Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 11 The second beast control simulation ends! The evolutionary path of the tail seal


Subsequent evolution of the tail seal.

Do you need special materials?

Just like the crystal core of a water-attribute pet.

Ye Yinchuan has seen some evolution plans for pet beasts.

Mostly there are a few necessary conditions.

Environment, timing, talents, skills, special materials and more.

The options exist and make sense!

It doesn’t matter if it’s a trap or not.

Even if it’s just a momentary thought.

Ye Yinchuan chose to stay until later.

[You think this big cuttlefish crystal core may be useful in the future, so you choose to keep it. 】

[How do you plan to deal with the giant cuttlefish’s stinger? 】

【① Prick yourself to death. 】


【③ Bury it, it would be dangerous for a child to pick it up. 】

Ye Yinchuan: "..."

If you are poisoned to death, you will lose more than you gain!

[You save the stinger of the big cuttlefish. 】

[After defeating the big cuttlefish, another five years passed quickly. 】

[You are 13 years old and have 22 years left to live. 】

[In the past five years, you have been exploring the subsequent evolution of tail seals. 】

[Recently, your tribe has been threatened by the natural enemy the great white bear, causing a lot of deaths. 】

[Fortunately, the great white bears only appeared recently and the number of individuals is small. 】

[Chief Dada adopted a migration strategy to avoid the hunting of the great white bear. 】

[Your strength has been upgraded to the fourth level of black iron. 】

[Ruanruan evolved into a charm seal and became even more charming. 】

[Yao Liu pursues Ruan Ruan but is rejected, and becomes angry and challenges you. As long as I defeat you, I can get the soft heart. 】

[The seals all believe that the next clan leader will be born between you and Liuliu. 】

[Liu Liu’s strength is too different from yours, you decide...]

【① Release the water and make it soft and soft】

[②If you don’t let go, how can the clan leader give in? 】

Is this possible?

Ye Yinchuan didn't even hesitate.

[For the position of clan leader, you fought seriously and easily defeated Liu Liu. 】

[Liu Liu brought humiliation to himself and lost all his face. 】

[Your prestige among the tribe has increased. 】

【You are 16 years old. Remaining life span is 19 years. 】

[This year, the mother seal passed away. She is already an old seal and has passed away. 】

[Your strength has been upgraded to the fifth level of Black Iron. 】

[You have learned a new skill: water storage. 】

[The tribe was attacked by a big white bear. 】

[The leader of the Dada tribe was seriously injured in order to protect his young tribesmen, and his life was short-lived. 】

[You have been appointed as the new clan leader. 】

【Do you want to seek revenge from the big white bear? 】



[You think that the tribe is no match for the big white bear, so you inherit the tribe leader’s strategy and start migrating again. 】

[But unexpectedly, you are surrounded by big white bears. 】

[How do they know your migration routes! 】

[When you see Yoyo standing behind the big white bear, you understand everything! 】

【traitor! There is a traitor among you! 】

[You glare at Liuliu angrily and ask him why. 】

[Yaoyou said that it only wants to get back what belongs to it, which is Ruanruan and the position of the clan leader. 】

[As long as you give up resistance, you will all survive. 】

【certainly. The big white bears should be provided with rich food on a regular basis. 】

【① Survival is important! 】

【②The seals will never be slaves! 】

[You scold Yoyo for being a traitor, how can the Seals become slaves of the Great White Bear! 】

[What’s the difference between that and livestock raised in captivity! 】

[Seals, never be slaves! 】

【Fight for the clan! 】

[As the clan leader, you bravely take the lead and lead the seal clan against the big white bear. 】

[Nie Nian, who has been feeling depressed all the time, goes out to fight angrily and goes straight to kill Liu Liu. 】

[It's a pity that it has been abandoned for so many years and is no match for Liuyou. Its blood has dyed this land red. 】

[Until death, Nian Nian was roaring. 】

[The seals will never be slaves! 】

[You are shocked, frightened and irritable. 】

【You decide……】

【① Kill the traitor Liu Liu first and clean up the house! 】

【②Fight with the Great White Bear Clan! Kill kill kill! 】

【③ Cover with all your strength and let the tribesmen escape! 】

Ye Yinchuan couldn't calm down anymore.

