Beast Monster System

Chapter 19 - Scary Views

When he and Blake got back to the place where the other Saviors were, Jake decided not to ask Curt or Rosemarie about the thing he asked Blake previously and didn't get the answer he wanted from him, he decided so because Jade had got back before he and Blake did, so it was better if they were all immediately going to the area where they fought the Bigfoots yesterday rather than wasting time by having any other conversations.

Jake, with the Multiple Abilities System, also known as The Savior System 1 (TSS1), along with:

Blake, with the Super Strength System, also known as The Savior System 2 (TSS2),

Rosemarie, with the Senses Ability System, also known as The Savior System 3 (TSS3),

Jade, with the Telekinesis System, also known as The Savior System 4 (TSS4),

Curtis, with the Spiritual System, also known as The Savior System 5 (TSS5),

Cole, with the Weapons System, also known as The Savior System 6 (TSS6),

Shawn, with the Animals Controlling System, also known as The Savior System 7 (TSS7),

Aksel, with the Beast Monster System, also known as The Savior System 8 (TSS8),

Cheryl, with the Plants Controlling System, also known as The Savior System 9 (TSS9),

and Chandler, with the Healing System, also known as The Savior System 10 (TSS10),

were finally arrived in the main place where they fought more than 30 Bigfoots yesterday. Meanwhile, the place where the rest of the Bigfoots fought Aksel, Blake, and Curt was not too far from here but it couldn't be seen from here.

All of them, except Blake, Curt, and Rosemarie, were shocked when they finally came back here. They were speechless, they froze, they basically couldn't believe what they saw at the moment, it was absolutely shocking, surprising, and unexpected.

'What …?' That was the only word that crossed Aksel's mind the moment he was sure of what he saw.

The snakes that Aksel asked for help yesterday were still here, but only the big ones stayed, the little ones had gone. Almost all of these big snakes had died because they tried to eat the Bigfoots that absolutely wouldn't fit to become their food, but they still tried and eventually died.

Uniquely, when one snake failed to eat a Bigfoot after the monster died and the animal would die too due to the Bigfoot's body size, 4 other snakes would come and try to eat the other parts of the Bigfoot's body, but they would also eventually failed and died as well, and each Bigfoot would have 5 snakes 'accompanied' them, no more snakes would come to a Bigfoot after the monster had 5 snakes tried to eat it and they all eventually died, this happened because there was no other 'first promising' part of the Bigfoot left (head, left hand, left foot, right hand, right foot), the simple explanation is: 

The first snake would try to eat a dead Bigfoot starting from its right hand, then the snake would die with the Bigfoot's right hand stuck on its mouth, moments later, the second one would try to eat the monster starting from its left hand, it would die with the Bigfoot's left hand stuck on its mouth as well, the third one would try to eat the Bigfoot from the monster's head, and the Bigfoot's head would also stick on its mouth and the snake eventually died, the fourth and fifth snakes would do the same with the Bigfoot's right and left foot respectively, the Bigfoot's feet would stick in their mouths and they would die too, thus, there was no more body part of the Bigfoot seemed to be promising anymore to be eaten as the 'first step'.

But each of the Bigfoots tried to be eaten by 5 snakes wasn't the thing that shocked The Saviors, the thing is human existence in this area. Yes, other humans besides them all surprisingly existed here, near them.

"W-what are these snakes and humans? They are … humans … what the hell?" Jade said confusedly because of the situation near her.

"They're dead by the way," Curt told Jade a moment later.

"Those people?" Jade made sure because it was very clear that the snakes were almost all dead.

"Yeah, I've checked out their conditions previously," Curt answered immediately after.

"How could there be other humans besides us here?" Jake said almost speechlessly, his tone was also very low because he was still shocked with the view they all saw at the moment, mainly the 3 dead humans.

"That's what I, Curt, and Rosemarie asked too the first time we saw these people, this is so unbelievable, and look at the snakes that are still alive, mostly on their bellies, they can't move because there are somethings inside their bellies right now, they're full, but those cannot be Bigfoots, there are more than one hundred snakes tried to eat the Bigfoots but failed and ended up died, so it would be impossible if these nine snakes could eat other Bigfoots while they friends couldn't do it, these snakes have the same body sizes as these hundreds of dead snakes, so I think it's fair if we say that they're not eating some Bigfoots or at least a Bigfoot now, but another nine humans," Blake spoke to everyone so seriously, and the last sentence of his words made all of them except Curt, Rosemarie, and himself were shocked.

There were 3 dead humans near them at the moment and there were only 9 snakes that were still alive, but those 9 snakes couldn't move at all, they froze and were just silent due to being full.

"Another nine humans?! That's impossible," Chandler replied several seconds later, he was so shocked by what he had just heard from Blake and was in disbelief too, he also looked confused at the same time.

