Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 1117: Higher-level rewards and resources! Top-quality cultivation tools!

The rewards from provincial competitions will naturally not be shabby.

The rewards for this competition are distributed according to rounds. As long as you can advance to one round, you can get the rewards corresponding to that round.

If you advance to the first round, you will receive 100,000 in cash, plus a pet beast qualification elixir.

Advance to the second round, get 200,000 cash, one talent crystal and one skill crystal each.

Advance to the third round, get 500,000 in cash, plus a box of gold-level pet crystals.

Advance to the fourth round and receive one million in cash, plus five designated skill learning machines on the market.

If you advance to the fifth round, that is, to the semi-finals, you will receive 1.5 million in cash and ten proficiency crystals.

Advance to the sixth round, that is, advance to the top two, get two million in cash and three elemental rough stones!

Advance to the seventh round, that is, win the championship, get 5 million in cash, and a blood purification crystal!

Looking at these dazzling array of rewards, Ye Yinchuan's expression moved slightly, while Hu Huanjing and the others were even more excited. It was indeed a provincial competition, and the rewards were obviously more generous.

Ye Yinchuan took a look and found that the rewards for the second and third years were more generous than those for the first grade, but essentially there was no change. It was just more cash and a higher quantity or quality of rewards.

What he is more concerned about is the competition system and rewards of the unlimited league.

"Wait a minute, this year's unleveled league is actually a single-player multi-pet battle?"

Others also noticed some details.

The so-called single-player multi-pet battle refers to the same beast master fighting multiple pet beasts in a round battle or even a team battle.

The organizer here also clearly stated that you can choose the competition format yourself, either 3v3 to determine the outcome, or a single pet battle, best of three games.

The decision will be made through discussion between the two parties of the game. If the two parties cannot reach an agreement, the ratio of the dice points will be adopted, and the one with the larger point will decide.

Therefore, although the competition format has been disclosed in advance, the specific form of the actual battle is still unknown.

"This competition system means that there are requirements for the training of pet beasts..."

Hu Huanjing adjusted his glasses and couldn't help but analyze and comment,

"Whether it is a 3v3 team battle or a best-of-three game, it means that if you want to win the game, you cannot rely solely on the strength of a pet beast."

"And when the beasts are of equal strength, team battle coordination or a best-of-three-game strategy is very important."

"It seems that what the organizers want to see is not just the pure hard power of the pet beasts, but also something else."

After saying that, Hu Huanjing paused, picked up his phone and searched,

"Sure enough, it has something to do with the last International League. The format of the last International League was similar to this, so China was caught off guard and almost suffered a serious defeat..."

As the saying goes, everything happens for a reason, and there is no smoke without fire. The organizers must have their reasons for adjusting or arranging the competition system.

In essence, provincial competitions and even national leagues are all selections for international leagues.

This is not good news for Hu Huanjing and the others, because their training level is limited to two gold-level pet beasts. It is difficult to fight against those elites and geniuses with just one of them, let alone three. Just.

The already stretched pet beast training will be even more exposed under such a competition system.

If they want to be competitive enough in the competition, it means that they not only have to improve the strength of their existing pet beasts, but also train another one.

Of course, it would be a strategy to find another way and rely on two pet beasts to show sufficient dominance while giving up on cultivating a third one.

Ye Yinchuan didn't care about this. He was worried that he wouldn't be able to handle any competition with his few pet beasts?

What he cares about is the rewards of this track.

There is no level limit for the competition. There are 7 urban areas, with 5 players participating in each urban area, that is, a total of 35 people.

Calculating this, it only takes six rounds to complete all the non-level leagues, which is exactly one less than the first-grade league.

But the overall reward is more than a level higher than that of the first-grade league.

details as follows--

Advance in the first round, get 300,000 in cash, a set of resonance skill crystals and talent crystals.

Advance to the second round, get 550,000 in cash, and a box of platinum-level pet crystals.

Advance to the third round, get 1.5 million in cash, and a skill mutation crystal.

Advance to the fourth round, get two million in cash and a master-level proficiency crystal.

The fifth round promotion, that is, the top two, will receive three million in cash and a blood mutation stone.

Those who advance in the sixth round, that is, the champion, will receive five million in cash and an S-level relic supply box.

"These rewards..."

Ye Yinchuan looked at it carefully and couldn't help but feel excited. It was indeed a reward from the provincial league. Many rewards were completely qualitative and could not be obtained through ordinary channels.

For example, in an unlimited league, the rewards for advancing in the first round are quite heavy.

At first glance, it looks like a classic combination of talent crystals and skill crystals. Although it is powerful enough, it is just like that after seeing too many rewards.

But if you look carefully, you will notice that these are not ordinary talent crystals and skill crystals, but ones with a prefix, which is the word "resonance".

This means that this talent crystal, as well as the skill crystal, come from the same place, and there is some kind of induction between them, which is different from those bulk talent crystals and skill crystals.

As for the specific use effect, the talent crystals and skill crystals with resonance relationship have a high probability of comprehending mutually linked talents and skills.

In other words, if you comprehend a talent and a skill, if you use this set of "resonance", then the talents and skills you comprehend will form a system of their own, complement each other, and achieve the effect of one plus one greater than two.

Its value is naturally incomparable.

"I have to say that this provincial league is really willing to give, and the pet energy blocks are given by box."

Ye Yinchuan couldn't help but complain.

Although this kind of reward is useless to him, for other beastmasters, it is a top-quality item that can quickly upgrade pets.

Another thing to note is that the rewards for the third, fourth and fifth rounds are all rare resources that cannot be bought at ordinary times.

After using the skill mutation stone, one of the pet's skills can be mutated.

Although the direction of the mutation is random, there is still a relatively high probability that the skill will have an unexpected effect.

For example, there is a very classic case about the use of skill mutation stones.

After a well-known beastmaster's pet used the skill mutation stone, its signature skill "Destructive Death Ray" mutated into "Brutal Death Ray", and mutated into "Steal" and "Anger" effects.

The higher the pet's anger value, the stronger the skill power.

At the same time, while the skill causes damage to the enemy, it will also steal the enemy's life and energy!

This is a typical positive mutation, and the benefits are so high that it is equivalent to upgrading ordinary skills to master-level proficiency, and the advanced effect obtained is even more exaggerated!

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