Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 34 The third beast control simulation ends! Thunder Fist vs. Steel Tail! Clear prehistory! R

Last simulation.

There is no way to move the whole family!

He was also tricked by his inner ghost.

This time.

With strength.

You can also use the mole in turn.

White Bear Clan!


Ye Yinchuan made a choice.

[You were very angry and announced in front of the tribe that you would attack the White Bear tribe at night. 】

[Let the tribesmen prepare as soon as possible. 】

[You seem to be busy, but in fact you have been monitored by Dadaui. 】

【as expected. He sneaked out to deliver information to the White Bear Clan! 】

【hateful! If the White Bear Clan knows when you will attack and prepare an ambush and preparations in advance, you will definitely suffer heavy casualties! 】

[While Yoyo leaks the news, you summon all the seal cronies and hold an emergency meeting! 】

In simulation perspective.

The leader of Dada, the scorpion-tail seal shakes, the hammer seal pinches, and the beauty seal goes soft.

Including the seal mother.

All the seals were angry and in disbelief.

At the same time, his face was solemn.

Hug and speak.

It’s authentic seal language:

"Don't be afraid, we have already grasped the fact that Yoyo is the traitor. It is the White Bear clan who should be unable to sleep this night."

Briefly explain the tactics.

The expressions of all the seals improved.

He even showed excitement.

Ruanruan showed even more admiration.

So to say.

Everything is under the control of Hug Hui.

If the plan goes well.

It really makes a leopard laugh!

[As soon as Liuyou came back, he was directly held down by you. He didn't understand what was going on and was defending himself. 】

【Shut up! You traitor! 】

[Do you think no one really knows about your collusion with the White Bear Clan? 】

[You give me a slap in the face and scold you. 】

[Liu Liu's face is ashen, knowing that the situation is over. 】

[You cannot be the opponent of the White Bear Clan! They are the natural enemies of the seal clan! You don’t understand me, you should listen to me! Cooperating and coexisting with them is the smartest choice and the one with the least bloodshed! 】

[Liu Liu screams at the top of his lungs. 】

Oh shit!

Dog traitor!

Ye Yinchuan couldn't help but cursed.

Fuck this brain circuit.

It is a perfect portrayal of a traitor!

Damn you!

[How do you plan to deal with Liu Liu? 】

【①Beat directly to death】

【②Leave it to the tribesmen for processing】

【③Kill the leopard and kill the heart! Destroy the White Bear clan first, and then punish the evildoers! 】

Kill the leopard and kill the heart!

Last option.

Win my heart!

[You decided to kill Leopard and punish Xin, and ordered the clansmen to control Yoyo and break all four of his legs at the same time! 】

Aren't you a fast runner?

Don't you like to tip off people?

It will destroy you directly.

Let's see what you can do!

【One night passed. 】

[The sky has just become a little brighter. 】

【You decide……】

【① Attack immediately! 】

【②Send spies to check the situation of the White Bear Clan! 】

Ye Yinchuan is confident.

Attack directly!

Fuck the bear!

[You choose to attack directly and lead the seal army to counterattack the White Bear Clan! 】

[Other surrounding creatures and groups were shocked when they saw the mighty seal army. 】

[When they learned that the Seal Clan was going to attack the White Bear Clan, they were even more surprised and shocked, feeling very crazy! 】

[When did prey dare to kill natural enemies! 】

[You lead the seals to the White Bear Clan’s territory. 】

[I saw a group of White Bear warriors who had been guarding the place all night. Some are even so sleepy that they are taking a nap! 】

[Liu Liu's false information allowed the White Bear clan to concentrate a lot of strength to prepare for sneak attacks at night. 】

[But I didn’t expect that you would attack with the whole army at dawn, when they are most sleepy! 】


in a simulated scenario.

Hug Hug roared.

Leading the seal army to kill the White Bear Clan

Volunteers take the lead.

With the new skill "Steel Hardening" obtained after evolving the Scale-tailed Seal.

Plus a rear-end collision.

Hug directly fights his way through the Great White Bear.

The bear's claws hit the hardened scales.

Not only did it leave no trace.

