Beast Soul

Chapter 78 - Quicker

Noah knelt down and swiped his finger over it, brought it to his mouth and licked it. "Human blood?" Noah's eyes widened. 'Don't tell me it was that guy…' 

Noah didn't finish his sentence as he immediately stomped his foot on the ground and leapt up, heading away from the location as fast as he could. 'I've got to find Wolfe…' Noah was concerned about the safety of the dragon. If it really was the man who had attacked them previously, then the dragon really might be in serious trouble.

Far away, a man watched Noah leave the spot of the sequoia tree through his binoculars as he was sitting inside his car. That man was, of course, Agent Richard Edgerton, who said with a smile on his face, "Well, well, well, look who decided to show up!"

Agent Richard didn't immediately head after Noah. He instead, kept his eye on him through the binocular for a few seconds. 


He then clicked the small button on the side of the binocular, which caused a red dot to track onto Noah's body inside the display of the binocular. 

He then placed the binocular on his lap, leaned back towards the backseat, stretched out his hand and grabbed a large black bag and brought it close to him.


He pulled open the zipper of the bag and took out a large tablet and turned it on, and the screen of the tablet showed a large satellite map of New World City, with a red dot moving through it. Clearly, the red dot was Noah, who was being tracked by Agent Edgerton.

"Now, where the hell are you going?" Agent Edgerton whispered softly under his breath as he watched the tablet screen with his intense gaze, a sinister smile forming on his face as he did so.


Noah used the trees to move through the forested areas, landing on one branch and then using that branch to push down and create energy for the next jump. 

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

He was moving through the jungle with incredible speed, leaping from one tree to another within seconds, as though it was an extremely simple process.

"Argh.." Right then, Noah felt as though a bolt of electricity had passed through his brain, which made his groan in mid jump and forced him to hold his head and grip it tightly with his hands. 


Noah slammed his face against the tree trunk as he had failed to complete the jump, and with a loud and yet extremely short gasp, he fell down.


He fell down onto several branches and broke through all of them, although they did massively reduce the force with which he was falling down.


With a loud noise, he crash landed onto the grass covered ground below, causing him to groan once again.

"Urgh, why the hell did you do that now?" The transformed Noah was now extremely pissed at the original Noah, who was the one responsible for causing the brain freeze effect that hurt his brain just a few seconds ago.

Well, not exactly the original Noah, but the subconscious part of him. It was interfering with the transformed Noah's usage of his brain, similar to how a dream could affect your sense of perception, feelings and emotions without you having any control of it or even happening in reality. 

"Your body could've seriously been hurt because of that interference…" He mumbled under his breath as he got up from the ground, but right as he was doing that, Noah's eyes widened for a split second, as though he had realized something, and then he immediately narrowed his eyes, looking cautious.


He then tilted his head up and looked up at the sky with a frown. 

"What the hell?" He was confused. It was faint, but Noah could feel something watching him. He didn't know where it was, or what was even observing him, but he could feel that he was indeed being watched.

"What on earth is watching me? And why can't I identify what or where this person is?" Noah was puzzled by what was happening, but he now knew that he had to be extremely cautious.

The fact that someone is monitoring him, meant that he had to be careful not to let them know where he was heading towards. And at the same time, he also wanted to continue making them think that they were in complete control of the situation.

"The question is, what the hell do I do now?" Noah thought to himself. Clearly, he couldn't try to find Wolfe right now, as it would help the enemy identify the dragon's location as well. 

Inside the rental car, Agent Edgerton was watching his tablet, trying to pinpoint the location of the creature that he had seen before, along with the dragon. 

"Now, now.. why are you not moving, dear monster?" Special Agent Richard Edgerton mumbled under his breath as he pulled out a donut from his bag and took a bite out of it, his gaze never leaving the tablet screen.

"Ah, screw it!" Noah said while biting his lips, and with a stomp on the ground, he leapt up into the air and flew forward. At the exact time, the red dot on the tablet also began to move, which made Agent Edgerton raise his eyebrows, clearly interested in what was happening on the screen. "There we go.." He said as he let out a short chuckle and then swallowed the entire donut in an instant. 

He then turned the engine on, and then stepped on the gas pedal and took off forward.


The car moved through the empty road, and right then, his phone began to ring loudly.

Ring! Ring!

Agent Edgerton grabbed his phone from his pocket, brought it close to his face and stared at the screen for a split second before answering the call and placing it next to his ear. "What's the matter?" He asked.

"Where the hell are you right now?" Special Agent Alan Fischer's voice was heard through the phone. "We're already at the precinct. Why're you not here yet?"

"My bad, I got caught up in something.." Agent Edgerton said in a hushed tone as he kept an eye on the road. 

"What do you mean you got caught up in something?" He could hear Agent Fischer's voice getting louder and louder. "If you're caught up in something, then quickly find a way to get out of it!" 

"It'll only take a few minutes. And then I'll be back," Agent Edgerton said with a calm voice. The voice on the other side suddenly went for a few seconds. The silence was so abrupt that Agent Edgerton had almost thought that the connection was lost. At least, until the loud and angry scream of Agent Fischer reassured him that the connection was still intact.

"A few minutes?! Are you f*cking with me right now?! Just stop what you-" But before Special Agent Alan Fischer could finish his spirited rant, Agent Edgerton immediately hung up the call, turned the phone off, and then threw the phone to the seat next to him as he let out a long and heavy sigh.

"I guess I'll be hearing an earful from Alan when I do return…" Agent Edgerton said as he let out a short chuckle. The car passed through the hilly roads, and once in a while, Edgerton turned his gaze towards the tablet, which showed that the 'monster' that is in reality Noah, was heard for the Harker mountain ranges, which made him narrow his eyes.

"The Harker mountain.." He mumbled under his breath. The Harker mountains were one of the places where it would be extremely difficult to get good tracking, as the place was one of the few locations in New World City which was still not explored by men. If the monster does indeed go there, then Edgerton was sure to lose the creature's position.

"I guess I have to be quicker…" Agent Edgerton muttered to himself as he stepped on the brake pedal and turned his steering wheel all the way to the left, which made the car drift to the left and enter into a dirt road, leaving the highway.

"It should be right around here…" Richard was on high alert as he looked around. He was searching for something. He occasionally tapped his finger on his tablet, and after a few minutes of searching…

"There it is!" His eyes widened as he pressed the brakes, causing the car to stop. He then turned the engine off and got out of the vehicle, heading towards what appeared to be a large crate which had been covered in shrubs, grass and dirt. 

He walked up to the front of the crate and tapped on the upper right side, which revealed a small screen. 


Edgerton pressed his thumb onto the small screen, and the door of the crate opened with a small 'puff' noise.

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