Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 32 Simulation! Choice of evolutionary route! Offense and defense! Scale beast killer!


Pet beast crystal nuclei also have side effects.

If the pet beast remaining inside is too strong-willed.

Instead, it will harm the pet beast.


It will cause the pet animal to become depressed and violent, and its personality will change drastically.

Even self-harm and suicide.

Risks and benefits coexist.

But these.

It does not affect the value of the pet beast crystal core at all.

The pet beast crystal core means killing the pet beast.


Not all pet beasts will generate crystal nuclei.

Not all crystal nuclei will retain their will.

Rare, high value.

It is also a dangerous product.

[A large amount of energy allows you to upgrade your level to: Black Iron Level 4. 】

[You cut off Scar's head from the big white bear and come to the soft lair. 】

[Ruanruan screamed first, and then saw clearly that the head she was holding in her hand was the scar that killed her parents. 】

[She was stunned and moved to tears. 】

[Ruanruan throws herself into your arms, her affection for you has greatly increased. 】

【Ruanruan admires you! 】

[Ruanruan took out the crystal stone she treasured. It was a relic left to her by her parents, and now she wants to give it to you. 】

【Something magical happened. 】

[The crystal stone held in Luan Ruan's hand suddenly bloomed with pink brilliance, as if there was an energy injected into it. 】

[It turns out that this is Rourou’s hidden talent, dedication of love. 】

[When a leopard she admires enough appears, her talent will be activated, giving the other person the power of love. 】

[The crystal stone has changed. Became the crystal stone of love. It was originally blue, but now it has a pink glow, which is very beautiful. 】

Analog perspective.

Ye Yinchuan also saw the crystal stone.

Brilliant gems.

Very stunning.

[What do you plan to do with the Crystal Stone of Love? 】



Very nice though.

But good looks cannot be eaten as food.


It seems to be edible too.

[You have eaten the crystal stone of love. The energy of the crystal stone itself, plus the power of soft love, will cause some changes in your body. 】

[Ruanruan said that’s great, so that the proof of your love becomes a part of your body. Unless you die, you will exist forever. 】

[Acquire special talent: dedicated love. 】

[When Ruanruan is present, hugs will be improved in all aspects. When Squishy dies, Hug will be permanently doubled. 】

[Because of the powerful energy of the Love Crystal Stone, your level has been upgraded to Black Iron Level 6! 】

Ah this...

Ye Yinchuan was silent.

What's going on with this strong FG smell?

Is this a simulation?

Are you going to kill your sister again to preach?

[In another five years, you will be 8 years old. 】

[You and Ruanruan have held a seal wedding and have become a sweet couple. 】

[On the day of the wedding, Seal’s mother was very happy and said that her child was so successful and this life was worth it. He turned around secretly and wiped a few tears. 】

[The soft charm of the seal will make you ecstasy and melt your bones. 】

[I don’t know why, but not only are you not weak, but you have become stronger than before. 】

[There is great harmony between you. 】

Ye Yinchuan: "..."

Just now.

He kind of watched a VR leopard movie.

The viewing time is...

Five years.

Five whole years.

Do you know how I got here in the past five years?

All right.

Perhaps it's the beast-control simulation's protection for oneself.

Otherwise, if you imitate too much, your mind will become abnormal.

That aspect of analog memory.

It's rather vague.

It's like a thick mosaic.


You have to say it has no impact at all.

That is impossible.

I'm not clean anymore!

My young mind was actually destroyed by seals!

How are you going to face hugging me in the future, you bastard!

[In five years, your level has been upgraded to: Black Iron Level 8. 】

[Seeing that all the friends in the village are starting to evolve, you will also start to work on the next step of evolution. 】

[The amazing thing is that you actually have a very complete method of tail seal evolution in your mind. 】

[What direction do you want to evolve in? 】

【①Poisonous scorpion seal】

【②Water Blade Seal】

【③Twin-tailed seal】

【④ Scale-tailed seal】

【⑤Heavy Hammer Seal】

A total of five evolution plans.

Ye Yinchuan's difficulty in choosing has returned.

Every evolution feels very powerful.


They are all hidden evolutionary routes.

It's just a simulation though.

But he had to let Ye Yinchuan think.

In reality, embrace the direction of evolution.


Ye Yinchuan made a decision.

The initial pet beast is very important.

Another natal pet.


Some people will choose pets with strong survivability.

Or even simply.

Like Li Ziming in the class.

Choose one with strong survivability.

It’s Gou!

This idea seems to be something I can learn from.


Scale-tailed seal.

Hammer seal.

It's an option worth considering.

Among them, the scale tail is more balanced.

The hammer is more cumbersome.

Two kinds of evolution.

They represent scale beasts and armored beasts respectively.

It should be said that it is more in line with Huo Bao's current skill system.

