Beast Soul

Chapter 67 - Don't Stop Now

Max still remembered the creature that he saw Noah fighting just a few minutes ago, and he immediately began to sweat profusely."Max?" Gerald, who saw that Max was staring at the sky and not even making a single movement, raised his eyebrows and pulled him by the shoulder, asking, "What's wrong? Why are you standing still?"

"It's.. it's a monster…" Max mumbled under his breath, and Gerald widened his eyes in surprise. "What did you say?"

"It's a monster!" Max screamed out loud, and everyone's attention turned to him. Alphonso and Harold also turned their gazes at him, their faces filled with anxiety, as they all stared at the sky, where they could see the figure of a terrifying creature with wings, heading straight for them.

"What in god's name is that thing?" An old lady adjusted her glasses and said in a hushed tone, and the rest couldn't help but turn to look at the sky, only to find the winged creature fast approaching their location.

"What is that, a bird?" Another person asked, and the rest began to murmur amongst one another, unsure of what the creature approaching them was.

But the group of boys knew. Their faces had turned pale as they were terrified of the monstrous creature that was heading their way.

"Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t! Everyone! Get out of the way and hide!" Gerald cursed out loud and then immediately turned around and yelled while looking at the crowd, who were staring at the young man screaming loudly on the top of his lungs with confusion in their eyes.

"Excuse me, young man!" An elderly man walked up and raised his hands, an annoying expression present on his face as he spoke. "But you shouldn't use swear words in public like that! That is bad manners!" He scolded Gerald, who stared back at him with a frustrated look on his face.

"Ugh…." Clarice groaned as both Max and Harold called out for Gerald. "Gerald!" They yelled in unison. "We need to get this woman inside the ambulance before the creature arrives!"

Gerald turned back to look at the mumbling young woman who was injured, and then scratched his head before replying, "Ah, f*ck! You're right, you're right!" 

He then immediately walked up to grab Clarice by her head, as Max went for the hip and Harold grabbed hold of the leg. The group then headed towards the ambulance, which was also moving through the crowd, albeit at a slower pace than the group of young boys.

"Injured person coming through! Injured person coming through!" Max yelled out as the group tried to get to the ambulance, and Gerald turned his head every now and then to make sure that the creature was still not near them.

"Is it getting closer?" Harold asked, his expression now turned fearful and anxious. Gerald clicked his tongue, signaling his frustration and fear as he replied, "It'll take half a minute, maybe even less.."

"Sh*t!" Harold cursed and he yelled out once again, this time even louder than before, his voice shaking and filled with nervousness. "Move out of the way! Injured person coming through!"

"Aah!" One of the men in the crowd pointed his hand at the sky, as the true size of the creature was now becoming more and more clearer to the people. "It's.. that thing is getting closer!" The man screamed out loud, and only now did the crowd understand what Gerald had meant a few seconds ago.

The creature was extremely large and muscular, which made it all the more intimidating, and it had the figure of an animal that they had never seen. It looked extremely dangerous and terrifying, and now that the people knew what it's true form was, they were finally able to figure out the threat that was heading their way.

"Oh lord! Get out of the way!" People began to shout loudly as all hell broke loose. The crowd went crazy as people began to run around, trying to find a safe space to hide and to escape the terrifying creature that seemed to be heading their way.

"Sh*t! People are going nuts!" Gerald clicked his tongue as he helped pull Clarice into the ambulance and Max shook his head. "People are dumb. You shouldn't worry about things that are out of our control." He then pointed at Clarice and said, "Let's focus on getting her strapped to the bed!"

"You're right.." Gerald nodded his head, and the trio focused their attention on Clarice. Alphonso was keeping an eye on the monster, which was getting closer and closer, which made him clench his fists tightly.

"Guys?" He said while still keeping his eye on the monster. "You better hurry up!"

"GRRRRRAR!" The monster roared loudly as it began to drop down from the sky, lowering its altitude as it began heading towards its prey. 

"Sh*t!" Noah, who was following the creature through the ground, cursed out loud as he sped up even more in an attempt to block the monster from attacking the civilians.


He pressed his foot hard on the ground, and the air under his feet burst out backwards, causing the trees and the shrubs around him to shake violently as the tremendous energy shot Noah forward even quicker.

"Are you guys ready back there?" The ambulance driver asked as he turned around to look at Gerald and the gang, who replied almost immediately, "Yes!" 

"We have to leave! Right now!" Gerald said with conviction, and the ambulance driver began to pull back from the road, but his speed was slow as there were still a bunch of people running around on the road with no concern about the vehicle that was heading towards them.

"GRRRAAR!" The monster roared loudly as it brandished its claws and headed straight for a young girl, who was standing still on the road, not moving. 

Or perhaps, not able to move, as her legs were shaking violently without stopping. Her face was full of tears as she watched the monster fast approach her, and she let out a loud and ear screeching scream in response.



However, right before the monster's claws could slice open the girl's stomach and rip apart her intestines, the figure of a masked Noah appeared from behind the creature and slammed it from the side, forcing the creature to change its trajectory and crash into another building with a loud noise.


The explosion was loud, but it was not enough for the crowd to calm down. The people had now witnessed the monster's terrifying appearance in person, and they definitely weren't hopeful of it being actually defeated by such a simple collision.

They had heard of old legends and folktales of monsters and mythical creatures, and they were far more powerful than what any human could imagine.

And since the monster had appearances similar to the creatures in legends, they attributed the same characteristics to the creature in their subconscious mind. 

"RUN!" They didn't know who said those words, but nevertheless, they decided to listen. 

"Step on it!" Gerald yelled out, and the ambulance driver, who was unable to understand what was going on, pressed hard on the accelerator and began honking the horn loudly at the crowd of people in front of the vehicle.

Honk! Honk!

The loud horns echoed throughout the surroundings, and the creature, which was lying under the rubble just now, rose up from the ground within seconds and shot towards the ambulance, roaring loudly as it moved. 


"Sh*t! It's coming towards us!" Alphonso screamed as he watched the creature's movements, and he grabbed onto the metal railings inside the vehicle. Harold and Gerald both lied down on the ground, covering their heads.

"You idiots just don't listen to me when I'm being nice, do you?" Noah's voice entered the ears of the creature, which made it turn its head around, and saw him high up in the air, right above the creature with his leg in a kicking position. "I am not going to let you escape!"


The powerful kick of Noah collided with the monster's face, resulting in a tremendous explosion which caused the creature to be slammed down onto the concrete road, resulting in bits and pieces of concrete and metal stones to be flung forward, striking the back of the ambulance with a loud noise.


The impact even caused the back of the ambulance to be lifted up a bit in the air, but fortunately, it landed back on the road with no trouble. 

"What the f*ck was that?!" The ambulance driver was now extremely fearful for his life, and he screamed loudly as he turned his head, asking the group of boys for an answer. "What the hell is going on?"

"Just focus on the road and drive!" Gerald yelled back, pointing at the road with his fingers, and Max joined in. "And whatever you do, don't stop!"

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