Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 1116: Provincial League Opponent Information? The Competition System and Rewards Revealed!

"These are the information about your opponent. As usual, I won't say more."

Hu Yue sent a data package of 60 gigabytes to everyone’s mobile phone.

These days, the battle of controlling beasts is, to a large extent, a battle of intelligence.

Information is so developed that anyone with a little bit of strength will have someone keeping an eye on them, collecting their information, and then reselling it.

A gray industrial chain has been formed.

Studying your opponents is something that almost every contestant must do.

Of course, research is one aspect, and the main thing is to rely on your own strength. Without strength, even if you research your opponent to perfection, you still can't defeat him!

"Are they all so powerful?"

Looking at the information of these players, Xu Mu couldn't help but his eyes glowed. He had always longed for strong opponents. The stronger the opponent, the more training he had and the more opportunities he had to stand out.

After all, in addition to hugging Ye Yinchuan's thigh tightly, he now relies on the support of the China Alliance. The better he performs, the people above him will also see it, and the greater the support they will give him.

Opportunities, resources, platforms... are all earned by yourself!

"Don't be afraid. A battle at the provincial level may be overwhelming, that is, a battle at the platinum level. It may not be impossible to win..."

Hu Huanjing adjusted his glasses, blushing a little and feeling his heartbeat after he finished speaking.

When did you become so arrogant that even Platinum's opponents dared to touch you?

The main reason is that after following Ye Yinchuan for a long time, it is inevitable to get a little bit of the aura of Tianwang Laozi!

Su Xiaoxiao tilted her head:

"I just found a diamond..."

Hearing this, Xu Mu, Hu Huanjing, and Chen Xueer all became excited:

"Diamonds in high school? Are you human?"

Ye Yinchuan raised his eyebrows when he heard this. Why are you still cursing?

"Zhang Tielin, a prodigy from Qingfeng City, although he has repeated a year, he is indeed a diamond-level one. His beast-controlling talent is that of a beast-controlling noble. It can be seen as accelerating the upgrade of pet beasts. It is an accelerated growth-type beast-controlling talent, and its actual combat power is , has no advantage among its peers.”

Hu Huanjing looked through the information carefully and commented,

"This is a rhinestone!"

Hearing this, Chen Xueer disagreed and said quietly:

"A diamond is still a diamond no matter how wet it is. If someone is a strong player in the field, do you have any chance of winning?"

"Squad leader, don't pour cold water on me. Isn't this trying to boost others' ambition and destroy your own prestige?"

Xu Mu geared up,

"It would be so exciting to have the opportunity to defeat diamonds. Besides, the more top-level battles, the more opportunities there are for breakthrough growth. Although we are all gold now, maybe we will upgrade and evolve as we fight. ?”

Hu Huanjing just shook his head after hearing this.

A breakthrough in battle is a small probability event after all.

However, the battle in the provincial league is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. This is true. Where can you usually find such a strong opponent?

The college league brings together the best of the best, and the value of a game here is probably greater than a year of trivial fights!

Don’t forget that the world of beast control has rules for gaining growth experience from battles. The more this kind of battle, the more it can stimulate the growth of pet beasts!

Ye Yinchuan also looked at the information.

Excluding individual repeaters and those with accelerated growth talents, the players' strength is basically at the gold to platinum level.

This is also the level of municipal competition.

Of course, there is no diamond level in the municipal competition. It can only be said that the further expansion of the provincial level has also increased the probability of such a rebel.

But diamonds are the limit.

According to the competition records of previous years, the strongest ones are diamonds. Except for one year, there was an incredible diamond level who temporarily broke through to the master level during the battle...

The master level of the high school league... haha.

But the funny thing is that even though that player won that game, he didn't know whether he overextended his potential or ran out of means. He never broke through to the master level again, and finally finished third in the country.'s pretty cool though.

But the master class finished third in the college league. No matter how you look at it, it feels magical.

"The provincial league is an opportunity to raise the strength of the members of the God-Slaying Team to another level."

Ye Yinchuan looked at the four people in front of him with a calm expression.

In fact, with the power he had injected into the Dragon God's Wedge, even if he did nothing later, the strength of these teammates would improve much faster than ordinary people.

But not enough.

Ye Yinchuan needs stronger combat power and stronger teammates in order to one day be able to fight against the gods.

The college league is just a stepping stone and an opportunity.

Being able to play at the provincial level, go to the national level, and finally represent China means that these teammates have graduated.

Not to mention being able to catch up with Ye Yinchuan, he is at least the top being of his age group, or even his generation.

They are still young and there is still room for growth.

Playing chess with the gods is definitely a big game. At that time, even the conflicts of interests between countries will have to be compromised, and it may be about the survival of mankind!

As for when the gods will come and in what form, Ye Yinchuan has no way of predicting them. He can only try his best to take every step...

Maybe, maybe, there isn't much time left for them!

Before the start of the provincial competition, the format and rewards of this competition have been announced online.

Because it is a large-scale open competition, the rewards and competition system cannot be announced temporarily like the previous competitions, but will be announced in advance so that the contestants can have an idea and prepare in advance.

Ye Yinchuan and his friends sat together and were discussing the next competition system and the corresponding rewards.

The track that Ye Yinchuan and his friends can participate in is the first-year track, and there are two non-level tracks.

There is nothing special about the competition system of the first-year league. It is directly arranged by the organizer in the form of promotion competition plus resurrection competition.

It should be noted here that the provincial schedule is also made public in advance, rather than on-site drawing.

In other words, before the official start of the game, you can know who your opponent is and make some targeted preparations.

There are a total of seven urban districts participating in the provincial competition, and the number of first-year contestants in each urban district is ten, that is, there are a total of seventy first-year contestants.

Seventy to thirty-five.

One to the resurrection competition, thirty-six.

Thirty-six to eighteen.

Eighteen to nine, ten to the resurrection competition.

Finally, ten to five, three to the resurrection competition, eight.

Eight to four, four to two, and finally the champion is decided.

The schedule sounds complicated, but in fact, excluding the resurrection match, there are seven rounds in total.

For Ye Yinchuan, if he wants to become the champion, he must defeat seven strong opponents in a row.

But for Ye Yinchuan, the general first grade is no longer challenging.

In fact, he is more concerned about the reward.

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