Beast Soul

Chapter 41 - Battle Of The Minds

"What the hell are you telling me?" Harold knew that he shouldn't have spoken as it would mean inhaling the green gas, but he felt like he had to. 

"I don't want to waste any more of my breath, Harold." Gerald said as he pointed at the green eggs, and Harold couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise! Gerald really was telling both him and Alphonso to grab the green eggs and let the monster attach itself onto him.

He then turned his gaze towards the unconscious body of Max, who had a flower-like creature tightly hugging his face. 

'You let Max get attached to that monster?!' Harold raised his eyebrows, questioning Gerald using his facial expressions.

'He was too fast, alright?' Gerald shrugged his shoulders with a bitter expression. 'I couldn't have stopped him even if I wanted to.'

He then looked at Max's unmoving body and bit his lips. 'And besides… this might be our only shot at leaving this place alive..' He said to himself, but Harold, who was looking at him, could read what he was thinking. 

Harold pointed his finger at the roof. 'There's still the broken roof!' He widened his eyes in desperation. 'We can make it up there if we try.'

'With Alphonso?' Gerald waved his hands at Alphonso, who was groaning with his eyes closed. His whole face was completely pale and covered in sweat. 'He's injured. He won't be able to make it up there! We're not even sure that we'll make it up there!'

'Well, we haven't tried yet, have we?' Harold gritted his teeth. He was angry, but he couldn't scream. He knew that he had to keep his mouth shut, but this whole situation was making him lose his patience.

"Oh for f*ck's sake…." The staring contest of the two boys were interrupted by the weak and frail voice of Alphonso, and both Harold and Gerald turned their heads to find him lying close to one of the green monster eggs.

It looked like he had crawled over to the egg while the two of them were fighting.

"Since when did you guys become so worried about me?" Alphonso said as he let out a weak chuckle, before coughing immediately. "It's making me sick… *cough*.. *cough*.."

"Alphonso!" Harold couldn't help but shout out loud. 'What the hell are you doing? It's dangerous to be near that thing!' Is what he wanted to say, but he held it back and instead used his arms to signal his thoughts.

"Oh, let's be realistic, Harold!" Alphonso rolled his eyes and chuckled once again as he turned towards the egg and grabbed it, causing the sharp thorns on the outer shell of the egg to pierce into his hands. "You and I both know that I won't be able to make it to the rooftop." He said with a weak smile as blood began to drip out from his hands and onto the ground. "This is the only way I have…"

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Harold watched in horror as the giant green coloured egg began to shake violently, and the tip of the egg started to crack open!

Crack! Crack! Crack!

"What in god's name..." Harold watched as the monster egg slowly cracked open and revealed a long green vine which had a red flower bud on the very top of it.


Both Gerald and Harold watched as the flower bud suddenly opened on it's own and revealed the sharp toothed interior of the monster.

"God damn!" Alphonso couldn't help but whisper softly under his breath as he stared at the flower monster. "That is one ugly motherf*cker!" He said with a weak voice right before the monster slammed its face onto Alphonso's, attaching itself onto his entire face, as the vine part of the flower monster split itself from the head.

The vine and the monster split into two and Alphonso's body fell down onto the floor with the flower monster stuck to his face.

'...' Harold, who saw the whole thing happen right in front of him, just stood there, speechless. 

'Holy fuck!' He wanted to scream so badly, but for some reason, his voice wouldn't exit from his throat. It was as though he had lost the ability to speak and became mute.

Step! Step! Step!

Ignoring the terrified Harold who was frozen from fear, Gerald walked up to another one of the green eggs and knelt in front of it, squinting both his eyes as he examined the otherworldly egg.

"Gerald?" Harold turned his head around and looked at Gerald, whispering softly. "Don't tell me…"

"Hah…" Gerald closed his eyes, tilted his head up, and let out a long sigh. "There's no other way, Harold..." He said with a bitter expression on his face as he grabbed the egg, and the thorns pierced into his palms which made him flinch and groan.

"This is- this is just crazy.." Harold mumbled under his breath as the egg in Gerald's hands cracked open, revealing another one of the flower bud monsters.

"Look around, Harold…" Gerald shifted his gaze towards Harold, and at the same time, the flower bud opened its mouth, revealing the monster's sharp teeth.

"The world has already gone crazy." He said, right before being attacked by the flower monster as the terrifying creature attached itself to Gerald's face, causing him to fall down onto the ground, unconscious.

"This is.. this.." Harold, who was now the only one remaining, wanted to speak, but as soon as he was about to, he began to cough uncontrollably, causing him to kneel down onto the ground while covering his face and mouth.

"Oh god…" He mumbled under his breath as he clutched his head. He was feeling extremely dizzy and unwell. He touched his nose and found that he was bleeding out of his nostrils.

"Well, isn't that perfect …" He said in a sarcastic tone as his gaze turned towards the remaining green egg, and he narrowed his eyebrows.

"I guess this really is the only way…" Letting out a long and heavy sigh, Harold touched the green egg. 

"I sure hope this works, Gerald.." He said, as the sharp thorns pierced into his flesh and caused it to bleed. "Because if it doesn't, I'm going to kill you in the afterlife.."


As soon as he finished speaking, the flower monster that had burst out from inside of the egg, snarled loudly and attached onto Harold's head, pushing him down onto the ground and causing him to faint.

"F*ck, f*ck, f*ck!" Noah cursed out loud as he continued running away from the spider creature, which had gotten up once again and was charging right after him while snarling and growling. 


The spider beast swung one of its long and sharp claws at Noah's back, which sent him flying up forwards into the air and slamming onto the wall in front of him upside down.

"Gah!" The impact caused the walls to shake and Noah gasped for air as blood began to drip out from his mouth.

However, he had no time to catch his breath, as the spider creature, which wasn't planning on stopping its attacks until it killed him, screamed loudly and swung its claws for another strike!

"God damn you!" Noah screamed loudly in desperation, and right before the spider beast's sharp claw could strike him, his throat began to get hot and all of a sudden, flames began to erupt out from his mouth and shot down to the ground, propelling him up and narrowly avoiding the clawed attack of the spider beast, which collided with the wall behind him.


The wall shook violently because of the force and at the same time, Noah, who after being propelled into the air, had landed down to the ground right behind the spider beast.

"Now's the time!" Noah realized that this might be the best time for him to attack the spider beast, when it's back was turned away from him.


Without wasting any more time, Noah swung his fist right towards the spider creature, aiming for the back of its head.


"AHHHH! Take this!" Noah screamed loudly as his fist smashed against the back of the spider beast's head, resulting in a loud noise and flinging the beast forwards and crashing onto the wall.


Noah continued to strike the creature as it desperately tried to get back up, punching it multiple times on its back and not giving it enough time to steady itself.

"Like hell I'll give you a chance to counter attack!" Noah, who seemed to be growing confident, began taunting the creature as he landed one strike after another.


The spider creature, which was getting annoyed after repeatedly being attacked, growled loudly and swung its legs down in a sweeping motion, striking Noah's legs and causing him to slam down onto the ground, landing with a loud noise.

"Oh sh*t!" Noah, who realized that he had f*cked up, cursed out loud as he saw the spider beast turn around, roaring loudly as it swung its claws, aiming straight for Noah's neck!

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