Beast Monster System

Chapter 31 - Relaxing Morning 3

"It's all safe, Captain, and Blake will have his breakfast once I or Cole finished our breakfast just like what we have discussed and agreed," Shawn explained to Jake.

"Alright, perfect," Jake replied briefly.

"Anyway, how many still-intact dead Bigfoots could you guys find?" Jake continued only a moment later.

"What do you mean?" Cole then asked him back as a frown formed on his forehead.

"Chandler gave us an idea to take those Bigfoots' skins and make them our new clothes, but I was just thinking that since most of the Bigfoots were shattered by Aksel, we probably can't make too many clothes out of their skins," Jake explained to Cole.

"I think there are enough still-intact dead Bigfoots, Captain, because probably one Bigfoot can be two pairs of clothes," Jade told Jake, although she didn't look very sure about her estimate.

"Excluding those forty-ish Bigfoots, I don't think there are at least five still-intact Bigfoots, but we still haven't heard the answer yet from them," Jake stated.

"Why don't you count those forty-ish Bigfoots, Captain?" Curtis then asked Jake confusedly.

"Unless you want to wear the skins from the Bigfoots that have started to rot, it's okay," Jake answered him immediately after.

"Hehehe," Curt could only chuckle afterwards.

"Hmm, I think I found only three still-intact dead Bigfoots so far, they were pretty far away from here though, Aksel killed them so brutally, their heads shattered, so scary. But their bodies were okay, not that okay, but compared to their heads, we still can use their bodies' skins, Captain," Cole finally answered Jake's question as he tried to remember the place where he saw those dead Bigfoots.

"I found only one, on a big tree, I felt bad for that Bigfoot. There were actually some other dead Bigfoots near that one, but I don't really know their exact conditions, I was scared to see them, so I didn't check them out. After finding that one, I left. I just felt really bad for the one on the tree, what a poor Bigfoot. It had so many fatal wounds on its body, and there was so much blood from that Bigfoot around it. It sat down and leaned on that tree, that Bigfoot probably knew when it was about to die judging from its position. That just kinda sad," Shawn answered Jake's question shortly after Cole did it.

'Simba …' Nala thought, the Bigfoot knew that Shawn talked about Simba. 

"Alright, then probably we have enough Bigfoots, we'll take their bodies later, great job guys," Jake replied to Cole and Shawn. The boys then only smiled at him.

"Hooh," Rosemarie then sighed as all the fish had been roasted and they were done cooking.

"Are you tired? Here, drink it," Cole said to Rosemarie, he also gave the girl a cup of water, the cup made of a big leaf.

"Ahahaha, thank you so much, Cole," Rosemarie spoke to Cole very softly as always, she took the water afterwards, and Cole could only smile at her.

"Okay, these are ours, and these are this Bigfoot's. Curt, you'll feed it," Jake told the teens, especially Curtis.

"What?! Me?!" Curt was surprised as he was tasked to feed Nala.

"Yes, you can do it while eating your fish as well," Jake answered.

"But- Captain, are you sure? This monkey has hated me ever since I hit it with a tree branch, don't you think it will eat me once I try to feed it?" Curtis said quite fearfully.

"It will," Cheryl stated, she tried to make Curtis get even more scared.

"Captain?!" Curt continued and waited for Jake's answer, the girl managed to make him get more scared, his expression described it very well.

Jake sighed afterwards. "Fine, Shawn, you'll do it," Jake replied, and that brought a big smile on Curt's lips.

"Yes, Captain," moreover, Shawn didn't mind accepting the task, so Curtis then finally breathed in relief.

"Thank goodness," the boy muttered with both of his eyes closed a moment later.

Shawn took the fish for Nala and for him before he walked over to the Bigfoot. Almost half of the fish they got from the river and then roasted were given to Nala, so Shawn brought pretty much fish for the Bigfoot.

"GOAAAAARRR!!!" Nala screamed again once Shawn was quite close to her.

