Beast Soul

Chapter 68 - Crash Landing

Noah's feet collided with the monster's face, resulting in a tremendous explosion which caused the creature to be slammed down onto the concrete road, causing bits and pieces of concrete and metal stones to be flung forward, striking the back of the ambulance with a loud noise.


The impact even caused the back of the ambulance to be lifted up a bit in the air, but fortunately, it landed back on the road with no trouble. "What the f*ck was that?!" The ambulance driver was now extremely fearful for his life, and he screamed loudly as he turned his head, asking the group of boys for an answer. "What the hell is going on?" "Just focus on the road and drive!" Gerald yelled back, pointing at the road with his fingers, and Max joined in. "And whatever you do, don't stop!"

"Alright, alright! I got it!" The ambulance driver replied with a mixture of annoyance and fear present in his voice, shaking his head as he focused his gaze on the road in front of him. "Geez, what in god's name did you guys get me into.."


The monster screamed loudly, but right before it could get back up, Noah climbed on top of the creature and slammed his palm onto the back of the monster's head and pushed the head of the creature straight into the concrete road, causing pieces of dirt and debris to fly everywhere.


The ground began to shake because of the tremendous impact that contained in that powerful strike, as even the trees that were a few meters away from the road started to shake violently because of just the impact.

"You may not know it, but I've defeated your kind before, just a few minutes ago.." Noah said with a cold smile on his face, and if anyone had seen the expression he had, they would definitely have started trembling, as it was a chilling look for a person to have. 


Noah continued holding onto the monster's head and slowly pulled it up from the ground, and continued, "I've killed you once, I can do it again.." He then raised his hand high up in the air, rolling it into a fist as he swung it downwards, aiming for the monster's neck.


Right then, a long and fleshy structure shot out from inside the monster's mouth, aiming straight for Noah's fist.

Whip! Whip! Whip!

The fleshy structure resembled a tongue, and instead of striking Noah's fist, the tongue swung around it and tied around Noah's fist, pulling it backwards and slowing the attack down, giving time for the creature to move out of the way right before the fist collided.


The fist struck the ground instead of the neck of the monster, and the long and fleshy tongue immediately loosened and slipped away without wasting a single second.

"Oh no you don't! Get back here!" Noah, who was annoyed that he lost his chance to attack, tried to grab hold of the fleshy tongue with a frustrated expression. 

He had gripped the long tongue, but it was simply too slippery, which made it easier for it to slip through his fingers and into the monster's mouth.

"Tch.. I guess you're not exactly the same creature…" Noah clicked his tongue and frowned as he stared at the monster in front of him, now a bit more serious than before. 

He had fought the other monster just a few minutes before, and seeing as this monster had a similar appearance to the other one, Noah had assumed that the two were of the same kind, which was why he was caught off guard by the sudden tongue attack, which came out of nowhere. 

"No matter…" Noah said in a hushed tone as he licked his lips, his gaze stuck on the creature which was snarling at him. He continued, "At the end of the day, your fate won't be any different.." 


Without wasting a single second, Noah dashed forward, appearing before the creature within seconds and slamming his fist right into its chest.

"GRRRAAA!" The creature growled loudly, and with a slight movement of its body to the sides, it avoided the attack with ease.

But the creature didn't stop there. It swung its clawed wings straight at Noah's head, and Noah immediately raised his hand up and formed an 'X' symbol right in front of his face as he attempted to block the monster's attack.


The creature's clawed wings collided with Noah's hands, resulting in a loud noise as Noah was pushed back into the air, flinging upside down as he crash landed on the ground, sending blood to splatter all over the concrete road.

"Damn it!" Noah cursed out loud, but he couldn't do anything as he was still attempting to slow down the pace at which he was crash landing. 


The monster roared loudly before turning around and heading towards the ambulance.

"Gah!" Noah, who had finally stopped on his tracks, shifted his gaze towards the creature only to see it charging towards the ambulance, which made his eyes widen right before he dashed forward as well, heading straight for the monster.

"Don't you dare ignore me!" Noah screamed loudly as he moved quickly, trying his best to keep up with the incredible speed of the monster, but even with his terrifying speed, Noah found himself lagging behind the creature, which was slowly attempting to rise up and fly as it ran.

"Get back here!" Noah breathed in and opened his mouth as a burst of flames exited out from his throat and headed straight for the back of the monster.


The terrifying ball of flames collided against the wings and the back of the monster, causing it to lose its balance and land back on the ground, giving Noah enough time to catch up to the creature and grab onto its back.

"GRRRAAA!" The monster roared loudly in anger as its long and fleshy tongue exited out from its mouth and wrapped around Noah's neck.


The monster pulled its tongue forward, causing Noah to be lifted up into the air and flung towards the back of the ambulance. All of this happened in a split second, which made it unable for Noah to actually defend against.

"Incoming attack!" Alphonso, who was keeping an eye on the monster through the small glass window on the back door of the ambulance, screamed out loudly as he saw the body of Noah heading straight for them, and he immediately ducked down, bracing for the impact.

Gerald, Max and Harold did the same as well, as Noah's body struck the back door of the ambulance with a loud noise.


The backside of the ambulance was lifted up because of the impact of the collision, and this time, the ambulance driver found it difficult to control the vehicle.

"Sh*t!" Sh*t! Sh*t!" The ambulance driver cursed out loud as he tried desperately to maintain the vehicle on its wheels, and the ambulance rocked left and right, swiveling as it moved through the road.

"Ugh…" Noah, who had fallen down onto the road after colliding with the back of the ambulance, groaned loudly as he scratched his head and got up. His gaze then went to the monster, which had already continued its pursuit of the ambulance, and he clicked his tongue in response. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me! F*ck!" He stomped on the road as he cursed out loud and shot forward, trying to stop the monster from continuing its attack.

The monster on the other hand, flew down and landed right on top of the bonnet with a loud noise, and the impact of the creature's landing caused the front wheels of the ambulance to burst like balloons.


"AHHHH!" The ambulance driver screamed as he saw the terrifying creature in front of him, and the ambulance began swiveling left and right before slamming onto a utility pole that was beside the road.


The crash was extremely loud and caused Max, Harold, Gerald and Alphonso to be launched forward a few meters, causing them to slam into each other as a result.

"GRRRAAR!" The monster roared loudly as it lowered its head and began staring intensely at the ambulance driver, who had his head buried into the airbag as a result of the crash.

"Ugh.." The ambulance driver groaned as he raised his head and opened his eyes, only to find the terrifying face of the monster standing right in front of him, staring at him with its bright red eyes, which made him scream loudly in terror. "AHHH! Monster!"


The monster's clawed wings slammed through the glass window as the man opened his mouth and screamed for his life. 


The clawed hands burst through the chest of the ambulance driver, which caused him to throw up blood all over the steering wheel, before he was pulled out of his seat and brought near the monster's face.

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