Beast Monster System

Chapter 7 - The Biggest Savior & Hero

After about 20 minutes, Chandler is finally done in healing up Blake, but Blake still needs more time to be 100% healed just like Aksel, Jade, and Jake which are now have been 100% healed after they took more time than Rosemarie, Cole, Shawn, and Cheryl did to be back to their original condition.

"You're now in the perfecting process, you'll be alright soon, just don't make too much movement, it'll make your perfecting process take a longer time to be done," said Chandler to Blake after he healed him, and Blake himself looked very okay now.

"Alright, thank you so much," replied Blake after he previously nodded. Chandler then nodded his head as a response.

"H-here's water … again, for you," spoke Rosemarie while giving him water again to Chandler.

"Ahahaha, thank you so much, Rosemarie, but I'm not thirsty at the moment, I'm so sorry," replied Chandler, he looked very worried that his words would make her hurt.

"Give it to me," said Blake as soon as Chandler refused the water Rosemarie gave him.

"U-uh …?" Rosemarie looked confused about what to do afterwards..

"Give it to him, he needs it," Chandler spoke to Rosemarie very softly. Rosemarie then gave the water to Blake and he really was very thirsty.

"Captain …" Chandler then talked to Jake.

"Yes, Chandler?" Jake responded very nicely.

"Unfortunately, my mana points have been run out now, it'll be filled again if I am leveling up which is none of us knows when it will happen, I have just leveled up to level two about three hours ago and I haven't gotten any quest again yet, so, for the upcoming battles, we better not get injured anymore as long as I am not on the level three yet," explained Chandler.

'Just like what I expected to happen,' thought Jake shortly after Chandler told him that his mana points had run out and that he won't be able to use his ability until he's leveling up.

"What?! Are you serious?! We were facing more than forty Bigfoots several hours ago and got injured quite badly, no, even some of us got injured very badly, meanwhile probably there are millions of them on this Planet and all of them are ready to face us too and you just told us that we better not get injured with our upcoming battles with these monsters?! How is that even possible?!" protested Shawn.

"Yeah … it's very impossible, it was very hard to just face one Bigfoot and there are many more of them coming for us, we need your ability very much since our stocks for medicines and such things had exploded with our spaceship," added Cheryl.

"Don't worry, we are on the Earth, unlike Mars, Earth has so many medicinal plants, we just need to find them and use them once we get injured again as long as Chandler's mana points haven't been filled again," Aksel was finally saying something after being silent for hours.

"And naively thinking that those medicinal plants will have the same healing level as Chandler's ability's as well as our medicines stocks'? Ridiculous, your idea is just as useless as yourself," said Blake to Aksel.

All the gazes then immediately turned to Blake as his sharp words shocked them all, including Jade.

"So, what happened? How did you guys manage to survive? It's very surprising and unbelievable to me, I thought I was the only one who's still alive," continued Blake.

"The snakes saved us, you don't know about the snakes?" asked Cheryl, she looked quite confused and surprised at the same time because of Blake's question.

"Snakes?" Blake made sure, he looked no less confused.

"According to Rosemarie, suddenly there were massive numbers of snakes appeared mysteriously and they attacked the Bigfoots, due to that surprising situation Rosemarie was able to save all of us, we were all fainted at that time except Rosemarie, she met Aksel and Curt not long after the snakes attack and they told her that they also survived because of the snakes attack, indicating that the snakes weren't only mysteriously appeared in our location, but as well as Curt and Aksel's location, but strangely they weren't seen in other locations, just in those two locations, the fact that you didn't know about the snakes attack for me is confirming that the snakes definitely only appeared in these two locations, very strange," Cole explained all to Blake. Blake looked more confused afterwards.

"How about you? How did you manage to survive after being kicked and thrown far away? I lost my hope that you are still alive ever since I saw you get kicked by that Bigfoot, you know," Curt joined the conversation by asking Blake.

"I don't know either, I fainted and just awoke about half an hour before I got here, it also kind of surprised me that I'm still alive," Blake responded to Curt.

"Yeah, man, you got injured so badly," Curt replied.

Blake's gaze then turned to Jake, he looked slightly angry at Jake judging from how different his gaze and his expression towards Jake, both of his gaze and expression became deeper and cooler in an angry way. "Any idea of what we should do now, Jake? We lost everything in that spaceship and I don't see you're being worried about it." He asked Jake afterwards quite rudely.

"I've been thinking about that, but we better save that conversation for tomorrow, we had a hard day today, resting will be the best thing for us to do right now," Jake responded very nicely while looking at everyone one by one with a bright face, everyone was sat down (and is) so he didn't find any difficulty to do that, he also didn't look angry or irritated, he acted like the way Blake talked to him was okay.

"As I expected, that would be your answer, what a disappointing captain," said Blake with a sharp gaze towards the Captain who's just 8 meters away from him and Chandler, everyone immediately turned their respective gaze to him again afterwards because his words were very shocking and rude, moreover, there's no regret that looked on him after he said that, instead, he then turned his face sassily from everyone.

"Yo, b*stard! You can leave this team if you want to, it'll be better though, we don't need a trash member here," Jade finally broke her silence as she spoke to Blake shortly after Blake being too rude to Jake. Meanwhile, Jake looked okay with it as if it didn't happen, his facial expression or anything from him didn't change, but he just became silent while watching the tense-up situation now with the same bright face which is actually quite weird for this situation.

"Did I ask?" Blake responded to Jade's words without really looking at her and made her get irritated by it.

The girl then got up and finally decided to approach her teammates, plus, she's angry now. She was previously sitting down around 15 meters away behind Blake and Chandler, near the little river.

