Beast Soul

Chapter 70 - Fight Or Flight

As the monster was busy chasing after the ambulance, a row of police cars had reached the front gates of the apartment complex, where the terrible attack of the winged creature had taken place.

"Jesus Christ! How many people live here?" Detective Lewis mumbled under his breath as he watched the large crowd that was present surrounding the police cars. 

He knew this neighborhood. But never in his life did he ever see this many people in this area before. 

"Now I'm questioning my general knowledge of New World City," He said while scratching his head, and Detective Harry let out a chuckle. 

"We're here now," Detective Harry said as he pulled over next to a parking lot. The duo then got out of the and walked towards a partially demolished apartment building, where a group of police officers were gathered.

"Special Agent Fischer!" Harry said as he waved his hand towards Alan Fischer, who stopped staring at the building in front of him and began walking towards the two men, all while scratching his chin.

"Detectives," He said as he walked past the two, causing the two men to turn around and follow him while asking, "Agent Fischer? What's the matter? What happened?" Detective Harry asked as he tried to match his pace with that of the special agent.

"What's happened is that we just missed the monster," Special Agent Alan Fischer replied with an urgent tone as he increased his pace. "The monster was apparently seen heading towards the highway, chasing an ambulance." He said as he pointed at the road that led to the highway.

Ring! Ring!

Right then, the special agent's phone began ringing, which made him stop in his tracks and answer it.

"What? You can't find him?" The loud voice of the special agent made the two detectives confused, causing them to stare at Alan with intrigue in their eyes.

"Are you sure?" Agent Fischer asked with a confused expression on his face while holding his phone to his mouth. 

He spoke a few more times into the phone before hanging up, and then tilted his head up and looked at the sky, letting out a long and heavy sigh. 

"Special Agent Fischer, is there something wrong?" Detective Harry walked up to him and asked with concern in his eyes, and Alan flashed a bitter smile as he replied, "Well, let's just say that someone's being a bit too stubborn.."


"Sh*t!" Harold whispered softly as he looked at Gerald and continued, "I almost got myself killed, didn't I?" "You did," Gerald nodded his head. He then pointed at the fainted bodies of Max and Alphonso and said with a hushed tone, "I don't know if I'll be quick enough to save the both of them when they eventually wake up.."


The sound of the monster moving above the roof of the vehicle could be heard, and after a few seconds, the creature lowered its head down and looked through the hole that it had made using its clawed wings on the roof just a few seconds ago, and stared at the two boys with fury in its eyes.

"GRRRRRAR!" The monster screamed loudly, and right then, the figure of Noah appeared from the side and slammed his foot on the creature's face, yelling, "I'm not done yet, b*tch!"


He knew that his kick wouldn't be able to kill the creature, but the sudden strike was enough to give the monster a whiplash and be pushed back a few steps, which gave Noah enough time to get into his rhythm.

"Take this!" Noah screamed loudly as she charged towards the monster which was trying to regain its balance after being caught off guard, and then immediately swung his fist straight at the creature's chest.

"GRRARRR!" The monster glared at Noah with fury in its eye, and in a state of confusion and panic, it instantly decided to counter and swung its clawed wings, which were strong enough to bend steel, aiming straight for Noah's head.

However, although the attack itself was extremely powerful, the build-up to the attack was simply too obvious and panic-stricken that Noah had already figured out what the monster was planning on doing way before its clawed wings struck forward.


Although he wasn't exactly a great fighter and couldn't easily avoid extremely complicated and quick attacks, these types of strikes which were simple and obvious were easy ones, even to an amateur like him. And so, Noah easily maneuvered his head and avoided the attack without breaking a sweat, and his fist struck the creature's chest, which resulted in a loud noise and caused a burst of air to shoot out as the terrifying monster was flung backwards once again, this time with even more force.

However, right then..


As the monster was being flung back, it instantly extended its skeletal tail forward, and although Noah saw the trajectory of the tail and the path that it was following, he didn't have enough time to react to the attack properly, and as a result, the sharp end of the skeletal tail pierced through his abdomen, making him groan in pain.

"Guah!" He grunted as he landed on the concrete road and placed his hand on the place where the injury was, and he gritted his teeth. "You've got to be f*cking kidding me right now!" His eyes began to turn completely black as he spoke angrily at the monster, which was slowly trying to get up from the ground. 

"Max! Alphonso!" Both Gerald and Harold ran towards the other two boys, who had abruptly been woken up by the loud noise of the monster and were scratching their heads, trying to recap what just happened a few seconds ago.

"The monster?" Max, who was the first to remember what was happening just before they fainted, asked out loudly, his voice filled with concern. "It's being taken care of by Noah. I don't think we can do anything to help him in this situation, so we'll focus on trying to find a safe spot for us to hide." Gerald replied as he held out his hand to him, urging him to get up from the floor of the ambulance. 

"Urgh.." The injured lady, Clarice, groaned as she lay on the metal bed, and the rest of the group turned their attention to her. Miraculously, she had survived through the whole situation with little to no injury, which was simply too surprising.

"We'd have to get her out of the vehicle and to a safe spot as well," Harold said as he pointed at Clarice, and Alphonso nodded, agreeing with him.

"We'll figure something out," Although Gerald was unsure of getting away from the monster with an injured person by their side, he nevertheless nodded his head in agreement. After all, saving people is what they were planning on doing. They had failed to save the ambulance driver, and they definitely couldn't leave an injured person alone.


Alphonso slowly opened the back door of the ambulance and popped his head out in order to see if the coast was clear to make a run for it, as the other three grabbed hold of the still unmoving body of Clarice.

"What's going on?" Gerald whispered softly under his breath as he asked Alphonso, who tilted his head to look at Noah.

"Alright, it seems that the creature has just been flung backwards." He said as he turned around to face the other three and continued. "We'll probably have a few seconds before the monster gets back up again to resume the fight."

"Alright then," Harold said as he tightened his grip on the injured Clarice's legs. "What are we waiting for? Let's do this sh*t!"


Alphonso opened the back door of the vehicle and immediately moved out of the way in order to give space for the other three to carry Clarice using the stretcher which they had found inside the ambulance. 

"Go! Go! Go!" Alphonso waved his hands furiously as he motioned them to continue moving, his gaze still on Noah, who was waiting for the monster to get back up from the ground.

"GRRRRRAR!" As expected, the monster roared loudly as it leapt off from the ground, right after the group of boys had successfully carried an injured Clarice out into the woods.

"Don't even think for a second that your attack had any effect on me!" Noah clenched his fists and gritted his teeth as he said with a snort, his gaze fixated on the monster's bright red eyes. Although the wound was incredibly painful, he wasn't going to let the monster know of this fact. He didn't want the monster to know that he was currently weak.

Tap! Tap!

He slapped his palm on his chest, trying to intimidate the monster.. "Come on, you son of a b*tch!" He said loudly, and the monster, as though responding to him, roared loudly before dashing towards him.

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