Beast Soul

Chapter 64 - Death And Life

"GRRAAAAR!" The monster roared loudly as soon as the girl finished screaming, but right then…

Noah's figure appeared from the side. Moving with incredible speed, Noah immediately grabbed hold of the monster's waist, gripped on it tightly, and pushed it along with him and out of the building within a split second, leaving only a burst of air behind.


Both Noah and the creature crashed down on the road with a loud noise. "AHHH!" The girl, who realized that this was her chance to escape, immediately got up from the floor. She knew that her exit was now blocked, and so she rushed to the nearest room, which had its door broken from the inside.


The monster snarled loudly before raising its sharp clawed legs and slamming it right onto Noah's face, which made him fly backwards and crash right onto the wall of the apartment building that was right behind them.


"Ugh!" Noah groaned loudly as his body crashed through the wall of the apartment and caused him to roll into one of the rooms, landing on his back with a loud noise.


Before Noah could get up from the floor, the monster had already spread its wings and flapped down hard, pushing it forward, and it appeared in front of Noah with incredible speed.


The creature slammed its clawed wings down onto the face of Noah, who was lying on the floor.


The clawed wing shot through the air with incredible speed, aiming straight for Noah's forehead.

"Oh, no you don't!" Noah immediately whipped his body and rolled upwards within seconds, and the clawed wings slammed onto the concrete below, sending dust and dirt flying all over the place.

Noah immediately kicked the monster right in the face, and his foot slammed onto the cheek of the monster with such intensity that the creature slammed onto the wall beside it.

"GRRRAAA!" However, it didn't look like the attack made any big difference, as a split second later, the monster had already raised its head out of the hole in the wall and flew back towards Noah within seconds.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The monster's body was simply too big for the room, and yet the creature didn't even seem to care. It had raised its clawed wings up in the air and spread it wide, which caused the clawed part to break through the roof, and as the creature moved forward, the claw tore through the roof along with it, creating a long continuous opening on the roof of the room.


Noah immediately turned around and headed for the kitchen of the apartment room, and the monster followed him without even a second of questioning.


The creature growled as it showed its sharp teeth, which were aiming for Noah's neck, but right then, Noah immediately grabbed onto the cupboard and flipped upwards, evading the monster's attack yet again as it crashed through the utensils and the wall behind the sink, which resulted in the water tap to be broken, sending the water bursting out and onto the monster right before crashed down onto the ground.

Noah landed on his feet and immediately dashed towards the fallen monster, which had its translucent wings completely covered in water, which made it wet. 

"GRRRAAA!" The monster attempted to position itself properly and try to fly up into the sky, but it's now moist wings made it unable for the monster to fly properly, and Noah immediately grabbed hold of its head from behind as it was distracted.

"I got you, you son of a b*tch…" Noah yelled out as he stretched his hand outwards and wrapped it around the monster's head, grabbing its wide open nostrils, dropping his fingers into it and pulling it up as hard as he could, which made the monster screech loudly, presumably from the pain it was feeling.

"GRRRAAA! GRAAAAR!" The creature's screams didn't seem like it'd stop, and it slowly began to drift in the air left and right, like some remote control drone which had lost its connection with the controller. 

"Shut the hell up you piece of sh*t!" Noah roared loudly, and his eyes were now completely black. His grip on the monster's nostrils increased as he continued pulling, and within seconds, the creature's flesh began to get ripped open, causing blue coloured liquid to burst out of through the opening like a waterfall. 

"AHHHHH!" Noah then used his other hand to grab onto the creature's mouth as he roared loudly again. His voice now resembled that of an animal, and his sharp transformed hands sunk into the interior of the animal's flesh, causing the blue liquid to drip out of the creature's mouth, filling it completely as the creature slammed itself against the wall.


The monster had flew backwards and slammed its back against the wall, in a desperate and possibly final attempt to push Noah off of its back, but right before the creature made contact with the wall, Noah had immediately flipped up and used his legs to push back against the wall, protecting himself as the creature was the only one who slammed against the concrete, causing it to break through the wall onto the inside of the building.


Noah flipped down onto the room and immediately rushed towards the monster before it could get back up on its feet and slammed his foot onto the monster's chest with full force!


The powerful stomp caused the monster to slam back onto the ground with a loud noise and a groan, as the dust surrounding the creature flew back and filled the atmosphere.

"Goodbye!" Noah whispered softly as an evil grin appeared on his face, and he stretched out his hands and wrapped it around the monster's head, pulling it as hard as he could.

"UAGHHH!" He groaned loudly as he pulled the monster's head with all the power that he could muster, and the ripped apart flesh on the monster's face that Noah had previously did began to rip even wider, and the blue liquid continued to squirt out.


The monster tried to move, but it was all too late as Noah pulled back with intense force, which caused the top part of the monster's head to be ripped out, causing the flesh particles to spread all over the floor and the walls and the blue liquid splashed all over Noah's body.

The monster's headless body began to shake violently for a few seconds before it slammed onto the ground with a loud noise and stopped moving, finally turning lifeless.

Noah looked at the monster's head that was in his hands for a few seconds before dropping it on the ground, and the head bounced off the floor a few times before it stopped rolling.

He then walked towards the lifeless body of the monster and knelt down right in front of it, still keeping an eye on it. He then stretched out his hand, moving it towards the monster's chest…


"HAAAH!" The girl ran through the living room of the apartment room and then towards the kitchen, and she hid behind the kitchen table as she breathed in and out, gasping for air.

"What the hell was that thing?!" She whispered under her breath as she tried to remember the figure of the creature that she had just seen, and the hair on her hands stood up, giving her chills all over her body.

She remembered seeing the creature before, when she had opened the door to her apartment, but this was the first time she caught a good look at the figure of the monster.

"Was that thing really what killed…" She couldn't even complete her sentence as she broke down into tears and she covered her mouth with her hands, trying to suppress her cries. She wanted to forget the horrible incident that took the life of her boyfriend, but whatever she did, she couldn't help but remember the horrific sight that she witnessed.

Right then!

Crack! Crack!

The sound of something slowly cracking could be heard, which made the girl stop crying and turn completely alert. The hair on her hands stood up, and her eyes widened with fear.

"What the hell was that noise…" The girl's inside voice was shaking. She could feel that something dangerous was near her, in this very room, which made her feel afraid.

Inside the apartment, and within the storage room, one of the large eggs began to shake violently, as slime and its fleshy outer coverings began to drip down from its exterior and onto the floor.


All of a sudden, the sound of something cracking was heard once again, and the egg began to shake even more violently. Right then…


A large piece of the outer shell of the egg shot out and slammed against the wall, as a small hand covered in scales and a weird sticky substance emerged from inside of the egg.


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