Beast Monster System

Chapter 6 - 1010

It's been 3 hours since the battle of The Saviors against the Bigfoots ended because of the massive snakes attack, and it's about 8 pm in the place where The Saviors now in, although basically the whole of Northern America is now just a giant forest, they succeeded to found a quite 'modern' place which is not too far from the location where their battle against the Bigfoots went on.

Yes, they're now in a place that used to become a little part of New York City, so basically, all of them are now in a place that was New York City in the past. So much has changed in this city for the last 300 years, the city almost unknown by The Saviors although this is their first time being here, luckily the area where they're now in could make them realize that this is New York City, which now 99.9% covered by trees and the like.

After 3 hours their battle against the Bigfoots ended, they remain still safe, there are no more Bigfoots that are seen by them or attacking them, and for the last 3 hours, Chandler has succeeded in healing almost all of The Saviors, including himself, with his ability.

Chandler's ability is very helpful, some of The Saviors are 100% healed now, and the rest will be healed soon, they just take more time because they got worse injuries or wounds than some other The Saviors, and they are Aksel, Jade, and Jake. Chandler is actually the one who got the worst injuries and wounds, but his regeneration skill helped him a lot to regenerate and healed faster than anyone else in The Saviors.

"All done, Captain, please don't make too much movement for a while, you need some time to be one hundred percent healed, but you'll be totally alright," said Chandler to Jake after he finished healing him, Jake was the last person to be healed, and Aksel was the first one.

"Alright, thank you very much, Chandler, you did a great job, I'm so proud of you," replied Jake while smiling at him, Chandler then also smiling at the Captain.

"I-I'm sorry for interrupting, but … here's water for you, Chandler … thank you so much for your hard work, you better take a rest now, y-you must be so tired now …" Rosemarie then joined the conversation while giving ready-to-drink water in a 'nature cup' to Chandler.

"Thank you so much, Rosemarie, yeah … I think I feel so tired now," responded Chandler as he took the water from the girl and then drank it.

After that, Chandler and Rosemarie then chat about several other things. It looks like Rosemarie offering any help to Chandler right now because he had helped them so much and gets tired because of it. Jake smiles at this because he feels so happy to see their good friendship, but then he turns to everyone around them.

Aksel who's still in the process to be 100% healed just like Jake now looks sad and can only be silent, he remains silent since almost 2 hours ago, the sad look on his face also has been there since 3 hours ago, no one has asked him about that because basically all of them also feel sad right now.

Both Shawn, Cheryl, and Cole are guarding the situation around them all in 3 different spots, there's nothing specific on them because they're just focused on guarding and keeping eyes on so many spots.

Jade has been away from everyone since 2 hours ago, she doesn't give a damn of anything until now.

Curt looks anxious and confused because everyone's mind seems messed up right now, he just doesn't want them to be too overthinking about the situation and just relax, he doesn't know what to do about this.

Blake is dead.

Or at least that's what they all assume right now because he's the only one they couldn't find after the snakes attack 3 hours ago, so there are only 9 remaining members of The Saviors right now, and this is one of the main reasons for their respective sadness at the moment.

Chandler and Rosemarie's conversation had just ended, Chandler is trying to sleep, so everything is so quiet now, there are only the sounds of some nocturnal animals and their campfire, and Curt doesn't seem comfortable with the situation right now.

"Uh … does anyone want to hear my story?" asked the boy afterwards.

"I do, what story by the way?" replied Jake, he responded to him very well and very nicely, his smile also just came back after it's previously gone when he looked at everyone besides Chandler and Rosemarie.

"Fictional story, Captain, I love to make up fictional stories in my mind," said Curt, he looks so happy after getting a response from Jake.

"Really? That's interesting! Are you an author?" asked Jake.

"No, I just love to make up stories in my mind, I also love to tell anyone about them, but damn, so far no one has been interested in listening to at least one of my stories," explained Curt, he looks quite sad now.

"I'm sorry to hear that … but probably they were just not in the right mood to hear you, and I am now in the right mood to hear you, so please tell me one story," spoke Jake, he shares a very positive vibe, and this makes Curt feels better after became sad for a while.

"Thank you, Captain," replied Curt, smiling quite widely, he then turned his gaze to the others.

"Anyone else wants to hear me?" continued him, but no one responded to him.

"U-uh … me …" responded Rosemarie with her cute and soft voice after more than 15 seconds. Curt's smile which was almost fading remains on his lips after he got a response from Rosemarie.

"Me too, actually," added Chandler, he had previously closed his eyes and was about to sleep, but then he woke up and sat down.

"But you should rest, don't you?" Curt made sure.

"Yeah, but … I don't sleepy … I don't know," replied Chandler.

"Alright, I don't mind," Curt closed the conversation.

"Ahem, okay, let's begin," continued him, this time he really closed any previous conversation and is about to begin telling his fictional story.

"Captain!!!" exclaimed Shawn just a moment after Curt opened his mouth and was about to say the first word of his story, but in the end, he didn't do it because of Shawn's exclamation, everyone's attention is also averted to Shawn after his exclamation, including Curt's attention himself.

"Blake?!" said Jake, Rosemarie, Chandler, Cole, and Cheryl at the same time as they saw Blake being carried by Shawn now, Shawn is approaching The Saviors who are near the campfire, so Cole and Cheryl are also approaching them immediately after.

"Dude, you're not dead yet?! I thought you were!" spoke Curt to Blake after he's near them.

"Curt, stop," Cheryl then rebuked him a little bit, mainly because Blake looks in great pain in his whole body right now.

"What? It's just unbelievable since he got kicked very strong and he got thrown so far away, he was thrown way farther than Aksel did because he also got kicked way more worse than Aksel did," replied Curt. Cheryl can only shake her head afterwards.

Chandler then immediately heals Blake using his skill. "Healing: Level One." This is a quite unique skill because once it's being activated, anyone who gets injured and the like would be healed just by being touched by both of Chandler's hands.

"How could you find him?" Jake then asks Shawn, he and the other Saviors look very worried about Blake's condition, he gets injured very badly.

"I don't know, Captain, he just surprisingly appeared behind one of the trees near me, he looked very weak and he couldn't even stand up anymore, he trembled and couldn't give me any response, it made me panicked so I screamed," explained Shawn.

"Uh … h-he looks injured very badly," said Rosemarie, her voice almost couldn't be heard because of how soft and low the tone was, she just looked so worried about Blake just like the others.

"He's gonna be alright," spoke Jake.

"Everyone, please stay away from Chandler and Blake, let Chandler get a space," continues the Captain, all of them then do his command, except Jade because she still stays away from the other Saviors.

They all then just silent while watching Chandler healing up Blake worriedly, so it's very quiet now around them.

'Chandler used his healing skill nonstop for the last three hours for us, and he's now a level-two user who just leveled up and hasn't gotten any quest yet after leveled up, his mana points will most likely run out after he succeeded in healing Blake, and this is not good at all, the only healer we have now is Chandler, all the medicines were inside the spaceship and none of them could be saved. I don't know what will happen if we get injured again after this day while Chandler hasn't gotten his mana points again …' thought Jake, he's worried about how they will survive for tomorrow and the next days if Chandler's mana points will run out very soon and won't be filled again because he's not gonna leveling up quite soon.

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