Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 12 Second Beast Taming Simulation Rewards Received! Evolutionary Route? No, It's an Evo

Level is not an issue!

The follow-up evolution plan of the tail seal is the highlight!

Otherwise, the level will be higher.

Combat power is empty.

Worth the gamble!

Ye Yinchuan decisively chose the evolutionary path of tail seals.

I saw the specific content appearing before my eyes.

[Baby Seal-Tail Seal-Scorpion Seal]

[Baby Seal-Tail Seal-Water Blade Seal]

[Baby Seal-Tail Seal-Double-tailed Seal]

[Baby seal - tail seal - scale tail seal]

[Baby Seal-Tail Seal-Hammer Seal]

[You can view the detailed evolution plan]

Ye Yinchuan: "???"

Damn it!

Damn it!

Damn it!

There is no follow-up evolution plan for the said tailed seal?

It came all at once.

One, two, three, four, five...

Five completely different directions of evolution!

And every evolution plan is so detailed that it’s scary!

There are not only methods and conditions for evolution.

Materials needed to be prepared.

Possible misunderstandings and precautions.

Even the advantages and disadvantages of each evolutionary form are clearly written!

too strong!

Where is the evolutionary path?

It’s simply a super evolutionary tree!

If this evolutionary plan is put outside, I don’t know what kind of sensation it will cause.

Absolutely subversive!

Those pet researchers who study baby seals, as well as those experts in pet breeding, will definitely go crazy about it!

Let’s not talk about others first.

Ye Yinchuan himself is going crazy!

[The reward has been delivered. 】

[Should it be activated directly on the corresponding pet? 】


Ye Yinchuan didn't even look at the hug.

Instead, he carefully reviewed the extremely detailed evolutionary plan in his mind.

Go and play by yourself!

Hug:_(:3 ⌒?)_

In the evolutionary path of tail seals.

The first is the evolution of the scorpion seal.

Scorpion seal, as the name suggests.

It is the evolution in the direction of acquiring the ability to poison.

The materials required are: king scorpion's tail needle toxin, king scorpion's crystal core, detoxifying grass, and some other toxins.

Evolutionary approach.

It means that the tail of the tail seal is constantly poisoned, and then it must be ensured that it will not be poisoned to death.

Repeat this operation until you evolve.


Ye Yinchuan became excited.

Pet beasts with poisonous abilities have always been terrifying.

If there is no resistance or antidote.

As long as it's poisoned.

Maybe death is just a matter of time.

Not to mention that different toxins have different functions.

Such as paralysis, hallucination, even manipulation, etc.

It is simply a must-have for home travel and killing!

Scorpion seal.

I like! Can consider it!

But the only problem.

It’s just that the dose of toxins is difficult to control.

There is a possibility of playing off.

Waterblade seal.

Gain the ability to control water flow.

Using water flow to assist tail combat greatly enhances the destructive power.

Control the water flow?

It sounds cool too.

The battle scenes of those water-attributed beasts appeared in Ye Yinchuan's mind.

Water can have more impact than a cannon.

Can be more flexible than rope.

It can also be sharper than a sword.

Obviously, water blade seals are the kind that sharpen the power of water flow.

than toxins.

Kill enemies faster!

How the waterblade seal evolves.

The environment needs water, and the more access it has, the better.

Continuously splitting the water with the tail, you need to find the feeling of the blade.

The materials required are:

Three crystal stones of black iron quality or above or three water-attribute crystal nuclei.

Knife Mantis' sickle.

Daggerbat's Daggerbat sword.

Very handsome, keep watching!

Two-tailed seal.

Split the tail in two to create a more flexible branch.

The originally deadly tail immediately doubled.

It's like having twice as many weapons.

Very scary.

The two-tailed seal's method of evolution is somewhat violent.

It turns out that the tail needs to be cut sharply from the middle.

The materials required are:

Styptic grass, used to heal wounds.

The body fluids of the big mud monster are used to prevent wounds from completely healing.

The eggs of the winged eagle must be double yolk to supplement the nutrients for the growth of the tail.

Tsk tsk.

It sounds a little painful.

This evolutionary plan.

And it's very reminiscent of people who cut their tongues down the middle.

I heard it's called split tongue.

Flexibility is flexibility.

It looks a bit perverted.

Scale-tailed seal.

Gradually abandon the fur and evolve into branches of scales.

The scales become denser toward the tail, so it is called a scaly tail.

With the protection of scales.

Both defensive power and destructive power have been enhanced to a certain extent.

Especially for cutting type physical attacks.

Has excellent resistance.

Evolution has no special requirements for the environment.

Materials required:

A large number of silver-scaled fish scales serve as the main food source.

Two scale beast crystal cores of black iron quality or above.

What is the evolutionary direction of scale beasts?

Ye Yinchuan was thoughtful.

Among the categories of pet beasts, one is Linjia.

Linjia pet beast refers to a pet beast with scales or carapace.