"Oh, come on! You don't want the fish?! Captain forced me, Cheryl, Chandler, and Jade to get the fish for you too while most of us wanted to refuse his order so badly! We took a f*cking two hours to fishing, a f*cking an hour and a half to cook all the fish, and you refuse to eat them?! Monkey, what the actual f*ck?!" Curtis scolded Nala immediately after the Bigfoot screamed at Shawn. He also got up in anger before he scolded the monster.

"Yeah, and after all, you'll die if you refuse to eat. More than twenty-four hours have passed and you haven't eaten anything yet, you must be hungry. Plus, these are not raw fish, Captain said if it's true that Bigfoots are humans, you must be disgusted to eat raw meat or raw fish, so they cooked the fish for you too, you know it as well, you saw it all, so why do you refuse to eat them?" Shawn said to Nala very nicely and patiently, he even smiled at the monster.

Nala then could only be silent, Shawn's words brought a little memory to its mind, 'Nala … as long as you're still alive … I'm alive too …'.

'Simba …' Nala thought after the Bigfoot heard Simba's words in its mind.

"Open your mouth," Shawn told Nala, and Nala did it just shortly after.

Shawn threw a fish to its mouth afterwards, Nala then chewed it. As Nala started to eat, Shawn also started to eat his fish, so he sat down a moment later.

"I-if you don't mind … I'll treat your wounds, they-"

"Chandler," Jake interrupted Chandler so quickly as the boy wanted to offer Nala the thing he had failed to do. Chandler, who previously looked at Nala, immediately turned his head towards the Captain.

"Just eat your breakfast first," Jake continued quite briefly.

"Y-yes, Captain …" Chandler said. Jake then smiled at him.

"Yeah, prioritize yourself first, sometimes it's okay to be greedy," Jade unexpectedly joined the conversation.

"That's … not what I meant, it's also out of context, but … okay," Jake replied to Jade's words immediately after.

"Goddamn, even a monkey couldn't help but melt because of Shawn's handsomeness. Who would have thought that Shawn would be very useful for something like this," Curtis made a new conversation less than a second later.

"He dated twenty girls at once for a reason," Cheryl spoke to Curt.

"I know. Imagine if this monkey would also get horny with him," Curt stated.

"Hmph, his whole body would be eaten by its p*ssy," Jade told Curtis.

"Aaah," Rosemarie screamed so softly as she got shocked when Jade mentioned that last word.

"Hahahahahaha hoohoohoo, I know right?! Hahahaha, aih … damn, you are aggressive indeed," Curtis said to Jade.

Hearing him being gossiped about by Curt and Jade, Shawn could only shake his head and tried to be ignorant towards it. He also kept feeding Nala and eating his own fish near the Bigfoot.


Only a moment later, everyone was startled by Cheryl's startling exclamation. It was a very sudden exclamation, so all the eyes immediately turned to the girl.

"This tastes like sh*t!" Cheryl continued, she also looked at everyone afterwards.

"Cheryl, don't say that," Shawn rebuked his twin sister immediately after, he looked a little bit angry towards her because of what she had just said.

"But, Shawn! This really tastes like sh*t! Ew! It's so bad!" Cheryl responded to her brother very quickly, she also immediately threw away the fish she had previously held.


"It probably tastes bad because we don't have any seasoning on it. Not gonna lie I also won't say this fish tastes good, but throw it away … probably is not a good idea, because however, we have to eat something," Jake interrupted Shawn, who was about to scold his sister again, very quickly.

"I'm so sorry for that, Captain, but-"

"Wait, really?! I mean, yeah I agree that these fish taste bad, but … taste like sh*t? Mine doesn't taste like sh*t, but if yours did, then …" Curtis also interrupted Cheryl immediately after, he seemed to be wanting to say something else, but he looked confused at the same time.

"Then what?" Cole asked him afterwards.

"Around before the dawn, when all of you were still asleep, I sh*t in the river. I'm not really sure how close the spot where I sh*t on to the spots where we were fishing, but if Cheryl's fish tasted like sh*t, then the locations were probably close enough," Curt explained casually. Everyone was immediately shocked to death because of his explanation.

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