Beast Monster System

Chapter 11 - The Captain's Words

Chapter 11

2 hours have passed since Curt finished his fictional story, and since almost every one of The Saviors fell asleep. Blake and Aksel are the only ones who still awake due to their task of guarding the situation around them, but it actually is already the time for the shift to change, it's now Jake and Curt's turn to guarding the situation, and the third shift that is also the last shift will be Cole and Shawn's turn.

Blake and Aksel guarded in two different spots, but Aksel would approach Blake sometimes to ask him how's the situation for him, this is actually should be done by both, but Blake never approaches Aksel to ask the same question, he even didn't ask him that when Aksel approached him. Their teamwork will probably be the worst one between the other Guardian Teams, and Aksel felt quite sad about the fact that Blake still doesn't like him, he felt like his existence in this important team will create so much mess because there is one person who doesn't really accept him here.

Although he still focuses on guards, Aksel's mind can't stop thinking about how bad Blake's responses towards him were when he made sure about the situation for him, his mind keeps refusing to stop thinking about it.

'Aah! Why can't I stop thinking about this? This seriously disturbs me a lot, I can't really focus on my task,' Aksel thought, he eventually gave up and let his mind win, so he's thinking about Blake's words towards him more than before now, even those that were said by him before he forcedly apologized to Aksel.

'You're a failure, you're my biggest mistake. I'm ashamed of you,' suddenly Aksel's father's voice played on Aksel's mind just shortly after he became overthinking about Blake's attitude towards him, and this was quite shocking to him.

"Huh …? No," Aksel muttered immediately after, he also inhaled very fast after he 'heard' his father's voice..

'I have to prove to them that I'm not a failure or useless, I seriously need to know how to use my system. The Beast Monster System is the strongest system and I am lucky enough to have it because it gives me a very big chance to become powerful, but … why can't I use this system until now? What's the problem?' Aksel thought while looking at both of his palm hands.

"How's it going?" Jake asked Aksel and unintentionally startled him because he wasn't aware of the Captain's presence who's already sitting right next to him.

"U-uh …?! I-I'm good, Captain, and so is the situation, it's all safe," Aksel replied, trying to hide how he was startled by Jake's normal question.

"Hm? Really?" Jake said while looking at the boy's face. "You look stressed, what's the matter? And did I startle you? I'm sorry if I did, I didn't mean to," he continued, he talked nicely and gave a very positive vibe as usual.

Aksel then exhaled, before he sat down afterwards.

"I-I don't know … Captain, maybe … maybe I just wanted to thank you," Aksel said while hugging both of his legs.

"For what?" Jake looked confused, he kept looking at the boy though.

"For never treat me badly, instead, you always believe in me and my ability, you give me support, even though it's very clear that no one shouldn't have high hopes for me, but you still see me with a positive stare. You know … even though I have the strongest system with me which I chose by accident, I still have no possibility and potential to become a real Savior, and I still have no possibility and potential to become powerful as well, I … I just want to tell you that … don't have too much hope for me, I don't want you to be disappointed in me someday, Captain, this system won't help me to become such a person someday, even until this second, I still have no idea about how to use my own ability … I mean … I didn't ask you to accept me the way I am, but … as I realized the possible reason that causes me still can't use my ability is that I'm just too weak, I just don't want to have more people who see me as a failure and uselessness in the future after they realize that I'm just too weak for this, so please don't really believe for any potential for me, I don't have it, Captain," Aksel explained it all, he looked sad, and he hugged his legs harder after finished his words. A silence then formed immediately after.

"Hahahahahahaha," Jake laughed.

"W-what's the matter, Captain …?" Aksel was very surprised by the response Jake gave him, he also immediately let go of his legs and turned his head towards Jake who's sitting next to him. The boy was also very confused when he got that response, and his facial expression explains it really well.

"I've never had high hopes for you, though I do believe that you're gonna be the strongest one between all of us. Even if eventually you won't be the strongest one as you have the strongest system, it doesn't matter at all, with or without system, you're a talented kid, you have a very big potential, and you're gonna be stronger than all of us here, you just never have confidence because most people's opinions about you destroyed your own confidence that you don't even believe that you'll become someone influential someday. Listen, Aksel, the reality is, I actually don't care about strong or weak at all, for me, if in the end all of us will survive and live in peace, that's more than enough, we just need to have information and survived, that's it, I don't care how strong you are or the others are. For me, our systems just a bonus, and the most important thing is we should be able to survive with our own power, and in this case, I believe Jade is the best one between all of us, she can fight very well without using her ability, but keep in mind that physical strength and fighting skill aren't just the only answers, we still can survive with smartness, and that's what I believe from you, you're a smart kid, sometimes you even did some things that definitely genius without you realized it, and I think asking for help from the snakes is one of the biggest genius things you've ever done so far, because honestly, I don't think the attack from the snakes would work well if it happens sometime before the real time of the attack happened because the Bigfoots would aware of it, you did it in the very perfect time because they were distracted at us, they didn't see the attack coming, but if you did it earlier than that, the scenario would must be so different, most of them would probably survived, although we still can't make sure of whether or not all of them died due to the snakes attack, but you clearly did it so well, and I know it's not just a coincidence, you're a smart and talented kid indeed, just believe on yourself, throw all the bad words you've received that makes you still don't believe on yourself, never give up, keep trying, then just enjoy the process, don't mind how the result will be, you'll get stressed if you're thinking of the result too much while you're still on your early step. Remember, I don't have any high hopes towards you, I've never done it, I just believe and know that there's something different about you, and it is the huge potential on you, with or without the system," Jake said. Aksel could only be silent.

"And it's just kinda funny to me that you've never aware of your own potential, or perhaps it's actually normal? I don't know … but if you wanna be strong, do it sincerely and not because of some kind of punishment from people around you, you should be serious as well, that's important. And I promise you that I won't be disappointed in you with whatever the result gonna be, because out of the others, I believe in you the most in terms of some specific things. One more thing, please don't get my words wrong, these all don't mean you're special for me, all of you are the same for me, none of you more special than the others, I give support to everyone, I never treat anyone badly, I see everyone with a positive stare. I just wanted to make everyone happy with my existence even though we're at our lowest point at the moment because of the fact that our spaceship had exploded with a mysterious cause, and Blake seemed doesn't really like the way I acted, he just didn't know that we just have to enjoy all the processes instead of thinking about heavy things such as how come we'll be able to back Mars and the like. Seriously though, enjoying any process is so important, it'll help us to stay positive, and in your case, it'll help you build your confidence once again," Jake continued, this time he had finished his words, and he put a big smile on his lips afterwards.

"I … I think I get it … the point is ... we should focus on living our life right now instead of worrying about our future, just keep doing the best sincerely, and that's it," Aksel finally gave a response after just being silent when Jake spoke.

"That's right, you're smart indeed," Jake replied and Aksel then smiled at him.

"Thank you so much, Captain, I will never forget your words, and honestly, I never knew that those words are all that I needed all this time," Aksel said, it looks like his confidence has been boosted very high thanks to Jake's sincere words.

"I'm happy to hear that," Jake replied.

"You gave me such a precious time, thank you very much for that one too, Captain, but now I think I have to sleep, I am super sleepy," Aksel spoke while standing up.

"Okay, have a nice rest. I'll try to help you to use your ability in the morning," Jake responded.

"Woah! Really?! Thank you so much, Captain!!" Aksel exclaimed, he looked so happy that he'll get help for that one.

"Hahaha, I think you thanked me too much, but that's okay though," Jake said.

'I can see it already, he's gonna be a great leader someday … if he wants to become one,' the Captain thought.

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