Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 627 Simulation! What is the next evolutionary direction to choose?

The effect of the star web is to condense something similar to the webbed feet on the pigeon's claws with the power of the starry sky. With this structure, the pigeon can move freely and flexibly in the water.


Although the pigeon's water quality is not very good and it has no water attributes, with this ability, it can at least move in the water for a period of time. The key is to move quickly and it is very convenient to run away when encountering danger.

The ability of blood sucking is very intuitive. As long as it comes into contact with blood, it can absorb the vitality and energy in it and convert it into its own recovery.

In short, it is the strengthening of various abilities that allows the pigeon's strength to continue to increase.

[Soon, you feel that your strength has increased to a critical value, and you feel that your life level has been hindered in some way. Once you break through, there will be a great improvement. ]

"Evolve, evolve, why do you make it so mysterious?"

Ye Yinchuan couldn't help but complain.

[You are about to evolve. You think the direction of your evolution should be...]

[① Evolve according to the meteor plague pigeon and muscle pigeon in memory]

[② Seek a new evolutionary direction according to the environment in the doomsday]

Ye Yinchuan's eyes moved slightly. Since this simulation is going to take the route of doomsday creatures, the original evolutionary form must be put aside first.

Moreover, being able to obtain a new evolutionary route is also a kind of gain.

Therefore, Ye Yinchuan decisively chose the second one.

[You decide to abandon the evolutionary route in your memory and seek a new evolution according to the environment in the doomsday. ]

[The evolutionary direction you seek is...]

[① The ability to seize other people's abilities]

[② The ability to bring extreme pain]

[③ The ability to revive almost immortally]

[④ The ability to become stronger in killing]

[⑤ The ability to manipulate other creatures]

[⑥ The ability to possess and seize the bodies of others]

Looking at the six options in front of him, Ye Yinchuan was slightly excited.

Each of these options can arouse Ye Yinchuan's infinite reverie.

But now the problem comes.

There are so many abilities, and you can only choose one. The choice difficulty syndrome will die directly.

Ye Yinchuan began to analyze randomly.

Option 1 is not mentioned for the moment. Ye Yinchuan did not consider option 2. What he wanted was strength. What was the point of causing extreme pain to others?

Using the elimination method, first eliminate option 2.

Option 3 is very tempting to Ye Yinchuan. The ability to resurrect with near immortality is very refreshing just by imagining it.

Option 4 sounds so familiar. Isn't it the characteristic of Ah Fu's relic, the tooth of killing?

Killing to raise killing, the more you kill, the stronger you become!

Considering the overlap of pets, Ye Yinchuan did not consider this option.

If the abilities of pets are too repetitive, they will be homogenized. Ye Yinchuan does not like this direction of cultivation, although it sounds powerful.

But for a true killing god, it is enough to raise one!

Then five and six look somewhat similar. One is to manipulate others, and the other is to directly possess others.

The former is similar to a puppeteer, and the latter is similar to a soul-attaching master.

Ye Yinchuan has gradually sorted out his thoughts until now, that is, to choose one between options one, five and six.

Seize the abilities of others, directly manipulate others, and possess others.

Ye Yinchuan thought for a long time and finally had an idea.

"Gege is a flying pet. If it possesses others, it will waste its own advantages. If it can remotely manipulate others at high altitudes, wouldn't it be more advanced?"

"As for seizing the abilities of others, this feels very good, but in fact there are many ways to obtain abilities. Is it necessary to evolve in this direction?"

Just when Ye Yinchuan was having trouble choosing between one and five, he thought of something.

That is, Gege has the ancient origin, and it is reasonable to say that it can evolve in different directions along two lines. In other words, it may not be possible to choose only one of these options, but two.

Thinking of this, Ye Yinchuan instantly felt a lot more relaxed and thought it through.

[The evolutionary direction you choose is to be able to manipulate the abilities of others. ]

[You observe those powerful creatures and realize your own shortcomings. If you can manipulate these powerful creatures in some way and use them for your own benefit, perhaps you can have your own place in this terrible era. 】

【Do you think that the way you manipulate others should be...】

【①Through mental control】

【②Through star power control】

【③Through implanted media control】

Looking at the three options in front of him, Ye Yinchuan raised his eyebrows. Does this option belong to the development of ability?

Ye Yinchuan hesitated for a moment and decided to choose one to try.

After all, whether it is star power or media, they all need a carrier, which will limit their own operations.

If you can use invisible spirit to manipulate others, it must be extremely powerful.

【You tried to control other creatures with mental power, but you failed. Your mental power may not be better than those powerful creatures, so how can you talk about control?】

"Hmm? Why do I feel humiliated by the beast scroll..."

Seeing that the results in the simulation were not ideal, Ye Yinchuan also realized his problem.

"Gege's strength is definitely not in mental power, but in star power. Perhaps, I should choose the second one!"

Fortunately, this choice did not cause any bad effects, but just wasted some time in the simulation.

[You finally found a feasible possibility. You may be able to use your innate star power to try to manipulate other creatures.]

[How do you think your star power should be used?]

[① Forcefully wrap other creatures to control them]

[② Invade other creatures to control them]

Choose one of the two.

Ye Yinchuan's eyes condensed and he decided to choose the second one.

[You think that your star power should invade other creatures to achieve the effect of control. ]

[After some attempts, it is verified that your idea is correct. ]

[If you use star energy to wrap other creatures, it is indeed theoretically possible to achieve the purpose of operation, but it will be strongly resisted by the creatures, and the energy consumption is extremely high. ]

[So using star power to invade the body of a creature, insert the other party's brain, control the other party's nerves, and thus achieve the purpose of manipulation is the correct answer. ]

[You seem to have found the opportunity to evolve this ability. ]

[The key now is how you use your star power to control other creatures, rather than killing them. 】

【How do you think you should acquire this ability?】

【①Learn from other creatures】

【②Understand on your own】

【③Countless attempts】

Looking at the three options in front of him, Ye Yinchuan began to hesitate again.

If he made the wrong choice this time, his simulation progress would most likely be affected.

After all, trial and error requires costs.

In the end, Ye Yinchuan took a deep breath and made a choice.

Because he thought of something that existed in reality.

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