang recently went to the Great Zhou Kingdom, and he was in a very good mood after returning. I suspect that he went to see the real Kuanglei who had a grudge against you, fellow Taoist Zhou, so be careful yourself, fellow Taoist Zhou!"

The sound inside the silver conch only rang once, and then became silent.

After Zhou Chun listened to the message from Master Tianjing inside, his expression suddenly changed slightly and became serious.

"What an old thief from Ziyang, do you want to join forces with outsiders to surround and kill me?"

He murmured to himself, and a cold light could not help but appear in his eyes.

This approach of Master Ziyang touched the bottom line in his heart!

In Zhou Chun's mind, his fight with Zhenren Ziyang and the Yanyang Sect were all internal affairs of the Jingguo and a "family matter."

Therefore, he will control the speed. Even if he has the strength to kill Ziyang Zhenren in the future, he may give the other party a chance to repent and change.

After all, there is no life-or-death feud between the two parties. They just have to fight because of the conflict of interests between their respective forces.

As long as one party is willing to step back and spit out the benefits after losing, it is completely possible to reconcile.

But if Master Ziyang wants to use the power of external forces to murder him, it will exceed his tolerance limit.

The main reason why he was so disgusted with Qinglian Temple at the beginning and later slaughtered the remaining members of Qinglian Temple without mercy, apart from agreeing to the conditions of Master Tianjing, was because they invited the killers from the Ice Prison Sect to kill him.

Now, if Master Ziyang really tries to contact Master Kuanglei and other foreign monks to murder him, as Master Tianjing said, it will be no different from the original Qinglian Temple.

Regarding this kind of thing, Zhou Chun would definitely retaliate in kind!

To crush Master Ziyang's conspiracy, his current strength alone is not enough. He must have a spiritual pet to survive the thunder tribulation of heaven and be promoted to the fifth level Demon King.

But among his spiritual pets, even the fastest Flame Hell Fire Phoenix and Thunder Dragon Bai Bai still need to accumulate tens or hundreds of years of power before they can confidently trigger a thunder catastrophe from heaven!

If you want them to skip this savings process as soon as possible, there must be other opportunities.

Zhou Chun's thoughts flashed through his mind at this moment, and he quickly thought of the most reliable and easiest way.

His expression turned cold, and he said in a cold voice: "Originally, I didn't want to do this. After all, the hatred between me and the Jiaolong clan is already deep enough!"

"But since you, old thief Ziyang, are forcing me like this, don't blame me for not leaving you a way to survive!"

It’s a big chapter of 8,000 words, so that’s an extra update!

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