Beast Soul

Chapter 65 - Control

"What the hell was that noise…" The girl's inside voice was shaking. She could feel that something dangerous was near her, in this very room, which made her feel afraid. Inside the apartment, and within the storage room, one of the large eggs began to shake violently, as slime and its fleshy outer coverings began to drip down from its exterior and onto the floor.


All of a sudden, the sound of something cracking was heard once again, and the egg began to shake even more violently. Right then, a large piece of the outer shell of the egg shot out and slammed against the wall, as a small hand covered in scales and a weird sticky substance emerged from inside of the egg.


"Oh no, oh no, oh no…" The girl clutched her mouth tightly as her face began to get red, getting Increasingly nervous as the cracking noises continued without stopping.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The small hand that emerged from within the egg was now waving around the room, trying to slam it's fist onto the outer shell of the egg, attempting to break it.


The slimy and scaly fist began to repeatedly slam on the shell of the egg, causing multiple cracks to form on it, and the translucent sticky substance began to be whipped all across the room, staining the walls and the roof.


The hand grabbed hold of one of the openings on the eggs that had been made by the repeated slamming, and then violently ripped open a portion of the egg shell and threw it away with such intense force that it flew into the living room and slammed it onto the television screen that was stuck to the wall, causing it to fall down onto the floor with a loud noise.


"Eeh!" The girl was caught off guard by the sudden loud noise, which made her yell out in fear. 

The monster within the egg suddenly turned silent, and its eyes, which were now visible through the opening of the egg shell, was looking through the hole and breathing in and out with a curious expression.

Back in the kitchen, the girl had gone back to covering her mouth, and her face had now completely turned red and was covered in sweat. 

'Did I reveal my location?' That was the question that was running through the girl's mind, but unfortunately for her, she didn't have the answer. All she could do was pray that whatever was making that noise hadn't heard her cry.

She then slowly popped her head out from behind the kitchen table and looked at the living room. She could see that the door to the storage room, which was where the noise was coming from, was open. But she couldn't see anything suspicious within it, or anywhere near the entrance of the storage room for that matter.

She then turned her gaze towards the hallway, and gulped down the saliva that was in her mouth. 

'Should I just make a run for it?' She thought nervously, as she looked at the storage room and then back at the hallway, moving her head back and forth as she did so. 

She wasn't sure about what her decision should be. She was nervous and afraid, and this was affecting her ability to make a decision.


All of a sudden, a soft yet deadly growl entered into the ears of the girl, which made her eyes widen and her the hair on her hands stand straight up. A sudden chill went up her spine, and her body began to shake.

The growl sounded close. Extremely close. She slowly raised her head and looked above the table, where a slime covered creature that was about the size of a rottweiler dog was sitting, staring at the girl with its glowing red eyes. 

"Oh god…" The girl couldn't help but whisper softly as she slowly began to crawl backwards, her gaze still on the creature, not even moving an inch.

The creature, on the other hand, continued staring at the girl without looking away, intrigue and interest evident in its gaze. 

'Is it not planning to attack me?' The girl, who was confused as to why the creature wasn't trying to attack her, tilted her head and looked at the monster with confusion.

The girl tilted her head left and right, and the monster still didn't make a move.

Maybe it wasn't a carnivorous monster? The girl couldn't help but think. After all, it did look like an animal, even though it was something entirely new. Perhaps it had similar features to that of herbivorous animals? 

'Either way, I have to get out of here…' The girl finally made her decision. She knew that staying with this monster was not the wisest choice. 

With this in mind, she slowly got up from the floor, still keeping an eye on the monster, which continued staring back at her with an intrigued gaze.

'Please don't attack me.' She said in her mind, but was not courageous enough to say it out loud.

She silently got up on her feet, and her gaze then slightly shifted to the hallway for a split second before turning back to look at the monster, afraid that the creature might jump at her if she looked away. 

But the monster stood in its spot, without making any movements, and continued to stare at her.

'Alright then,' The girl said to herself as she clenched her fists tightly and bit her lips, and she immediately bolted towards the doorway.


As soon as the girl pressed her foot on the floor hard and sprinted, the monster, which had made no unnecessary movements all this time, suddenly darted forward as well, growling Koul as it charged towards the girl.


The girl desperately wanted to believe that she could outrun the monster. But unfortunately, the supernatural creature was simply too quick for her, and it slammed onto the girl's back, causing her to lose her balance and fall down onto the floor with a loud noise.

"AHHH!" The girl screamed loudly in fear, afraid that she'll lose her life, but the monster immediately grabbed her by the hair and slammed her head down onto the floor, breaking her teeth and causing blood to splatter on the walls near them.

"Ugh.. gh.." The girl groaned weakly, blood dripping out from her mouth as the monster raised her up and threw her body onto the wall with ease.


The girl's back slammed onto the wall, and the monster jumped in her direction as well, grabbing her face and pulling it up as it opened its own mouth.

Glick! Glick!

The monster's mouth opened wider than any other creature's mouth did, and from its throat came out countless tentacles, which entered into the girl's mouth.


"Ugh…" Noah blinked his eyes and scratched his head as he regained his vision.

"Sh*t!" He cursed out loud as he looked at his hands, which were completely covered in blood. "Did I lose control of myself yet again?"

He did remember fighting the giant bat-like creature, but the rest of the fight was a complete blur to him. He did have memories of the fight, but it was faint and not understandable, similar to an out of focus video.

"F*ck, did I even win?" Noah held his head as he mumbled under his breath, and his gaze then went to the decapitated head of the monster, which was right next to his hand, and it made him flinch for a second.

"... I guess I did end up winning the fight!" Noah nodded his head after a brief period of shock. Right then!

Noah's eyes narrowed down, and a frown appeared on his face. He then turned around and faced the apartment building that the monster had previously made him crash into, and his frown deepened even further.


"How many more minutes do we have to wait?" Alphonso said, concern evident in his voice as he spoke. He didn't look like he could handle another minute of sitting down. 

"Calm down, Alphonso," Max said as he placed his hand on Alphonso's shoulder. "It's only been a few minutes. You have to be patient."

"Gh…" Clarice groaned from the floor. Her skin was slowly turning pale. 

"We have to do something about her!" Alphonso said loudly as he pointed his finger at Clarice, and continued. "She needs emergency medical treatment!"

"Hemingway Memorial Hospital is about 40 minutes away." Gerald said while letting out a sigh, and Alphonso turned his gaze towards him. He continued, "It's better to wait for an ambulance. They'll know the right procedure."

Beep! Beep!

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of horns echoed throughout the atmosphere, which made the boys turn their gaze in the direction of the noise. 

"It's the ambulance!" Harold yelled out, and a smile appeared on Alphonso's face.

An ambulance had appeared in front of the apartment complex gateway, and was surrounded by the crowd of people. 

Right then, Max's face turned serious, and he turned around to look at the sky.

He could sense something sinister approaching....

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