Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 1667 It’s not love, it’s life and death, and curse!

"Although Isulde was successfully resurrected, she was no longer herself after resurrection. Instead, she became a terrifying monster.

Death, coupled with love, and the source of blessing, the extremely huge vitality, formed an unimaginable curse.

And this curse quickly polluted the Fountain of Light, turning all nearby living creatures into ruined creatures.

These ruined creatures only have the ability to rob lives

Instinct caused huge disasters to the nearby forest. "

Hearing Prince Kamavia's description of redemption, Ye Yinchuan naturally thought:

"What's the principle? Why does it become like this?"

Kamavia Redemption shook his head: "I don't know either. This is just a legend left by our kingdom, and along with this legend is another sentence passed down, that is, love is a curse."


Ye Yinchuan feels that the key to solving the current situation may be to clarify the relationship and the real logic.

"I think I can give you some help. A blessing cannot truly resurrect the dead. And Foego's blind and foolish love for Isulde drove him to do that.

As a result, the blessed light and powerful life energy were poured into Isulde's body, which made it impossible for Isulde's soul to be freed, and even distorted and mutated.

When all this happens, Isulde itself has become a curse. This may not be her own consciousness, but this instinct will make the curse spread. "

"In other words, Isulde was turned into a wraith by the blessed light, and this power will assimilate other creatures, or dead beings, into wraiths."

When Ye Yinchuan heard this explanation, he was still skeptical.

Kamaviya Redemption continued:

"When the entire Kingdom of Kamavia was about to be destroyed, it was the Ancient Fortune Tree that forcibly absorbed a large amount of the ruined springs and separated part of itself."

"As the power of the ruined spring weakened, Isulde also ushered in a brief awakening. She called my ancestor Foego and told him that she had loved him until the last moment and hoped that Foego would not do it again. What a stupid thing. She wants to make up for this catastrophe together with Foego. "

"My ancestor Foyego understood at this moment that he had never lost Isulde's love, so he raised the holy sword of our Kingdom of Kamavia and sealed all the resentful spirits, including him and Isulde. Virtue himself, but the polluted Fu Guang Sheng Shui never came back, and the power of the ruined spring was still affecting the surroundings.

We in the Kingdom of Kamavia have been using this sword for generations to clear away the curses and evil spirits that have appeared one after another on the land.

Moreover, we have been preparing to one day restore the dilapidated spring to a blessed water and end all this. "

Ye Yinchuan's eyes fell on the sword that Kamaviya redeemed.

He pondered for a moment and summoned Longlong.

"Longlong, can you feel the power of the curse?"

As soon as Longlong appeared, he stared at the sword of the ruined king. It told Ye Yinchuan through the soul contract:

"This taste is simply not too pure. The power of this curse is very powerful. It can strip the soul of a creature and torture it for eternity."

Ye Yinchuan touched his chin:

"Is this sword itself a cursed sword?"

He looked at Kamaviya Salvation:

"Is the original name of this sword called the Blade of the Ruined King? Before Foego resurrected Isolde, was there anything special about this sword?"

Redemption picked up the sword in his hand and seemed to see the history of the Kingdom of Kamavia:

"The original name of this sword was Mu Qing, and some people also called it the Soul-Eating Blade. Its origin is unclear, but this sword is the ancestral holy sword of our Kingdom of Kamavia. As long as it is used by this Anyone struck by the sword will have their soul absorbed, and will almost die if struck."

At this time, the Fuguang Ancient Tree next to him couldn't help but interjected:

"Wait a minute, when the change occurred, I seemed to see this sword stuck in Foego's chest... But isn't Foego the owner of this sword? Logically speaking, the Saint of the Kingdom of Kamavia A sword will not harm the holder..."

Ye Yinchuan probably has some conclusions in his mind:

"I think maybe love is not a curse. Abused power and rights are a curse. In other words, love is love, and a curse is a curse. It's just that these things are all confused together for various reasons, so people can't tell them apart. Cleared.”

Saying that, Ye Yinchuan looked at the Fuguang Ancient Tree:

"Do you have any more details you want to add?"

Fuguang Ancient Tree thought for a moment and said:

"Foego was lying on the ground with this sword stuck in his chest. Looking at Isulde in front of him, I think he said..."

"What did he say?"

Including Ye Yinchuan, all the creatures present concentrated their attention and pricked up their ears, as if they could restore the scene thousands of years ago through the mouth of the Fuguang Ancient Tree.

"He hurts! It really hurts!"

When Ye Yinchuan heard this, he couldn't help but fell silent. Why did it sound like Isulde had stabbed Foego.

At the same time, he finally figured it out.

The sword itself is a cursed sword, possessing the special power to strip away and absorb souls.

Originally, Foego forcibly used blessing light to generate water in an attempt to resurrect Isolde, but it would not cause such a big fuss, but would only turn Isolde into a wraith.

But Isolde, who had become a vengeful spirit, attacked Viego and pierced Viego's chest with the cursed sword.

At this time, the bug occurred.

The cursed sword will absorb the soul of the injured, and Viego is the owner of the cursed sword. At the same time, there is the blessed light and water next to it, and the powerful life energy in it will continue to heal Viego. Viego's soul and body suffered double torture and were between death and immortality, and were finally transformed into a vengeful spirit...

The power in the cursed sword Mu Qing, the power in the blessed light and water, and death itself, collided and combined, giving birth to the terrible ruined curse and the ruined spring!

In other words, this matter has something to do with love, but love is definitely not to blame!

It was Viego's willful behavior, coupled with the power and strength he possessed, that brought great disasters to the Kingdom of Kamavia he ruled and the nearby creatures.

However, according to Fu Guang Gu Shu, Viego finally paid the price and sealed himself and all the vengeful spirits, leaving a mess for his descendants to clean up.

One detail that needs to be noted here is that the power of death and the power of the soul are inseparable.

Mu Qing, the holy sword of the Kingdom of Kamavia, can be said to be a sword of curse for the soul, and also a sword of death!

"I think I have figured everything out! The elements to crack all this are not love, but life and death, and curse!"

Ye Yinchuan was not misled by the legend of the Kingdom of Kamavia, but made his own judgment based on the current information and his pet's understanding of the rules and power!

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