"If you have any problem with me or the rest of us, let's just finish it through the right and the best way because honestly, I am ready to make you my dinner tonight. Finish it just with me, with empty hands and without using our respective abilities, if you're manly enough," Jade said to Blake as she's getting ready to fight him, she was only 3 meters behind him, and either her hands or her feet looked so ready for the empty-hands fight.

Everyone except Jake and Blake (and Jade herself, of course) immediately looked tense due to this tense situation, the situation just kept getting worse and scarier because they all know Jade wasn't joking and she has never been the type of person who loves to make jokes.

Blake's gaze was immediately turned back to Jake's eyes just shortly after the angry Jade challenged him, he looked so irritated by Jake who's still done nothing to the situation.

"What an abnormal team, here we have a very ignorant captain, I don't understand what's going on with his mind. We also have a mad girl who loves to talk sh*t and-" Blake couldn't finish his words when he was about to get up because suddenly Jade attacked him very angrily with her foot, but luckily Blake could avoid the kick very quickly, although it almost hit Chandler as well and makes him remain shocked now.

"Okay, enough," said Jake, finally. He also got up, but his bright face hasn't changed so much.

"C-Chandler, are you okay?" Rosemarie asked and approached Chandler after Jake broke his silence. Chandler looks scared because of Jade's powerful attack, the kick even created a little-but-quite deep hole on the ground.

"U-uh … y-yes …" Chandler answered Rosemarie, then, both of them staying away from Jade and Blake who both look so angry now.

"I swear you're the worst Captain ever! You literally can't do anything but be a burden just like the boy who's sitting next to you! You couldn't do anything useful when our spaceship was about to explode! You couldn't protect at least these kids excluding me when the Bigfoots attacked us or you couldn't even make a useful strategy at that time! Now you didn't even do anything until this insane girl attacked me and you even still have that disgusting happy face on your face! What do you think these situations are?! Some shows or jokes that entertain you very much?! I don't understand how they could choose you to become the Captain of this team, no one has heard about you nor knew you before, you were just a random person that ended up ruining everything! Now we can't communicate with The Martians, we can't go back to Mars, we lost our supplies of medicines, we lost our stock of food and we literally lost almost everything thanks to you, useless Captain! I may be able to understand Aksel's uselessness, but not yours! You are literally the Captain! Gosh! I don't understand how this team is this bad, I would be so happy if I can leave all of you guys, I swear," Blake finally exploded, he directed his anger mostly towards Jake whom he said was very useless just like Aksel who's sitting next to Jake at the moment.

After Blake's explosion, everyone remains silent, they didn't expect the explosion even though Blake had become very rude to Jake previously. Jake's expression even changed eventually after Blake's explosion, no more brightness on his face, he looks so serious like never before.

"Hooh, his anger kinda scares me, to be honest, it's almost as scary as my mom's anger," whispered Curt to Cole.

"Ssshhh," responded Cole, he told Curt to be silent before his gaze turned to Jake whom he noticed the changes.

"Anyone else wants to complain about anything? I understand how hard our day is today so it is totally fine if each of you wants to complain about anything you want to, but before that, I want to clear up one thing first that I think is very important," Jake finally said something after being silent for about half a minute. He's totally changed, his tone became more serious and kind of colder, as well as his expression, Blake might see "the ideal Captain" from him now.

Jake then turned his face and gaze to Aksel who could only bow his head, the sadness on his face that was first seen about 2 hours ago is still on his face, and Jake seems to know what the sadness is about, specifically.

"Aksel," the Captain then called out to him very softly and nicely.

"Y-yes, Captain?" Aksel replied as he raised his head, he looked surprised too by the call, he didn't really pay attention to the situation after Blake said bad things about him earlier.

"Stand up," Jake told Aksel to stand up afterwards, a smile also formed on his lips when he told him this.

Without asking anything, although he's kinda confused, Aksel still did what Jake wanted him to do. After Aksel stands up, in total, 4 people stand up: Blake, Jade, Jake, and Aksel, the rest are sitting down.

"Aksel has been feeling sad since we faced the fact that Blake might be dead, that was three hours ago, and we all felt the same sadness up until Blake surprisingly showed up near us, but even after we know that Blake is okay now and none of us died, he still sad, he felt guilty because of something Blake said about him: "useless". Aksel knows exactly how he could only being a burden, he knows Blake's 'death' was his fault too because Curt said he and Blake just tried to save Aksel at that time, he's sad about this and he's feeling guilty," Jake started to talk about Aksel in a serious tone, he also kept looking at everyone except Aksel while talking about him, and Aksel himself looked surprised when Jake explained about his feelings.

'How can he know about it?' That was what Aksel thought about when he heard Jake's explanation about his feelings.

"But one thing everyone seems do not notice is Aksel was actually our biggest savior and hero today, he seems like did nothing but his role was very important, without him, we would be in those Bigfoots's stomachs right now," Jake continued, and he took a little break afterwards to see everyone's reaction, and they all looked very surprised to hear that.

"The snakes attack wasn't a random thing that makes us look very lucky, it was Aksel's skill, he saved us by commanded those snakes to attack the Bigfoots, and no one realized this, including Aksel himself," explained Jake, and his final explanation about Aksel was the biggest surprising thing for the other Saviors, they didn't expect that, even Aksel looked confused, and everyone except Jake then turned their gaze towards Aksel but the boy didn't notice that because he was looking at his hands confusedly.

"You guys should thank him, but let's do it later, I want to give you guys an important message first. Remember this, everyone takes different times to understand their lesson, just because you took shorter time than the others doesn't mean the others are useless or stupid, no one knows when will the person you think is useless becomes the most useful one, and becomes way more useful than you as well, keep in mind that surely it will happen if you keep underestimate them. I know we're not the best team ever created, but if each of you is able to appreciate the others' existence and ability, it's more than enough for me, we're all teammates, please respect each of us here," said Jake.

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