The chaotic battle, the desperate generosity to die, the panic and fear of the tribesmen.

The picture of the ferocious white bear eating the tribesmen alive.

It all happened very vividly before his eyes.


Too deep into the drama!

"calm down!"

Ye Yinchuan gritted his teeth and made a trembling decision.

[You temporarily suppress the urge to tear Liu Liu into pieces, and suppress the urge to fight desperately with the big white bears. 】

[You respond to one call and form a death squad to cover the tribe’s retreat. 】

[Looking at the seals who look cute but have firm eyes, your heart is shocked. 】

【Although I am going to die! 】

【Never be a slave! 】

[Let the big white bears understand the bloody nature of the seal family! 】

[The death squad led by you was so brave that it caught the big white bears off guard and even killed several of the opponent's vanguards. 】

[But it’s a pity. 】

[The average strength of the Great White Bear is far higher than that of your tribe. 】

[Although you have bought time for your tribe to retreat. 】

[But it has been surrounded by big white bears. 】

【There is no way to recover. 】

[The only outcome for you is to fight to the last moment! 】

【suddenly. 】

[You heard a familiar singing voice. 】

【It turned out to be Ruanruan! 】

[Ruanruan, who was supposed to retreat with the tribe, why did she come back again! ]

[Encouraged by Ruanruan's singing. ]

[You regained your morale! ]

[Strength gushed out of your body like a fountain. ]

[You led the death squad to fight a bloody way out. ]

[But the one blocking you is Liuliu again! ]

[But how can Liuliu stop you! ]

[An accident happened! ]

[Liuliu evolved into a gust of wind seal! ]

[Liuliu uses the skill: gust of wind cutting! ]

[The gust of wind cutting destroyed the terrain and blocked your way! ]

[The white bear tribe came up! ]

[The tribesmen around him died one by one! ]

[Ruanruan was filled with grief and anger! ]

[Ruanruan's voice was shrill! ]

[Ruanruan evolved into a tearful beauty seal! ]

[Ruanruan uses the skill: Song of Misery! ]

[The enemies were all in extreme sorrow and their actions were hindered! ]

[You killed Liuliu in anger! ]

Ye Yinchuan clenched his fists.

In the simulated scenario.

Baobao smashed Liuliu's skull with his tail, killing him on the spot.

A group of tribesmen stepped on its corpse.

It seemed that it was not enough to relieve their hatred.

One tribesman did not forget to turn back and spit.

With spit and blood!

[You fled with this group of tribesmen. ]

[Just when you thought you could escape, there was a thunderous roar and a galloping sound. ]

[The leader of the white bear tribe came to kill! ]

[This is a powerful creature of the first silver level, the second evolution——]

[Thunder bear! ]

[The opponent used high-speed movement! ]

[The opponent used Thunder Roar! ]

[The opponent killed all of you! ]

[Ruanruan, I'm sorry...]

[You died in despair under the palm of the white bear tribe leader. ]

[In front of you is Ruanruan who has blocked a blow for you. ]

[Hug, it's okay, I love you...]

[When you were dying, you shed tears. ]

[Whether you were moved, unwilling, or regretful...]

[Even you don't know! ]

[Rewards are being calculated...]

[Ending: It's okay, I love you]

[Unlock achievements: ① A scumbag ② Killing a sister to prove the truth ③ Soft love]

[Rewards for the first unlock of achievements: ① Increased charm to pets of the opposite sex; ② Increased damage to pets of the opposite sex; ③ Talent: Water affinity. ]

[Reward 1: Unlock the talent "Whip Tail\

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