He was beaten so hard that his claws were almost pulled out of his flesh.

It was a bloody mess, very scary.

And a hug to end.

The great white bear that was caught.

Either a broken arm or a broken foot.

If hit in the head.

It even broke his neck directly.

Bleeding from the seven orifices.

Killed on the spot...

No, it’s a bear~

Those big white bears were frightened by Hug Kill.

Originally, he was very weak after staying overnight.

At this moment, his limbs were even weaker and trembling.

And hugging cronies seals.

Hammer seal, pinch.

The defense power of a hard shell is also frighteningly high.

There's nothing the big white bear can do about it.

The heavy hammer on the tail looks like a cannonball.

One shot.

Even the big white bear would be knocked upside down.

Vomiting blood.

Some were hit on the head.

The head is sunken into the neck!

The scorpion-tailed seal flicked.

Wandering in the battlefield.

Injecting poison into bears everywhere.

And there is a big white bear who wants to stop it.

They are all intimidated by its tail with poisonous needles.

Don't dare to approach easily.

Beauty seal is soft.

A dance of encouragement.

Let the morale of all tribesmen including hugs be boosted.

At the same time, all attributes have been improved.

Especially the male seals, who immediately rose up.

Very powerful!

[You led a group of seals to kill the White Bear Tribe by surprise and were completely defeated! 】

[The leader of the White Bear Clan, Thunder, appears! 】

[This is a silver level one, a powerful creature after its second evolution——]

【Thunder Bear! 】

[Thunder noticed you! 】

[Thunder is extremely angry and runs towards you. 】

[Thunder used high-speed movement! 】

[Thunder used Thunder Gloves! 】

[Thunder used Thunder Roar! 】

[Thunder used Angry Slap! 】

In simulation perspective.

The leader of the Great White Bear came thundering.

It is the third form.

Much taller than other great white bears, its fur is a mixture of blue and white.

The whole body is wrapped with terrible thunder and lightning.

Move at high speed.

The speed of thunder rushed from the horizon to the eyes in the blink of an eye.

Strong limbs landing every time.

The whole earth trembled.

It roared and roared.

The lightning turned out to be like sound waves.

In other words, sound waves are used as carriers.

Center it.

Expanding wildly outwards and sweeping across.

This is the roar of thunder.

Danfan was struck by the roar of thunder.

Those seals were all electrocuted and had difficulty moving.

It was counterattacked by the big white bear.

And Lei Lei even uses the skill of Thunder Gloves.

Dense thunder and lightning wrapped around its palms.

It looks like a pair of boxing gloves.

There was a roar of thunder.

The lightning was dazzling and very scary.

While running towards Ye Yinchuan.

Thunder punched the seal along the way.

A seal hit by it.

The body that was hit exploded directly.

Burnt and black.

One seal even had its head blown off.

Just a few breaths away.

Thunder seemed to dominate the battlefield and turn the tide.

The seal clan's morale is high.

They all seemed to be suppressed forcefully.

The next moment.

Thunder has already reached Hua Hui.

Skills Angry Slap.

Strength increases based on anger.

The bear's paw blasted out.

With gusts of wind pressure.

Thunder and lightning.

A visible burst of energy.

Such a terrifying blow.

Just facing Hug's face.

Come and kill!

All the seals held their breath.

Hug the leader!

You must resist!

[Facing the terrorist attack of Thunder, you decide...]

【① Attack with all your strength, head-on! 】

[②Defend with all your strength, only when you are alive can you have output! 】

At this juncture.

Ye Yinchuan let out a long breath.

Want to fight!

Let’s have a good fight!

[You choose to attack with all your strength! I vow to go head-to-head with Thunder! 】

【Please choose your tactics and skill combination! 】

Ye Yinchuan was calm and collected.

Match skills on the board.

This wave.

I'm afraid it will determine the outcome of this simulation!

Don't be careless!


After evolving into a scale-tailed seal.

Got a total.

Two new skills.

All have defensive functions.

One is hardening.

One is called activated scales.


It can increase the hardness of scales in a short period of time, thereby improving defense.

Hardened and steel tail.

