Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 1123 Ye Yinchuan's thinking changes! A new way to open simulation!

Soon, the first round of the first grade was announced.

As long as you log in to the official website of the league, you can check your opponent.

Ye Yinchuan quickly confirmed his opponent in the first round.

"Liu Mang from Jinwu City, ranked second in combat power among the first graders in Jinwu City, and his pet is gold-level."

Seeing this arrangement, Ye Yinchuan was really uninterested. He could easily deal with such a small fish by sending out a pet.

But it doesn't really matter who the opponent is. When Ye Yinchuan thought about the easy reward, he was relieved.

"Give Longlong a chance to perform, but isn't it too wasteful to let Longlong, a silver-level player, fight against a gold player?"

With only a 99% chance of winning, what's the difference between that and giving away heads?

Ye Yinchuan considered that if he played too well, wouldn't he have to compete with his teammates for the spot in the resurrection match, which would be funny.

The main thing is to wait for Longlong's simulation. According to his original arrangement, he really can't catch up.

Ye Yinchuan didn't want Longlong to cut in line and disrupt the rhythm of his pets' simulation.


Ye Yinchuan thought about it and realized a problem.

At present, Baobao Kongkong's strength is T0.

Ah Fu is T1, and Gege is T1.5.

So far, his pets have not fallen behind.

But starting from Longlong and then Guigui, it's miserable. The upgrade speed can keep up, but the evolution plan is completely broken.

No matter how excellent the qualifications and abilities are, we can't ignore the basic level and evolution stage, right?

The gap from silver to gold is not just talk.

This leads to some battles, Ye Yinchuan wants to let Longlong and Guigui out for a breath, but he is a little timid.

Because the level is too low, they can't catch up with many levels of battles, and even if they come out to watch the battle, they are afraid that the aftermath will kill them!

Ye Yinchuan realized that he can't be too conservative.

In addition, now there is the help of the turtle to speed up the simulation, and the acquisition of clearance certificates is becoming more and more handy...

Can I first let Longlong and Guigui upgrade to the gold level, reach this watershed, and then simulate at the original pace?

Seeing that the simulation cooling is about to turn over, Ye Yinchuan's mind is becoming more and more active.

"Yes, this idea is right. Only in the simulation can we have the opportunity to expand more and better evolution routes and obtain more powerful upgrades... Even if we use the clearance certificate to exchange for the evolution plan, it is not as practical as simulating once!"

But before that, Ye Yinchuan still paid a little attention to the schedule of several of his teammates.

Su Xiaoxiao is playing against Qian Lu from Chongyou City, who is ranked third in the first-year combat power of Chongyou City, a grass-type beastmaster, and has gold strength.

Hu Huanjing is playing against Long Jianfeng from Longyang City, who ranks first in the first-year combat power. This kid is unlucky, but after all, he is a first-year student, and his strength is only gold level. Ye Yinchuan believes that Hu Huanjing may not lose.

Xu Mu played against Ye Gu from Tianwu City, who ranked seventh in the first-year combat power. It was probably a crushing game, and Ye Yinchuan was too lazy to watch.

Chen Xueer played against Xu Yin from Qingfeng City, who ranked fourth in the first year. Ye Yinchuan was also quite confident in her.

"The opponents we met in the first round were not too strong. After all, it was a first-year league. For them now, it was basically not too challenging."

After a little confirmation, Ye Yinchuan came to a training room in Tianwu Dojo.

He turned into a birdman and summoned several of his pets, mainly to inform them of the next simulation rhythm and see how they reacted.

The pets had a consistent attitude and believed that Ye Yinchuan had the final say. They had been together for so long, and they believed that Ye Yinchuan would not treat them unfairly.

Bao Dalang said that it didn't have high requirements, as long as there was meat to eat.

Kongkong saw Ye Yinchuan's intention at a glance. In fact, it had already thought of what Ye Yinchuan was thinking. It was just that it kept silent to maximize its interests. The main reason was that Ye Yinchuan didn't ask, so it was too lazy to say anything. Now it just needed to express its support.

Ah Fu had a simple and kind face. He thought that he should take care of the little brothers behind him, otherwise he was afraid of killing them when playing.

The original resentful aura on Longlong's body was relieved a lot, and the light of hope was revealed in his black eyes-

Finally, it's my turn again, Longlong?

Guigui looked unmoved and even didn't understand. What simulation? What are you mumbling about?

Regarding Guigui's reaction, these seniors can only say that the taste of simulation, as long as you taste it once, you will never forget it in this life, and you will want it again and again...

Guigui stretched his legs straight, and his face was full of vigilance. What? So scary? It doesn't sound like a good thing!

In the next few days, Ye Yinchuan began to arrange Longlong's simulation and preparations for subsequent evolution.

Regardless of whether the simulation results in an evolution plan or an evolution plan plus materials, he intends to make Longlong complete the evolution as soon as possible, from a silver-level earthbound pterosaur to a gold-level level!

[Currently simulatable medium: earthbound pterosaur·silver level]

[Remaining simulation times: 8]

[Ages that can be simulated: ①Ancient ②Dragon Age ③New Generation]

Ye Yinchuan decisively chooses Dragon Age.

[The current simulation era is the Dragon Age, and the specific time background has been automatically locked to...Dragon Fall Era!]

"Dragon Fall Era? The dragon race that has ruled the earth for countless thousands of years has finally declined from prosperity to the last era of extinction and silence..."

Ye Yinchuan's pupils shrank. He didn't expect that the Beast Taming Scroll would be so powerful right from the start.

A silver-level earthbound pterosaur has to face the end of the entire dragon era. What will happen and what will it experience... Ye Yinchuan dare not think about it.

[The Dragon Falling Era is extremely difficult. As a weak dragon, if you are not careful, you may be drowned in the tide of the era...]

[Please choose your starting talent and the task of this simulation...]

Looking at the prompt of the Beast Taming Scroll, Ye Yinchuan's heart moved. What is this? A new way to open the simulation?

Ye Yinchuan is already familiar with the starting talent.

But the simulation task...Ye Yinchuan is still in contact with it for the first time.

Since the starting talent and the simulation task can be viewed at the same time, Ye Yinchuan did not make a choice at the first time, but carefully checked it.

There are three starting talents given this time.

They are [Dragon Hunter] [Wandering Lone Dragon] [Son of the Strong Dragon].

[Dragon Hunter] You were born in the Dragon Hunter Clan. Although this clan is a dragon clan, it specializes in hunting other dragons and uses other dragons as food.

This gives you enough advantages when fighting against dragons, and it is easier to find the weaknesses of dragons.

[Wandering Lone Dragon] You are a wandering lone dragon. Because you wander alone, you have mastered more survival skills and can keenly smell danger.

[Son of a Strong Dragon] You are the offspring of a powerful dragon clan. You are born with better resources and blood. Many well-known dragons will give you some leeway for your father's sake.

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