Beast Monster System

Chapter 20 - Random Wild Speculation

No one said anything after they heard what Blake had just said, not even Jake, they all fell into silence for a while. Blake broke this silence almost a minute later because he just couldn't stand that silence.

"Jake, what are we gonna do now?" He asked Jake as he looked at him.

"Excuse me, did you just call out to our captain by his name?" Jade immediately made sure to Blake, she was so shocked when she heard Blake said Jake's name, everyone else was also surprised, except Jake himself.

"Yeah," Blake responded to her casually, quickly, and briefly without turning his gaze from Jake to her.

"We're gonna-"

"Wait for a second, Captain, I can't stand this guy at all, why are you just ignoring his attitude just like that?!" Jade interrupted Jake after he seemed wouldn't talk about Blake's call towards him.

"You can do the same if you're jealous of me, Jake doesn't mind," Blake replied to the girl still with his 'regular' tone and way of talking, he also didn't turn towards her, he was still focused on Jake.

"Shut the f*ck up! Stop calling him by his goddamn name! What's wrong with you?! Why the f*ck are you calling him like that?!" Jade spoke to Blake angrily, she wasn't happy at all with the boy at the moment because of how he called out to their Captain. Jade was literally the opposite of Blake while they had similar characters at the same time, Jade respected Jake so much, while Blake didn't even ever think of respecting him as a Captain.

"Because it's his name," Blake answered Jade, he didn't really mind the girl's anger towards him, he was so calm about it.


"Now shut your mouth," Blake immediately interrupted Jade when she was about to say more things towards him, it was a very quick interruption, Blake did it so perfectly.

"Gu-guys, let's not argue right now … we need our teamwork so much at the moment, don't ruin it by any fight or argue, please …" Chandler said to both Jade and Blake very carefully, he also looked scared a little bit to say it, he didn't want to make the situation get worse with his words, but on the other hand, he should have said that, although he knew it had a high risk.

"Hmph, go say it again to your girlfriend," Blake responded to Chandler just a moment later, he made a little chuckle at first, and his facial expression changed a little bit more 'casual' because of that, he also walked over to Jake and the 3 dead men afterwards.

'H-he aware of my feelings towards Jade?! What?! How come?!' Chandler thought immediately after, he was so shocked by the fact that Blake, who seemed didn't care about any of them, was actually aware of how he felt towards Jade, not to mention Blake wasn't there when Chandler gave his rose to Jade, so it was so surprising for Chandler to hear Blake say that, he also blushed shortly after, obviously.

"I hope you have no plans to take these men with us," Blake spoke to Jake as he was near him and these 3 dead men.

"That's honestly my only plan at the moment, we're gonna find any clues about them from them themselves, but we won't do it here, we're gonna take them with us since this place isn't too safe," Jake replied to Blake immediately after, he kept looking at him at first, but then he turned his whole body towards him, so he was facing the boy afterwards.

After hearing Jake's answer, Blake could only sigh with both of his eyes being closed.

"Captain, please no, I absolutely hate a damn scary thing like this, I don't want us to take these corpses with us, no, no! A very big no!" Curt demanded to Jake, he was indeed fearful of ghost kinds of things.

"What is scary about taking them with us? I won't order you to carry them if you don't want to though, after all, they're just dead bodies," Jake told Curt casually and nicely, he was just always being so nice, nice in terms of the way he was talking and how he acted, his face was always bright and there would always a little smile on his lips, his words were always as well.

"Their spirits will follow us wherever we go because we don't bury them as soon as we can! Seriously, Captain, I don't want to be haunted by ghosts, I hate ghosts!" Curtis explained his reason towards Jake while showing his fear towards ghosts, his facial expression and the way he talked showed very well his fear about hauntings and ghosts things.

"Ahhh, dude, this is gonna be a f*cking nightmare for me, sh*t! A literal sh*t, I swear," he muttered afterwards while looking at those dead bodies, he also started to sweat because of his fear.

