Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 1124 Dragon Dragon Simulation begins! Simulation task function enabled! Ideas for speedrunni

Ye Yinchuan took a look and could not feel any obvious direction for the time being.

And he was more excited about the talent [Son of a Strong Dragon]. In such a dangerous era, having a powerful father and being the second generation, wouldn't it be great?

Ye Yinchuan continued to check the simulation tasks, and there were four.

[Task 1, King of Dragon Hunters, become a strong man of the dragon hunter clan, let all dragons hear your name and be terrified, hunt the most powerful dragons in the world!]

[Task 2, Road to Evolution, complete an evolution in the simulation. ]

[Task 3, Dragon Disaster Messenger, bring a devastating disaster to the dragon clan. ]

[Task 4, Dragon Fall Savior, change the ending of the Dragon Fall Era and prevent the occurrence of mass extinction. ]

At this time, Ye Yinchuan squinted his eyes and carefully checked the description of the new function of the Beast Taming Scroll.

Simulation tasks do not necessarily have to be selected.

But after selecting, as long as you complete it, you can get a clearance certificate and the corresponding additional mysterious rewards for the task.

However, there is a price to pay. After completing the task, the simulation will end immediately. After all, completing the task means you have cleared the game.

Each task is unique. New tasks may appear each time you start the simulation, but once they are completed, they will disappear forever.

Ye Yinchuan looked at the description of the simulation task and his mind became active.

“In other words, the simulation task is a shortcut or a way to speed through the simulation.”

“No, not entirely. It depends on the difficulty of the task. For example, the difficulty of the Dragon Meteor Savior is no less than the normal process of completing the game…”

“Another meaning of the simulation task is the extra mysterious reward. I don’t know if it is powerful or not, and to what extent it can be powerful.”

At the same time, for Ye Yinchuan, the simulation task has another value.

That is to give the simulation a direction.

There are infinite possibilities in the simulation, but sometimes too many possibilities make people confused and unable to find the direction.

At this time, a simulation task is like a lighthouse in the vast ocean.

When you don't know what to do, just go for the goal of the simulation task...

"My simulation goal this time is very clear, that is to let Longlong evolve to the gold level, and the rest are just extra."

"So, Task 2 is definitely a good choice for a speed pass."

Ye Yinchuan's expression was moved, and he decided to take the simplest simulation task, try a speed pass, and also see what the mysterious reward of the simulation task is.

As for the starting talent, Ye Yinchuan thought about it and decided to unify his ideas.

Since you want to take the speed pass route, choose the starting talent that gives you the greatest starting advantage -

Son of the Strong Dragon!

[The starting talent has been confirmed as: Son of the Strong Dragon!]

[The simulation task has been confirmed as: The Road to Evolution!]

[You were born in the last era of the Dragon Age, the Dragon Falling Age, but you were confused by the authorities. You, like those dragons, thought that the heyday of the dragon race would be eternal, or at least not so soon. ]

[You are the strongest dragon in this forest area, the offspring of the Shadow Dragon King...]

[The Shadow Dragon King rules the Shadow Dragon tribe, and your tribe controls the power of shadow.]

[The Shadow Dragon tribe has three bloodline classes, namely the lowest scaleless Shadow Dragon, the ordinary scaled Shadow Dragon, and the most noble, the royal family of Shadow Dragon, that is, the Winged Shadow Dragon born with wings.]

[The royal family of Shadow Dragon, the Winged Shadow Dragon, not only has a powerful shadow power, but also has a strong flying ability, so it is born with a strong fighting power.]

[But you are the most unique existence among the Winged Shadow Dragons. You are born with deformed wings. You have wings but cannot fly. You have a noble royal bloodline, but you can only crawl on the ground like those low-level Shadow Dragons. ]

[Even because you have broken wings, your movements and agility on land are not as good as those of ordinary shadow dragons...]

"What is this permanent debuff?"

Ye Yinchuan couldn't help but complain. No matter where this dragon goes, it can't fly.

[The Creator closed a door for you, but also opened a window for you. Since you approached adulthood, you have gradually awakened a special curse power, which can make other individuals weak, slow down energy mobilization, and even unable to fly. ]

[Now, the Shadow Dragon King has summoned a group of brothers and sisters, and is about to hold a public coming-of-age ceremony for you, and establish the future crown prince of the tribe, that is, the heir. ]

[You go to the Shadow King Valley, where your father, the Shadow Dragon King, lives. ]

[Suddenly, you see a shadow covering the sky, and you see your two brothers fighting in the sky. ]

[The cause is that they collided with each other while flying, causing friction, and then fought. 】

【One of the elder brothers, Shadow Steel, is a silver-level shadow pterosaur. His pair of steel claws can easily crush rocks. With the power of shadow, he is indestructible and hard to resist. 】

【Another elder brother, Shadow Dart, is also a shadow pterosaur, but he is more powerful because he controls the power of shadow. He can use the power of shadow to accelerate flight, attack and defend. When the power of shadow leaves the body, it can form a boomerang-like energy body to carry out tricky long-range attacks on the enemy. 】

[Of course you know that the real reason for their fight is not just a collision, but a long-standing feud. The reason for the feud is nothing more than a fight for the succession to the crown prince. ]

[Faced with this situation, what do you plan to do...]

[①Use the power of the curse to make them all come down!]

[②Ignore them and go to the Shadow King Valley!]

[③Shout loudly, stop fighting!]

Looking at the options in front of him, Ye Yinchuan's expression moved, thinking that it would be better for him not to meddle in other people's business.

[You choose to ignore them and go to the Shadow King Valley. Soon, you meet your sister, Shadow Arc. ]

[Shadow Arc has a slender and elegant body. Among the shadow dragons, she is a stunning female pterosaur. Even as her younger brother, you blush and your heart beats when you see her. ]

[Shadow Arc has always taken care of you. It was originally behind you, but when it saw you struggling to crawl, it decided to give you a ride. 】

【You lie on your sister Yinghu's back, feeling the breeze blowing by your side, and your heart is filled with emotion and longing. 】

【You know that your sister Yinghu wants to become the crown prince of the Shadow Dragon Clan, but the throne of the Shadow Dragon Clan has never been held by a female in history. 】

【This time, the Shadow Dragon King is about to determine the future succession to the throne. You know that as the crown prince, prestige among brothers and sisters is also important. You decide...】

【① Fight for yourself!】

【② Support your sister Yinghu!】

【③ Support other brothers!】

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