Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 1669 Cursed Entity! Proud Class! Soul Devouring Curse Dragon!

The Kingdom of Kamavia has been preparing for this day for a long time, and all they have done is continue their original rituals.

The priests of the Kingdom of Kamavia master the ancient secrets of life. They can put the collected life materials into the spring water and stimulate it, and transform the components of the ruined spring.

And during this process, the resentful spirits sealed in the Sword of the Broken King will also be released, and along with the Broken Nether Spring, they will be purified, and thus be freed.

As a price, several powerful life priests from the Kingdom of Kamavia will also dedicate their lives and the secrets they have cultivated throughout their lives.

And in the Kingdom of Kamavia, the sword of the ruined king, or the soul-eating sword Mu Qing, which has been passed down for thousands of years, will also undergo some kind of reversal and offset according to the rules in this process...

That is, scrapped!

As the ceremony continued, the old and even young and promising priests fell down one by one. From their bodies, the original power of life emerged, turning into white light groups and submerging into the spring water in front of them. .

As the light of the spring water became brighter and brighter, the originally green and dark spring water began to change, and the strange power of life was stimulated from it. This reaction was like a chain, quickly spreading to the outside world.

"It's my turn..."

Kamavia Redemption, holding the sword of the ruined king high, came to the spring, chanted an ancient spell in his mouth, and finally submerged the sword into the spring.

I saw that the light of life began to dissipate the aura of decay on the sword, and the resentful spirits in the sword were constantly being released and being freed.

"Ancestors, we did it...the historic moment of the Kingdom of Kamavia is finally coming!"

Kamaviya's redemption, excited heart, trembling hands, and expectant eyes!

However, the next moment, the Sword of the Broken King in his hand suddenly trembled violently, and the resentful spirits that kept emerging from the sword began to grow angry and roar, looking very painful.

"How could, how could this happen?"

Kamavian Redemption, as well as other people in the Kamavian Kingdom, couldn't help but panic.

The current unexpected situation is completely beyond their plans!

"Could this be a curse?"

Kamaviya redeemed himself, his pupils shrank, and he thought of what Ye Yinchuan said.

The current situation also means that without the appearance of Ye Yinchuan and the creatures of Death Canyon, their Kingdom of Kamavia is doomed to fail today?

"Something went wrong..."


The Twisted Dryad and the Blessed Ancient Tree felt the changes in the spring water. As world-class creatures, it was impossible not to feel unexpected occurrences when they paid careful attention.

Just when the two proud creatures were at a loss, Ye Yinchuan's voice sounded:

"Don't panic, everything is still according to my plan!"

At the same time, Ye Yinchuan thought secretly:

"Longlong, I'll leave the curse to you!"

Just when the Kamavian Kingdom was in chaos, the dragon began to move. It crawled to Kamavian Salvation at an extremely fast speed, stretched out its wing claws, and grabbed Towards the sword of the ruined king.

At the moment of contact, Longlong's pupils shrank, and he felt more deeply the power of the curse, a curse that could deprive the soul, devour the soul, and seal the soul...

This curse is very terrible, and it has been accumulated and accumulated for thousands of years.

But Longlong was born to curse the holy body, an expert in curses. No one knows curses better than it!

Moreover, Longlong can feel the pain reflected from the depths of their souls by the cursed spirits, and this pain can be absorbed by Longlong and transformed into its curse power!

"It hurts, it really hurts!"

In an instant, Longlong's curse power surged, and he tried to suppress the curse in the Sword of the Broken King. He even followed Ye Yinchuan's arrangements for it. If possible, he would absorb as much of the curse power in the Sword of the Broken King as possible. , transform it into your own curse power!


An amazing thing happened. One day, the dark red thing was slowly being pulled out from the sword of the ruined king by Longlong!

This is the entity of the curse!

The curse that belongs to this ruined king's sword, or in other words, is the product of the collision between the curse of the ruined king's sword and the huge life force of Fuguang Shengquan!

This curse keeps twisting, trying to break away from Longlong's control, but how can Longlong, who has absorbed a lot of pain and controls the power of various curses, let it go easily?

"It smells so good!"

This top-grade curse source is an excellent tonic for Longlong!

Just when Longlong was about to swallow it in one gulp, the Sword of the Destroyed King suddenly exploded!


Kamaviya's redeemed arm was blown to pieces, and a large number of wraiths roared out, completely out of control!

Under the powerful energy fluctuation, the curse source seized the opportunity and was about to break away from the dragon and jump into the spring water.

Suddenly, a terrifying aura erupted, coming from the hug!

If the source of the curse enters the spring water and endangers Ye Yinchuan's safety, then Hua Hua will lose his perfect long-term meal ticket... Oh, no, he is the great dear, the only beast master in the world!

A large amount of ice crystal white silk, in the form of flames, wrapped around the curse source, causing it to condense in mid-air.

Ice crystal white silk has the characteristics of sealing, so it can also play a role in the effect of this curse.

Seeing that Baobao sealed the curse source, Longlong couldn't help but look back excitedly, looking at his elder brother with eyes full of admiration and yearning.

Baobao's beard shook, saying, brother, you are not stable enough, you need to eat more and practice more!

Longlong was not polite, grabbed the curse source, and swallowed it into his stomach.

As the curse source was swallowed, the surrounding resentful spirits calmed down at once, and the original ceremony of the Kingdom of Kamavia was able to continue.

"Is that the curse? The curse that can turn the blessed light water into a ruined spring, create a large number of resentful spirits, and cause the Kingdom of Kamavia to fall for thousands of years was actually swallowed like this? Is this the pet of that person? Who is he?!"

Kamavia Redemption, as well as other people, were stunned.

But no matter what, the ceremony can continue, and the Ruined Ghost Spring is successfully reversing into the Blessed Light Spring. This is the first step to success!

"No, what is that! Has the curse not been completely eliminated?"

Seeing that the spring water is about to completely transform into the Blessed Light Water, there are groups of dark red substances under the water, like water snakes, densely packed, constantly emerging!

If Ye Yinchuan was here, he would definitely say lightly:

"A curse that can control the transformation of life and death power and cause such a situation is not so easy to deal with? Moreover, how can such a curse stay in the Ruined King's Sword? It ran out long ago!"

"Just like the relationship between the Blessed Light Ancient Tree and the Twisted Tree Spirit, this curse is the same!"

With the emergence and convergence of the curse, a black dragon with a hideous face, a black body, but flowing red light, and countless resentful spirits in the body rose from the spring water!

The terrible existence born from the curse convergence entity -

Soul Devouring Curse Dragon, Proud of the World!

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