Directly integrated into the skill: Steel Hardening.

Can harden any part of the body, especially scales.

Activate scales.

It can make the scales all over the body "alive" and actively control the position of the scales to concentrate or disperse them.

think carefully.

Ye Yinchuan gave his own skill combination.

Compare the system, compare the skill combination.

My hugs are full of talents and skills.

How to lose?

[You used: Tail Dance + Scale Activation + Steel Hardening + Tail Afterimage + Whip + Ten Slaps in a Series! 】

Take it!

Hug me, squeeze me with all your strength!

In simulation perspective.

The cuddly tail dances.

Although the time is very short.

But the effect of the Dance of the Tail.

Also increased some strength and speed.

This is followed by scale activation.

The scales all over the body seemed to come alive.

Concentrate quickly to the tail.

The originally dense scales on the tail have become even more dense, and not even a needle can be inserted into it!

Then the steel hardens.

Metallic luster flashed across the entire dragon tail.

Hard, cold, and powerful!

have to say.

After having scales.

Hug’s tail looks more like a dragon’s tail!

After the steel hardens.

It's the afterimage of the tail.

Trembling slightly, the afterimage moved.

The true trajectory of hugging the tail.

Enemies with insufficient dynamic vision cannot be caught at all!



The hug abandoned the defense of other parts of the body.

Concentrate all the scales on the tail.

As soon as it was raised, it accumulated a lot of energy.

Pull out hard.

Strike towards the thunder.

this moment.

Thunder Fist vs Steel Tail!


Lightning bursts.

Hurt and pain travel down the tail.

The burning and pain of lightning strikes.

There is also a huge shock.

The hug was immediately lifted up.

And this whip.

It also hit Lei Lei and caused him to fall.

The entire arm seemed to be broken off on the spot.

Take a closer look.

Half of the bear's claws were chopped off.

Bloody and bloody.

Even the bones are exposed!


Thunder roared angrily.

He never expected it.

Hugs can be so destructive.

Under the protection of thundering fists.

It's still a bear paw!

It’s not over yet!

I saw the hug being thrown away at the same time.

Huge damage was done.

Every part of his body was struck by electricity.

The bones and muscles in the body seemed to be breaking apart.


It's huge anger!

Talent, Tail of Dragon Fury!

The more injuries you bear, the higher your anger and the stronger your destructive power!

Just slap it with your anger, right?

Taste the tail of my dragon's rage!

See who is angrier!

In the skill combination Ye Yinchuan chose.

Final blow.

A series of ten slaps finally came out.

I saw the Ruyi Tail talent activated.

The hugging tail changed into a broad-tailed form.

The effects of those skills are still there.

Plus Dragon's Tail of Fury.

All buffs are stretched to their limits!


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Crack, crackle!

In the blink of an eye.

Hug the tail.

Hold the thunder in mid-air!

One step faster than the other!

One is more powerful than the other!

One final touch.

The direct shot made the thunder spin.

His head was distorted.

All the lightning on his body is extinguished!

Thunder, down!

[If your moves collide, you will both suffer losses. 】

[But under your fierce combo, Thunder fell one step ahead of you. 】

[Just when you thought you had won, the Thunder started fighting again! 】

[He raised his elbows and hit you hard! 】

【null! 】

[The seal stands in front of you, its hard shell blocks Thunder's elbow, and a heavy hammer smashes the opponent to pieces. 】

[The seal waited for an opportunity to prick Thunder with the poisonous needle on its tail, and the poison was successfully injected! 】

[The seal comes to you softly and uses the skill Beauty Heal to restore your injuries! 】

[The cronies you cultivated each showed their magical powers and helped you ensure victory. 】

[It turns out that Thunder just activated his talent and counterattacked on the verge of death. Your one blow is enough to defeat it, but relying on this talent, it also wants to die with you! 】

[But it’s a pity. You have powerful helpers. 】

[And Thunder’s henchman Scar was killed by you a few years ago! 】

【Roar! Lei Lei exhausted his last life and fell to the ground unwillingly. 】

[With the collapse, there is also the will of the white bears to fight, and a certain seal ghost, the last hope! 】

[How are you going to deal with the mole? 】

【①Kill with your own hands】

【②Throw it to the White Bear Clan】

[③Leave it to the tribesmen]

[You just threw Yoyo to the White Bear Clan and said you should deal with it as you wish. 】

[The White Bear Clan has long hated this guy who delivered false information, and swarmed him and ate him alive! 】

[Liu Liu died tragically in front of all the seal clan members! 】

[No seal felt sad for it, some were only happy! 】

In simulation perspective.

