Beast Soul

Chapter 45 - Eye Of The Storm

The vine monsters suddenly raised their heads and let out a short snarl before they too slammed down onto the ground, seemingly lifeless. 

Noah watched the corpse monster, which had finally died, for a few more seconds. He then walked towards the group of unconscious boys, his eyes now squinted, and his expression serious.

"Detective Lewis!" The voice of Detective Harry Stone entered into Lewis' ears and he turned around to see both Detective Harry and Special Agent Edgerton walking towards him, waving their hands at him.

"Detective Harry! Agent Edgerton!" Lewis, who was both happy and relieved to see the two men, waved his hands at them in response, but their meeting was interrupted by a loud roar followed by a powerful gust of wind that shot right at the three men, causing them to be flung back a few steps!


The loud roar of the dragon continued to echo throughout the large plot of land, and the powerful gust of wind had caused the dust and the sand that had been flying above the collapsed ground to fly in the direction of Lewis and the rest.

"F*ck! Cover your eyes!" Detective Harry yelled out as he lowered his head and covered it with his hands, ducking down, and the other two did the same.


The sand and dust continued to flow through the air with incredible speed, continuously striking the bodies of Harry, Lewis and Edgerton as the particles flew past them.

"What the hell is happening?" Lewis screamed loudly, lightly turning his head in the direction of Harry and Edgerton. "What on earth is causing this?"

"It's the dragon!" Agent Edgerton raised his head lightly and spoke in a loud voice as he stretched his hand back to his pockets, taking out a pair of goggles and a handkerchief. "The dragon's loud roar and the enormous speed at which the dragon flaps its wings is what's causing the dust storm!"

He then carefully put on the goggles on his face and then wrapped the handkerchief around his nose and mouth as he tried to get up on his feet. He then raised his hand and used it to block the dust particles from hitting his face, squinting his eyes in order to get a good look at the spot where the dragon is supposedly coming out of.

"Additionally, it seems that the spot has already been covered in dust and sand that had accumulated from a long time ago, which only makes the whole situation even worse!" Agent Edgerton said as he pointed at the collapsed ground, and both Detective Harry and Lewis slightly raised their heads in order to get a look at what he was talking about.

"Special Agent Edgerton," Detective Lewis, who saw that Agent Edgerton was carrying a large rifle in his hands and was staring at the spot where the dragon supposedly was, asked loudly. "Excuse me, but may I ask what you plan on doing right now?"

"What else?" Agent Edgerton said with an indifferent expression on his face as he pulled up his rifle right to his chest, patting it lightly. "I'm going to kill the dragon."


As soon as Agent Edgerton spoke, the large silhouette of the dragon appeared from under the collapsed ground and shot up into the air with incredible speed.

"Speak of the devil!" Agent Edgerton said without changing his expression, causing both Detective Harry and Detective Lewis to look up at the enormous creature that was high up in the air with fear and awe.

Agent Edgerton pulled the scope of the rifle close to his right eye and without wasting any time, he pulled the trigger.


A loud noise echoed throughout the atmosphere as a long and quick moving projectile shot out from inside of the gun with incredible speed, following which bright green light and smoke burst out from the barrel.


The fast moving projectile quickly moved through the air and towards its target, striking it without any mistakes and causing a loud noise, followed by an ear screeching and painful roar from the dragon.


The dragon's cry echoed in the air, and both Detective Harry and Detective Lewis looked at each other before glancing at Agent Edgerton, who was back to aiming at the dragon once again.

The dust storm, the intensity of which seemed to have been lowering as time went on, had suddenly increased in speed which made the two detectives cover their face and head for a second time.


The dragon roared again, and Agent Edgerton squinted his eyes, finding his target through the massive sandstorm, and pulled the trigger, launching another projectile right at the monstrous creature.


This time, the projectile only managed to lightly graze the dragon, which made Agent Edgerton click his tongue in dissatisfaction.

"I missed..." He whispered under his breath as he tried to hit the dragon once again, but the sandstorm made it hard for him to get a clear shot at the creature.

"Come on, come on…" He repeated to himself as the rifle followed the silhouette of the dragon, but right as he was about to get a good shot at the creature, the sandstorm sped up its intensity once again, affecting the visibility of the air, which made Agent Edgerton lose sight of the dragon.

"Goddammit!" He cursed loudly, but his facial expression didn't change much. He then continued to look through the scope, trying to find where the dragon was, and began taking a few steps forward.

Step! Step! Step!

The intensity of the sandstorm was increasing bit by bit as he moved forward, and Agent Edgerton could feel its rise. 

"It's circling me…" Agent Edgerton mumbled to himself. He could feel the creature fast approaching him, but he didn't know from where.

"Where the hell are you?" He whispered softly as he searched for the creature's location, trying to find where it was. The sandstorm continued to get more and more intense, which just made Agent Edgerton more alert of his surroundings.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

The loud noise of something fast moving around was heard, which made Edgerton squint his eyes. The sound seemed to echo all around him, and the sandstorm only amplified it, only making it all the more confusing for the agent.

"Come on you son of a b*tch!" Edgerton yelled annoyingly. It seemed that he too could get pissed in certain situations. "Don't be a p*ssy! I'm right here!" He screamed loudly in an attempt to lure the wild creature towards him, but to no avail.

"F*ck me…" He let out a sigh, and continued searching for the creature through the sandstorm. His right eye was still stuck to the scope of the rifle, hunting for his target, but no matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find out the location of the dragon.


Edgerton heard the voice once again. This time, it was even closer. The sandstorm continued to increase in intensity, and right then!


Through the dust and sand particles appeared the large silhouette of the dragon, which was right behind Edgerton.

"Oh no you don't!" Edgerton, who realized that his prey had finally decided to show itself to him, immediately turned around and pointed his rifle at the creature.


Edgerton was fast, but the dragon was faster. Before Edgerton could aim properly, it flew in his direction and used the force of its wings to fling him backwards violently, causing him to be pushed back multiple metres and crash land on the ground with a loud noise.


The dragon roared loudly, this time in a more triumphant manner, before flapping its wings hard and shooting straight up into the clouds, disappearing within an instant and easily dispersing the sandstorm.

"Ugh…. What the hell just happened? Is it finally over?" Detective Lewis, who was now completely covered in sand and dust, groaned loudly as he slowly raised his head up from the ground, trying to get a good look at the situation, and saw Agent Edgerton lying on the ground. 

"Agent Edgerton!" He yelled out, and then turned to look at Detective Harry, who was also trying to get up from underneath the sand. "We have to help him!" He said in a concerned tone.

"I kn- I know…" Detective Harry said as he shook his whole body in an attempt to remove the dust and sand that was on him, and immediately got up onto his feet. Detective Lewis did the same, and the two men instantly rushed towards the spot where Agent Edgerton was lying.

"Agent Edgerton!" Detective Harry whispered as he knelt near him and placed his fingers under the agent's nose.

"Is he alright?" Detective Lewis, who was kneeling beside him, asked. Detective Harry raised his hand, telling him not to interrupt him. 

"He's still breathing," Detective Harry said after a few more seconds of inspecting Edgerton's body, and Lewis let out a relieved sigh. 

Detective Harry's gaze shifted to the sky, trying to find the monster responsible for doing this, but the dragon was already long gone.

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