Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 1666 After fighting for so long, it turns out they are all one of us?

And I just heard the story about the redemption of the Kamavian prince. There is a story about the ruined spring and the ancestors of the Kamavian Kingdom.

At this time, Ye Yinchuan was completely in a melon-eating state.

Because, since the Twisted Tree Spirit and the Blessed Light Ancient Tree are one and the same thing, that means that from the beginning, the leaders of both sides are our own people. The next step is to see how to resolve this dispute.

At the same time, Ye Yinchuan was also secretly thinking about what role he and his pet could play in this incident, and even what benefits they could get from it.

There is no doubt about it.

Now my pet beast Afu is currently the only one who can play a coordinating role in the transformation of the two contradictory contradictions of the Desolate Nether Spring and the Blessed Light Spring.

In other words, if you want to solve the problem between the ruined quiet spring and the blessed spring, and establish a certain balance, the most important point may be Ah Fu.

Of course, at present, neither Ye Yinchuan nor Ah Fu has a clear idea of ​​how to balance the ruined quiet spring and the blessed spring.

But if we can get more clues and information from the Twisted Tree Spirit and the Blessed Light Ancient Tree, or even get help from both sides, including the Kingdom of Kamavia, maybe we can achieve this feat!

Although this matter may be a trivial matter to the entire world where he originally lived.

But for Death Canyon and the world in front of us, that is a big event that can be recorded in history!

If successful, he and Afu will have unimaginable absolute say in Death Valley and the Kingdom of Kamavia!

"Great ancient tree of blessing, could it be said that this tree man was once a part of your body!"

Kamaviya Redemption said with some disbelief at this time.

So they just fought for a long time and killed so many people, but in the end they were fighting their own people?

At the same time, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, because if he had really used the power of the Sword of the Broken King just now, or even sacrificed his own life, it would have been a mistake.

Kamavian Salvation is even more grateful that the Twisted Tree Spirit has just stopped the battle between them and avoided further casualties.

"Yes, that's what you understand. It is me, and I am it. It's just that now we seem to have become two different individuals, but one thing remains the same, and that is what we all love about the place we live in. place, and those living lives!”

Fuguang Gushu's tone was like meeting an old friend, or seeing his former self.

"I remembered..."

The twisted tree spirit felt that a large number of memories were constantly emerging from the depths of his mind.

Soon, it shook its head and gradually understood all this.

"Fountain of Blessed Light, Kingdom of Kamavia, Island of Blessed Light..."

The Twisted Dryad was like an old man returning to his hometown, muttering in his mouth and looking at the familiar and unfamiliar environment around him.

"But, what should we do now? Do we have to sacrifice one of Death Canyon and Blessed Light Island?"

The Twisted Dryad felt painful and confused. His situation at this time perfectly explained what it meant. The palms and backs of his hands were all flesh.

"There seems to be only one way to solve the current dilemma, and that is to cut off the connection between the two places. But in that case, no one knows what the consequences will be. Maybe both places can exist independently. Even if they live in harmony, it is possible that both places will lose some support and balance and will perish at the same time.”

"Furthermore, if you want to cut off the connection between the two places, you must have something that can withstand the impact of the ruined quiet spring and the blessed light spring at the same time..."

"My friend, the other me in the world, it seems that only we can complete this mission. It is up to you to block the fountain of ruin, and it is up to me to block the fountain of blessing, although we will be forever restricted by this. There, but in that case, the life we ​​love can continue."

The twisted tree spirit nodded, as if agreeing with this statement, and at the same time accepting his fate.

"If I pay the price of my life and freedom, my body should be able to enter the place where the spring is connected and block it."

Hear the conversation between the Twisted Dryad and the Ancient Blessed Tree.

The people of the Kingdom of Kamavia and the creatures in Death Valley all looked sad and mournful.

Judging from the current situation, it is necessary for the twisted tree spirit and the blessing light ancient tree to sacrifice themselves to make a huge gamble. The bet is on what kind of fate the two places will usher in after the dilapidated Youquan and the blessing light spring are completely cut off.

In any case, their dedication is worth moving.

"I think you can give it a try, but don't forget the risks of doing so. If you cut off the Desolate Youquan and Fuguangshengquan, the worst result may be that both places are destroyed. Although now the two places may They are all in a state of slow death, but at least they are still alive. If we act rashly, it will accelerate the destruction of both parties. "

Ye Yinchuan, who had been silent at first, finally spoke slowly and revealed a cruel truth.

"Then, what can we do? As long as I can help, I am willing to do so even if it means giving my life!"

Kamaviya redeemed himself, his eyes were firm, and he clenched his fists.

Fuguang Ancient Tree has sacrificed too much for the life here, but the source of all the troubles is his ancestor Foyego. As the prince of Kamavia Kingdom and a descendant of Foyego, he has the responsibility and Responsible for all this.

He will always remember the sins and debts borne by his ancestors!

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't worry yet. Well, I might be able to help, but I need to know more information about the place where you are, about the Ruined Youquan and Fuguangshengquan, and what you are talking about. Ancestor, and this sword in your hand."

Ye Yinchuan glanced at everyone present, looking calm and confident.

"My ancestors..."

Kamaviya's redeeming expression seemed a little shy, but for the sake of everyone's future and destiny, he decided to speak.

"My ancestor Foyego was an infatuated species. He loved his princess Isolde so much that after Isolde died, he desperately wanted to resurrect Isolde. And resurrected The only way is to sink it into the Fountain of Blessing Light. Although the Fountain of Blessing Light can save a dying person, Isulde has already been dead for a long time..."

"In the legend of the Kingdom of Kamavia, if the dead are sunk into the Fountain of Blessings, no one knows what will happen. It may bring about a devastating disaster. But my ancestors insisted on going their own way and holding on to immortality. I still did what I thought in my heart, but the result..."

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