Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 33 Simulation! Dealing with the traitor Liuliu! The invasion of the white bear tribe! The se

[You decide to check the situation. ]

[You walk out of the nest. ]

[After evolving into a scale-tail seal, your level has been raised to: Silver Level 1. ]

[Your powerful strength gives you an invisible pressure. ]

[Just by appearing there, Liuliu and other seals were frightened and dared not say a word. ]

In the simulated perspective.

The seals led by Liuliu trembled and dared not breathe.

"Baobao, are you still Baobao?"

They have never seen a scale-tail seal in this form.

They are a little unfamiliar.

[After you ask, the frightened seals tell you everything that happened. ]

[It turns out that a wind mouse that Liuliu carefully raised sneaked near your home. This wind mouse is the key to Liuliu's evolution into a gust of wind seal. ]

[Liuli asks you to help him catch this wind mouse. ]

[With the memory of the past life, you know that Liuliu may become a traitor, so you decide...]

[① Beat him up and use him]

[② Help him catch the Wind Rat and use him]

[③ Let go of the past grudges and try to trust and persuade him]

Ye Yinchuan looked at the three options.

He fell into deep thought.

Could it be that in the previous life, he drove Liuliu away because of himself.

He lost the Wind Rat.

That led to his betrayal?

If so...

[You beat Liuliu in front of all the seals without saying a word, and then threw him out like a dead dog. ]

[Warn him not to get close to your nest again. ]

[After that, you will strengthen your surveillance of Liuliu, use his betrayal, and plot against the White Bear Clan! ]

Help him catch the Wind Rat?

Help him for nothing!

Persuade and believe?

Brain disease!

This kid is not doing anything else.

He is a traitor!

What's the difference between him and the traitor who led the devil into the village!

I didn't kill him on the spot.

I kept him for a long time!


He sounds cunning and rebellious!

I like Nienie much better than him~

[I heard that you evolved into a scale-tail seal, and Shuaishuai was the first to come to you. ]

[He was so excited to admire your evolved appearance that tears were about to fall. ]

[Finally, someone can carry forward our branch of the tail seal! ]

[Shuaishuai asked you for the method of evolution, what do you plan to do...]

[①Tell him the method of evolution of the scale-tail seal]

[②Tell him the method of evolution of other branches]

[③Don't tell him]

Looking at Shuaishuai's expectant look.

Ye Yinchuan was a little emotional.

In the previous two simulations, he begged Shuaishuai.

Now it's completely reversed!

[You decided to tell Shuaishuai the method of evolution of other branches. ]

[In order to fight against the invasion of the white bear tribe, you must find a way to improve the overall strength of the seal tribe. ]

[Shuaishuai was very shocked to hear that you have other evolutionary branches. ]

[Finally, you told him about the evolutionary branch of the scorpion-tail seal. ]

[And hope that he can sneak attack you in the battle with Lei Ting, the leader of the white bear tribe! ]

Ye Yinchuan chose to let Shuangshuang evolve into a scorpion-tail seal.

On the one hand.

He wanted to trick Lei Ting, the leader of the white bear tribe.

Lei Ting: “(`(エ)′)ノ you old 6.

On the other hand.

It can be regarded as satisfying one’s own regret.

After all, the evolutionary direction of the scorpion-tail seal.

It is very mean and insidious.

I like it too!

[You know that the poisonous sting of the big cuttlefish is very helpful for the evolution of Shuangshuang.]

[You came to the hunting point of the big shrimp, and indeed met the big cuttlefish in your previous life memory.]

[The big cuttlefish now is already the eighth level of black iron.]

[The poisonous sting of the big cuttlefish can’t penetrate your scales at all, and you easily took it down . ]

[With your help, Shuai Shuai uses the poisonous sting of the giant cuttlefish to start the evolution of the scorpion-tail seal. ]

[After defeating the giant cuttlefish, another 5 years have passed. ]

[You are 13 years old, and your remaining life span is 82 years. ]

Ye Yinchuan: "..."

The scale-tail seal after the second evolution.

