Beast Monster System

Chapter 13 - They Are ...

"Captain, do something! Why are you just silent?! Say something!" Jade said to Jake kind of quietly while she approached him several seconds after Blake, Rosemarie, and Curt left for running their mission. Jade looked irritated by the way Blake acted towards Jake, she didn't like it at all and she wanted Jake to say something to Blake, the girl didn't want the Captain to just be silent after receiving those harsh words and that harsh attitude from Blake.

"It's okay, Jade-"

"No, it's not, Captain! You didn't deserve to be treated like that! It was way too much! Do something!" Jade interrupted him immediately after he said that it was okay.

Jake then exhaled heavily and just be silent, he also turned his head to Blake, Rosemarie, and Curt afterwards, he looked at the three of them, and they just kept getting away.

"Captain!" Jade called out to Jake when she got no response from him, and instead, he looked at Blake, Rosemarie, and Curt.

"I'm sorry, Jade, but I won't do anything about that. Now, let's just focus on the things we have to do," Jake replied as he turned his head back to Jade. Although he tried to be okay, there was a little bit of sadness on his face when he said that, he tried to hide it, but he couldn't really do it. 

The Captain then stood up.. "Aksel, let's do it, you have to be able to use your other skills as soon as possible," he spoke to Aksel afterwards.

"Yes, Captain!" Aksel responded very quickly, he also got up very quickly.

"Wait, what are you going to do?" Chandler asked both Aksel and Jake, he looked confused.

"Captain will help me to activate my system," Aksel answered him just shortly after.

"What? I thought all of us had activated our respective systems," Chandler said.

"Yeah, that's correct, but I don't know why can't I use my other skill, I haven't received any quest yet, and I can't see my stats, it's like I only got this special skill after I got the system, nothing more, so Captain will help me to one hundred percent activate my system," Aksel explained.

"I see," Chandler replied.

"But- Captain!" Jade still tried to make Jake do something or at least say something to Blake, but she suddenly stopped talking as she surprisingly received a new message from the system.

[ You Have Received A New Quest ]

"What's wrong?" Jake asked Jade because she was suddenly silent.

Jade then sighed. "I got a new quest, but you still have to do something, Captain," Jade answered before she clicked the 'See' button on the screen that could only be seen by her.

[ Meditating For 30 Minutes ]

Reward: 5 EXP

'Meditating? What's the use of meditation for me? It's so strange,' Jade thought, but she still had the intention to finish the quest though, she also got away from everyone afterwards, she searched for the best place to do the meditation, and she found it just shortly after.

"Alright, we can just do it here," Jake said to Aksel the moment after Jade got away from them.

"But … are you sure that you won't do anything about Blake, Captain? I think Jade is right, you have to do something," Aksel said to Jake, now he seemed to think about it as much as Jade did previously.

"I'm totally fine, no need to think about an unnecessary thing, just focus on your priority at the moment," Jake replied to him immediately after, he understood that they just felt Blake's words were too much, but he kind of started to tired of hearing the suggestion to say something to Blake, he absolutely had no intention to do it, and he also didn't really mind Blake's words after all.

"O-okay …" That word from Aksel officially ended the conversation about the Jake and Blake situation. The boy turned his head down after he said that.

"Do … any of you guys have nothing to do? I'm just asking," Jake asked Cole, Shawn, and Chandler as soon as the previous conversation ended, the three of them are the only ones who are still sitting on the ground looking at Jake and Aksel like they have nothing to do.

"I don't, Captain, I'm just gonna watch you helping Aksel," Chandler answered just shortly after.

"Alright," Jake responded to him very quickly as well.

"Well, I also have nothing to do, but … I seriously have to sleep, I am so sleepy, Captain, I literally lost 2 hours of my sleep time because of the guarding task, I know some of us also lost theirs, but … I'm just so sleepy," Cole answered Jake a moment after Jake responded to Chandler's answer. 

"Hahaha, go ahead, have a nice sleep," Jake said to Cole immediately after he heard his answer.

"Thank you, Captain," Cole replied. He stood up afterwards and left Shawn, Jake, Aksel, and Chandler to search for the best spot to sleep.

"How about you?" The Captain asked Shawn as he's the only one who hasn't given his answer yet.

The good-looking and good boy Shawn was smiling very nicely after he got that question. "I-"

"Shawn!!!" But Shawn didn't even get the chance to say more than that one letter due to his twin suddenly shouting at him. All the eyes also immediately turned to Cheryl because of that.

"Help me go down this goddamn tree, please!!! I'm so scared aaaah!!! Curt!!! I am cursing you!!! I swear you will never get your first kiss before your death, goddammit!" Cheryl yelled hysterically, she was very panicked due to her being on the big tree, she decided to dare herself to take her spaceship suit by herself and ended up couldn't go down the tree afterwards.

"Oh my God, how could you … aren't you can't climb over a tree? How … how could …?" Shawn said as he got confused and surprised at the same time when he looked at his sister, he also got up and approached her very quickly, he couldn't even finish his words, he also became so panicked just like Cheryl herself.

'What actually happened though?' Aksel wondered in his mind.


On the other hand, Blake and Rosemarie are also standing above tree boughs and watching from the distance the spots that Curt should be in right now, Curt is being invisible at the moment so they can't see him. Both Blake and Rosemarie look so serious, there's a little bit of fear on their respective faces, even Blake is sweaty.

"A-are those … really …?" Rosemarie said very quietly, she looked shocked and scared at the same time, she also kept looking at the spots just like Blake.

"Don't let this distract you from sensing any danger," Blake spoke to the girl afterwards and made eye contact with her.

"Y-yes," Rosemarie responded very quickly, both she and Blake were also so nervous about what they saw on those spots, they really wanted to confirm it to Curt as soon as possible.

'This can't be true … it's impossible, they are …' Blake thought, he swallowed his saliva afterwards.

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