Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 729 Simulation! Palace on the Moon? Little Pterosaur Evolves...

"Billy, have you seen the palace?"

Ye Yinchuan asked Billy.

"I saw it, the fairy spirit is fluttering, my wife is there! Let's go down, let's go down to find her, I have missed her for a long time!"

"What kind of palace is it?"

"Just the palace, it's a very new and gorgeous palace. It's brightly lit. There are a lot of people singing and dancing inside. They're drinking wine and eating delicious food. Let's go quickly..."


Ye Yinchuan felt the scene in the simulation and further verified his guess.

The palace he saw was different from the palace Billy saw.

Although the palace he saw was majestic, it was eerie, quiet, dilapidated and old. Not to mention the bright lights, wine and food, there was not even a ghost.

But what Billy saw was completely different from what he saw.

But what is certain is that it is the same palace.

Seeing that Billy's symptoms were becoming more and more obvious, Ye Yinchuan suspected that this was related to his symptoms.

The degree of his mutation is relatively deep, so the hallucinations he sees are more exaggerated.

And I have mutation resistance, so the hallucinations I see are relatively shallow...

But, is this really the case?


In the simulation, Ye Yinchuan gave Billy a hard fight to wake him up.

"If you still want to go back to see your wife alive, just listen to me and get out of here quickly!"

This slap seemed to have some effect. Billy woke up a little and looked at Ye Yinchuan in a daze.

He quickly took control of the spacecraft and accelerated away.

The two return to the space station.

[Regarding the cockroaches that were released to the moon and the palaces you saw on the moon, what do you plan to do...]

【①Ask the staff on earth what is going on! 】

【② Pretend nothing happened and continue performing the space station mission! 】

[③It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, please apply to return to Earth in advance!]

Ye Yinchuan chooses three.

If it is very dangerous here, it is indeed not suitable to stay. Although it is the aerospace age, there is no need to be obsessed with this mission.

[You think it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, and you have sent an application to return early to the headquarters, but the headquarters' response is that it will not be approved. There is no actual risk in the assessment. You need to complete the task and come back at the original time. 】

"Damn, this is indeed a Free Alliance area."

[You can only continue to perform the mission in the next time and wait for the day of return. 】

[The time in space is a bit long, but the flow of time does not seem to be real. You will soon reach the day of return. 】

[During this time, many changes occurred. 】

[The first is your pet, the little pterosaur, which continuously absorbs energy in the space environment and completes its evolution from bronze to black iron. 】

[Do you think the direction of evolution of your pet pterosaur should be...]

[①Evolution based on the power of the universe]

[②Evolution based on one’s own bloodline]

[③Evolution based on the power of the curse]

Looking at the three options in front of him, Ye Yinchuan fell into thought.

Just as Ah Fu has the strength to replicate reality in the simulation, so does Longlong. The curse of broken wings is its biggest feature, but it has been suppressed at this time.

Otherwise, Ye Yinchuan was afraid that if Longlong's broken-wing curse was activated, the spaceship would fall.

But then again, are the ban on flying on the earth and the ban on flying in the universe the same thing?

Ye Yinchuan has not done any corresponding tests, and even the ability of the little pterosaur is kept secret from the Free League area.

no doubt.

Option one corresponds to the universe.

Option two corresponds to the dragon clan.

Option three corresponds to curse.

If you want to ask which one has the highest level, Ye Yinchuan thinks that all three are very high, but the universe is still better.

Being able to obtain cosmic-level power, the level is the same as that of a pigeon or a starry sky beast, right? It’s no different!

Ye Yinchuan decided to choose one.

[Your little pterosaur's evolution direction is in line with the cosmic environment and has formed a certain coordination with the energy in space...]

[Little Pterosaur Evolution...Gravity Pterosaur!]

I only saw it in a simulated scenario.

The body of the little pterosaur continued to expand and grow, and the limbs touching the ground became broad and beneficial. Three dark purple energy balls condensed behind it, becoming its own background like a divine ring. Some obscure signs appeared on the originally black and purple body. The incomprehensible runes make people feel dizzy just by looking at them.

Gravity Pterosaur, a special evolved form that can control gravity in a certain area!

"Cosmic-level power, gravity!"

Although it was a little different from what he had imagined, this result completely satisfied Ye Yinchuan.

To put it bluntly, a pet beast that has just evolved to the black iron level needs a bicycle that can control a certain amount of gravity. It is already unbelievable!

The core ability of the Gravity Pterosaur, "Gravity Control", can make a certain area, or each thing, enter a state of overweight or weightlessness.

No matter which state it falls into, the target's actions will be greatly restricted.

The attack skill, "Thousand-pound Plunge", can exert super powerful gravity suppression on the target. It is so powerful that it can even easily crush the enemy.

The defensive skill, "Gravity Field", changes the gravity around your body to form a protection, allowing gravity to weaken attacks on you or change its direction.

[Billy's condition is getting worse and worse. At this time, the skin all over his body is covered with rashes, redness, swelling, and even exudate. His original handsome appearance is no longer there. 】

"Billy, you're fine. We can go back soon. When we go back, we will have the best treatment methods in the world."

Ye Yinchuan comforted Billy, but in fact, he didn't know what to do.

After all, humans know very little about the radiation from outer space and even the effects of other mysterious forces. Who can guarantee that Billy can recover?

[Billy nodded. His wife is his greatest belief. He believes that he can overcome everything and return to his wife. 】

[Soon, you will return to Earth. 】

[And just when we were about to enter the atmosphere, the headquarters had a call with you. 】

[They asked about your status, and were especially concerned about Billy's status. They also said that after you return, they will provide you with the most sumptuous food so that you can have a good meal and have a good rest. 】

As we all know, you can only eat liquid food in space, so they haven't eaten anything decent in the past few months. Naturally, they miss the food on earth very much.

[Sir, I would like to ask if my wife is okay. Can you help me apply for a call with her? 】

[Billy, in your current state, it’s better not to see her until you recover from your injuries. 】

[The head of the headquarters politely rejected Billy. 】

[When you landed, a large number of heavily armed personnel quickly took control of you. 】

[Sorry, according to regulations, you are now contaminated by space and need to be isolated and observed first!]

Hearing such remarks, Ye Yinchuan raised his eyebrows. Although he was a little unhappy, there was nothing wrong with such an operation.

It's just that if you don't tell them before and wait until they arrive, it's a bit unkind and deceptive.

"Where's our feast?"

Billy asked in a low voice, "I'm so hungry..."

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