Beast Monster System

Chapter 12 - Discussion

It's morning now and every one of The Saviors has eaten their respective breakfast, which was also just roast potatoes like their dinner last night. They have no more potatoes at the moment, but Jake doesn't seem about to command any of the other Saviors to search for their foods for their lunch, instead, he's about to discuss something serious with all of them.

Jake has just returned from the river to drink, meanwhile, all of the teens except Blake and Jade are now listening to another story by Curt, Aksel and the others found out that Curt is actually very talented at making up stories after they listened to him until he finished his story last night, and thus, they asked him to tell them another story this morning, but neither Blake nor Jade are interested in this.

Although he has something important to say, Jake had decided to let Curt finish his story first and then he will say the thing he wants to say to all of them, and thus, he even sits back near the 7 of them to continue to listen to Curt's story without having the intention to interrupt him at all even though the thing he wants to say is way more than important than the entertainment Curt gives them.

"And she's crying over to his dead body after she became his last and first kiss, rain also pouring down as if nature is feeling so sad too, but one thing for sure, now, she knows what his real name is, the name that she won't forget until the end of her life, the name that has been locked in her heart forever ever since he whispered it to her, it is, Curtis Stevens … the end," Curt said, he finished the story beautifully by revealing the main character's real name in a very touching tone.

Jake, Aksel, Rosemarie, Shawn, Cole, Cheryl, and Chandler clapped just shortly after Curt finished the story. They looked very touched by the end of the story that Aksel, Rosemarie, Chandler, and Cheryl even dropped their respective tears and none of the four of them were aware of that.

"What?! Your own name?!" Jade spoke to Curt, she indeed didn't join them and chose to sit quite far away from them, but she still was able to hear the story, and so was Blake, and the girl looked upset by the end of the story because she didn't expect that the main character would be named after the story maker himself.

"Yeah, that's mind-blowing, right? And very touching too … God, I didn't know I love sad romance stories this much," Curt replied to her while wiping up his tears, his own fictional story had also managed to make him cry..

"But … why?! Why … your name?! Why?!" Jade asked frustratedly.

"Oh, come on … is that even a matter? It's just a name, it's not a big deal, I just wanted to make it a surprising and mind-blowing bonus, if you don't like it you can pretend as if his name was Blake Carpenter or anything instead of Curtis Stevens though, it's up to you, I don't mind to be honest, but, hey! You were listening to my story! Thank you so much!" Curtis gave his response, but after hearing that, Jade was ashamed and decided to stop talking and started to look at some different spots instead.

"That's actually a clever way of naming him, and very mind-blowing indeed. At the end of the story, he died after he got his first and last kiss from her, she's a very special girl for him, and that's a perfect symbolism to describe Curt himself as the maker of the story, Curt always said that at least he wants to have his first kiss first before he died with a very special girl for him, I mean … if you know … you know …" Aksel joined the conversation and made this naming problem become 'clearer'.

"Wait, I wasn't even aware of it, I just named him randomly because I couldn't think about a good name, but man, that's actually very accurate though, you're a genius," Curt responded to Aksel's words immediately after finding the coincidence. Curt looked very surprised and amazed by the coincidence, he didn't expect that at all.

"Alright, everyone, I feel so bad for interrupting and I'm so sorry about it, but we're about to do important things today, so we have to start discussing so many things right now, including about our spaceship crash," Jake said afterwards, his facial expression changed, it became so serious, and so did his voice tone, it sounded so serious.

"Finally," Blake replied to Jake, he approached them immediately after.

"Jade, come closer as well," Jake told Jade to come closer over to them after he saw Blake approached them. Jade did what Jake told her to do just shortly after.

The atmosphere suddenly became way more serious due to how serious Jake's facial expression and tone changed into, no one even said anything again afterwards, and they're all just looking at the Captain.

"First of all, I want to thank Curt for the wonderful entertainment he gave us this morning. Okay, so we're gonna back to our spaceship's location to make sure whether or not it completely has been exploded, but I don't want to separating us by only commanding some of us to go to checking out the spaceship, and thus, so I decided all of us will go to our spaceship's location, but here's what will do first; because we have to pass through the locations of the Bigfoots before we can be near our spaceship, so I want some of us checking out the Bigfoots' locations first, of course Curt will be the only one who does it because he has the Invisible Mode, but that doesn't mean I'll give this mission to Curt only, just in case something unexpected happens, Blake and Rosemarie will be the ones who receive this mission as well, this is honestly no less dangerous than the idea of separating us by commanding only some people to approach the spaceship, but I've considered it and I think this has less risks than that idea so I chose this," Jake started to explain all the important things seriously.

"Blake and Rosemarie don't need to be too close to the locations where we left the Bigfoots yesterday, at least keep the distance of fifty meters away, while Curt shall enter the locations, checking out and making sure of everything while being invisible. Whatever the results gonna be, Curt shall tell Blake and Rosemarie all, then the two of them will come back here and tell us everything, Curt will stay in the main location which was the location where we met the Bigfoots for the first time, with the Invisible Mode keep being activated, Curt shall wait for all of us to come, and he'll keep eyes on the location," Jake continued.

"Wait a minute, Captain, what will we do if we get a negative result from the two locations?" Curt asked Jake, he looked confused and curious about it at the same time.

"Whether the result is going to be positive or negative for us, we'll all come there. The point of the mission I gave you, Blake, and Rosemarie is just so we can prepare ourselves if the result is going to be negative. And we clearly shall come there as well if the result is going to be positive because that's our only way to get to the spaceship's location," Jake answered him immediately after.

