However, the leader of the Ten Thousand Beasts Cult, who had escaped the catastrophe, did not feel the slightest bit of joy after surviving the catastrophe.

He stared blankly at the corpses on the ground.

An extremely strong sense of unreality rose in his heart.

What happened?!

They, including people and beasts, had a total number of hundreds, besieging a small Xu Changsheng.

Unexpectedly, most of them were killed in the counterattack?

Even the other side sent out two beasts.

Is this true?

"hehe......Ho ho ho ho ho ho......"Cough, cough, cough."

Then, a shrill laugh like a ghost came from the mouth of the leader of the Ten Thousand Beasts Cult.

He laughed and coughed, as if he was possessed.

This was almost 70% of the combat power of the top leaders of his Ten Thousand Beasts Cult!

"What the hell is that?"

Xu Changsheng was annoyed when he heard it.

He waved his hand, and then Blood Shadow kicked his hind legs.

The whole wolf flew towards the leader of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect like a cannonball. Now, he is a diamond-level beastmaster, and his explosive power is several times higher than before.

The leader of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect didn't even react before he was hit in the chest by his claw.

Then the whole person was dragged to the ground by a huge force.


A teeth-grinding roar sounded.

Xu Changsheng looked forward.

He saw that the originally snow-white clothes of the leader of the Ten Thousand Beasts Cult were stained beyond recognition by dust and blood.

The body under his robe was twisted and deformed under the huge force.

Even the bone spurs protruding from his calves could be seen.

However, he seemed to feel no pain at all, and he was still laughing like a ghost demanding his life.

He looked like he was completely crazy.

Seeing Xu Changsheng approaching, his laughter became more arrogant, and he said indistinctly:

"Ho Ho......You will die too! Sooner or later!"

The leader of the Ten Thousand Beasts Cult had blood gushing out of his mouth, but he was extremely happy in his heart.

He knew that as long as he spoke ambiguously like this, Xu Changsheng would certainly ask anxiously.

At that time, he would keep silent and torture Xu Changsheng to death.

And his words were not nonsense.

As the leader of the Ten Thousand Beasts Cult, he naturally knew the various movements of the Beast God.

You know, every subtle move of that kind of existence may be an act of world destruction.

And he just happened to know such a secret that could destroy the world.

And he could guarantee that, in this world, except for him, there would never be another person who knew this secret.

The leader of the Ten Thousand Beasts Cult knew that he could not escape the fate of death today no matter what.

Therefore, he wanted to disgust Xu Changsheng again before he died.


Xu Changsheng was indeed aroused by his words.

However, he, who possessed the SSS-level talent [Eye of the World], could not only see the essence and attributes of all things, but also the subtle changes in human expressions. Even though the face of the leader of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect was covered with black hair, blood, and dust, Xu Changsheng still caught his inner thoughts.

"Want to play with me? Ridiculous!"

A hint of coldness flashed in Xu Changsheng's eyes.

Then he quickly stepped forward.

Seeing Xu Changsheng's actions, the leader of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect had a glimmer of expectation in his eyes:

Ask! Ask me! Hahahaha!

However, Xu Changsheng's lips did not show any intention of speaking.

He just raised a size 42 big foot high, and then dropped it fiercely, stepping on the chest of the leader of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, which was heaving with excitement.


Instantly, the shrill screams were heard again.

How strong is Xu Changsheng now?

How much damage can he do to the leader of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect with his full-strength kick?

The chest of the leader of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect has been completely collapsed by Xu Changsheng's kick.

The pale ribs penetrated the skin, and there were still fishy blood beads hanging on them.

Xu Changsheng didn't say anything, but just stomped on the chest of the leader of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect frantically again and again.

These are what he did for the people who died tragically or lost their families due to the various actions of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect in recent years.

Under Xu Changsheng's powerful and crazy stomping.

The screams of the leader of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect became weaker and weaker until they disappeared completely.

This person has reached the peak of the Diamond Rank, it can be said that He was one of the strongest people in the world. He was stomped to death by Xu Changsheng.

Blood oozed from his seven orifices due to the huge force. His facial features were twisted and deformed due to the pain.

The tragic death was shocking.

However, he deserved it!

Over the years, countless people have suffered the tragic fate of being torn apart and separated from their families because of the crazy actions of the Ten Thousand Beasts Cult. Countless people have lost their lives. A simple death is not enough to appease the sins of the leader of the Ten Thousand Beasts Cult.

If Xu Changsheng was not in a hurry now, he would at least torture the leader of the Ten Thousand Beasts Cult for a whole day and night.

Beat the leader of the Ten Thousand Beasts Cult half to death and then heal him with Fuyao's ability.

Repeatedly, until his spirit completely collapsed!

"You got it for free!"

Xu Changsheng looked down at the miserable corpse of the leader of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect.

No one could have imagined that a great hero would fall to such a state.

Today, the Devil Volcano Group, which was once extremely noisy, has become silent.

Xu Changsheng's seven days of crazy killing have almost killed all the creatures in this area.

This area has changed from a forbidden area for humans to a completely forbidden area for life!

Moreover, even the concentration of the strange black dust that used to float in the air has decreased a lot.

After all, the Dark Night Bird that can create black dust is now tied to the back of Zhulong like a chicken to be slaughtered.

In these seven days, in order to ensure the freshness of his heart blood,

Fuyao has always used his ability to keep the Dark Night Bird in a half-dead state.

Until now, it is time to take it. It was a good time to get his heart's blood.

However, before that, Xu Changsheng had one more thing to do.

That was to contract the fate-related beast [Life-Seeing Beast]!

Now they were going to explore the extremely dangerous beast world.

Xu Changsheng naturally had to seize this opportunity to improve his strength.

Moreover, most beasts with fate-related abilities were mysterious and unusual.

Maybe they could play an important role in this exploration of the beast world.

At this moment, the Devil Volcano Group had been cleaned up by Xu Changsheng, and there was no danger at all.

Now was a good time to contract a beast.

Xu Changsheng ordered several beasts to stay in the outside world to eliminate all dangers.

As for himself, he separated a trace of consciousness, came to the beast-controlling space, and walked towards the pure white beast-controlling egg next to the mythical blood pool.

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