Beast Soul

Chapter 5 - Fear And Self Loathing

"B-Blood!" Noah yelled out loudly as he looked at his hand, and we fell back on the ground, on his back with a loud 'thud'.

But Noah's eyes still didn't leave his hand, which was now crimson in colour, as if he had dunked his hand into a bucket of red paint.

"D-Did I hurt myself?!" Panicking, Noah began to search his body for any large wounds, but found nothing. He wasn't feeling any pain except on the head, but Noah couldn't find any wound on his head either. 

Noah let out a sigh of relief once he made sure that he was not injured, but his relief turned into worry as he realised that the situation was even worse now; his hand was covered in blood that was not his.

Noah didn't know much about blood, but he did know that the amount of blood that he had on his hand was simply too much to be just a small wound.

"Don't tell me-" Noah didn't want to think of the worst case scenario in such a situation, but his mind couldn't help itself.

He couldn't have killed someone, right? Noah wondered. He knew that he didn't have the courage to commit such an act, but then again, he did somehow end up in the middle of the street at midnight with no recollection of how he reached there, so he wasn't so sure anymore.

God, I hope not. Noah hoped that he did not commit such an unspeakable sin. But with how everything was going downhill for him, he wouldn't be surprised if he really did end up killing someone in his sleep. 


All of a sudden, Noah felt a chill, and he stopped moving. He could feel the presence of something near him, just a couple of metres away. 

He looked to his right, far away to the empty junction, where a single street lamp flickered, and Noah saw a large dog that was standing under the flickering light, its eyes glowing bright red.

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"N-Nice doggy.." He stuttered as he slowly stood up from the ground, and began walking backwards, with his gaze still fixed on the large dog.


The street light suddenly stopped flickering, illuminating the large dog's body clearly for Noah to see, and his eyes widened as he realised that the creature standing a few metres away from him wasn't a dog!

Although it had the figure of a large dog, he could see that it had a thick body with a pebbled, grainy skin. Noah didn't notice it because of the bad lighting before, but the creature had no fur on its body.

Noah saw the huge head of the creature, with its sharp teeth protruding through its closed mouth. It seemed to stare right at him!

And then he saw something else: two bat-like wings began protruding outwards from the creature's shoulders, and as the lights began to flicker yet again, he could see the silhouette of the large black shape that resembled a small dragon.

'What the actual f*ck?' Noah couldn't believe his eyes! Was he staring at an actual dragon in front of him? Or was he still dreaming?

Whatever nightmare he was in, Noah knew that he had to do something. He couldn't just stand here and wait for the dragon to attack him!


All of a sudden, the dragon roared, and Noah watched as it's giant wings began flapping loudly, and the creature shot up into the sky like a rocket!

"Oh sh*t!" Noah, who took a second to register what just happened, cursed out loud and just turned his head away from the dragon and ran in the opposite direction.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The sound of the giant wings flapping in the air could be heard from behind him, but Noah didn't have time to care about that. Noah dashed forward in horror as the dragon roared in the air and flew towards him.


Noah moved through the small roads with speed, taking a different direction every few seconds in an attempt to trick the dragon who was following him, but every time he did that, it would only hold the creature back for a couple of milliseconds.

"Damn it! Damn it!" He cursed loudly as he moved left and right through the short pathway. Just a day ago, he was a depressed and bullied young man who was about to end his life, but just one day later, he was being chased by a dragon after receiving superpowers from a crab! 

'God, if you really wanted me dead, then you could've just let me die on the bridge. Why do I have to die at the hands of a f*cking dragon?' Unfortunately for Noah, God wasn't about to answer his question.


He turned a corner, and immediately jumped to hide behind one of the parked cars, holding his breath and trying to listen to the sound of the wings flapping. He knew that he couldn't keep running forever, so decided to hide for now, hoping that the dragon would leave him alone once it lost sight of him.


As he carefully listened, he heard a crashing sound a few metres away from him. Then silence. Nervous, Noah slightly raised his head and tried looking through the window of the car, but to his surprise, he couldn't see the dragon.

'Did it leave?' Even though he wasn't sure he was out of danger, Noah desperately wanted to let out a sigh of relief. However, before he could do anything, a jolting impact rocked the parked car that was right in front of him, crushing the top of the vehicle downwards and causing Noah to flinch and gasp in horror as the dragon landed on the vehicle, it's emotionless eyes glued to Noah.

Frightened by the animal's gaze and fear of dying, Noah began gasping and wheezing for air, as tears began to flow out of his eyes.


The terrifying creature moved its head towards the crying Noah menacingly, which only increased his gasps for air. With its jaws open, the animal reached out its long tongue as it….


….. licked him?

*Slurp* *Slurp*

"H-Huh?" Noah stared at the dragon, who was licking his face eagerly, with a confused expression. He had thought that the monster was merely playing with its food by licking him first, and was expecting to be eaten by it soon. However, the moment he had been waiting for did not arrive. 

*Slurp* "What the actual fuck?" *Slurp*

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