Beast Monster System

Chapter 32 - Conscious




Jade, Cole, and Cheryl immediately reacted to Curt's explanation by yelling at him, while the others were putting down their fish less than a second later, Cole and Jade did the same after they yelled at Curtis.

They all, except Curtis obviously, immediately felt nauseous, they also got up a moment later to find a place to vomit, even Shawn immediately stopped feeding Nala, and Nala itself also wanted to do the thing that The Saviors did, but the monster was tied and couldn't make much movement because its injuries would give it pain, so the Bigfoot could only be silent, 'swallowing' everything.

"They are … kinda overreacting, aren't they?" Curtis said to Nala afterwards, he was the only one who continued to eat his fish.

"GOAAAAAARRRR!!" Nala then screamed so loudly to the boy as a response.

"I'm not sure why you scream at me, but … okay," he told the Bigfoot. The boy then kept eating his fish calmly as if nothing happened a few seconds ago.

"Ngh …" Curt's eyes immediately opened widely a moment later as he heard Aksel's voice. He turned his head towards his friend less than a second later.

"Aksel?!" He said, before approaching him.

"Hey, man, are you awake?!" Curt asked Aksel, he was panicked because he had no idea about what to do, he was also surprised that Aksel would awake when everyone wasn't here, he just didn't want to do anything wrong towards him.

Meanwhile, from Aksel's point of view, the world looked pretty dark and blurry. He strangely found it quite hard to completely open both of his eyes, that's why his vision was that bad.

"What … happened …?" Aksel whispered very weakly, his voice almost couldn't be heard.

"What?! I didn't hear you. Say it again," Curtis spoke to Aksel as he got his ear closer to Aksel's mouth.

"Curt …?" Aksel said, still with a very low tone.

"Yeah, bro, this is me. D-do you need anything? Like … I don't know, anything?" Curtis offered Aksel any help, he really got panicked to the point that his outer body parts actively shook.

"J-just tell me … w-what do you need? Do you want food? We cooked a lot of delicious fish, you know," Curt continued. 

"Aksel?!" Chandler said in disbelief, he just got here after vomiting his fish, he immediately ran over to Aksel and Curtis after he saw Aksel made a little movement. Some of the other Saviors also did the same a moment later, they just started to get back one by one.

"Aksel, can you hear me?! Can you see me?!" Chandler started to ask Aksel, he tried to keep Aksel's conscious, but Aksel was too weak to respond to him.

"How did he awake?" Jake asked Curt who got up immediately after Chandler was there.

"I-I don't know, he just … awoke," Curtis answered. Jade rolled both of her eyes after she heard Curt's answer.

"Captain, can you please press his big toe using your fingers?" Chandler said to Jake only a second later.

"Yes," Jake replied and squatted immediately after, he did what Chandler ordered him to do so quickly.

"Better press it hard, Captain," Chandler told Jake before Jake finally did it.

"Got it," Jake responded.

"Aksel!" Chandler called out to Aksel once again at the same time as Jake pressed his big toe, Chandler also slapped Aksel quite hard when he called out to him.

"Huh?!" Aksel opened his eyes widely afterwards.

The combination of those 3 things managed to help Aksel to be completely conscious. The boy was also breathing heavily afterwards.

"Thank goodness," Chandler said as Aksel was finally awake. Everyone else also looked happy with this.

"Chandler?" Aksel spoke confusedly. He still spoke with a low tone, but not as low as it was before.

"Are you okay? How do you feel?" Chandler asked Aksel. He wanted to make sure that Aksel was indeed as okay as how he looked.

"I don't know … I feel so weak …" Aksel answered a moment later.

"Do you feel any pain in your body?" Jake then asked Aksel as well.

"No …" Aksel replied. The boy still looked very confused and indeed looked so weak.

"Where are we …?" He continued immediately after.

"We're safe now, you don't need to worry about that," Cheryl told Aksel just shortly after.

Aksel then didn't say anything more, and instead, he tried to get up and sit down, but he was just too weak to be able to do it.

"You want to sit down?" Luckily Chandler realized it only a second later, and he immediately got ready to help Aksel.

"Yes," Aksel answered. Chandler then helped him to sit down. There was a tree behind Aksel, so he leaned on that tree.

Aksel then frowned because all the other Saviors couldn't stop staring at him, it made him confused and insecure simultaneously even though his look was very weak and kind of made Jake afraid that he would faint again. Aksel's eyes totally looked like they were about to be closed again although it hadn't even been 30 seconds yet since they were wide open.

"Is there anything wrong with me? Why are you guys staring at me like that?" The boy asked them afterwards, still so weakly, obviously.

"You had fainted for more than twenty-four hours, we were just worrying you so much," Jake, who sat right in front of the boy, said to him.

"More than twenty-four hours?! Seriously?!" Aksel made sure, he was very shocked to hear that, but what a weak expression and voice he could give, even when being shocked.


Immediately after finding out that he had fainted for more than 24 hours, Aksel heard the same deep and scary voice that he heard the moment after he was thrown away when he just succeeded to completely activate the Beast Monster System.

"That voice …" Aksel muttered. He was actually kinda startled because of that voice.

"What voice?!" Jake immediately asked him.

"They were … the same voice," Aksel said. He then started to remember little by little about what happened yesterday because of that voice.

He remembered when he, Shawn, the monkey, and Cheryl helped Chandler find the medicinal plants. He remembered some things that happened earlier than that, like when they had their breakfast that morning, when they heard Curt's stories, when Jake tried to help him activate his system, and when Jake gave Blake, Curtis, and Rosemarie a mission. He also remembered when they found the dead Bigfoots, the dead men, and the still-alive snakes. He remembered when surprisingly more than 50 Bigfoots had been waiting for The Saviors, and then they attacked them. Lastly, the boy remembered when he tried to activate the Beast Monster System and ended up successfully doing it, but he couldn't remember what happened afterwards, he couldn't remember when he went crazy and brutal, he had no memories about it.

Aksel tried so hard to remember those moments even though they didn't exist in his memory. He kept trying because this thing disturbed him, but then …

"Aksel, what voice?" Jake then asked the boy once again.

"I-it was …-" when Aksel was about to answer Jake's question, he unintentionally looked at Nala that looked at him as well with a look full of hate and anger. The monster didn't do anything but give Aksel that scary look as if it was about to release itself from the modified roots and then tear him apart. It made Aksel completely silent less than a second later. The boy was shocked to see it here, and its look managed to scare him.

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