Kirin-armored beasts are also divided into scaled beasts and armored beasts.

Generally, scale beasts and armored beasts have higher defense capabilities than other pet beasts.

But accordingly.

It will also sacrifice some flexibility.


Scale beasts are a relatively balanced type of existence that combines flexibility and defense.

Both offensive and defensive.

It's also pretty strong.

Finally, there's the Hammer Seal.

The tail became thicker and thicker, and branches of the carapace evolved.

The carapace covers more and thicker toward the tail.

It gets its name because its tail looks like a heavy hammer.

It is relatively bulky, but has very amazing destructive power.

This is the evolutionary branch of the armored beast!

Ye Yinchuan's eyes moved.

The fighting style of the Hammer Seal comes to mind.

Protected by carapace, very resistant to beatings.

Once the heavy hammer at the tail is released, it will be a fatal blow.

Crush everything!

The evolution of the Hammer Seal.

It needs a light environment and adequate calcium supplementation.

Materials to prepare:

The shell of a large-shelled turtle.

Steel Tusk Elephant tusk.

An armored beast crystal core of black iron quality or above.


Ye Yinchuan feels the evolutionary branch of tail seals.

It is indeed the second evolution.

No matter what form it is.

can bring about great improvement.

But there are so many branches all of a sudden.

It’s hard to choose!

You have to think about it carefully.

Embrace the final evolutionary path.

But Hug is still just a baby seal.

You have to evolve into a tail seal first.

in this plan.

There are naturally plans for baby seals to evolve into tail seals.

I want to evolve into a tail seal.

It requires a lot of tail training and a lot of eating of large tail shrimp.

Another hibernation.

And you're done.

Sounds simple.

But big tail shrimp is a high-end seafood!

Very expensive!

You also know my family conditions...

Ye Yinchuan began to think.

It's definitely not okay to chew on my aunt's old self.

She earned hard-earned money.

Since you "make your own decisions", you have to take the beast control class.

Then you have to take responsibility for yourself.

I can’t be happy on my own.

Let someone else wipe your ass.

This is a person's most basic sense of responsibility.


I have to find a way to make some money, or get some big tail shrimps.

The evolutionary path of tail seals for sale?

That is indeed a lot of money to be made.

But as a high school student, how can I explain the source?

Will attract unnecessary attention.

Even get into trouble.

"By the way. I heard that the beast control class often has competitions and activities, as well as various scholarships. Maybe you can give it a try."

"On the other hand. You can also keep an eye out for any extra money you can make."

Ye Yinchuan decided to pay attention.

"The first thing is to evolve Hug into a tail seal. Only in this way can you continue to evolve."

"The second thing is to determine the evolutionary route of Hug and complete the second evolution."

"The third thing. Prepare for the third simulation. The last simulation opportunity. You must be fully prepared."

"It seems certain that the state of the real-life pet beast will affect the start of the simulation."

"So when the next simulation starts, the stronger the hug, the smoother the simulation will be and the better the rewards will be."

Very simple logic.

These three things are all interrelated.

After thinking about it, Ye Yinchuan took a look at the animal control scroll.


New paintings and records appeared on the animal-taming scrolls.

Exactly what happened in the second simulation.

[Simulating cooling. 】

[Cooling time: 48 hours. 】

"Did the simulated cooldown become longer?"

Ye Yinchuan was not too surprised.

If there is no limit on times or cooling.

He will become very perverted.


It's very perverted now.

e... must be talking about the speed of strength growth.

"Anyway, I don't plan to use my last simulation opportunity before Hug Hui evolves again. There's no rush."

Ye Yinchuan took a sip of Coke.

Cool and refreshing.

Very sweet and full of energy.

Ye Yinchuan turned his attention to Hua Hua.

When I was thinking about it just now.

This guy actually fell asleep.

It seems that the rewards are already in place.

Experienced the second simulation.

The level of the hug has not increased.

There is no evolution either.

But got a new talent, water affinity.

The original thick tail was also upgraded and merged with the whip tail to become the Ruyi tail.

There are three more skills.

They are water storage, whipping, and serial slaps.

The latter two are both good combat skills.

more importantly.

Hug's talents and skills have been formed into a system, and he can use combination skills in battle.

Coupled with the combat experience accumulated in simulated scenarios.

Look at the cuteness and cuteness, the harmless hugs between humans and animals.

Ye Yinchuan said with emotion:

"In the little seal, the current hug is absolutely unparalleled!"

I accidentally raised it so much.

As expected of me!

The head teacher will arrange a battle tomorrow.

Whatever you want, just paddle into the water.

With Baohao's current strength, if he takes it too seriously, it would be a bit of a bully.

"I'm very satisfied with my life as a beast master after time travel. Hug me, don't worry and follow me, we all have a bright future!"


Ye Yinchuan couldn't help but pat Hu Huo's round and elastic butt.

Hug: I’m so sleepy (つω`)~

What is the master mumbling about?

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