Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 177 Three pets, three kinds of cuteness~ The written test is approaching at the end of the m

Kongkong grinned at Ye Yinchuan.

A woman with an operatic voice cried sadly and a baby laughed strangely. The next moment, Kongkong moved like a ghost and appeared in front of Ye Yinchuan in a blink of an eye.

Ye Yinchuan was so scared that he gathered palm thunder in his hand and was about to stage a battle between people and pets.

Rebellious son, you are obsessed and want to attack the master?

As a result, the next second, Kongkong brushed his face with his monkey claws, and the black and white monkey mask on his face disappeared, and the weirdness around him also disappeared.


Kongkong regained his spirituality in his eyes and pointed to the monkey wine gourd beside Ye Yinchuan.

When it inherited the simulated memory just now, it had already smelled the aroma of the monkey wine spirit liquid, and also heard the movements of Baobao and Ahfu.

With Kongkong's intelligence, he naturally knew the situation. He came to Ye Yinchuan to get his share.

At this time, Kongkong's smile was very kind, and he blinked at Ye Yinchuan.

The monkey face was furry, and it was cute to some extent.

If Baobao is cute and mean, then Kongkong is cute and smart.

Hmm... you said Ahfu?

Ahfu is passionate and cute, which is unique to Xiugou, and he will be happy with you!

However, judging from Kongkong's performance, Ye Yinchuan suspected that he had discovered this guy's potential black-bellied attribute, and he didn't know whether it was the influence of the strange mask.

Otherwise, with Kongkong's wisdom, how could he not think that his behavior just now would be a bit scary?

Hmm... as a master, I can't encourage this habit.

Ye Yinchuan leaned close to Kongkong's ear and whispered:

"Kongkong, it's okay for you to scare Baobao, but next time you play tricks on me, you will definitely have a bad result!"

Hearing the good result, Baobao drooled and came over:

"What good result? I want to eat it! I want to eat it!"


Kongkong's heart skipped a beat, and he broke into cold sweats with a guilty conscience, and nodded to Ye Yinchuan repeatedly.

It is not as smart as Baobao, so it naturally knows that the good result Ye Yinchuan said is not literal.

"Come on."

Whether it's a warning or a punishment, it's a means of training a pet, not the purpose.

Kongkong is so smart, he will know.

Ye Yinchuan gave all the Monkey Wine Spirit Liquid and the Thunder Pill to Kongkong.

This made Baobao and Ahfu greedy.

Kongkong also imitated Ye Yinchuan and teased Baobao and Ahfu, but the action was more subtle, and he obviously didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

As a result, Baobao was irritated, and a big meat tail pressed Kongkong under him.

Kongkong had no choice but to share some of the Monkey Wine Spirit Liquid as a tribute to the big brother Baobao.

As for Ahfu, he licked some of the dripping on the ground, which was not wasted.

Finally, Kongkong hid behind Ye Yinchuan and enjoyed the Monkey Wine Spirit Liquid and the Thunder Pill alone.

Kongkong sat cross-legged, put away the dark energy, and his eyes returned to their previous ethereal look.

Ye Yinchuan secretly observed Kongkong, thinking that if the beastmaster was not good, it would be difficult to hold a spiritual pet like Kongkong.

Let alone the comprehension of thunder magic, just talking about intelligence, I am afraid that many people cannot compare with Kongkong, a monkey.

However, one thing can defeat another, and Big Brother Baobao has a stable position.

Although he is not as smart as Kongkong, he can subdue Kongkong with his own stability, which can be regarded as the pet version of conquering people with virtue.

Moreover, Ye Yinchuan is still confident in his own methods and the feelings between pets.

Besides, Kongkong is not the kind of rebellious monkey who rushes to the master.

The next day.

When Ye Yinchuan came to school, he saw the little stone monkey of Chen Ye's family riding on his head and peeing, and then the pets fought and grabbed his hair, and even rolled on the ground, he fell into deep thought.

They are both monkeys, but the gap is too big.

Is this little stone monkey that the school sent to Chen Ye's family born with a rebellious nature? Or is Chen Ye's family too useless and can't control themselves?

But it's not all his fault, after all, it's a pet ring, not an original pet ring.

Ye Yinchuan activated the Eye of Insight to check Chen Ye's little stone monkey...

Well, it has a rebellious personality and a lot of talent skills.

The two-piece set of impact and scratching, the only talent is a stone body, which can increase defense, but the side effect is to reduce IQ and make the personality more stubborn...

"Damn it, when I upgrade you to black iron, I will replace your rebellious monkey!"


After hearing the remarks made by Chen Ye's family who was beaten black and swollen by his little stone monkey, Ye Yinchuan looked strange.

Well... because of the simulation, he has mastered some pet language.

How to say it, although he mastered the seal language before, the language between pets has similarities, and he can probably understand what the little stone monkey is saying.