"Hey, but you can be invisible, ghosts can't annoy or hurt you since you also can be like one of them, you're lucky enough actually," Cheryl told Curt just shortly after, he stood right next to him so she was able to hear Curtis's mutter.

"Girl, I still can't see any ghosts despite having this skill, I hate it, and however, ghosts are still ghosts, they're disgusting," Curt replied to Cheryl a moment later.

"They're just scary, Curt, none of them are disgusting, you're being overdramatic," Cheryl said to Curt as she frowned, and then shook her head.

"Are you just aware of something odd, Aksel?" Jake suddenly asked Aksel a question, a kinda surprising question for everyone else, all the teens immediately turned their respective heads towards Aksel, including Blake.

"Ye-yes, Captain … I just realized that twelve Bigfoots are missing, there are only twenty-one Bigfoots … it should've been thirty-three," Aksel answered Jake's question afterwards, he was a little surprised as well after he heard Jake's question to him, he didn't expect that anyone would notice his movements.

'I knew he would notice it first amongst all of them,' Jake thought. He was also smiling quite widely after he heard Aksel's answer, he was impressed by him. Jake was actually had aware of the numbers of the Bigfoots ever since they could saw them from the distance, but he intentionally waited for any of the teens to realize it too, he wanted to know who would realize it first amongst the 9 of them, and as he expected, Aksel was the first to do it.

'Counting the numbers of the Bigfoots was the first thing I did the first time I could see them from a distance, because I thought that was the thing Blake wanted me to know, but it turned out neither he, Curt, nor Rosemarie realized it. I intentionally waited to see who would realize it first and expected Aksel to do it, I'm happy my guess was right,' the Captain continued.

All the other teens immediately counted the numbers of the Bigfoots after they heard what Aksel had just said.

'Let's see if he is also aware of the most important thing or not,' Jake thought. He could only smile at Aksel while the other teens counted the numbers of the Bigfoots.

Aksel was also staring at Jake after he told everyone about the odd thing he found, he did that because he was surprised that Jake was aware of the fact that he thought of something odd, and of course, the boy's look towards the captain was the look of confusion, while Jake's was the look of happiness.

"H-how could you know that I was thinking about something odd?" Aksel then decided to ask Jake that question, he was still very surprised by the fact that Jake was aware of it while the boy actually didn't make any specific movements that could make him look like thinking of something odd.

"That wasn't a hard thing to be guessed," Jake replied immediately after, he looked proud of Aksel even though he still didn't know whether or not the boy was also aware of the most important thing out of all of these.

"Woah, that's correct, there are only twenty-one Bigfoots, twelve is actually such a big number for this, how come neither I, Blake, nor Rosemarie were aware of this previously?" Curt said after he counted the numbers of the Bigfoots, he turned his head towards Aksel afterwards with the look of amazement on both of his eyes, he also looked surprised and impressed as well at the same time because of two things: one, because none of he, Blake, and Rosemarie was aware of the numbers of the Bigfoots, two, because Aksel was 'the first' to realize it.

"Actually, there is still one more thing I am aware of, or perhaps just I think of …" Aksel responded to Curtis so quickly afterwards, he turned his head to Curt the moment after Curt did it towards him, so they made eye contact. All the other eyes were immediately turned to him again just shortly after he said that, most of the owners of the eyes looked surprised and excited at the same time to hear what was the one more thing about. There were only 2 people who weren't really happy with Aksel being someone cool right now.

"This may sound like random wild speculation, but I know this makes sense. I think Bigfoots are actually humans … and the reason why there are only twenty-one Bigfoots instead of thirty-three here … is because another twelve Bigfoots turned into their human forms between the period of time when we left them here and before they died. All of them died because of the snakes, just like the ones that didn't change their form into the human form, intentionally or not. Then, nine of them were eaten by these nine snakes, while the rest, these three men, weren't eaten because no more snakes could eat them at the moment," Aksel continued just shortly after.

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