Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 1668 No one knows curses better than it!

"Life and death and curse? This is a road that we have never heard of. But how can we control this kind of thing with our ability?"

After listening to Ye Yinchuan's analysis, Fuguang Ancient Tree couldn't help but nodded.

"This is my dragon dragon, born with the power of curse. Although its current strength is not very strong, no one knows curse better than it!"

Ye Yinchuan originally thought that regarding the matter of Death Canyon and the Kingdom of Kamavia, Ah Fu would be the absolute main force, and other pets would probably not have much chance to intervene.

But now it seems that there is also a stage and space for dragon dragon to play!

"Then, let's get started. Separate all the mixed life and death, as well as the curse!"

Ye Yinchuan's eyes flashed, and when he thought of what he was going to do next, he couldn't help but feel a little excited.

"Strip off life and death and curse!"

All the creatures present, hearing Ye Yinchuan's idea, couldn't help but hold their breath slightly and retreat tactically.

This idea is really too groundbreaking and too bold, but how to operate it? And what are the risks?

"Don't worry, since the twisted tree spirit and the ancient Fuguang tree are ready to sacrifice, they have already made plans for the worst case scenario."

"The worst result is nothing more than cutting off the ruined spring and the Fuguang water on both sides, which may lead to some bad situations."

"What I am going to do does not conflict with this matter, so you don't have to worry too much. But after all, this matter concerns your life and death, have you thought about it?"

Ye Yinchuan looked at the ancient Fuguang tree and the twisted tree spirit, as well as the creatures in the Death Valley and the people of the Kingdom of Kamavia.

The response he got was strong and affirmative.

"Things have come to this point, although we have never met, and even competed for life and death. But we have the same roots, and it was the Fuguang Ancient Tree that connected us together..."

Kamavia Redemption, eyes moved, said,

"Only by working together can we have a better future!"

The creatures in the Death Canyon also nodded:

"If we do nothing, we will also go to extinction. The tree spirit is willing to make sacrifices, what qualifications do we have to crave more?"

The two sides finally reached an agreement.

After this, the twisted tree spirit said that its body in the Death Canyon will begin to move and will head towards the location of the spring.

Before that, I hope Ye Yinchuan can let Ah Fu take these canyon creatures back first. After all, if the two sides are finally separated, these canyon creatures have to go back, and they can't be stranded on the side of the Kingdom of Kamavia, right?

Ye Yinchuan nodded, this is what it should be.

And the Fuguang Ancient Tree said that it has now established some kind of connection with the twisted tree spirit, and even if they are separated, they can know each other's situation.

After everything was ready, Ye Yinchuan asked Ah Fu to take the canyon creatures back to their original place.

In the territory of the twisted tree spirit, the twisted tree spirit's main body separated from the original mountain. Its huge body gradually shrank and turned into a tree man, but it was a circle larger than the clone, and the aura was completely different.

"This is probably my last action. No matter what the result is this time, I have exhausted my source and strength..."

As a part of the differentiation of the Fuguang Ancient Tree, the twisted tree spirit has a very limited source.

Not to mention that after the changes in the ruined spring, it tried to absorb the deteriorated ruined spring, which caused the source to be damaged. It has been able to rely on hibernation to maintain its life.

Now it has to make such a big move. After entering the spring, it will be affected by the Fuguang water, which will inevitably quickly consume its remaining source.

The surrounding canyon creatures, such as the Ghost Flame Wolf King, all showed sad expressions. They had always regarded the twisted tree spirit as a master and a superior because of its strength, but now, they were even more intimidated by the twisted tree spirit's character.

"Master tree spirit..."

Seeing this, Ye Yinchuan interrupted:

"Don't cry, the twisted tree spirit is not dead yet, don't rush to mourn. Besides, if you delay any more time, it will waste the twisted tree spirit's essence. There is no time to lose, the Fuguang Ancient Tree may not be able to move for too long."

Don't forget that the Fuguang Ancient Tree was also awakened from its slumber, which means that its situation is not very good.

The action began.

The twisted tree spirit entered the spring water. The Fuguang Shengshui contained in the spring water, once it touched the twisted tree spirit's body, made a hissing sound, just like concentrated sulfuric acid encountering raw meat, and even the surface of the twisted tree spirit's body was partially melted.

It can be seen that the Fuguang Shengquan has caused damage to the twisted tree spirit.

Although the twisted tree spirit was originally a blessed ancient tree, after absorbing a large amount of ruined springs and transforming, it can be regarded as two completely opposite species.

But even so, the twisted tree spirit did not say a word.

On the other side.

In the Kingdom of Kamavia, the blessed ancient tree also began to move and entered the spring. The erosion of the ruined spring also made it feel extremely painful.

But no matter which side, whether as a normal life or a ruined creature, the blessed ancient tree and the twisted tree spirit did not retreat. This quality of them made Ye Yinchuan admire and admire.

Ye Yinchuan asked himself, it is difficult for him to have such a spirit of sacrifice.

"Prince, are you talking about the Ancient Blissful Tree and the Twisted Tree Spirits? Is there any possibility of their failure? Should we make backup preparations..."

A counselor from the Kingdom of Kamavia reminded him in the ears of Kamaviya Salvation.

But Kamavia redeemed himself by hanging the Sword of the Broken King directly around the man's neck, shocking the latter.

"Can't you feel the intention of the ancient blessing tree? What's more, you are the one who controls the ruins. Are the remaining monitors the air? If you say such things again, I will send you to see our Kama Ancestor of the Kingdom of Via!”

The latter was trembling and begging for mercy.

As for Kamavia Redemption, the monitors mentioned in it are the dragons and hugs that Ye Yinchuan left here.

At this time, Hua Hua was lying there on his side, looking indifferent to the world, but his powerful aura made people dare not look down upon him.

The dragon, on the other hand, is ready. This is a chance for performance given by its master. It is very rare. If you seize it, you will become stronger. But if you fail to seize it, there is no guarantee that the master will not be disappointed with you!

"here we go!"

Under the spring water, the Ancient Blessed Tree and the Twisted Tree Spirit have arrived at their location, which is the connection point between the spring water line of Death Canyon and the spring water line of the Kingdom of Kamavia.

Next, the Kingdom of Kamavia will begin to purify the ruined spring and restore the ruined spring into blessed water.

The Blessed Light Ancient Tree and the Twisted Tree Spirit use their respective bodies as baffles to separate the ruined Youguang Spring and the Blessed Light Raw Water on both sides!

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