Beast Soul

Chapter 44 - Finishing Touches

"Hah, hah… Jesus Christ…" Detective Lewis Fitzgerald was panting heavily as he dashed through the woods in an attempt to get to the Marley market district. 

"I probably shouldn't have skipped going to the gym…" The detective let out a sigh before immediately panting, and continued running towards the market district. 

"What the hell do I even plan on doing once I get there?" Lewis didn't know the answer to that question yet, but he believed that he would eventually find the answer once he reached his destination. 

Within a few minutes, Lewis reached the abandoned district, and as soon as he stepped foot into the district, a giant tremor shook the ground, followed by a loud and ear piercing roar, which made Lewis lose his balance and fall down onto the ground.

"What the hell?" Lewis groaned as he got up on his knees and rubbed his back, wondering what the hell had caused the explosion, but the answer soon came to his mind and he nodded his head. "Right… a dragon. I keep forgetting that there's a mothef*cking dragon.."

Lewis mumbled to himself as he got up to his feet and dashed in the direction where the roar originated from. 

As Lewis passed by the old and abandoned apartment buildings, he couldn't help but peek a glance at them. 


His attention was soon shifted when another loud roar was heard echoing throughout the surroundings, and Lewis squinted his eyes and increased his speed.

Lewis turned a corner and came across a large and unused plot which seemed to stretch on for multiple acres. It seemed like the plot was bought to build a giant mall or something similar. However, the restructuring and reforming of the city might've changed the owner's mind during the last second, abandoning the project midway through the making. 

"What's that over there?" Lewis murmured under his breath as he squinted his eyes. Far away from where he was standing, Lewis could see what seemed to be a dust cloud forming above a certain section of the plot.

"Wait a minute, that's not a dust cloud…" Lewis' eyes widened. The dust was actually a lot closer to the ground. In fact, the dust that had formed above the plot was actually dust that seemed to be coming out from the ground. 

"Holy sh*t," Lewis couldn't believe his eyes. As he moved forward, he could faintly see that the ground underneath the dust clouds had sunken down into what appeared to be a section of the underground sewer system that was located directly below it.


Right before he could take another step, another loud roar erupted from underneath the ground, causing Lewis to lose his balance again. 

Except this time, he got hold of himself before he fell down, and his gaze was now fixed on the giant hole that was present on the ground a few metres away from him. 

"Don't tell me the dragon is in there?" Lewis gulped down the saliva in his mouth, and he slowly began to back away.


Lewis immediately turned around and dashed sideways, and hid behind a large tree, poking his head over to where the collapsed ground was in order to make sure that the dragon hadn't spotted him yet.

"Where the hell are they?" Lewis pulled up his phone and tried to call Detective Harry once again, but he didn't pick up his call, which just made him frustrated.


The spider beast tried to escape by moving erratically, but Wolfe had pressed his foot down onto the spider beast's chest, making it unable to make any large movements.

Wolfe roared loudly before opening his mouth, revealing his sharp tooth to the creature to see, before biting down onto the spider beast's neck and pulling on it with a tremendous amount of force.

Splat! The spider beast's neck began to rip open like paper and a green mucus-like substance began to leak out right before it's head was completely ripped away from its body!


"You did it, Wolfe!" Noah screamed in joy as Wolfe the dragon pulled up the decapitated head of the spider creature using his sharp teeth and shook it violently left and right before throwing it over to the side with a tremendous amount of force.


The head flew over to the walls and slammed against it, causing the green mucus-like substance to splatter all over the wall.

"Great job, Wolfe!" Noah, who was relieved by the fact that the spider creature, which was so close to murdering him multiple times, was now finally dead. He walked up to the enormous dragon and patted him on the back, and the dragon let out a cute noise.


"Thanks for saving me again, Wolfe!" Noah said with a smile on his face. Wolfe did save him at the right time. Noah was sure that if Wolfe had been even a second late, then he most likely would've ended up being killed at the hands of the spider beast. Noah couldn't help but feel a chill run up his spine as he thought about what the outcome could've been.

The dragon continued making strange and cute noises until Noah stopped rubbing his body, after which Wofle lowered his head and began sniffing the spider beast's dead body.

"What are you doing, Wolfe?" Noah asked, curious as to why the dragon was sniffing the corpse of the spider beast, but before he could find out the reason behind Wolfe's actions, a weird screeching noise entered into his ears, and his attention turned towards the direction from where the noise came from.

"That's the voice," Noah whispered under his breath and his eyes widened. He could remember it faintly. It was the same voice that he had heard a few minutes ago, back in the alleyway. 

Unbeknownst to Noah, his eyes were slowly turning black. His iris was beginning to expand and spread all over his eye, but Noah was too fixated on the voice to even notice this.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Noah began walking towards the direction where the voice was coming from. He looked like he was in a daze, as though he had no control over his body anymore. 

"This is…" Before he knew it, Noah was standing right in front of the corpse which was still stuck under the massive boulder. The vine monsters, which were usually very springy and energetic, were now lying on the floor like deflated balloons, seemingly all out of energy.

"SHUAAAA!" The corpse opened its mouth, and it began to emit a bunch of weird and unintelligible noises. 

"You are dying…" Noah whispered softly. His voice had changed now. His normal voice was gone, and in its place was something different. Something a bit more harsh and rough. 

Noah stretched out his hand and began lightly patting the corpse on its head, which made it continue to emit the weird noises.

"I'm afraid there is no hope for you," Noah said as he nodded his head. It seemed like he was capable of communicating with the corpse creature. 

"SHUAAAA!" The corpse made another ear screeching noise and began shaking its head violently, and Noah, as though in response, began looking around, until his eyes landed on the four young boys who were lying a few metres away from the corpse.

"Those… children?" Noah asked as he pointed his finger at the group of unconscious boys, and the corpse suddenly stopped shaking its head. 

"SHUAAAA!" The corpse continued making the same strange noises again and again, repeating them as though to make Noah remember it. 

"I understand…" Noah, who seemed to have understood what the corpse was trying to say, nodded his head as he spoke, and the corpse immediately shut its mouth in response. It then leaned its head back onto the floor, and Noah stretched out his thumb and lightly pressed on the corpse's head while keeping his eyes closed, staying in the same position for one whole second.

Noah then stepped back, and from the corpse's mouth burst out its long and slimy tongue, which had spikes surrounding it. 


Noah watched as the spiked tongue wrapped around the corpse's neck with incredible speed, and within seconds, decapitated its head clean off, causing it to fall to the ground. 


The vine monsters suddenly raised their heads and let out a short snarl before they too slammed down onto the ground, seemingly lifeless. 

Noah watched the corpse monster, which had finally died, for a few more seconds. He then walked towards the group of unconscious boys, his eyes now squinted, and his expression serious.

"Detective Lewis!" The voice of Detective Harry Stone entered into Lewis' ears and he turned around to see both Detective Harry and Special Agent Edgerton walking towards him, waving their hands at him.

"Detective Harry! Agent Edgerton!" Lewis, who was both happy and relieved to see the two men, waved his hands at them in response, but their meeting was interrupted by a loud roar followed by a powerful gust of wind that shot right at the three men, causing them to be flung back a few steps!

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