Beast Soul

Chapter 42 - A New Participant

"Detective Lewis," The voice of Special Agent Alan Fischer was heard from within the police radio, and Lewis immediately grabbed it and brought it to his mouth. "Lewis here."

"There's been an explosion inside the abandoned Marley market district. You're close to the location, right?" Agent Fischer asked. "I am, yes." Detective Lewis replied. He then paused for a second, gulped down his saliva and continued, "Agent Fischer, is this an incident related to the monsters?"

"We don't know yet, detective." Fischer's voice responded through the radio. "But do be careful." "Copy that," He said, and the conversation ended. 

Lewis didn't waste any time, and within seconds, his blue sedan was already on the road, driving towards the abandoned Marley market district, which was just a few miles away from his location.

"The Marley market district, huh…" Lewis whispered under his breath as he focused his gaze on the road.

The Marley market district was part of the old World city, before the whole reconstruction process took place. It was a marketplace that had been bustling with people all over from the country, and was well known amongst merchant forums and groups for providing opportunities to the sellers, often making them compete for vacant spots in the district.

But now, it was just another abandoned district that was swept aside during the renaissance period of the city. The only people who live around there are dumpster divers who make a living by finding junk parts and selling them for a profit. 

"It's been a long time since I've gone to the Marley market district.." Detective Lewis couldn't help but remember his childhood days when he visited the district with his parents. He was only a little boy back then, but he could still remember the illuminated district that was filled with people during the night. It was truly a magnificent sight, something that he'd never forget. 

"It's a shame that these old buildings were abandoned.." Lewis didn't know why, but he felt pity for those abandoned buildings. They were the defining features of the city before the whole reformation process. And now, they were just unwanted structures, now infested by these monstrous creatures.

Lewis' hand drifted to the right seat, where a small M81A Pulse blaster was lying. 

'I really hope I don't encounter another monster…' He said to himself as he gently brushed his fingers over the blaster. 

Lewis wasn't someone who had experience in combat. He knew the basics, and he did train for sometime in the shooting grounds and had practiced jujitsu a while ago, but he never had been in a real life threatening fight before, except for the eight legged creature attack.

Luckily, he survived that. But Detective Lewis never wanted to experience that feeling of terror ever again in his life. 

"What the hell is happening?" Detective Lewis mumbled under his breath as he squinted his eyebrows. Through the front window of his car, Lewis could see the backs of multiple vehicles, not a single one of them moving from the road. 

'Oh, for f*ck's sake,' Detective Lewis let out an exasperated sigh and covered his face with his palm. It was a traffic jam. And a long one at that. The line of vehicles seemed to stretch on forever.

'What the f*ck is this sh*t?' Lewis pulled up behind the very last vehicle on the queue and tried to look over to see what the hell was causing this traffic jam, but his gaze was partially covered by two large trucks which blocked the view.

"What on earth do I do now?" Lewis bit his lips as he tapped his steering wheel, trying to find a way out of this situation. He slipped his head out of the window and looked over. There wasn't much distance to the Marley market district from where he was standing. 

'Do I just walk now?' He thought hard about what his plan was going to be. Lewis then turned his head and shifted his gaze towards his back, and saw a few vehicles which were heading his way, and he immediately put his car in reverse.


He reversed his car and pulled over to the side of the road before turning the vehicle off.

He then looked over to his blaster, and after a moment of reluctance, grabbed it and got out of the vehicle, locking it right after exiting it.

'Looks like I'm walking…Lewis said after a long and heavy sigh, and he began walking through the traffic, trying to get to the other end of the blockage of vehicles.

After walking for a few minutes, he began to see a small puff of smoke that was emitting a few metres away from him, and he squinted his eyebrows.

It seemed like there was an accident. 

'But the emitted smoke is too faint,' Lewis said to himself in his mind. Of course, not enough smoke doesn't necessarily mean that the accident might not be all that serious.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Lewis tapped on the window of a van that was to his right, and the window slowly rolled down to reveal a middle aged blonde woman with a ponytail and a cigarette in her mouth.

"What?" The woman asked annoyingly. It seemed like she wasn't too happy about Lewis' interruption.

"Ma'am, I'm Detective Lewis." Lewis said as he took out his badge and showed it to the lady, which caused the eyes of the woman to widen, and her annoyed expression instantly shifted to that of a scared and anxious one. 

Perhaps she was doing something suspicious? 

Who cares, Lewis thought to himself. There are much more important things to worry about, he thought. 

"Ma'am, do you have any idea what caused this traffic jam?" Lewis asked the lady. 

"Well, uh, detective.." The woman opened her mouth, stuttering while speaking. "Uh, so- some guy apparently crashed his van onto the back of a car."

"I see," Lewis nodded while scratching his head. "Is that all there is? Is anyone hurt?"

"No, uh, no one is hurt.. I think.." The lady shook her head, even though her expression told him she was uncertain. "But, uh, it seems as though the guy who crashed is a conspiracy theorist, and he's blocking the road."

"A conspiracy theorist?" Lewis raised his eyebrows. Was that the reason behind this traffic jam? A crazy person?

"Yeah, uh, he was saying stuff like, uh, seeing a dragon fly by his van.." The lady tapped her chin, trying to remember what the man said, but right then..

"Did you say he saw a dragon?!" Her words were interrupted by the loud voice of Lewis, who leaned forward into the van, causing the woman to flinch.

"What? Uh, ye- yeah…" The woman looked confused and scared. 

"And?" Lewis said as his voice grew louder, urging the woman to continue. "What did the man say?"

"He said, uh, that the dragon flew in that direction…" The woman pointed her finger to her right as she spoke, and Lewis's eyes widened.

"F*ck! F*ck! F*ck!" He cursed out loud as he pulled back from the van and rushed through the blockage of vehicles, dashing over to the other side of the road and jumped over the rail. He then continued running into the woods, disappearing from the view of the woman, who was watching him with a confused expression.

"Don't tell me he was a conspiracy theorist as well?" The woman mumbled to herself before closing the window.


Detective Lewis was dashing through the woods, trying to get to the Marley market district. He pulled out his phone and called Detective Harry.

"Hello?" Harry answered, and Lewis screamed into the phone. "It's a dragon! It's a f*cking dragon!"


Noah continued to strike the creature as it desperately tried to get back up, punching it multiple times on its back and not giving it enough time to steady itself.

"Like hell I'll give you a chance to counter attack!" Noah, who seemed to be growing confident, began taunting the creature as he landed one strike after another.


The spider creature, which was getting annoyed after repeatedly being attacked, growled loudly and swung its legs down in a sweeping motion, striking Noah's legs and causing him to slam down onto the ground, landing with a loud noise.

"Oh sh*t!" Noah, who realized that he had f*cked up, cursed out loud as he saw the spider beast turn around, roaring loudly as it swung its claws, aiming straight for Noah's neck!


Right then, the ground began to shake violently, and before the clawed hands of the spider beast could slash Noah's throat, a large shadow broke through the already broken roof and slammed onto the spider creature, pushing it to the side with a tremendous amount of force!


The spider creature was flung backwards into the air and crashed onto the wall with a loud noise, and Noah, who had survived the beast's attack, got up from the floor, and with a relieved expression, yelled out, "Wolfe!"

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