Probably... I won't upgrade the monkey, just wait and see how you upgrade to black iron!

Classmate Chen Yejia, it has been almost three months since the start of school. I hope you can graduate successfully in the end!

Afterwards, Ye Yinchuan used the Eye of Insight to look at all the pets of all the female classmates in the class... and the male classmates.

Except for those that were not summoned, the basic information was under control.

Ye Yinchuan's main focus was on the first echelon in the class.

Class monitor Chen Xueer was still stable. The Ice Crystal Doll was already at the seventh level of Black Iron. I believe that in another month or two, there will be a chance to impact Silver.

It has been a long time since I last saw it. I don't know when the Ice Crystal Doll learned a new skill called Freezing Wind.

It is a long-range attack of ice attribute. It is said that when the proficiency level reaches the mastery level, it can easily freeze the living things in an area. At the master level, it can even freeze the rushing river or a lake.

Chen Xueer also contracted a second pet, which was related to ice attributes, but not completely, and was also black iron grade.

It was called Ice Armor Wearer, and was an imported pet that was not common in China. As for why it was directly black iron grade, it should have been cultivated before the contract.

Her Ice Armor Wearer was a mutant. Generally, the characteristics of Ice Armor Wearer were relatively bulky and relatively flexible in ice or frozen soil.

But hers was an armored beast, and its body was elegant and slender, and it looked very light, which was similar to the scale tail form of Baobao. It was the type that had defense but was not bulky.

I can only say that it was worthy of Chen Xueer, and this resource was too good.

And there was Xu Mu.

This guy's Swift Wind White Tiger had quickly risen to the ninth level of Black Iron, and it was estimated that it would evolve again in a short time.

Ye Yinchuan estimated that the Swift Wind White Tiger should have also absorbed the Tiger Rhyme Crystal. After all, the crouching tiger was so optimistic about Xu Mu, how could he not keep a hand.

But he was a little confused. His pets absorbed the Tiger Rhyme Crystal, which could be said to have ushered in a small evolution. However, the White Tiger of Gale could be seen to have absorbed the Tiger Rhyme Crystal, but it did not seem to have changed that much.

Ye Yinchuan did not know that it was because he had almost drained the Crouching Tiger that the Tiger Rhyme Crystal given to Xu Mu later was too thin, and the effect was naturally greatly reduced.

And Xu Mu's other Panshi Tiger, the descendant of the Crouching Tiger, was not released for the time being, and Ye Yinchuan had no way to check the panel.

Oh, by the way, it is worth mentioning that Xu Mu's hidden panel is getting more and more excessive, and I don't know what he wants to do.

Xu Mu: Haha, what do you think I want to do?

Except for Chen Xueer and Xu Mu, the five people who represented the class at the time were not much inferior, and other students were also quietly improving their strength.

It can be said that now is the fastest day for these students to improve their strength in their career as beastmasters.

The next period of time is mainly about the daily life of the beastmaster school, and constant review, preparing for the upcoming credit ranking exam.

Ye Yinchuan was also thinking about his future development at this time.

Kong Kong's simulation has a cooldown of one week, which is acceptable. After the end-of-month exam is over, he can help Ah Fu simulate.

But before that, whether Ah Fu should evolve to the Black Iron level first is a question, so Ah Fu's evolution route must be studied.

Well... the bloody battlefield of killing black sky beasts and the opportunity of special killing evolution must be taken by Ah Fu.

Then there is Bao Bao. There is Monkey Wine Spirit Liquid these days, and the upgrade speed is significantly accelerated. After the end-of-month exam, it can also evolve into a blood-eating seal.

Although the blood-eating seal loses sanity, Bao Bao can still use the talent of fusion physique to keep his appearance cute, and there is no trouble to explain to the outside world. He is still a cute and cute big boy.

After improving his strength, he will help Bao Bao simulate the bloody battlefield in the volcanic cave, the Ice Soul Immortal Spring, and the eastern sea after flipping through the endless snowfield. Ye Yinchuan is still thinking about them.

After that, it is Kong Kong's fusion evolution, which still lacks an evolution method of the same level as Jin Lei Xin Yuan.

After that, it is whether Bao Bao can get new ancestral seal genes, or fusion evolution opportunities, and use the evolution method of tidal seals...

Oh, by the way, the eggs of the little colored pigeon are expected to hatch within the next month. If it is fast, it will be after the written test, and if it is slow, it will be before the next credit ranking event.

By then, Ye Yinchuan's pet family may have a new addition.

The key is to see whether the little colored pigeon has the blood of the starry sky and whether it is worth cultivating~

Everything is expected in the future.

Perhaps it is because of the written test at the end of the month, and the discussion about this written test and the next, that is, the credit ranking event next month, has become more and more heated.

"The next credit ranking event seems to be much more interesting."

Ye Yinchuan heard the news and paid attention to it secretly.

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