"You want us to fight the Bigfoots if it turns out that some of those ugly monkeys are still there?" This time Blake was the one who asked Jake, with a flat facial expression and a flat tone.

"Yes, although I believe all of them died due to the snakes attack, there is still a possibility that some other Bigfoots would come and help them, and if we can know about their presence there earlier, we can easily win against them because unlike yesterday, we'll get enough time to make a mature strategy and plan of our attacks, so we won't be defeated again," Jake explained.

"I see, but what will we do after we get to the spaceship's location?" Blake asked again.

"We'll keep moving no matter how the condition of the spaceship is, we're not going back here, and I know all of you understand why, but just in case there is one or maybe even more of you that forget about the information we have about this area, I'll explain why. Previously, from the second team that was sent here to run the same mission as us, we got the information of where is the safest area they could find and know, and the answer is here, but turned out we met more than forty Bigfoots yesterday, means this area isn't safe either, so we won't stay here for another day, because we don't know when will the Bigfoots show up again, keep in mind that our criteria of 'area' is that the place is at least should be one kilometer wide, so basically the place we are in now is in the same area as the places where we fought the Bigfoots, we may didn't get any trouble last night, but that doesn't guarantee our safety today, so we'll keep moving after we get to the spaceship's location, who knows we're lucky enough that we'll get cloaks or capes," Jake replied.

"No, I'm good, I'm with my spaceship suit," Cheryl said happily, she looked very confident somehow, moreover because of that beautiful smile on her lips.

"Curt, have you given Cheryl her spaceship suit?" Jake then asked Curt.

"Oh, damn! I forgot about that, Captain, I'll give it to her after this discussion," Curt responded immediately after, Jake nodded his head afterwards.

"To be honest, Captain, I am skeptical about our spaceship, I think it had completely exploded and became dust, and I thought you have the same opinion about this," Aksel spoke, his facial expression showed the mix of confusion and curiosity, and his voice sounded like that too, but not as much as what his facial expression showed.

"I have to agree with him, it's kinda strange for me that you want to check it out," Blake supported Aksel's statement, there was a slight suspicion on his facial expression while he said that.

"Just making sure about it isn't wrong, but actually I also have the hope that we are still able to find out about what was the main cause of the crash even though the spaceship most likely had become dust by now. I know this sounds stupid and desperate at the same time, but, this big question haunts me ever since we knew that our spaceship is about to explode, we have to find out the truth," Jake explained convincingly.

After hearing that, Blake sighed heavily. "We shouldn't have done what you've commanded us to do when our spaceship was about to explode yesterday. We tried to get to know what was the main cause of the explosion that would happen just in the next several seconds. It was honestly the worst of all of these, it was very useless, we should've saved the items that we basically could save at that time instead. I still don't understand about your decision to commanded all of us to try to get to know about this main cause thing when we were about to die, you didn't even tell us to get out from the spaceship or think about the safest way for us to be able to survive from the crash, and instead, you told us to try to get to know what was the main cause of the crash being happened and just think about the best way to getting out of the spaceship in the last seconds which made us can't save any of our items beside the clothes that were on our body at that time, and now, you're still wondering about this stupid thing no matter how clear the fact that we can't get anything from our spaceship anymore is! I mean, come on, CAHPTAIHN, we didn't even have the chance to informed The Leaders ourselves about the crash because of this stupid main cause thing! I've tried to act very polite and become so nice towards you, but I can't! I really can't do it as I remember the reason I was so mad at you yesterday! This is it, CAHPTAIHN, this is … the main cause of my anger towards you, and I know you knew this damn well since yesterday but you chose to become ignorant of this instead! What kind of Captain are you?!" Blake said, he got very mad at Jake this time, he really did. His tone was very high, his face became so red, and he didn't care if he became too rude to the Captain or not.

A silence that was full of tension formed just immediately after Blake yelled at Jake, no one was daring enough to break this silence, while Blake kept looking at Jake in his great anger. Jake sighed deeply 15 seconds after the silence formed.


"I've decided to become ignorant of whatever the sh*t you're gonna give me from your mouth! I don't give a single f*ck at your excuses, so you better keep your mouth shut," Blake interrupted Jake just shortly after Jake opened his mouth, this time he completely managed to shock everyone by his harsh words and harsh attitude towards Jake, even Jake himself was very shocked.

"Let's go, Rosemarie, Curt, let's make this man happy by doing the stupid command he gave us once again," Blake continued as he stood up.

"Damn," Curt muttered.

'Not gonna lie, he always gave a better drama than I do,' he thought.

"Hey, where is my spaceship suit?" Cheryl immediately whispered to Curt when he was about to stand up.

"Ah, yes, it's there," Curt replied to her while pointing out the place where he put her spaceship suit at.

"Where??" Cheryl said as she immediately looked at the spot that Curt pointed out, but she couldn't see her spaceship suit.

"Where??" She asked again, but she wasn't aware of the fact that Curt had left with Blake and Rosemarie.

"Curtis??" She continued as she turned to 'Curt'.

'What?! Aaargh!' she thought as she found out that Curt isn't here anymore. The girl then tried to find her spaceship suit again while moving to the place where Curt sat, and she managed to see her spaceship suit just shortly after that.

'Above that giant tree?!!! AAAAHHH, CURTTT!!! YOU KNOW THAT I CAN'T CLIMB, IDIOT!!!"

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