The life span is already long among humans.


It's hard to say who will send who away first...

Damn it.

What's the matter with this inexplicable sense of crisis?

[With your help, Shuai Shuai has evolved into a scorpion-tail seal. ]

[Because Your evolution method is too perfect. The tail seals in the tribe have also evolved one after another. 】

【They all became your diehard fans. 】

【Even Nie Nie, who originally wanted to evolve into a tooth seal and then into an emperor tooth seal. 】

【Because of his admiration for your strength, he evolved into a tail seal and evolved into a heavy hammer seal for the second time. 】

【Your prestige in the seal tribe is unparalleled. 】

【Not long ago, Ruan Ruan also evolved from a charm seal to a beauty seal. 】

Good guy.

Looking at the development in the past five years.

Ye Yinchuan can only Wow.

The love rival Nie Nie in the first two simulations has directly become one of his diehard fans.

Although he bullied him.

But he was miserable enough in the second simulation.

Considering the seal tribe’s invasion at the end.

This guy sacrificed his life and shed his blood.

Consider him innocent.

And Ruan Ruan’s evolution has also become a beauty seal.

Instead of the tearful beauty seal in the last simulation.

In this life, I won’t let you cry!

[You secretly observed Liu Liu and found that his strength has improved rapidly recently, and he often goes out hunting alone. ]

[You knew the time was right, so you followed him secretly and saw him meeting with the White Bears. ]

[Perhaps it was because of your evolution that caused a chain reaction. ]

[Liuliu, who was supposed to evolve again when the White Bears invaded, has also evolved into a gusty seal. ]

[Recently, your tribe has been attacked by white bears more and more often. ]

[You suspect that these are related to Liuliu. ]

[You decide...]

[① Reveal in advance]

[② Be patient]

Ye Yinchuan raised his eyebrows.

Of course he had to be patient.

He kept Liuliu until now just to trick the White Bears.

[Faced with the invasion of the White Bears, the chieftain Dada chose a migration strategy. ]

[Because your reputation and strength have crushed other tribesmen, the next chieftain fell on your head with almost no resistance. ]

[Not long after you became the chieftain. ]

[The attack of the white bears came. ]

[A total of twenty black iron-strength white bears attacked the tribe while you were out hunting. ]

[Kill the leopards as soon as you see them, tear them alive, and use extremely cruel methods. ]

[But the white bear tribe did not expect that the overall strength of the seal tribe has greatly improved. ]

[The white bear tribe is the natural enemy of your seal tribe, but even so, Nie Nie and Shuang Shuang, a group of silver-strength seals, can make up for being restrained and lacking in numbers. ]

[As a heavy hammer seal, Nie Nie is alone against ten thousand men. ]

[Shuang Tail Seal Shuang Shuang secretly attacked, and the white bear poisoned by it had no choice but to wait for death. ]

[They dragged you back. ]

[You went on a killing spree! ]

[Twenty white bears were killed without a single one left! ]

Just two simple lines of words.

But revealing.

Killing and blood!

In the simulated perspective.

When Bao Bao came back.

Just saw the old patriarch Dada fighting desperately with the white bear.

Protecting the little seals behind him.

Ye Yinchuan was moved.

In the last simulation, the old chieftain was seriously injured in the attack of the white bear and died soon.

This time!

I hug the king's return.

The tragedy will not happen again!

Hug a steel tail + whip.

The white bear died on the spot!

The kind with a split head.

The excited and relieved eyes of the Dada chieftain.

The worship and yearning of the little seals for the hero's appearance.

And the hearty joy of destroying the enemy!

All made Ye Yinchuan's blood boil!

[You know this is just a test by the white bear tribe, you decide...]

[① Lead the seal tribe and kill them directly! ]

[② Migrate the tribe and avoid fighting! ]

[③ Pretend to migrate and use the inner ghost to pass false information! ]

[④ Pretend to attack and use the inner ghost to pass false information! ]

Looking at the four options.

Ye Yinchuan took a deep breath.

The moment of a decisive battle with the white bear tribe.

It's finally here!

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