'What's the meaning of all of these? These scary views, these dead Bigfoots with five snakes tried to eat each of them and ended up dead too because the monsters were too big for them, this is so scary to look at, and then nine alive snakes that can't move because they're full, three dead humans … How could there be other humans besides us all here? And if Blake is right, it means there should be another twelve alive humans besides us here before. This is so confusing, all the humans besides The Martians turned into zombies hundreds of years ago and eventually died after no more humans left on this planet, then how could these twelve people be here?' Aksel thought as he kept looking in so many directions since the scary view could be found almost in all directions.

Jake then decided to walk over to the 3 dead humans that were only 15 meters away from him, and the 3 dead humans were respectively only separated 3 meters away, so it would be easy for anyone to check them out one by one.

"Okay, I know these people's existence is so confusing, but can we talk about those dead snakes for a while? They're so scary, gross, and stupid, oh my God … and the Bigfoots' bodies parts stuck on those snakes' mouths, like, ew, I hate snakes, I really do, this is absolutely not comfortable to look at by the way," Jade said to everyone while occasionally looking at those dead snakes with 'their Bigfoots'.

"Don't be mean about animals, these snakes were just trying to have their food but sadly they didn't realize that the Bigfoots weren't the right food for them, and the fact that they weren't as smart as humans wasn't their fault though, so don't say anything bad about them, be kind to animals," Chandler responded to Jade's word just shortly after.

"I literally don't give a damn about what you just said, these snakes are just disgusting," Jade told Chandler afterwards.

"They should've eaten you as well though," Blake joined the conversation a moment later and he spoke to Jade, he looked disgusted in her judging from how he spoke to her and how he looked at the girl.

"No one asked," Jade replied to Blake immediately after.

Blake could only roll both of his eyeballs afterwards.

'The three of them are adult men, but they definitely weren't from our military,' Jake thought after he checked out the 3 dead men.

"How, Captain? Do you recognize them?" Aksel asked Jake just shortly after he checked the third man.

"No, they're not Martians," Jake answered as he turned around because the teens were all behind him.

"Are you sure they're not the people from the second group or the first group that The Leaders sent here?" Blake asked Jake as well afterwards.

"No, they're not, the first group of people that was sent by The Leaders to the Earth to checking out the situation on this planet was brutally killed by the Bigfoots just shortly after the group's spaceship landed on the Earth, these three dead men couldn't be them since these mysterious people seemed just recently dead, after all, I've met all the people from the first group, these three weren't them, we can make sure that all the people from the first group have indeed died. Meanwhile, as you guys know, sometime after the incident of the first group, The Leaders sent the second group which had way more prepared for the recent situation on the Earth, they managed to survive for a while after landing on this planet and gave The Leaders so many new information about the monsters and this planet, they also told The Leaders about the safest place they could find on the Earth which was also the last known place they lived in before mysteriously The Leaders lost contact with them. I've met all the people from the second as well, these three men weren't part of them either. My speculation about what happened towards the second group is they're all dead too because this is the place they said was the safest one they could find, and we fought forty-six Bigfoots yesterday here, we were almost dead even with our systems, now imagine how could they survive without at least one system? Besides all of those things, it is very clear that these three men died due to being attacked by snakes, but the problem is there was no human besides us yesterday when the snakes attack happened, so I can't say anything about where were these men come from," Jake responded to Blake a moment later, but he basically said that to all the teens.

"Then we probably have been fooled by The Leaders, they had hidden the information about these monsters from The Martians since a long time ago, no one knows about these monsters except them, some other people, and the first, second, third group, it's not impossible that they knew about whether humans still existed on this planet or not, and whatever their reason for hiding it from us, we still have to do something with these men and snakes instead," Blake replied to Jake while looking at the still-alive snakes. At first, he looked at Jake while the Captain was talking, but as he started to talk, Blake looked at those snakes.

"Don't speculate too far … just because The Leaders have done something bad, doesn't mean they would keep doing the same thing over and over," Aksel said doubtfully to Blake, his tone was also quite low when said that, it seemed he was afraid that his words would irritate Blake.

After hearing that, Blake was immediately looking at Aksel with his 'regular' look. "I know at least you're aware of the fact that your father had never done a single good thing, right? So stop defending trash like him and don't let him block you from thinking rightfully and clearly, don't let him ruin your mind," Blake responded to Aksel a moment after he looked at him, and Aksel himself had been looking at Blake since Blake gave his speculation.

With Blake's words, Aksel was immediately being silent because, in fact, his father had already ruined his mind and blocked him a lot from thinking rightfully and clearly because his father's words would always haunt his mind. Aksel could only look down afterwards.

'F*ck,' Aksel thought afterwards.

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