Beast Soul

Chapter 77 - Troublesome

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Max gently placed his feet on the railing of the window of his room, and looked through it, trying to figure out whether his mother was in the vicinity or not. 

After making sure that she wasn't, Noah slowly and carefully opened the window, and very quietly landed inside his room. 

He then looked around once again, making sure that no one saw him entering the room, and then raised his fist into the air, signalling his victory.

"Hah," Max let out a sigh as he leaned back on his bed, completely exhausted because of everything that happened today. "I can't believe I actually was able to help out and do something against that monster…"

He raised his hand and stared at his palms for quite some time, squinting his eyes as he remembered everything that he did. He could still remember how he was able to control the path of those dandelions. 

"That took a lot more effort than what I had imagined…" He said as he bit his lips. Controlling the dandelions proved to be a much more difficult task than he had expected it to be. 

The initial burst of dandelions were much easier to control, even though the first phase was the one containing the most amount of dandelions. If Max were to describe how he controlled it, he would most likely compare it to going down a hill. You just need a little push at the start in order for your vehicle to get moving, and it's all gravity from there. Similarly, the dandelions only needed a simple kickstart to push them into the path that they have to take, and from there on out, the dandelions would move through the air as they are meant to be doing. Max only needed to get them in motion, and the rest was left to the flowers.

The rest of the procedure however, was not so simple of a job. Max had to ensure that some of the seeds of the flower go through the monster's mouth and enter its stomach or its lungs for his plan to work. For this, he had to take control of at least some of the flowers and force them into the mouth of the creature, just to make sure that at least one of the flowers got in the digestive or the respiratory tract.

From then on, he had to be quick, as he now had to germinate the seeds as fast as possible and get them to sprout and enlarge from within the monster's body, before it could find him and kill him.

"I would've been dead if Noah wasn't there to keep the monster busy…" Max mumbled under his breath as he let out a long and heavy sigh. He knew that the process was extremely long and arduous, and if this was a one on one battle, then he was positive that there would be no chance for him to win.

"I have to get stronger if I want to continue doing this…" Max knew that training more and getting even more stronger was the only way that he could survive. He had now seen three monsters in total in just a few days, which means that there could be many more monsters within the town. 

"I guess I really have no choice in this matter, huh.." Max said with a bitter smile on his face. He really didn't want to continue with this superhero business anymore, but his guilt and the monsters weren't giving him any choice. 


A dark figure moved quickly through the air, jumping from the rooftops of buildings with incredible speed. 

Swoosh! Swoosh!

The figure jumped onto the railing of one of the buildings and then crouched down. In the hand of the figure was something large and fleshy. The dark figure opened its mouth, revealing his sharp fangs, and bit into the fleshy material, devouring it within seconds.

"Aah!" The man let out a satisfactory sigh as he leaned back and tilted his head up into the sky, and the light that shone on his face revealed him to be Noah. "Sorry, kid…" Noah spoke to himself with a cold and emotionless voice. "There's something that you're just not ready to know.."

He wiped his face and his mouth as soon as he finished speaking, and right then, his ears twitched ever so slightly, causing his eyes to widen.

"Argh…" The transformed Noah groaned with pain in his voice as he rubbed his forehead, and his gaze then turned towards the direction of the sequoia tree. "What the hell? Are you telling me that Wolfe might be in danger?" The transformed Noah said with one his eyes raised, clearly questioning his own words.

And as soon as he finished speaking..

"Argh!" The transformed Noah screamed in pain once again as he grabbed his head and grit his teeth. It was as though his brain was frozen. A cold chill was passing through his head, and no matter what he tried, he couldn't stop it. Not unless he listened to what it wanted him to do..

"Ah! Alright, fine.. I get it!" A frustrated and angry Noah responded loudly as he jumped off of the roof of the building that he was standing on and onto another one, moving incredibly fast as he headed for the sequoia tree, and the brain freeze stopped suddenly. 

"I can't believe this," The transformed Noah said while he clicked his tongue, clearly frustrated by what just happened. "And here I thought I'd at least have some control while you're asleep, and yet for some reason, you're able to interfere just because you care for your 'pet'.." Noah shook his head as he let out a sigh. "You humans and your pets… I'll never be able to understand it."

Even though he was angry at the fact that he wasn't in full control of this body, the transformed Noah was definitely intrigued by the reason for why the real Noah was pushing him to head for the sequoia tree. 

Surely, the dragon must not be in some sort of danger, right? And if that really was the case, then how come the human side of him figured it out before him? The transformed Noah was definitely curious, so he increased his speed.

Within a few minutes, Noah had reached the entrance of the forest that led to the sequoia tree, and he could already see shrubs and branches fallen down on the pathway, which only made him even more suspicious.

"What the hell happened here?" Noah walked forward until he reached the spot where the sequoia tree had stood before, and was completely shocked at the ruined surroundings that awaited him. 

The large sequoia tree that was standing tall right in the middle of the spot had been completely destroyed, leaving only the bottom part with the roots in its original spot, and the rest of the wood was scattered all over the place. 

Noah squinted his eyebrows as he scanned the surroundings. He wanted to know what exactly happened in this place. 

'There was obviously a fight here,' Noah thought to himself as he tried to fill in the blanks about what happened in this place. He knew that such a destruction could've only resulted because of a fight. Normal beasts are not prone to violence all the time, especially if there's nothing to exert the violent acts on. And from the looks of it, this definitely looked like the act of a monster. Most probably a dragon.

"What the hell happened to you, Wolfe?" Noah murmured under his breath as he kneeled down near the remnants of the sequoia tree, and narrowed his eyes. 


He stretched out his hand and swiped his finger over a drop of blood that was stuck to one of the leaves that was lying on the ground. He then placed the finger on top of his tongue and licked the blood off, tasting it as he tilted his head upwards.

"Dragon blood…" He whispered under his breath as he licked his lips. This might be a much more serious situation that he had imagined it to be, Noah thought to himself.

He then walked on over to where a bunch of branches were piled up, with drag marks that were leading out of the pile. He then noticed another drop of blood that was on the branch, and curious, Noah knelt down and swiped his finger over it, brought it to his mouth and licked it. 

"Human blood?" Noah's eyes widened. 'Don't tell me it was that guy…' 

Noah didn't finish his sentence as he immediately stomped his foot on the ground and leapt up, heading away from the location as fast as he could.

'I've got to find Wolfe…' Noah was concerned about the safety of the dragon. If it really was the man who had attacked them previously, then the dragon really might be in serious trouble.

Far away, a man watched Noah leave the spot of the sequoia tree through his binoculars as he was sitting inside his car. That man was, of course, Agent Richard Edgerton, who said with a smile on his face, "Well, well, well, look who decided to show up!"

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