Beast Soul

Chapter 6 - You've Got A Friend In Me

"Noah, wake up! It's time to go to school!" The sound of his mother woke Noah up and he raised his head, his drool dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"Ugh… just let me sleep for a bit more!" Noah, who was still feeling sleepy, rubbed his forehead as he mumbled under his breath, and the voice of his mother only increased in volume. "You better get up fast, young man. Or I'll come and get you myself!"


Noah had gotten up from his bed, clicking his tongue in frustration as he rubbed his eyes. But he had to do what his mother ordered him to do, or else he was going to incur her wrath! And that's not good considering he's living under her roof!

After getting ready in a few minutes, Noah headed off to his school, letting out a yawn as he walked. It seemed as though he hadn't slept properly.

"It was this way, right?" All of a sudden, Noah stopped in his tracks and turned to his side. He was standing next to a forested area, and if you looked closely in the direction Noah was staring at, one could see a narrow pathway through the jungle.

Plop! Plop!

Noah looked around, making sure that no one was watching him, after which he quickly stepped into the forested area and began walking through the narrow pathway. As many bushes and tree branches were still sticking out and into the pathway, he had to be careful not to get injured.

The pathway led Noah into a wider area in the middle of the forest, next to a giant sequoia tree, and the ground was completely covered with dead leaves. Noah stepped on the leaves, and they produced a crunching sound.


A small growling sound was heard from above the giant sequoia tree, and Noah immediately tilted his head up and stared at the branches, yelling loudly, "You can come down now, it's just me!"


Noah saw the silhouette of a large creature with giant wings up above the tree, before it jumped off from the top of the tree branch and landed right in front of him with a loud 'thud' which shook the earth, knocking Noah flat to the ground. 

"Ouch!" He groaned and scrambled to his feet, and the creature stared curiously at Noah, seemingly perplexed by his reaction before backing away a few feet, allowing him to get back up from the ground.

"Ow, my back..." Noah said with an annoyed look on his face, and the dragon, as though it had understood that he was annoyed, bent its head over and began licking Noah's face, as if to calm him down.

"Ah! Y-Yeah, no, I'm alright bud!" Noah, who was still not entirely comfortable with a giant dragon licking him in the face, backed away a bit, and the dragon continued to stare, but did not pursue him.

Noah, who felt bad after backing away so abruptly, slowly walked back to the creature, and although a bit reluctant, raised his hand and touched its snout and face, and the dragon closed its eyes and began rubbing its nose on his hand affectionately. 

"H-Ha hahaha, g-good boy..." Noah let out a nervous laughter as he saw the giant creature wagging its tail like a puppy, and couldn't help but wonder if he was still dreaming. He seemed to be thinking that a lot these days.

------------ BEAST SOUL ------------

Last night, Noah was still in shock when the creature began licking him with its long tongue. At first, he only felt fear. He thought that it was just licking its food before getting ready to eat him. However, that was not the case.

Minutes passed. However, the dragon only continued licking him, and wagging its tail like it was doing right now. Noah, who was at first perplexed by the bizarre actions of the creature, soon realised that it had no plans of devouring him.

'Does this mean that I can leave?' He wondered if the creature would let him go. However, before he could do anything, the dragon suddenly grabbed him by the collar and spread its wings wide, as if it was about to take off.

"H-Hey, Hey! W-Wait a minut-" Noah couldn't even finish his words as the dragon shot up into the night sky, grabbing Noah along with it, who began to scream loudly, frightened by the fact that he was now high up in the air. "AHHHHH!"

The creature paid no mind to his screams, and they soon landed under the giant sequoia tree that he was currently standing in front of. The dragon let go of Noah, who fell down onto his knees with a loud noise.

"Wha- W-Where the hell am I..." Confused by where they had landed, Noah looked around and discovered the giant sequoia tree that he was familiar with. "H-Hey, I know that tree. It's near my house."


The creature made some kind of weird noise, which startled Noah. But when he realised that the creature wasn't going to do anything with him, he relaxed. 

The creature stared at Noah for a few more seconds before it made that weird noise again, and flew up to the tree branches, much to the surprise of Noah.

Noah waited under the tree for a few more minutes, unaware whether or not he was allowed to leave. After making sure that the dragon wasn't coming down anytime soon, he slowly began backing away while keeping his eye on the tree branches, and stepped out of the forest, leaving the creature behind.

"Why on earth did I come back..." Noah looked at the dragon that was now getting his chin rubbed by him, and couldn't help but sigh. 

For some reason, he had returned to the spot where the dragon had left him, even though he was running from this terrifying creature just last night. 

"Now that I get a good look at him, he doesn't look that big for a dragon..." As he was rubbing the creature's chin, he began studying the dragon. Although the creature was definitely large, it wasn't even close to the size of the dragons described in fantasy novels. "Perhaps he's still a young dragon..." Noah surmised. After all, the dragon's behaviour did remind him of puppies, so that could very well be the case.

As he was tickling the dragon, he had another question pop up in his head. "It is a 'he'.... right?" Curious, Noah knelt down to look and nodded his head. "Yup, that's a 'he'."

After playing with the dragon pup for a few more minutes, Noah decided that it was time to leave for school. Normally, he would've been more anxious to get to school in time, but right now, he wasn't exactly in the mood to get anxious about such trivial things. 

First of all, he was pretty sure that he was about to get expelled, so making sure that he wasn't late wasn't exactly his top priority anymore. And second, he had just befriended a dragon after receiving superpowers and abruptly waking up in the middle of the street with his hands covered in blood. Noah definitely had bigger things to worry about.

"Alright, you dragon-" Noah scratched his head as he realised that he had not yet given his pet dragon a name. He looked at the large creature, who was staring at him curiously, and thought for a few seconds before replying, "....Wolfe! How's that for a name?"


The dragon wagged its tail excitedly, as if it was proud of being named, and Noah nodded his head in satisfaction. "Now, Wolfe! I have to leave for school. So stay here, and don't make any trouble. Do you understand?"

Noah couldn't help but feel like an idiot when he was talking to the dragon. But amazingly, the dragon seemed like it had understood his words and laid down on the ground with a pouting expression, which made Noah feel bad.

"Don't worry. I'll come back in the evening, alright?" Noah said as he rubbed the creature's snout, making it wag its tail yet again, before he left the forested area and headed for school.



Noah opened the door to his classroom, and everyone's eyes turned to him. 

'Shit! I guess it is to be expected since I beat Billy's a**, but still...' Noah wasn't enjoying the attention that everyone was giving him, and he instantly walked to his desk and sat down without making eye contact with anyone.

'I just hope I don't get expelled.' Although Noah was praying for him not to be expelled, he definitely wasn't confident about it. 


The homeroom teacher entered the classroom, and everyone stood up to pay their respects to her. 

"Good Morning, Ma'am!"

"Morning, kids.." The teacher nodded her head and responded with a casual greeting, and the students sat down.

"Kids… I have a very unfortunate news today!" The teacher spoke after some time, and the students shifted their gazes at her curiously. Well, all except for Noah, who was getting anxious. 'Is this it?'

However, what came out of the teacher's mouth was something that he had not been expecting.. "Kids… I am sorry to tell you that both your Vice Principal and your football coach Donny has tragically passed away."

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