Beast Soul

Chapter 40 - Back Again

"Hah.." Detective Lewis let out a long and heavy sigh as he leaned next to his car, raising his head up to look at the sky as he started sipping the cup of coffee in his hands.

"Monsters and mutants…" He mumbled under his breath, afraid of sounding like a lunatic to the passers-by. If only they knew, he thought to himself.

He desperately wanted to tell someone. Anyone. He wanted to get this off his chest, just so that he doesn't feel anxious anymore. But he knew. He knew that he couldn't tell anyone. He knew that what he knows is purely confidential, and spilling this news would only result in widespread panic.

"I definitely did not sign up for this," He clutched his forehead, and his hands felt wet. He looked at his palms only to see that they were completely covered in sweat. He was sweating like crazy.

"Jesus Christ, it's not even a hot day." He clicked his tongue and shook his head.

He closed his eyes, and he could still remember the conversation that they had in the Commissioner's office. The memory was still fresh in his mind.

"So, what's the plan of action here?" Harry posed the question, and both Special Agent Fischer and Doctor Hernandez looked at each other for a second before replying, "Containment."

"Wait a minute, containment?" Lewis interrupted the conversation and blurted out all of a sudden, causing all the attention to turn to him. He immediately realised his mistake, but it was already too late.

"Detective Lewis is asking the right question." Harry decided to back Lewis up by providing his own opinion. His gaze shifted to Special Agent Fischer, and said. "Are you absolutely sure that the FID won't provide us support? Do they expect us to take care of this otherworldly mess all by ourselves?"

Special Agent Fischer didn't immediately respond. Instead, he turned his attention towards Commissioner Walter Bridge and Irvin Granger, the Chief of New World City Police. 

"We've already received orders from the FID." The Chief, Irvin Granger, said after a brief period of silence. He continued, "We're to provide any kind of support to Special Agents Alan Fischer and Richard Edgerton. That's the order."

The Commissioner, albeit a bit reluctant, nevertheless nodded his head.

"You do know what you're asking us to do here, right?" Detective Harry said as he squinted his eyebrows. The special agents didn't say anything, but both the Commissioner and the Chief of Police looked away, not making eye contact with the detective.

"You're asking untrained people who are extremely lacking in the weaponry and protective gear department to risk their lives and try to take down monsters with unimaginable powers." Harry continued speaking, and he slammed his hands on the Commissioner's table, causing it to shake softly. "We're not trained for this sort of mission. People are going to die."

"Detective Harry," Chief Irvin Granger leaned forward and said with a strict tone. "Mind your tone. You are speaking to your superior right now. Keep that in mind."

Detective Harry stepped back and bowed his head as he said, "I apologize, Commissioner. I got a bit too heated during the argument which led to me momentarily forgetting my position. I hope you'll forgive me."

'Wow. Well, isn't that the most insincere and fake apology that I've ever seen,' Thought Special Agent Fischer, but he didn't say it out loud, for he knew that everyone in the room was thinking the same thing.

"Hah," The Commisioner let out a heavy sigh as he leaned back into his chair, tilting his head up and stare at the ceiling. 

"I'm also not in support of this mission being handed over to you, Harry." He said as his attention shifted to the detective. "But if we don't do anything, then there won't be anyone who'll protect the people from these monsters."

The Commissioner had a serious expression on his face as he spoke. "We're the last line, Harry. I don't know what else to tell you."

"Last line, huh.." Detective Lewis Fitzgerald murmured under his breath as he took a bite of his donut, and opened the door to his car, entering into the driver's seat as he rubbed his hands on the tissue paper.

"I'm not sure anyone actually wishes to be the last line of defence…" Lewis couldn't help but remember the horrifying eight legged creature that attacked him, and a chill went up his spine, making him tremble for a second. 

He didn't know about the rest of the cops, but he definitely didn't want to encounter another one of these monsters on his own ever again.

"I sure do hope they just go away…" He said to himself as he turned the keys and started the car, and right then..

"Detective Lewis," The voice of Special Agent Alan Fischer was heard from within the police radio, and Lewis immediately grabbed it and brought to his mouth. "Lewis here."

"There's been an explosion inside the abandoned Marley market district. You're close to the location, right?" Agent Fischer asked.

"I am, yes." Detective Lewis replied. He then paused for a second, gulped down his saliva and continued, "Agent Fischer, is this an incident related to the monsters?"

"We don't know yet, detective." Fischer's voice responded through the radio. "But do be careful."

"Copy that," He said, and the conversation ended. 

Detective Lewis looked at his rear view mirror, and saw his reflection. "Looks like my bad luck hasn't ended yet, huh…"

He sighed before adjusting his mirrors and drove off.


"Gah!" Noah felt as though he had been hit by a truck, and blood spilled out of his mouth, spraying all over his face. The monster didn't let go of its grip on Noah's leg, and instead pulled him up from the ground, raising him up to slam him down again for a third time.

"AHHHHH!" Before he could do so however, Noah screamed loudly as he pulled his upper body up and opened his mouth, and a gigantic ball of flames burst out from his mouth and struck the spider creature by its head right before it came crashing down, resulting in an explosion that shook the whole place!

The spider creature was pushed backwards and crashed onto the wall, while Noah let out a groan and coughed up blood while lying on the ground.

"..Fu- F*ck…" Noah coughed once again as he pressed his hand onto the ground in an attempt to push himself up. 

"Wh- Where the f*ck am I?" Noah looked around, confused. His voice had now returned to its usual voice, and his body had reverted back to normal.

"Huh?" Confused and dizzy, Noah clutched his head as he tried to figure out what the hell was going on, but before he could fully grasp the whole situation, a loud roar interrupted his thinking process, as the spider creature leapt up from the floor, showing its sharp teeth as it snarled at Noah.

"Oh, for f*ck's sake.." Noah cursed out loud as the spider beast dashed towards him, swinging its arms and trying to strike him down.


Noah turned around in an instant and without wasting any time, he sprinted away from the spider beast, afraid of confronting the creature head-on.

Step! Step! Step!

Noah could hear the spider beast's footsteps getting closer and closer, and he was screaming as loud as he could internally. 


With a loud growl, the spider creature stretched out its long, muscular, clawed arms and swung straight at Noah, but right in that instant, Noah ducked his head down, grabbed onto one of the pillars that had still, miraculously, stayed up, and used pillar as a slingshot in order to whip him one eighty degrees in the other direction, making an L- shaped turn. 


"F*ck, that was close," Noah mumbled under his breath, but he definitely wasn't feeling safe. Not yet. This monstrous creature was still alive, and although he may have avoided it once, it didn't mean that he would be able to avoid its attack once again.

"Of all the times he could've regained consciousness, and it couldn't have picked a worse time…" Noah was both fearful and angry at whatever it was inside of him, which chose to back out and give him control once again during the worst time possible. 

Meanwhile near Gerald and the gang…

"What the hell are you telling me?" Harold knew that he shouldn't have spoken as it would mean inhaling the green gas, but he felt like he had to. 

"I don't want to waste any more of my breath, Harold." Gerald said as he pointed at the green eggs, and Harold couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise! Gerald really was telling both him and Alphonso to grab the green eggs and let the monster attach itself onto him.

He then turned his gaze towards the unconscious body of Max, who had a flower-like creature tightly hugging his face!

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