Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 735 Simulation! The Moon Cockroach Project, part of the mystery solved!

[① Believe in Billy. If he has already controlled the space worm, he cannot be allowed to die here. This may be an opportunity for human evolution!]

[② Believe in Dr. Chelsea. Billy has died a long time ago. Now he is just a monster with Billy's face and Billy's thinking. If the space worm is taken out, there will be endless troubles!]

Looking at the two options in front of him, Ye Yinchuan raised his eyebrows.

In the end, he chose the second one.

The reason is simple. Just for the sake of mankind, he can't take such a risk.

If you take Billy out, you may become the eternal sinner of all mankind if you are not careful.

So it's impossible, absolutely impossible!

[You believe in Dr. Chelsea, you ordered the pet to attack Billy. ]

[As a space worm, Billy is not like Jason's centipede type, with extremely strong defense. His strength lies in regeneration, so in front of your attack, he quickly fell apart. ]

[You took Dr. Chelsea and successfully boarded the helicopter and left this quarantine area. 】

【Not long after you left, a nuclear bomb was dropped here, accompanied by a huge mushroom cloud, violent explosions and shock waves, which almost crashed your helicopter. 】

【Fortunately, Longlong used his ability to control gravity to quickly regain the center of gravity in the helicopter in the air and finally landed steadily. 】

【Dr. Chelsea shared the information with you as promised, and said that this is information that will be helpful to the aerospace industry of all mankind. If the source of mutations and space worms cannot be figured out, then aerospace will not bring resources to mankind, but disasters. 】

In the simulation scenario, Ye Yinchuan carefully checked the information left by Dr. Chelsea.

The information includes various data and experiments on Billy and Jason, two space worm mothers.

Dr. Chelsea called the space worm on Billy a space worm·carnivorous type, and the one on Jason a space worm·centipede type.

The information shows that they suspect that the source of the space worm is the radiation in space, or more precisely, the worm eggs in the radiation.

It must be through radiation that the eggs are transmitted, taking root in humans, and starting to absorb nutrients to grow.

Because neither Billy nor Jason has actually left the spacecraft, and has not even taken off their protective clothing. If there are physical eggs or larvae invading, they will definitely be detected, but they are not.

According to Dr. Chelsea's experiments and speculations, after the space worms enter the earth, due to the lack of ubiquitous cosmic radiation, the eggs cannot be directly transmitted, and they can only parasitize and reproduce through division and direct contact.

The carnivorous type and the centipede type have different reproduction methods.

The carnivorous type will directly devour the target and inject the larvae into its body. The larvae gradually occupy the host body and eventually break out of the body.

The centipede type injects venom, which contains eggs. This venom will cause extreme pain to the host, and the more painful the host is, the faster the space worm grows.

In comparison, the carnivorous type reproduces faster and more simply and violently.

The centipede type, on the other hand, reproduces at a slower rate, but each individual reproduced has the same extreme defense, which is very tricky.

These two subtypes of space worms are very tacit, will not attack each other, and are in a state of not interfering with each other.

Dr. Chelsea suspects that there are definitely more than these two subtypes of space worms, but they humans have not encountered them yet.

He even suspects that the carnivorous type and the centipede type are somewhat similar to different types of work in the bee colony system. They are both space worms, but have different divisions of labor.

For example, the centipede type is very suitable for fighting, or for defense. Its incredibly powerful defense ability, if there are enough of them, can definitely form an iron wall-like front.

However, if that is the case, the carnivorous type and the centipede type should cooperate with each other, instead of ignoring each other and acting separately. This is what Dr. Chelsea has not figured out yet.

"Bee colony?"

For this metaphor, Ye Yinchuan instantly had a little understanding of his own.

Is there a possibility that the reason why the carnivorous type and the centipede type do not interfere with each other and do not seem to be familiar with each other now is because they lack the command of the queen bee?

If they are just low-level soldiers among the space worms, and there are higher-level beings above them...

Ye Yinchuan dared not think about it.

If that is really the case, if the space worms really invade humans, what can humans use to resist?


Research on space worms.

First of all, it can be confirmed that whether it is carnivorous or centipede, they are all carbon-based organisms.

It's just that their cells are far beyond human cognition.

First of all, the carnivorous type, their cells have amazing activity and digestion ability. No matter what they are broken into, they can be reassembled, and the cells can quickly digest the cells of other organisms, digest and obtain energy.

Then there is the centipede type, their cells have a multi-layer composite cell wall, and a structure that is more stable than diamonds, so they have such amazing defense.

And the amazing thing is that when there is pain nearby, the centipede type cells will become more active and emerge continuously.

In addition, the information provided by Dr. Chelsea includes plans for the moon cockroaches...

The Space Administration of the Free Alliance Zone suspected that space worms were probably creatures from the moon, but they do not have the ability to land on the moon yet, or in other words, they will definitely be parasitized by space worms if they land on the moon.

So they plan to release cockroaches with extremely strong vitality, which have been specially tested and modified, on the moon as bait, hoping to lure out space worms and get more information.

Because the cycle of this plan is relatively long, there is no follow-up for the time being. It will take the next space mission to confirm the situation of the cockroaches and recover the recorded data.

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect to reveal another mystery all of a sudden."

Ye Yinchuan felt the information obtained in the simulation and finally understood why a large number of cockroaches were released from the box dropped on the moon last time.

So, the next space mission will tell you what happened to the cockroaches?

[After Dr. Chelsea separated from you, we lost contact soon. It was as if he had never existed. With the destruction of the isolation zone, he disappeared...]

Looking at the description of the beast control scroll, Ye Yinchuan's heart moved. What happened to Dr. Chelsea after that?

[A few months later, the China Space Agency built its own space station in space without any warning, and planned to launch a manned space rocket to conduct a lunar exploration mission!]

[Su Jincang, head of the Space Administration, formally invites you to participate in this space mission as a senior space beast control master!]

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