Beast Soul

Chapter 69 - Battle Of Brawns

Hemingway Memorial Hospital.

"Here you go, Jolie," Nurse Naomi said as she handed the tray of food over to Nurse Jolie Harris, who carefully took the tray from her as she nodded her head. "Thanks Naomi!" She said with a smile.

"Yeah, don't worry about it.." Naomi waved her hands dismissively, signaling that she was too busy to even respond properly. Nurse Jolie awkwardly nodded at her once again, and then turned around to head towards room 106, which was where the patient she was assigned to look after was staying.

"Don't forget about the rules, Jolie," The voice of Nurse Naomi entered into Nurse Jolie's ears, and she immediately stopped in her tracks. "I know, Naomi," She replied without turning around, and rolled her eyes. "I'm not a moron, alright? You don't have to repeat it every single time.."

"You think I'm reminding you because I like doing it?" Nurse Naomi responded with a snort. "I'm just doing it because Doctor Henderson told me to do so. He says that this is an ex-"

"-Extremely important patient. Yeah, I know.." Nurse Jolie finished Nurse Naomi's words before she could, and waved her hands as she walked away. "Don't worry about it, Naomi." She raised one of her hands up and showed a thumbs up sign. "I got this."

"Alright…" The voice of Nurse Naomi faded away as Jolie entered the elevator, heading for the third floor, where room number 106 was located. 

"I wonder why that guy is so important.." Jolie murmured under her breath as she wondered about the identity of the patient in room 106. He didn't look like anyone special, at least according to her. To her, he looked like an average cop. Nothing more, nothing less.

And yet, here she was, being instructed to be careful around the patient in question, ordered by Doctor Henderson. 

This whole event had made Nurse Jolie curious, but she knew that it would not be wise to dig into it more. After all, curiosity killed the cat.

She got out of the elevator and headed towards room 106.

"Mr. Edgerton?" Nurse Jolie called out to the patient before she entered the room. No answer. Which was usual, when it came to the patient in question. "I'm going to enter now." She continued, as her hands stretched out for the doorknob and twisted it, opening the door slowly and revealing the hospital room which was completely empty, much to the surprise of Nurse Jolie.

".... Mr. Edgerton?" Nurse Jolie didn't know the appropriate response, as she had never been in such a situation before, but within a few seconds, her surprised and confused expression turned to that of terror, as she immediately ran outside, in order to inform the doctor of the situation.


"GRRRAAR!" The monster roared loudly as it lowered its head and began staring intensely at the ambulance driver, who had his head buried into the airbag as a result of the crash. "Ugh.." The ambulance driver groaned as he raised his head and opened his eyes, only to find the terrifying face of the monster standing right in front of him, staring at him with its bright red eyes, which made him scream loudly in terror. "AHHH! Monster!" The monster's clawed wings slammed through the glass window as the man opened his mouth and screamed for his life. 

The clawed hands burst through the chest of the ambulance driver, which caused him to throw up blood all over the steering wheel, before he was pulled out of his seat and brought near the monster's face.

"Gah.. guh…" The ambulance driver, who was still somehow alive, even after having his chest pierced through by the clawed wings of the creature, slowly tilted his head up to look at the monster's bright red eyes. 

"GRRRR!" The monster snarled as it stared at the ambulance driver, intrigue evident in its eyes as it did so.


The monster used its other clawed wing and grabbed the ambulance driver by the side and pulled his body from both sides with a tremendous amount of force, causing the flesh to be ripped apart right at the center of the body.

The ambulance driver couldn't even scream for help even at his last breath as he was too injured, and his blood splattered all over the destroyed bonnet of and the front seat of the ambulance.


Right then, a giant ball of flames came into contact with the monster, colliding with the face of the creature with such intensity that it pushed the supernatural being back a few meters and off the ambulance.

"GRRRAAA!" The monster roared loudly. It stared at the person responsible for the surprise attack, Noah, with hatred in its eyes.

"Why're you looking at me like that?" Noah said with a cold and emotionless expression on his face as he walked towards the creature, shortening the distance between the two of them. "Who said that we were done?" 


All of a sudden, Noah sped up and appeared right in front of the monster, slamming his fist into the creature's face.


The monster, who was unable to defend against his attack, was pushed back multiple steps, and Noah immediately went in with his fists tightly clenched, trying to land another hit.


As Noah moved forward, the spinal cord of the monster began to move slightly under its skin, and underneath the creature's body, the skin began to slowly open as a long skeletal structure that resembled a tail appeared.


"GRRRAR!" The monster roared loudly as the skeletal tail shot out from behind the creature, catching Noah off guard once again.


"Ah, f*ck me!" Noah could only swear with a bitter smile on his face as the skeletal tail whipped past Noah's fist and slammed right into his chest, creating a burst of air right at the point of impact as he was flung back with intense force, resulting in a loud noise.


The monster then moved towards the vehicle, where the disfigured body of the ambulance driver was lying, and it ripped off his head and raised it up in the air as it opened its mouth, attempting to devour it.

"Urgh…" Right then, Gerald, who was lying on the back of the vehicle along with the rest of the boys and an injured Clarice, groaned as he got up from the floor and looked around, only to see blood dripping out from the front seat, which made him gasp. "What the-"


The monster, which was in the middle of biting down onto the head of the ambulance driver, suddenly tilted its giant head downwards and into the front seat of the ambulance as soon as Gerald had finished speaking, and his movements caused the vehicle to let out a creaking noise.

'Sh*t!' Gerald, who had realized his mistake, immediately covered his mouth and moved away from the front seat. The backside of the ambulance and the front part of the vehicle was separated by a large metallic wall with a small rectangular hole on the top, and Gerald had thought that moving away from the hole would be enough for the monster to forget about the noise he had made just now.


However, Gerald had guessed wrong. The monster continued to move on top of the ambulance, even slamming its clawed foot down onto the metal ceiling of the vehicle, which caused the top of the ambulance to be pierced through.

"Urgh…" Harold, who was unconscious until now, had now woken up because of the loud noises that the monster was creating, groaning as he got up from the floor, which made Gerald immediately jump towards him, covering his mouth using his hand and then rolled out of the way, right before the clawed wing of the monster burst through the metal roof of the vehicle and slammed onto the floor with a bang.


Realizing that the clawed wing had struck only the metal floor of the vehicle, the creature immediately retracted it, and the surprised Harold shook his head repeatedly as he tried to get hold of himself. 

"Sh*t!" He whispered softly as he looked at Gerald and continued, "I almost got myself killed, didn't I?" 

"You did," Gerald nodded his head. He then pointed at the fainted bodies of Max and Alphonso and said with a hushed tone, "I don't know if I'll be quick enough to save the both of them when they eventually wake up.."


The sound of the monster moving above the roof of the vehicle could be heard, and after a few seconds, the creature lowered its head down and looked through the hole that it had made using its clawed wings on the roof just a few seconds ago, and stared at the two boys with fury in its eyes.

"GRRRRRAR!" The monster screamed loudly, and right then, the figure of Noah appeared from the side and slammed his foot on the creature's face, yelling, "I'm not done yet, b*tch!"

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