Beast Soul

Chapter 7 - Dead And The Deadly

"Passed away?" The students looked at the teacher with confusion in their eyes. "Both of them? Together?"

The teacher nodded her head. "Yes. They both did."

The students looked at the teacher suspiciously. They didn't believe her. After all, both the Vice Principal and the football coach weren't exactly old, nor did they seem unhealthy.

The teacher paused. She squinted her eyes for a second and let out a sigh. "Alright, I am not supposed to tell you kids these. But I feel like this concerns you as well, so just listen to me. Do you understand?" she said, and the students, now curious as to why the teacher was acting all secretive, nodded their heads. After all, everyone loved secrets.

"Alright! Now Listen closely," she said, and the students leaned forward, Noah included, as he too was now interested in what was going on.

"I told you that both the Vice Principal and the football coach died on the same day. But that's not the complete truth." the homeroom teacher said. "The truth is, they were both killed last night behind the alleyway of a pub!"

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The entire classroom was dead silent. Most of them, who had a feeling that something fishy was going on by observing the way the homeroom teacher was speaking as well as the bizarre timing of the two deaths, had already guessed that this was the most likely outcome, but they had somehow never believed they would be proven right, and now, were all shocked into silence. After all, they had only heard of murder in movies and in the news. 

And now, to think that two people whom they all knew were murdered! This was obviously a shock.

But after the initial shock settled down, then came the heavy influx of questions.

If there was a murder, then there was a murderer!

So, who on earth killed the Vice Principal and the football coach?

As most of the students were so preoccupied with making up theories in their heads about the murderer's identity, no one was able to see the color draining from Noah's face when the homeroom teacher talked about murder!

The moment the homeroom teacher said that both the Vice Principal and the football coach were killed, Noah instantly remembered the strange incident last night, when he abruptly woke up in the middle of the street with his hands covered in blood. 

He initially had no idea as to whose blood it was, but now that he heard both the Vice Principal and the football coach - both of whom wanted Noah to be expelled from the school - were murdered last night! 

'What did I ever do to you, God?' Noah sighed as he mumbled under his breath. It seemed that he was having the worst week of his life. First, he was attacked by a crab creature and pushed into the river. After somehow surviving being drowned to death, he was then threatened with expulsion. Then, he was attacked by a dragon in the middle of the night, and now, he was most probably going to be the prime suspect for a double homicide!

'Well, at least I know that God doesn't want me dead yet. Because if he did, then I would most likely be dead on the first try.' Noah sighed. Now, he just had to wait until the cops arrive and start interrogating him. Surely that's the next step to the lifelong torture plan!

"Alright kids. Calm down!" The homeroom teacher said as he clapped her hands, and the class's attention shifted back to the teacher. "I know that you're all excited thinking about the murder. However, that is not why I informed you of this news."

She sighed. "My boyfr- Detective Harry Stone from the local precinct informed me that from what their team has figured out so far, they're positive that the murder wasn't actually committed by a human, but a wild animal!"

In an instant, the classroom became noisy.

"What did she say? A wild animal?"

"So it's not a human?"

"Miss Cooper has a boyfriend?"

"What kind of a wild animal is it?"

Questions were posed, and the homeroom teacher did her best to answer the important ones, from the information that she knew. The local authorities believe that the creature is most likely a wild bear and it might be roaming around the streets, which was the main reason as to why the homeroom teacher decided to break the news to the students early, instead waiting for the police to release an official report. 

Noah let out a sigh of relief once he found out that the suspect wasn't a human being, which meant that this time, he wasn't caught up in another web of misfortune. 

"Wait a minute… an animal?" His happiness was only temporary however, as he remembered the new pet that he had befriended just last night, and he sighed yet again. 'Don't tell me...'

When he recalled the happy and cute expression the dragon pup was making, he couldn't help but doubt the possibility. 'No, he couldn't have.' He was certainly friendly to Noah. Wolfe certainly couldn't have committed such an atrocity.

'There must be other creatures like him, roaming around...' Noah nodded his head as if to make him agree with himself. Perhaps this might've been his way to force himself to believe his version of the story. But nevertheless, the thought did bring up a lot of questions in his head. 

Noah recalled his pet dragon, and the crab-like creature that attacked him, and he raised his eyebrows in suspicion. 

'One strange creature might be just an anomaly, but finding two strange creatures separated by a single day?' It was most definitely strange. And a highly unlikely scenario. However, it did happen, which meant that either Noah was extremely lucky - or unlucky - to find two such creatures, or there was something going on that he just doesn't know about.

'That must be it! If I saw two, then there must be many more of these creatures hiding somewhere.' Noah thought. But this did pose another problem; how many of these creatures might be friendly? And how many might be a threat to the lives of normal people? 

And more importantly, what was he going to do about it? Surely, no one was going to believe him, right? 

'Maybe if I introduce them to Wolfe…' Noah immediately shook his head. That wouldn't be such a good idea. A dangerous looking creature in the hands of a young teenager? They'd never let it happen. And who knows what Wolfe would do if anyone other than him tried to get close to him. 

'Does this mean that I'd have to do something myself?' Noah sighed. He did want to be a superhero, and he does apparently have superpowers, but now, he wasn't so sure.

"Alright students!"

*Clap!* *Clap!*

The homeroom teacher's words interrupted his thoughts. She looked at her students and said, "So be careful while leaving the school, alright? I know that it would probably be best if I had announced it after an official report had come out, but if there really is a wild animal roaming around in the streets, I would want all of you to be knowledgeable about the danger and be careful on your way back home. If possible, walk in pairs."

"Alright Ma'am!" The students replied.

After the class was over, the entire classroom started discussing the murders of the Vice Principal and the football coach. 


A hand slammed down on Noah's table, causing him to flinch in surprise. He immediately looked up and saw Billy, who had one of his hands in a cast and with bruises all over his face, standing in front of him with anger in his eyes. Behind him, stood a large, muscular and well built youth, who was staring down at Noah with a cold gaze. 

"Is this the guy who beat your a**?"

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