Apparently a scaly-tailed seal.

Such an analysis.

Ye Yinchuan already had the answer in his heart.

The scorpion seal himself likes it very much.

But there is no poison control like Hu Huanjing.

It’s easy to get tied up.

Especially in school.

Waterblade seals are also good.

Hug also has the ability to store water.

There is output.

But the defense is almost meaningless.

And it is easily restrained by ice and plant types.

A two-tailed seal.

The evolutionary method is somewhat masochistic.

Don't really like it.

[You plan to evolve in the direction of a scale-tailed seal. 】

[According to the evolution method in your mind, you need a lot of silver-scaled fish scales as food. Absorb two more scale beast crystal cores of black iron quality or above. 】

[You start hunting silver-scaled fish. 】

[As a black iron-level pet, the silver-scaled fish has excellent defense and lives in the depths of the lake. 】

[With your coldness and water affinity, you can easily catch the silver-scaled fish. 】

[A condition for evolution is met. 】

[Next, you need to hunt scale beasts above the black iron level. Your goal is...]

【①Silver scale fish】


【③ Spiny scale pig】

Look at the three options in front of you.

Ye Yinchuan chose one at random.

[You chose pangolin as your hunting target. Although you are very strong, you can only barely penetrate the pangolin's defense. Every time you fight, you will be exhausted. 】

[One year has passed. 】

[You hunted three hundred and ninety-nine pangolins. 】

[Successfully harvested two pet beast crystal cores. 】

[One is black iron grade and one is bronze grade. 】

[Get the achievement "Pangolin Killer". 】

Good guy.

An average of one kill per day.

Ye Yinchuan even doubted whether he had wiped out an ethnic group.

The shipment probability of crystal core is about 200:1.

It doesn't look very low.

But be aware.

Bronze-level pet beasts must be shipped with bronze-level crystal cores.

But this is not necessarily the case for black iron level.

that is.

The pet beast has grown.

But the crystal nuclei in the body may not necessarily grow along with it!

This means.

The more advanced the pet beast crystal core is, the more precious it is.

The kind that grows exponentially!

[You absorbed two crystal nuclei and gained a lot of energy. 】

[But there is still one black iron grade crystal core needed for evolution. 】

【Your goal is...】

【①Silver scale fish】


【③ Spiny scale pig】

Ye Yinchuan pondered.

Both pangolins and silver-scaled fish have been killed.

The spiny-scaled pig is not a relative of my family, is it?

How can we treat them differently?

Come on, come on, little piggy~

Spiny Scale Pig: Don't come over!

[You start hunting the scaly pig. 】

[The spiny-scaled pig is more difficult to deal with than the pangolin. It has barb-like scales that will hurt itself when the enemy attacks. 】

[Fortunately, you have skills like Steel Tail, which can block the damage from the thorn scales. 】

[Although spiny-scaled pigs have the means to injure enemies, the structure of their spiny scales is obviously more unstable than that of pangolins. 】

[So you are more efficient at hunting spiny scale pigs. 】

Spiny Scale Pig: Hey, I really want to tie Q!

[You are lucky. When you killed the thirty-fifth spiny-scaled pig, you got a black iron-level pet beast crystal core! 】

[Because you killed three nearby scale beasts, totaling more than a thousand, you unlocked the achievement "Scale Beast Killer"! 】

[The achievement "Pangolin Killer" has been automatically merged! 】

[You absorbed the crystal core of the pet beast and gained a lot of energy. 】

[Because you have eaten a large amount of silver-scale fish scales and absorbed two black iron-level scale beast crystal nuclei, your body has begun to change. 】

[Some tiny scales begin to grow from various parts of your body. 】

[And gradually gather and grow toward the tail. 】

[You feel groggy, like you need a good night's sleep. 】

[You sleep from summer to winter, only occasionally going out to forage for the scales of silver-scaled fish. 】

[The weather is getting colder, so you go into hibernation. 】

[In a daze, you can feel the changes in your body. 】

[The scales on the body are getting more and more dense, and they are getting harder day by day. 】

[The closer the scales are to the tail, the denser and harder they become. 】

[As your spouse, Ruanruan is very satisfied with your changes. 】

Ye Yinchuan: "..."

I always feel like something's wrong, you bastard!

Is this simulation of yours really serious?

[On this day, you know that your transformation has ended. You have been reborn and evolved into a seal. 】

[You who have just completed your evolution are still half asleep. 】

[You vaguely heard it was very noisy outside. 】

【You decide……】

[①Too lazy to answer, so sleep a little longer]

【②Check the situation】

Seeing this, Ye Yinchuan raised his eyebrows.

If I remember correctly.

Node here.

It should be Liuliu.

Take a group of friends and look for something nearby.


We have to see what this mole is up to!

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