Liu Liu was full of despair and screamed miserably.

This is killing the leopard and killing the heart!

Destroy all his hopes.

Then impose the most painful death penalty.


This is the fate that a traitor deserves!


[How do you plan to deal with the White Bear Clan? 】

【① Direct extinction】

[② Release the white bears who have no fighting ability, and destroy all others]

【③ Enslave the White Bear Clan and strictly control them so that they will never stand up again! 】

Ye Yinchuan paused.

Just choose ③!

Extinction is not impossible.

But compared with slavery, it seems to be of little benefit.

As for ②……

Ye Yinchuan chuckled.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

To be kind to your enemies is to be cruel to yourself.

Let these white bears go today.

Who knows in the future.

Will more thunder invade their seal clan?

To play the game of the weak and the strong.

Not the Holy Mother!

[You choose to enslave the White Bear Clan. Although he felt extremely humiliated towards the White Bear Clan, he at least saved his life. 】

[Some of the white bears who were stubbornly resisting were directly driven to death by you. 】

[You carry out labor reform and ideological education for the remaining White Bear tribe. 】

[The White Bear Tribe has become your labor force for hunting, nesting, and even guarding. 】

[Some are also used as mounts. 】

[When generations of white bears are born, they will become slaves of the seals! 】


Look at the simulated scenario.

Those white bears who have low eyebrows and are willing to work hard without complaining.

And the seal people who are smiling more and more as the days go by.

The leopard really smiled.

Ye Yinchuan felt extremely satisfied.

After all, he was simulating a seal clan.

It’s obvious which side to substitute, right?

At least the seal tribe didn't kill the white bear tribe.

So Ye Yinchuan didn't feel any guilt at all.

Pure cool~

[After this incident, the seal tribe began to prosper like never before. 】

[And you are known as the greatest leader of the seal clan, the greatest hero, and a living legend! 】

[Mother Seal witnessed your glory and died a few years later. 】

[She left with a smile. 】

[The last words before leaving are. 】

[Hug, I’m proud of you! 】

[Ruanruan gave birth to several litters of baby seals for you, you have many children and grandchildren! ]

The nanny is actually me!

Experiencing the scene in the simulation.

Ye Yinchuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

A litter of baby seals is really too cute.

Super healing, isn't it!

There is even a baby seal in it.

Perfectly inherited Baobao's genes.


Not a tail seal or a scale-tail seal.

But a mean gene.

For a moment.

Ye Yinchuan couldn't tell if he was a father or a grandfather.

Because, to be honest.

I am Baobao's father!

It's a mess.

The generations are messed up!

Baobao: (^ω^)?

[Your leopard life is perfect, and the seal family will prosper for a long time, successfully gaining a foothold in the prehistoric era! ]

[Unfortunately, you have never been able to find a way to evolve the scale-tail seal in your entire life. ]

[Perhaps, the so-called method should not exist in this era...]

[Rewards are being calculated...]

[Ending: Hug, I'm proud of you!]

Seeing the last prompt.

Ye Yinchuan's heart skipped a beat.

Good guy.

You're telling me, right?

It seems.

If you want to get the subsequent evolution method of the scale-tail seal.

You can only choose other eras for simulation!

You can say.

This prehistoric era.

Finally cleared!

[Unlocked achievements: ① Scaled beast killer ② Dedicated but complete love ③ Seal hero]

[First unlock corresponding rewards: ① Talent: Primary shock ② Item: Crystal stone of love ③ Seal blood purification]

[Reward 1: Unlock the talent "Cold affinity". ]

[Reward 2: Little seal evolution tree (third form)]

[Reward 3: Unlock the talent "Bear power\

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